The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 16, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Tte!Daily;Market Report
'rORTtiANI?, Oct.7 l5.-At6vher
consignment of Oregon apples da
itlncd (or the Far East will leave
Portland, (or Vladivostok, Siberia,
within a few days. The fruit, which
will be Hood River stock altogether,
it now being packed for shipment at
the store of W. B. Clafke & Co., and
probably will be dispatched about the
end of tht week. It will go to the
: Sound by rail and will there be trans
ferred to steamer for the Orient.
Flour, Grain and Feed.
WheatChoice milling sorts. Track
prices: Club, 88c; bloeitem, 92c tur
key1 red, 91c;- Valley, 90c, Export
pricea,' standard quality: Club, 88c;
hluestcm, 92c; turkey red, 91c, red
Russian, 85c.
Barley-Feed, $25.50; rolled, $23
28; brewing, $27. ,
'Oats-NoM white, $30.00; gray,
$29. 1 . - -
TPlauf--- Patents, $470;" - itralghts,
$3.95(34.20; exports, $370; Valley
$4.45; 1-4 sack graham, $4.40; whole
wheat, $4.65; rye, $5.50.
MiiUtuffs-Dran, $26.50; mlddiingi,
$33.00; shorts, country, $31.00; shorts,
city, $30,00; chop, $22027.50. ,S
fayTimothy? Willamette Valley
' fancy, $14.50,-: do, ordinary, $11.00;
Eastern Oregon, $1450; mixed, $18;
" alfalfa, $11, ) --"-'
' Butt, Eggs and Poultry.
Butter Extras, 34 . cents; fancy,
321c; choice, 30c; store, 18c.,
Cheese Full cream twins, 14ll5;
full creanv triplets, 14S15c; Young
America, 15l16c; cream brick, 20c;
Swiss block, 18c; Llmburger, 29c
Poultry Mixed chickens, 12i($ 13c;
fancy hens, ttiv, roosters, old,
85J9c; broilers, I414lc; turkeys, 18c
Eggs-Extras, 3132c; firsts, 28(3!
29c; seconds, 232oe thirds. 2527e.
pound higher; ducks, 12l5c; geese,
SfilOc; turkeys, 18c.
! Fruit and Vegetables,"
Potatoes-Buylng prices, 8090c
per hundred; sweets, 2(321 per
Bound. . i i i I 1 ' '"'
Fresh Fruits-Oranges, $375S4.50;
lemons, $3.005.50; blackberries, 75
QC ml,. tw fi tt n rrnt'
..v, ...... , f t r '
peaches, 2Sf28Sc per crate; plums, &
40c' per crate; 'watermelons, 3-4
pound; grapes, 60ca$1.23 per crate;
J ..... . ', ' I 1 1 t " . ' '
;,',: ' ':
t ' f
Bound Into Elegant
i i ii
hi t
The J. S.
; Blank Book Makers
Commercial Printers
They Do Everything in
Line at
' pears, 50($1.00 per box; prunes, 30
40c per crate.
Meata and Provision!.
Dress Meats Hogs, fancy, 8(8icj
cents; ordinary, 67c; large,' 5c; veal,
extra, 8cSk ordinary,, 60ei heavy,
Sc; mutton, fancy, 89c.
Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s, 15c; do 5s,
15ic; do 501b, tins, Hit; steam ren
dered, 10a, 13Jc; do 5s, 141c; com
'pound 10s, BUr ''"'' ":''''
Hams-10-12 lbs..; 17c; 14-16 lbs.,
161c; 18-20 lbs., 16c. ; .
Bacon Breakfast, 17($24c; pic
nics, 101c; cottage roll, 12c; regular
short clears, smoked,;' 12c; do . un
smoked, 11c; Un. B., 10c13c lb.
smoked, 15c; unsmoked, . 14c;
clear bellies, unsmoked, 131c; smok
ed, 141c; shoulders, Viz. . , '
. Vegetables Turnips, . $1.25, sack;
beets, $175; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage,
$1.50(32.00; ; head lettuce, 2025c;
cucumbers, 75c85c per box; celery,
7Scf85c per dozen; artichokes, 60c
dozen; beans, 8c; pound; egg-plant,
$11.25 per crate; tomatoes, 2550c
per crate; cantaloupes, 40(75c
per crate; corn, 75c$l sack. U
Onion-California red," $1,25;
garlic, 1215c.
Apples California new, $l(2$1.25;
Oregon, 75c$1.25. . ,
Onions Buying prices, 90c$l per
hundred gorlic, 12(3 15c per pound.
Sugar, Coffee, Etc, '
Sugar (sack basis) D. G., $6.05;
beet, $5.85; Golden C, $5.45; extra C,
$5.55; powdered, $415; fruit or berry
sugar, $6.05; boxes, 55c cwt, advance
over sack basis (less l-4c if paid for
in 15 days).
