SATURDAY, OCT. 17 THE MORNING ASTOIOAN. "ASTORIA. OREGON. arisAl r Tlio Gantlet And the Mitten. By Martha Cobb Ssnford. Cupyrlahtsd, I'M, by Aisoolslsd Llierury J'ress, 8 Muriel stood by the steamer roll, lulling good by to ft group of imnmur frocked girls on the wharf. Suddenly the wind whipped one of the long white gloves out of nor band she was waving a Inwt farewell and carried It down to the deck below. There was a little ripple of lotigliter from the will ing girls, nnd Muriel, In order to escape attention, hurried quickly Into ber stateroom. It was n unlucky omen, tho argued to herself, but quits In raoftiant'ojwltb tlit losing game "she bad now been playing for three long, desolate mouth. Bus took off bar bat, arranged bar wind blown bnlr and studied herself critically la the little stateroom mirror. "I ought to be pnle and Interesting looking," she sold to the renVtlon that looked earnestly at Iter, "but I'm only dlsgtiatlrtgly healthy." She" 'turned away with a sign, and then with quick determination opened the door of her stateroom, placed a cbalr where she could look out on the rentleas f water when she felt so In clined end lgn cutting the leaves of new Hintftwiiie, ' " ; Rut the story selected either did not Interest her or else Interested ber so personally that she soon forgot the print Hfore ber eyes and was lost In Introspection. TJp till now, the middle of Augu t. he wfta sure she had presented a very brave and cheerful front and that none of tbo girls she had becu visiting sus pected for a moment the reul state of her heart. Why bad she broken It off? That was the question she had to an wer everywhere. Varied as were the reasons she gave, they were also all more or less flippant. ; "Wby, you see," she explained to one of her niiist Intimate friends, "Tout and I had known e' h other since we were children. Jt was almost prearranged by our fnmllU' that wo should marry. We were the end men, as It were, lu minstrel show that every one was watching. At last Tom popped the f7 Til WAN JASSED TUB BBIAB TO MOIUM. question. I answered It according to what was expected of mo, and every body saw the joke except Tom and my self. When It did dawn on us some time afterward we laughod and parted the best of friends." Now, as Muriel recalled with .what gtlbness she bud rattled off this bit of Action, even laughing to herself over the appurcut humor of it, she blushed , at her duplicity. What bud been the real reason, after for her falling out with Tom? A difference of opinion, so far as she could remember, over the relative ad vantages of spending one's summer In house "bout or camping out" She was rather , unpleasantly con scious that Tom bad been willing to t split the difference, but that she had nrgued that If they couldn't eome to a perfectly harmonious agreement, about spondlliijf tholr summer theyvery prob ably would be equally at swords' points over the" other seasons of the year. And so at ber request they bad broken the engagement Muriel looked out at the billowy wa ter and for n few momenta was" cori sclous of tho speed with which the big steamer was plunging through It Ity morning It would bring her to the CllffHlde, where It all happened the ourtlng ami the quarrel. Would she be able to be brave and cheerful tinder such conditions when everything re minded her of , A peal of thunder startled her. They were speeding Into the midst of a ter rific storm. Tom had always been such a dear In a thunderstdrml Muriel tossod her magazine Into the berth and hurried down to tho dining room, whore she would at least have the comfort of othor people about her. - 'No, not a seat-by the window," she sti Id to the hend steward who tiHhered bor In. "I prefer one In the center." Ilo placed her nt a Httlo round table with one other woman and tWraon'. Muriel, absorbed lu her own thoughts, , absently' took the seat offered and be can to rend the menu. In the tedious Interval before her order was served two of the guests left the table, nnd eie made -a vtrffarfling and discern foi'tlntf discovery. , sr.t'h'le t'uo thunder and lightning .increnaed. In severity, and Muriel was Mm W) jot only very Mibmnnmif, but very nervous, It Wits a relief when dinner was final ly served, BinMenly, gluncliijf tip, Ma riol noticed the steward (wilting to tbr man across fsom her, fie was evl dently, by his gestures, talking aboul the bread In the center of the table Hhe overheard him say, "I thought yoa were together, so I brought the bread on ono plate," to which the man smil ingly replied: "It doesn't waiter. It will be all right" For some time neither Muriel nor thi man opposite ' deigned to taka any