The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 21, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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"Self Preservation ;
"1 Diflrimi.
is tha llrst law of nature," end tha
first litw of Bulf-prwrvatlm li
lionlth, 1 rrottjf t your honlth wKHinst
the common iH. nd keep well
by UHU'tf
Established 1373. s
Published Daily Except MondaTbTTHE J.'' 8. DELLINGER CO
By mail, per year
By carrier, per month
By mail, per year, in advance
' Entered as second-class matter July 30. 1906, a the potofnce at As
' . toria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ; r - ;
" " Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence
or place, of business may be made bypostal .card or through, telephone.
Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office
of tmblication. . ; ' ..
. . ... i ,.- I-,
....' ' -v i "" t ' ft
Oregon and Washington Occa
sional rain 4 . ,
m..- w i -' 1 . -t ..'
The Morning Astorian admits its
predilection for cleanliness and com
petency in public office, and this
without a shadow of partisan spirit.
There is an old-fashioned idea that
the functions of ( public office are
honorable and ' are bestowed as
among the highest expressions of
communal confidence; it is a trust
eeship that may not be slighted, ho
matter how careless the people
themselves get to be in regard to
them. The investiture of office car
ries with it the fiat sense of popular
reliance in the man invested, and not
even the heedlessness of the public
may condone the deliberate wrong
of the servant Graft will never be
justified on the score that the graft
er is un watched; it is enough
to V say he is . trusted ' implicitly.
That puts it up to him to make good.
In his failure he confesses his un
worthiness, and time brings his pun
ishment. All the Astorian asks is
that the offices shall be administered
for the benefit and safety of the
people and their properties and the
good name of the community. And the
Astorian speaks for the people as it
has the right; it is the admitted func
tion of all newspapers; a function
qualified by 33 years of legitimate,
consecutive and fidelity to this cause
and course. ' ' .
' A certain member of the Astoria
common council went to the trouble
on Monday night last, to deprecate
any further official attention to the
Adair drain because, "Mr. Dellinger
(the proprietor of the Morning As
torian) was going to put in an en
tirely new council on the first of
Jauary, and it was not necessary for
the present council to trouble itself,"
or words to that effect and sub
Stance. This sort of thing was ut
terly uncalled for, wholly gratuitous,
sheerly personal, and a tacit chal
lenge to every newspaper in the city.
The councilman made a foolish
break, as he found within an hour of
this declaration. It mortified his col;
leagues and placed him on record as
a poorly read citizen, since, had he
rea the Astorian he must have
known that this paper has never, un
der any circumstances, made, pre
sented, demanded, nor contrived a
"slate" of any kind, and that it has
not, today, a single, distinct or spe
cific choice of man or men, for any
, office in the municipality whatso
ever; that it has not hinted such a
thing.-but on the ' contrary has
averred its freedom from all ties
and alignments and people. - '
The Morning Astorian has no slate,
will, make no slatedoe's not want one
and will not lend itself to the formula
tion of one. is that plain ehoughT;
But the Morning Astorian will take
a fcand in the election, and re-elec-
. tion,. every good business ;rrian who
will permit his name to come up for
electoral consideration, for the coun
cil and every office in the gift of the
city, be. he Democrat or Republican,
' or what he may; and it will also" have
something to do with the defeat of
such men as it shall conclude are en
titled to that treatment, on whatever
grounds it may deem sufficient, and
it has specific grounds for just such
action in several prospective , cases,
not the least notable of which is
that of the gentleman - who volun
teerd the uncalled-for assertion in
the. council last Monday night.
The best name for coffee
is one that tells where the
money's to, come frpm, if
you don't like it
your grocer returns four money U rem iont
EL Schilling' Ect; we par bio.
, . ' .
While Astoria is surely and stead
ily surging ahead on general and
commercial lines of improvement
and development, it must be remem
bered that she i holding her own in
an artistic way, musically artistic be
it understood; that her clever men
and women in this line,, the very
best of them, are merged in an or
ganic whole, the Astoria Philhar
monic Society, which under the
masterful leadership of Dr. Emil
Enna, and the spirit and access of
its own strong equipment in the art
itiserves, is becoming one of. the
noted agencies of the coast country,
as a musical establishment; it has
won tordial notice from the maga
zines of that cult, and its first con
cert is conceded to have been one of
the best ever given as an initial
demonstration; and there are those
among the priest-hood of music who
do not hesitate to prophesy great
things for this particular group of
people in the near future if they
shall observe and maintain the high
standards already set, ?v
' This is very gratifying to the peo
ple . of Astoria, and it is presumed
that such a realization will prompt
the most cordial support of the so
ciety in its coming public appear
ances. ; ...
An extremely important feature of
the constructive Republican policy, is
the national move for the conserva
tion of the natural resources of. the
country. This measure has been
originated by the present Republican
administration and, like the Home
stead Law, the National Irrigation j
act and other measures for the benefit
of the whole people, its influence is
destined to be far reaching and pro
ductive of great good to the home
builders of the country.
The National Conservation Com
mission as it exists today is an out
growth of the Inland Waterways
Commission. This commission was
appointed by President Roosevelt in
March, 1907. In his letter creating
the Waterways Commission the
President used this language: "That
the Inland Waterways Commission
shall consider the relations of the
streams to the. use of all the perma
nent natural resources and their con
servation for the making and main
tenance of prosperous homes." ,
Mr. OJney insists that the Repub
licans have been in powertoo. long.
So they have too long to suit the
Democrats, but . not too long to suit
the workingmen who remember vivid
ly the empty dinner pails of the last
Democratic administration and the
era of prosperity and high wages
that has endured three Republican
administrations. , , . . :
It was! most tactless of Mr;- Parker
to refer to "Democracy!! past mis
takes" .and the candidacy, of Mr.
