The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 20, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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J ' " Versus
. Copyrighted, litOS, by Aiidato4
'J : Lltrry !. - - j
Null natlood tlit rtrl ni the cur cam
' to t (((). Sua wan unduuiaMy pratty,
though tier clothes wr a llttlt too
pronounced la color and cut, and br
bat was distinctly 'loud." Tho white
! pnrasol, however, softiiiunf the high
coloring of clothe and comploiloa and
" uiovsd tho wan In tho sent ahead to
th audlbia rafloctlon that aha wna a
Inert was a trifling delay to the car
ahead, and Nail was about to turn hot
attention to tho trouble when Vance
Joslln' dropped lljchtly from tho' roar
and of tho car and approached' the $Wh
For au Instant ahe soamud to resent,
lila addretia, but aa be apoke hor man.
ur changed, and a moment later they
moved off up the strwt togotbar.1 Hie
man In front remarked to bin compan-
. Ion that "the Johnny had bis nerve
with blm.". ' ?'' h
The vulgarity of tho remark empha-
' alzed the ahock Noll had felt when ahe
had seen Vance apeak, and with a
crlmsoju face ahe turned bor bead
away from that aide of the car that
ahe might not see them aa the car,
now In motion again overtook themJ' f
flhu had not 'B Vance board the
car, and ahe waa wtialn that he bad
not aeon her, else ho would have made
bla way to br aldo. ' Thoy had beon
etuznited Just three days. Only that
wonting he had told hor over the tele
phone how aorry he waa that busl
nif eii'fi'iMcnt prevented. blm from
nuking iier to lunch, end yet be bad
nppnrtmtly left the car. to take tble
Ktrl t'i linich. ". i , , ,'! t
Nell hiid meant to atop off at the Ut
ile rt"itHiriiit where aha had ao often
It-rcVd with Vance, He would prob
nlily f",!io lil client there, and be
would hure n chance at least to apeak
to her, ? And when one Ma but newly
engngwl even n word aud a . look are
worth the v.hlle. Nov 1n decided
. oirixi vahc KAiaeo tux teah btaikep
fach to ma owh.
that ahe did not want any lunch. She
only wanted to got home and have a
good cry. ( ' '
But &Uo waa not permitted to enjoy
tbla luxury, for at the transfer corner
ahe ran Into a party of her old acbool
chuma. The aolltalre told Ita own atory,
and Neil waa carried off to a fashiona
ble restaurant, there to be the guest of
honor at an Impromptu banquet.
Aa ahe entered aha gave a atart, for,
thotigli Vance waa alltlng with , hli
back toward her, ahe had no difficulty
In recognising blm, and the girl waa
. unmistakable. While alio had boon
i. .it. i . i- it.. k. . a
v cunning wuu lua Bini no uuu iiroun-
' bly passed them. Ills order bad been
She led the way to a table at tho
other aide of tho room that ahe might
not be compelled to recognliso blm, but
the precaution apporently waa need
less. When the girls were leaving the
place, Vance' and his guest were still
absorbed In each other, Vance waa
drinking ooltyo, and tlso girl waa con
fuming highly colored cordials, Nell
led tho way fio-i tho jlnce.' thankful
that, none of the of!ur girls knew
Vanco. - ,....'!', ! V "'ii
The luncheon had bwu an ordeal for
her. She wished that she bad 6ll;ud
off the ring when tho first Impulse
came to her to do so, Then she would
have been aavsd the .humiliation of ac
' ceptlng apolebratloD lunch at which
ahe aat and planned the letter which
ahe Bhould writs' to accompany the
ring. Aa It w as, the lunch bad broken
her nerves completely, mid. hurrying
: home, ahe wrote the fateful letter, then
mk to her bed. She was crying her
bourt out In comfortable feminine fash
ion when her mother oponed tho door.
"Vance la downstairs and wants to
aeo you," she snld gently, "I told him
that you were lit, but he Insisted on
aoelng you Just n moment" .
"I'll see him," said Noll, with sud
den determination. "Tell hlra I will bo
right down." .
She sprang from the tied and began
to drees. While ljiog there she had
thought of many things to say that
were even more bitter than tho things
ahe had said In the letter, and In her
present mood she wanted to hurt him
us ninch as 'he had hurt her. She
wanted to taunt him with bla choice
ami. to see hlm alirlnk fronv her do
crlptlon of the ttlrl s eeen thro'-ijlj a
wi:nnn" ye,"Th auHWimtJosi gnvt
her gfrengih, and with bend proudly
iwt and ahouhlera . mljltantly brncoij
wuU iitie entered the purlor. I
Joaliu came forward cngerly,
"It waa good of you to aeo me." he
crie.l. "I wp afraid, from what' your
iimflU'r said, thut you wore toojll to
red f any ma,"'' "
I "I had a headache," ahe explained
IbttloBKly, keeping the table . between
them that be might not kma her. rrob
ably ho had k!""d that pther girl,
It' too bad tl6ut the poor bead,"
cried Vance, "I wanted you to come
t dlniMr with me We will go to the
Trocndcro and have Just the beat we
can find, or we'll go to the Alhambrn
If yon prefer that, The female la bet
ter there, but the cooking la not aa
good." U- t " . , !