bread. Then suddenly," aa If by odj Impulse, each reached for the some roll, and each as suddenly withdrew empty handed. ; ' Immediately, with very flattering gal , lantry, the tnun passed the bread tc Muriel, and she, not to be, outdone In courtesy, took the "roll of combat" broke It and offered ber table compan ion" half." ' , An bour or 6 later lu ber state rooiri' Muriel lay crying ber pretty eyei out, whether from an overflow of bap pines or because of regret for ber past silliness, lbs could . not for the life of ber batf tola), wbeii she heard a knock t this stateroom door. "Who Is Itr she called cautiously. "Steward, miss, I bars a message for you," . Muriel took tho envelops and broke i It open with haste, her heart thumping .tumultously as aba read: ; v IWrtat I kaw prfcll)r wh why 'yen wouldn't rccognlss m at ths tabls, You did not want to ctclis pubita eurlostty 01 crltli lum, snd I a(lmlr you tor It. But how I wanted to hold your tinj tight whnr 1 hi you trambls st tbs tlfiit ntngt Hut you wrs uimixmhitbty swwtt In th way you lot m know that w sri frtnds scsin and much, muob mors, dai girl, I hopl Now that ws bv "broken bread" te gthpr rsn't ws talk tocother too? It li full moon tonight, you know. In about fiflssn mlnutRi 1 sliRtl bs stroUlna sround ths vppr dock and shall expect to And you tuck wl awy In a cornsr thers som whers. Bis wry months sso you gsvt ms the mil tan, Ilttl MurtnL Come and now what I hsvn to effer In return. THE BAMB OLD TOM. ' p. i.-By ths by, I'm on my wy to Visit with your motbr. fitit and I have always bean sooa ohums, you know. 1 board you woron't to ba at Cllffalde thli surnnittr, so I thooiiht prhnps your moth er might bo, a bit lonesome. Queer site didn't tell m you wr oomlngl. It was lucky that Tom bad given Muriel fifteen full minutes of grace In which to obliterate somewhat the un becoming traces of ber tears. She bad no sooner established herself comfort ably la a deck chair on the lea side ot tba pilothouse that Tow appeared Idly dsagUng by bis side' oris long waits fSera. ' 'J. V's Uortst caught it butantly. Ttlly UfV was ber peetlng. Wrt 4MT ytu' get itr , , Ted sfewd smillsf down at ber rsp aawtt:y. , WV, of eeursa, I wai watcblag yeo rki yea tost It Bersral of us made a sisWe for It and I got It I knew Ussa my lack bad fbsaged." . , "As4 I thought" Muriel told blmi amstblag the glove la ber band, nt wis aa mmi f mlsforraae. Why,-wbsfs ta Mr ska exclaimed auddenly. "I feel asanetiJng bard!" ' .: A ad sba began to Investigate esch flsger, Tom sat down close beside bet and watched her with absorbing ad miration. "Wby, tfa-lt'i my engagement ring!" gaped Muriel, shaking out the third linger of tho glove. "Isn't that funny I hadn't bad it on At All because" Then as she realized the unpleasant truth she bad stumbled upon and also how the ring had really come there she looked up at Tom and smiled ber adora tion. - - "Won't you put It on again, Tom, deurr she asked with very sweet ho utility. -.- - , A Thoughtful Conduotor. Ignorance often saves much dlsqule tudo. Many have beard the story ot the woman whose first experience lu railway train ended with an Accident Thrown from her seat aud shaken up generally, she nevertheless retained her equanimity. When asked if she were frightened she replledr "Fright cued! ; No. I didn't know but that wai the way they always stopped." It is tc be hoped that the trolley passenger in Mr. Howell's anecdote, Introduced into "Confessions of A Summer Colonist," was possessed of the same trust In the event Tba conductor, at least preserv ed bis presence of mind. Says s Mr, ITowells: "I bad long expected to see some one thrown out of the open trolley Car at some of the short curves.' One day a wonian waa nqttially hurled from bet seat into the road.' Luckily she alight ed on her feet and stood looking About as If la a dase. "'Oh, oh!! exclaimed a passenger. She's left; her, tjmbrcllar "The conductor promptly threw it out " Wby, did that lady wish to got out? I asked. "The conductor pondered a moment before he answered: ., " 'Well, she'll want her umbrella any- Ruby Glass. In his book on '."The World of the Infinitely Small," rrofessor Orancr of Berne gives ah' Interesting account ot ruby glass. Geuulue ruby glass Is ex pensive, bocmiBa it Is prepared with gold. It owes Its color to tho presence throughout Its mass of particles 1 of gotd too small to be seen with the microscope. Only the ultra mleroscoie, which renders Visible objects percepti ble by means of tholr diffusion of light is able to show the existence of these minute particles. 