Bryan almost in the same breath.
The Republican party, Mr. Bryan
says, is in full retreat. Perhaps it
could make., better speed if the road
wasn't ' so' cluttered Hip with deserting
Democrats. i .
For a Sprained Ankle.
A sprained ankle may be cured in
about one-third the time usually re
quired, by applying Chamberlain s
Palm Balm freely, and giving it abso
lute rest'' For sale by Frank Hart
and leading druggists. ! : ? '
Don't be afraid to give Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy to your chil
dren! It contains no opium or other
harmful drug! It always cures. For
sale by Frank Hart and leading drug
gists. Try our own mixture of coffeethe
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mai-
:K ('.'
If.-'.- '-w'.
y- ' ' ' ,s''1 ' ."I5
Bryan is not talking about the tar
iff. His vote in. Congress for the
Wilson-Gorman bill brought its own
sad eloquence of subsequent disaster.
A Democratic guarantee . for the
return of borrowed umbrellas would
touch the hearts of millions.
Events have nullified every proph
ecy ever made by Bryan. ' Such a
prophet merits no trust for the
future. ; ; " " ; ' -
Mr. Bryan challenges Mr. Taft to
take the people, into his confidence.
It isn't necessary. The people long
ago took Mr. Taft into theirs.
Mr. Bryan has suffered two defeats
at the hands of an Ohio man.
The West renorts bumoer croos of
all kinds, including Taft votes.
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian
60 cents per month, delivered by
carrier, v'"? ' s -','t- i f ? - '.
Sec our window display of Rockers
- ranging in price from
;'i!!:- ?.'' '" '':','?;!' . '.'''' ' ' ; ' !ifyt ' '.') v-- '
htiitl!11 --
, !, , . ,, ,:..-,i-.r-i . . f,i. ,,!: -!( Ofi-.l';;. j ; .-V-f-.N V...4 S.J, H
We also
not shown
'" ' '' ' '
Astoria Farniturer.Go.'i
j . "' ,i -...'',,, - --.,.:,,. , ., . , ... ., , ,
V. AVReWrcll J, C. CorHrtgtpn II
CHICAGO, Oct. 19.-Mrs. Davis
Hunt, a Chicago society woman, aid
ed by an amateur bucket brigade of
clubmen from the Chicago Golf Club,
rescued 12 of her valuable show
horses from' a burning stable on her
farm near Wheaton, She rushed in
to the thick of the flames, garden
hose in hand, were the smoke was so
dence she could not see and streams
of water flew about and fought for
her pets until the last one was safely
outside the burning structure. Her
clothes were ruined and the barn,
worth $1000 was destroyed.
- Best Treatment For a Burn.
If for no other reason, Chamber
lain's Salve should be kept In ever'
household on account of its great
value in the treatment of burnt. It
allays the pain almost instantly, and
unless the injury is a severe one, heali
the parts -without leading a scar.
This salve is also unequaled for chap
ped hands, sore nipples and diseases
of the skin. Priee, 25 cents. Fof sale
by Frank Hart and leading "dniirgfst.
haye a large number of
in our window
'';' ',"'.'.'.' ''','.. -
JBrookljtt Eagla.
Getting Ready to Manifest Their Loy
"i ; altyn Event bf JVVar.! Z !
SX N FRANCI 4c6 Oct. W.Scr
vian'rsidentJb( Sah Frnntisco ; end
vicinity will tonight a,semblc 't in
mass meeting at Golden Gate hall to
inaugurate a movement in support of
the independence of Bosnia, and
Herzegovina thev provinces recently
annexed by Austria. ..Resolution! al
ready endorsed by the Servian Club,
denouncing Austria as a tyrannical
oppressor, will be submitted for ap
proval for approval and it it prob
able that there; will be a call for vol
unteers in case of war in the Balkans.
Women of the Servian colony have
taken active part in the movement
and matters have progressed to such
an extent that Servian bands are bo
ing drilled in several coast cities by
former officers of the Austrians and
Montcncgrian armies. ...
hundred. 25 cents. At Astorian Office
.it- !
. 'i V '-If - v: ' ' T
in all styles
': 1 ' ' ' ' . ':' i'
.7V- mm : ",
fez rv&Ptf -
Sold tfrmUr: In at lOo. md 8S.
1 Special Sale of ' !
At the , .
La Mode
G82ComniercialSt, - " '
Astoria Theatre..
One Night Only
Thurs., Oct 22
Supported by
A large Company in
Edward E. Kiddsh's drama
"A Poor
9 9
25, 50, 75 and $1.00
; i : f 1 1 ii " ; , ,
Astoria Theatre
Oct. 25
Brilliant Comedy Hit With Muelc
Elaborate Production
Cohan Song!, Cohan Boyt, Cohan
Girls, Cohan Noise. ' .
The Cohan Songs Hiti-'Tm a
Popular Man," "Make a Lot , of '
Noise," "Kid Days," In , a "One
Night Stand," "Nothing New Be
neath the Sun," "The Mysterious
Maid,""'Dont .. Go In the Water,
Daughter," "San Francisco Is My
Home," "An Old Fashioned Walk." '
The Incomparable Company, and
' the Bisque Baby Ballet.
PricesEvenings, 25c to $1.50. Ma
tinees, 25c to $1.00. . ,
Mail order! filled Mow. i '
' , O THEATRE r'-v" ''
. 1 . , - . ' s-1 1 i ; '
Commercial and Ninth Street
' "'tonight''
;M A .BRIGAND'S iBtO'RV'Jj " i
"Since Arrah Wanna Married Barney
,. Carney. . ',
This Theatre is equipped with
the latest and most improved electri
cal Machines. Don't fail to se these
pictures. -,.; r,. -.! "
ADMISSION, 10c Children, 5c