For a moment Noll could only atare
dumbly, lie wanted to take her to the
Troen.iero, where be bad taken that
woman for lunch. The thought waa
Impossible, rrobably bla conscience
smote blm and he wanted to compro-
ndse with It
"I don't think that I care to go to
the Trocadero," ahe aald, adding moan
Inglyl "1 wa there' thla afternoon for
lunch. I mot aome of the girls, and
they : Insisted upon my going with
"Then we'll go to tb Alhambra,'' b
offered. "What time did yon hate
UinchT" . ;. ('
"About S o'clock," answered Nell,
watching bla face cloaely for algna Of
confusion, Instead be merely gave a
wb la fie of surprise. ' t t "''' '
"t waa there about then," be declar
ed In mild astonishment,
, , "I know you were," admitted Nell.
"I saw you." ,
i"I don't blanie you for not apeak-
lug." be an Id, with a abort laugh. "But
why didn't you and the waiter for
niel I would bare come over to yonr
table," t rf '
"It aeemed a plly to disturb you,"
retorted Nell.' "'Too two aoenicd ao
much Interested In each other that . I
did not like to Interrupt You told me
on the telephone that It waa a bust
neaa engagement." J ;'
"Hut that waa not the engagement."
explained Vance. "Vou aeo, I waa to
lunch with old Mr.' Bingham to talk
about that Infringement ne. I wna
on tho car on my1 way to get blm, and
a blockado brought ua to a bait. I got
off to walk, as I waa late, and Bing
bam'al office wna only a couple of
blocks away, and I ran right straight
Into' thla girl." ' '-''''; ., s
"Slit didn't know me at first, but 1
told her who I waa and be accepted
my lnvltutlcn to go to lunch, ao I
slipped in and excused myaelf to Bing
ham and took be i-' over to tho Troc. 1
knew that the would 'appreciate the
chance to rhow off all bor finery in a
placo like that, and I gueaaed right
She waa ticLled to death,"
"Tou eeemed well pleased yourself,"
augffcated Nell utallckiuHly,
"Why notr asked Vance. "That "waa
Sadie Webster, the girl , who could
and dtd-tetl me all abont that Mytlus
case. We'll win that now, and 11
means Uiat wo live In our own borne
Instead of In a flat. Tbat'a why I want
you to come out and celebrate."
"I'll get my hat In a minute," prom
laed Noll. ;Then ahe paused aa the re
membrance of that letter ahe bad writ
ten came bacU to ber. "I'll go oo one
condition," ahe added.
"On any condition," promised Vauce
laughingly, "VOu have but to name it."
"You mustn't read a letter I aent you
thla afternoon," abe atlpulated. while
ber chock a grow crimson.' "You must
throw It away unread." ! "
"Jealouat" he asked curiously, "Was
that the headache, Noll T Couldn't you
trust me, denrr... a ..t .'.. t
"I wasn't exactly Jenloua," aobbed
Noll, swklng the refuge of bla shoul
der to bide her flushed face, "but I
could see that she didn't know yon,
and a man In the aeat In front aald It
wna a flirtation, and and I waa ao
miserable." r
Gently Vanco raised the tear stained
face to bla own.
"It's a lesson that comes to every
wife, dear," be aald aoftly. "Sho baa
to learn that she must trust her hus
band,' even though appearancea are
against blm. I'm glad, awectbeart, that
It waa no worse. Now get the bat and
we'll celebrate the meeting with Sadie
If tho poor bead Is well enough." I
Nell threw her arras about hla neck
and ktascd blm. '
"Vance," sho aald penitently, "you
are Just the bent bcadacho cure that
ever wna." .
Decline and Fall of Wltdem.
He waa very near tho end,' but when
at Inst the Information had been con
veyed to him that an Interviewer waa
below ho rallied. I waa led In on tip
too by n tnu filed nurse. '
"To what.? be quavered, 'do I owe
my BiiceoKa In lifer To this, young
man to never forgetting the prover
bial philosophy of Loamshlre, my na
tive county."