'With the ordinary microscope the glass appears as a uni form transparent tnnss, but the ultra microscope shows that ft is filled with points of Ifght resembling stars on a blaoW background. ; These points In t'.lcate 'he piwencs of the particles of r )?d to which the color of the glass is :liitv 1'' ' 'r t ;. "" A CEYLON PUSUE. The Land Uiohos Are Worse That ths Snakes ec Moiquitoe. It Is tntariy always the ctse that ex ceedingly beautiful countries are over run by different kinds of pests. Beau tiful Ceylon has mosquitoes said to be the most adroit and audacious in tba world and snakes and a thousand more plagues of poor human beings, bat tba worst of them all is a species of leecb. The Ceylon land leech is a thin crea ture about two inches long and very nimble and flexible. It will craw! op a man's leg and, traveling underneath tba clothing, will climb as high aa tba throat. These leeches do not crawl Ilks the leeches that Are known to medi cine, but rear themselves np on their tails to watch for t)rey and walk off to attack it with , aniaxing rapidity. Ia walking tbroogt) Jhe Jangle boat of them may be seta by the roadsSda, where they wait to victimise cattle, norsea, it la said, ara driven Half wild by tbem, as also are palanquin teams and coolies, whose bare legs are their favorite resort, tba mta'i band fcateg too engaged to poll tbem off. The leeches may be seen banging round their ankles, from which tiny trickles of blood run over tba foot London Standard. ' ' , t 4 BAT CATCH ErtS. One af the M ethos's by Whloh They Make Big Hauls. "Bat catchers, Ilka bona tamers, try to make a mystery of their trade," aald a too keeper.'; ,f ;.'' ' ' '., Tie pointed toward tba large gray rata that played about the comers of tba carnlvora bouse. "But they can't mystify ma la any phase of ths rat question," ba went on. "Living aa I do, surrounded by an army of the largest fluent rats, I know the animals too thoroughly. I could set up as a successful rat catcher tomor row. . : .' . .. ,.v "This is the way the men work. Tbey go to the infested place lata at night with a pair of tongs, a powerful lantern and a lot of bags. "Tbey wslk softly about la tba dark nese, and t.Vy make a low, chattering, whistling nolw, like tills." At tba sound an tba rats in tba cor ners of the big room looked at tba keper Inquiringly. !3t went on: . , "Tbl!?v ia the stgaal whereby a rat tells bis, mates that ba has bit on good feeding. That sound aasde la the dark gathers rats ss molssees gathers flies. The fiteW. having made It opens bis streeg tsera, the mm are dazed by tbe fight and be picks them up with his tosgs sod drops then) la bis bag. "Of eowe flere are ether ways to cab k rats, bet of the secret tnyftter oaa m tfols Is tbe boaf-nscbtngc. ' 1 Hsrd Luck. tTlfe Wbst luck? IIusbsnd-Noue arwtsver." wife-Were' there no scrv aats at tbe, Intelligence office? Hus-basd-Tes. lots of them, but they bad alt worked for , us bcfore.-Satiirtlny Sunset - What Willis Saw. When Willie saw a peacock for tbe Otst time b,e snld to his mother: "; . 'Oh. mamma, you should have seen It! Electric lights all over the ferns and a turkey underneath f Delineator Ara You Only Half Alive? People with kidney trouble ara so weak and exhausted that they are only half ahve. Foley" Kidney Rem edy makes healthy kidneys, restores lost vitality, and weak, delicate peo ple are restored to health. Refuse any but Foley's. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. CONFESSES A CRIME. Mystery of Dynamite Outrage at Baker City Explained, Perhaps. SHERIDAN) Wyo. Oct. Id-Details of an affidavit said to have been made by A. S. Burroughs relative to a dynamite outrage at Baker City, Oregon, about, two years ago, are made public today. , Burroughs, it is said, swears that Ed. Mizcner placed a bomb at the gate of the residence of Sheriff Harry K. Brown, No. 312 Third street, and that it exploded as Brown was pass ing through the gate at 9:30 o'clock in the evening, killing the officer. Burroughs, according to the alleged affidavit, says he was an eye witness to the crime, and that Mizener was a member of the Western Federation of Miners. v ' ' .';. '' .. , The Sheriff at Baker City has been notified by telegram of the alleged confession and that Burroughs is held pending instructions from him, Woman Interrupts Political Speaker , A well dressed woman interrupted a political speaker recently by con tinually cemghing. If she had taken Foley's Honey and Tar it' would have cured her cough quickly and expelled the cbld from her system. The gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellow pack ape.' Refuse substitutes. T. F. Lau rin, Owl Drug Store. . 1 Foley's Honey and Tar cures Coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds.- Get the genuine in' a yellow package, T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. . J r -1 iilllS . . Hie wear and tear of business and the every-day cares arid worries kit upon the nerves, and bring; disaster to the stomach and brain. Nervousnesl causes loss of sleep and draws heavily on th vital forces. Increase yotsy aervous energy by using whenever the system is weakened by overwork or worry, and needs to ba toned and strengthened. Beecham'a Pills equalize tba circulation, carry o3 the waste materials, help the stomach, and carry health to tba nerve cells. Tbey are quick to restore normal con ditions, enable tbe brain to recover its poise and unfailingly dieve Nerve Strain gold Everywhere. In eeiee JOe. and 8. 8aved Hia Boy'a Life "My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was in an awful condition. I gave him two dozens ' of Foley's Orino Laxative and the next morning the fever wai gone and he was entirely well. Foley's Orino Lrxative saved his life." A. Wolktish, Casimer, Wis. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. ' MORE BLACK HANDS. MOXESSEN, Oct. 16. - Frank Cassini, a well-to-do Italian, received a black hand letter, ordering him to meet an agent of the society last night and pay him $500, refusal to be followed by death. Cassini went to the meeting place but two policemen concealed nearby arrested the agent. Three other Italians tried to rescue the agent and drew safety revolvers w hich failed to discharge because the men did not know how to operate them. A hand-to-hand fight followed in which the police won. Six revol vers, two razors, several stilletos and brass knuckles were found on the quartette. ' . Chinook and Ilwaco. The launch Hulda I. will leave on the tide, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, two round trips, for Chinook. Landing at Lurline dock for freight and passengers. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for Ilwaco, with freight and passengers. CAPT. JOHN HAAGBLOM. Oysters. Bay Center Oyster House, 420 Bond street. Oysters wholesale and retail. George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf MILLINERY SALE ! Special Sale of PATTERN HATS At the La Mode 682 Commercial St. , 1 Vs S h h Ms DAINTY CHINA is a necessity to the careful house keeper. If your stock is inadequate you will find this a splendid oppor tunity 'for supplying your wants. We have 'an amazingly FINE COLLECTION of beautiful China. .Fancy dishes in exquisite new designs, Tea-pots, Cups and Saucers, Salad Bowls, Platters, etc' ' ' -" We have just received two more patterns in Decorated Dinner Ware. fUll 4 Ou..d LJLJl! Oil V 4. Sl h cm ill urn ii , il l?i A -A-.i.J.Jiiw1 . TJnfermcnted Grape Juice absolutely coti-alcoholic Concord 5oc quart Catawba ...6oc quart Wtlcb's Crape Juice Nips 10c. Ar-IEOICAN iriPORTiUG CO. 33 Commercial Etrcc.L Joba Fox, Pres. P. L Biahop, Sec, Astoria Eusk, Tresa. KeUttn Troyer, Vica-Prcs. and Supt ASTORIA IRON VORKS . OPSTIIEELATES? mPtOS1? Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FUE?,1-!ID Correspondence Solicited. - . Foot c! losrtu" Zzttt SC0I7 BAY BRASS & ID Mil A8TOHIA, OltEGON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers. Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery 18th and Franklin Ave. Sherman Transfer Co. HZKXr SIIZSHAN, Manacar. Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks aad Farsuta Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and S3sippi I THE TRENTON ii i First-Class Liquors andLCigars i Corner Commcrckl and HUl STEEL ),..., Electrical Phone Main 3881 You want the pest money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., wby not in education? Portland's Leading Business College offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school. Owners practical teachers ; More Calk than we can fill Teachers actual business men In session the entire year Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking -M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. BOSSFFT'-N, Secy. Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharpies Cream Separators ' Raecolith Flooring Storrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery .-.,-. Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, ' Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Good, Paints, Oils and Glass ' Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seinr Web We Want Your Trade FISHER BROS. K ' BOND STREET v 1 - Bubccriho to Thellorninc Astorian ij ll. 11 ' Prompt attention given to all repair work. TeL Main 2481 (32 Cotnmardsl Street ASTORIA, OCGON t EWART ... r- Contractors 426 Bond Street