Turpentine In cases, 63c; In wood
barrels, 611c; io iron barrels, S9)c; in
10-caie lots, 62c. ,
Lead-Strlctly pura white lead, in
ton lots, 71c; 500-lb. lota, 8c less; less
than 500c lbs., 81c; red lead and lith
arge, ie higher than white.
Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $3,35;
Southern Japan, $57526; broken, 41c
head; fancy, $7775.
Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy
2528c; Java, good, 2024c; Java,
ordinary, 17220c; Cost Rica, fancy,
185S20c; Costa Rica, good, 16 18c;
Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt; Lion, $15.75
cwt; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Sal
vador, HJ14ic. ' .;;,;.'''
Salt Bales of 75-2. bale, $2.25;
bales of 60-3s, bale, $2.25f bales of
Have . Your
er Rulers
the Lowest Prices tor
' Good Workl :
49-43, bale, $2.25;, bales , of If 10s,
bale, $2.25; bagi, 50s, Tine, ton; $15;
bags 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17;
bags, 50c, 1 ground $13.50; 100s, ton,
$13.00; R. S, V. P., 20 S ib. cartons,
$2,25; R. S. V. P. 31b. cartons, $175;
Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20,
Raisins Loose muscatels, 3-crown,
7 cents; 4-crown, 71c; bleached,
seedless Sultanas, 91c12c; un
bleached seedless Sultanas, 61 cents',
London layers, 3 crown, whole boxes
of 20 rounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $175.
Nuts Walnuts, I5i17c pound;
filberts, K ; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14
g20c; hickory,' 10c; Virginia row pea
nuts, 8 . cents; . chestnuts, Ital
ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen,
90c$l; pine nuts, 10 12c pound.
- Dried Fruits Applies, 81c per tb;
peaches, 103l2c; pears, lll14c;
Italian prunes, 56c; California figs,
white, in sacks, 71c per pound; black,
6(37c; bricks, 75c2.25 per box;
Smyrna, 16. 171c per pound; dates,
Persian, 617c pound.. "
, Hope, Wool. Hides, Etc. ''
. Hops New Oregon, 78c pound;
1907,214c; 1906,111.
Wool-Valley, J4151c lb.; coarse,
1213c; Eastern Oregon,- 8 16c, as
to shrinkage. ; ' K
Mohair Choice, lSQ9e pound.
Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark)
41cfi551c per pound.
Oregon Graperoot Per 100 pounds
$35. . V. ' -' ,
Hides Dry hides, No. I, 14ic lb.;
dry kip, No. 1, I3!c; dry salted, one
third less; dry calf, 151c lb.; salted
steera, 78c lb.; salted cows, 61c lb.;
stags and bulls, 41c lb.; kip, 61c lb ;
calf, 10Hc lb; green stock, le less;
sheepskins; shearlings, 10225c; short
wool, 30Q40c; medium and long
wool, according to quality, 5090c;
dry horses, S0cS$1.50; dry colt, 25c;
angora, 80c(J?l; goat, common, 10cj
Oysters, Ckmis and Fish.
Oysters Sboalwater Bay, per gal
lon, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; Toke
Polr.t, per 100; Olympiaa (120
lbs.), $6; Olymplas, per gallon, $2.25,
Fish Halibut, 7c lb.; black cod,
7(8c; black bass, 20c; bass, 13c;
herring, 51c; Sounders, 6c; catfish,
11c; shrimp, 121c; perch, 7c; sturgeon,
121c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal
mon, fresh, 67c. , ,
Canned Salmon coiumous River,' 1
pound talis, $2.10; 24b. tails, $3.00;
fancy, Mb. flats, $255; l ib. fiats,
$140; fancy, 1 -lb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska
tails, pink, 95c; red, $1.40; nominal
2s, tails, $2.10. f
Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50;
razor clams, $2 ptt box. :
the Printing i
Fissions For Cclisvirj That It Is an
: ,, , Eacy Walter,
TLe riiere tiltlmiit'e iwd of dj'l"
may be a relatively easy iwtttor, Any
person who has U-t-.i auss 111 jtrol.obly
Buflem rnor? on any Riven day f hl
Ufa than lie will miffisr In the net of
departing from his bo !. Jt la proba
ble that a broken bo;i n delirious fe
ver, a disordered ' yitul organ, n,ay
cause more utiKiilfili than the fiuai
strnKcle. 1 have my doubts vhether
the hint pnug Is M bad as it swms, do
clarcti Ellz&betn Stunrt Phlpi In Har
per's Bazar, We are told by Kiirg"on
that chloroformed patleutii may give
Irtirfnf evkUnoe of acute n;jonJji
which tticV'o not foeL Death Itnelf
Is often an anfiegthetlc so merciful
that whdt people call "living trouble"
in obrlouHljr u worse matter,
I, for Inxtanee, who have i(eret faint
ed and never been anaMtfactlzed In rny
life, have twfce become from serloua
cauwss unconnclou . for a abort, time,
and I have often wished that I .could
make over to some recoiling soul whose
ufluie has been beard ringing upon the
last roll call the unspeakable comfort
which that brief experience has given
me. There- was no pang, no terror, no
time, no cliauee, for either. One seem,
ed to glide ?ntly und swiftly down-
warm abyHH, flower scented, grans
grown, safe and beneficent. Into unut
terable content One melted Into
peace. One drifted Into ecstasy beside
which the deepest joys of conscious
ness are poor, pale things.,
If one In truth should evade the body
la such a moment, death would stand
chosen as. the aupreaie delight of liv
ing. , 1 ' .