I ntiked him if be could remomber
nny of tho more helpful of the aaylnga
by which bo bud guided bla long and
eminent career, llo rested for awhile
and then repeated a . few, truly the
wisdom of many and the wit of one,
nnd how racy of the soil:
"You must hold your hat In a high
wind." 1f
" "Don't lean against wet pnlnt."
"The deepest flagon Is empty nt
InsV' , ,
"Steady reaches the goal."
"Look twtee at a penny and twelve
times nt sixpence." ' '
?"Tho sun will come out."
"Old birds are the toughest."
"Yon can't dive for pearls without
getting wet." ' ' '
"It Is III Bitting on thorns."
'i He could remomber no more : and
grmk bnelc exhausted, although still
watching mo as I wrote. . .
tt was not till I closed my notebook
that he died. runch.
Tha Way,tha PoBcs Descend Upon
Them In a Raid.
Absolute Seereey Is Maintained by the
Official) and the Pelieemtt Are
Kept In the Dark Until the Last
' Moment Getting Into the Club.
The police have recently carried out
aoma sensational raid on big gnming
cluba, and It may be Interesting to
learn bow' these raids are effected.
Tbla la bow it la done in London: Aa
oon aa the detective auspicious bare
been conflrmod they apply to the com
missioner of police for a warrant to
ester, . The warrant authorizes certain
officers mentioned1 by nnme to enter
the club In the same of the king. Or
dinary polkemeo are not permitted to
carry out a' raid,' but tbe ' detoctlvea
can call opon then) for aaslatnnca at
the critical moment,,, . , , ;
Absol ute secrecy la enforced right
up to the moment of entry. There la
no excitement at tbe station on that
diy, and the men oo duty hare no sus
picion of what la in tha wind. Plana
of tbe bouse are drawn and carefully
studied by the raiding officers, for the
doorkeeper of the club la prepared at
tbe slightest alarm to send a warning
to his customera, and every veatlKe of
gambling apparatus1 will mysteriously
disappear and tho raid fall. A careful
ly planned ruse, therefore, baa to be
evolved which will disarm ausplclon.
During tbe day a body of "reserve"
policemen will receive a communica
tion from the station that they will be
required to parade at a certain hour,
and they meet with no idea of what la
expected of them. They are drawn up
in line, and after names bare been
called over tbey are dismissed
the station one by one, with tbe in
junction to be In the Immediate neigh
borhood of a certain street in a conple
of hours and not to get near tbe spot
before the prearranged moment : ,
The first officer to appear on tbe
scene la the one in charge of tbe raid.
He la alwaya disguised, and usually
looks like a well dressed man about
town, ne pasaea the club carelessly,
but It la sufficient for blm to learn
from a confederate inalde that gaming
baa commenced. A policeman then
saunters to the corner of the street
and ataya there as though be were on
"point" duty. Then, not till then, la
the Information of the precise club' to
be raided aecretly conveyed to tbe at
tacking ' force ' in fbetr hiding ' place
while the club, unconscious of ita Im
pending fate, pursues its gambling. ,
The first difficulty to aurmount la to
get past the burly doorkeeper. If this
la not successfully done tbe raid will
end in failure. Presently tbe sound of
a drunken song la heard lfl the dis
tance, and two apparently rough look
ing men come staggering along. Aa
tbey near the entrance to the club they
begin disputing and soon come ( to
blows. Tbe doorkeeper peepa through
the wicket and orders the men away.
One of the men rushes at the wicket
and challenges the doorkeeper to "come
outside like a man" and at tbe same
time shouts out something about the
character of the house. Tbe combat-
ante continue fighting, and tbe officer
at the corner cornea along and orders
tbem away. Tho men return, however,
to "have It out with the doorkeeper."
Tbe noise Increases, attracting home
ward bound , gentlemen in i evening
dresB, who gather round and urge the
men on. . , . . ,
The doorkeeper by this time becomes
alarmed, for tho rowdy crowd will
frighten away bla cllenta. Perbapa
Just at thla moment a member of the
club arrives and seeks admission. Tbe
door Is opened with tbe utmost caution
to admit blm. Before be tins time to
fasten u tbe two officers hastily secure
the member and rush upstairs, Tbe
two combatants were disguised police
men and the onlookers detectives.
As soon aa an entrance Into the club
has been effected the constable at the
corner sounds his whistle, and before
the sound has died away the whole
neighborhood Is alive with police. If
tho house boasts of a trapdoor on tbe
roof, the Sash of lanterns will be seen
up there, the men having been con
cealed among the chimney pots since
It was dark. The front door Is secured,
and tbe police form a guard around
the house, so that escape is Impossible.
Monntlme the scene upstairs la one
of the wildest exx-ltement The gam
blers, Intent on business, bad not no
ticed the scuttle In tbe passage, and
the first Intimation they got of tho
state of affairs Is when the door Is
thrown open and tho officer in charge
calls on them to regard themselves as
his prisoners. Then they realize their
position. The tables are overturned,
and card counters And money roll all
over the floor as (be members endeavor
to escape. They make for the street
door, but, balked In this direction,' hur
ry to all parts of the house to hide. V
The crestfallen members of the club
are conveyed to tho station, each In
the custody of two officers. Then the
house Is searched for tho gaming ap
paratus. Every Inch of the place Is
examined, for gnmblors have remark
able contrivances whereby they can
hide their npparatus In the event of
being raided. Tops of tables are knock
ed off, flooring taken up and walls
searched for secret cupboards. Yards
of ' chalked string . are regarded as
prizes, and with these and more appar
ent proofs the case Is ready for the
mnjrlstrnte. Tho evidence Is laid be
fore him, and the proprietor and mem
bers nre rhnrped and the sentence
nnsed or a henry fine Imposed on the
tirioners,-Londoh Tlt-Blts.
X.. " '
This 8in la permanently attache!
to the front of t!- mala building oi
t;a Lydia K. Jtlnkliam llcdiyiaa
Company, Lynn, Mass.
What Docs This Klrn ZXe&n ? '
It means that pubiio infipeclinn ol
the Laboratory and methods of doing
busincw is honestly desired. Itmeana
that there ia nothing about the bw
mm which ta not "open and above
board. ,
It means that ft permanent Inviia
tioa is extended to anyone to come
fcnd verify any and all etatements
made in the advertisements of Lydia
ifi. linKnam'8 vegetable uompound.
Is it a purely vegetable compound
cade from roota and herbs with
Come and Be,-.-
Do the women of America continti.
ally use as much of it as we are told f
Come and See.
Was there ever such a person as
lydia IL Ilnkham, and is there any
Mrs. Ilniham now to whom mk
woman are asked to write ?
Come and See.
Is the vast private correspondence
With sick women conducted by
women only, and are the letters kept
strictly confidential f .
Come and See, "
Have they really got letters from
over one million, one hundred
thousand women correspondents?
Come and See. -
Have they proof that Lydia E.
Rakham's Vegetable Compound has
pared thousands of ttaa. women t
Coma avnd See. 1 !- " --This
advertisement Is only for
doubters. The great army of women
who knovir from their own personal
experience that no medicine in the
world equals Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound for female ills
will still go on using and being ben
efited by it; but thj poor doubting,
suffering woman must, for her own
iake,be taught confidencs.forshealpo
might just as well re-gain ber health.
A Limit
Mrs. Hcuopek (to ber husband)
What wo;:M yin do If I were to die?
flenpeck It wll drtve me crazr.
Sirs, n. World j-ou marry again?
Ilenpeck I don't thiat I would be as
crazy ns Ihr.t. St. Taul Pioneer Press.
Th Seret.
5park 1 wonder why ii Is a woman
lets out everyttii!! you tell her. Parks
My dear boy. a woman has enly two
rtews of a secret, either tt Is not worth
keeping; or It Is too good to k: ep.
Stray Stories.
Saved His Boy's Vila
"My three year old boy was badly
constipated, had a high fever and
was in an awful condition. I gave
him two dozens of (Foley's Orino
Laxative and the next morning the.
fever was gone and he was entirety
well. Foley Orino Lixative saved
his life." A. Wolkush, Casimer, Wis.
T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. "
Ten Good Reasons
Why You Should
Stop at... v ......
"The Cornelius"
The Best in Portland
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One block from the clanging street
Not so expensive as some other ho-
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Sixty rooms with private bath.
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Writing desk in every room.
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The rooms are furnished in solid
Every room contains a heavy solid
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The furnishings and general ap
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C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor.
N. K. CLARKE, Manager.
i 1 .
It ik 'vk
Unfcrncntcd Grape Juice
absolutely non-alcoholic
Concord Coc quart
Catawba 6oc quart
Welch's Grape Juice
Nips... ; 10c
-' ' 1 v ' .
589 Commercial Street.
Canning Machinery, Marine Ermines and Delias
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Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery Prompt attention given to all repair
18th and Franklin Ave. ' work. Tel Kaia 24S1
Sherman Transfer Co.
- ' BSNSY f UZSUA2X, Uanxar.
Hacks, Carriages-Bag gage Checked and Transferred-Tracks as Faraiftn
Wagons-I'tanos Moved. Boxed and Sttppej.
43i Coraajertaa Ssrset . . Litia Tm v
First-CIass Liqacrs jandCCijars
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You want the best money can bay in food, clothing, home comforts,
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