Thsy Ware All In One Ptoture but
, Did Not 8tay There.
Allan Cunningham In his lives of
British Painters" tells story of Cop
ley, the father of Lord Chancellor
Lyndhurst, which reveals what a por
trait painter endures from the vanity
and eccentricity of his Hitters. '
A certain man had himself, bis wife
and seven children painted by Copley
In a family piece. . f jr . p
"It wante but one thing," aeld the
man oa "aeelng' the flnlehed picture,
"and. .that la tha iwtralt of my(firBt
wife. This one to my second."
"But," replied the' artist, "she la
dead.v What, ran I do? 8he must
come In aa an angel."
v"Oh,jno; no angel for me. She
most come In its a woman."
The portrait was added, but several
months eluded before the man again
called at Copley's stfldld, nd when he
did a strange lafly held oaj to bla arm.
must have another sketch from
yotir hand. Copley," ssid he. "Am ae-
ddcut tefell my second vita. This
lady is my third, and she has come to
have ber likeness Included in the fami
ly picture.", ' I t ' I
The painter Introduced, the flkenesa
of wlfe2So. 3, and the man expressed
blmaelf.&UBfleciJwttfi .thai portrait of
his three spouses. But the ladj re
monstrated. Never waa such a thing
beard of. Her predecessors must go.
The artfat painted them out Then
the man disputed the price. Copley
sued him, and hla son, the future Lord
Lyndhurat, signalized his call to the
bar by gaining hla father's cause. ,
'. Ne Limit, f: "'
GunnerShe's a very progressive
young lady. She Is going to enter the
field of Journalism and start a paper.
, Gayer-Yes, end she is going to call
it the Humor. Don't you think that
Is rather an unusual name? : ;
Gunner Not at all. When a rumor
Is started by a woman it always gains
a wonderful circulation. Chicago
News. ,
" The Collies and Amtn.
I once witnessed a phase of prompt
evolution of practical and of devotion
al religion In Scotch sheep dogs on a
communion Snbbntb among the moun
tains.! The churchyard was crowded
with shepherds, accompanied by their
dogs, whjeh lay quietly asleep at the
feet of their masters. The sermon wai
finished, the psnlm had been mmg, the
final prnyer wn being offered, and
there vas no slpn of impatience, but
the uiwnent the benediction commenc
ed tht devotional dossles all roused
themselves, nnd before the "Amen"
thev were ki mnrrhlne order. "New-
lima Hitil -An Autribiognphy"
Good For' Biliousness.
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stotn
ach and Liver Tablets last night, and
I feel 50 per cent better than I have
for weeks, saya J. J. Firestone, ol
Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a
fine article for biliousness. For sale
by Frank Hart and leading druggists
; Subscribe to the Morning Astorian.
60 cents per month, delivered by
Oils, Lead, Etc.
Benzine V. M. and P. and Union
Naptha, cases, 20k; iron barrels,
131c... '-.;. r; ' J,,; ".
Coal Oil Union and pearl and as
tral oil, cases, 181c per gallon; water
white, iron barrels, 11c; eocene and
extra star, cases, 2Uc; headlight oil,
cases, 193c; iron barrels, 13c; elaine,
cases, 28c.
Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots,
54c; l-barrel lots, 55c; in case, 61c;
boiled, 5-barrel lots, S6c; ' 1-barrel
lots, 57c; in cases, 63c. '
Gasoline Union and Red Crown,
bbls., 151c; cases, 221c. Motor, bbls..
16ic; cases, 23ic. ,B6 degrees, bbls.,
30c; cases, 371c. Engine Distillate,
btls., 9c; cases, 16c.
Sweet Apple 'Cider
h 35c the Gallon
Acme Grocery Co,
- The agency of the San Francisco Examiner is
now located at Whitman's Book Store. Price 75c
per month delivered.. Subscribers .'not getting
papers regalarly notify us at once and, agent J will
call. Quick delivery guaranteed.
Only ' All Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Pw'nts. Two
daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates.
For fates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call on or address
O. B. JOHNSON, Gen'I Agent
12th St, neir Commerckl St. ASTORIA, OFvEGOJL
First f!
Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. C. Flavel
. r J. W.'Ladd S.S. Gordon
Capital ..... . . 10G,CQ0
Suxplus 25,003
Stockholders' Liability ......100,00? r
": ' ' ESTABLISHED 18,
J. Q, A. BOWLBY, President
O. I. PETERSON, VkelPresident :
Transacts a General BanHsij Easiness Interest Paid on Time Deos'S
Four Per Cent. Per Annum
Eleventh and Duane Sta. - - Astoria, Otegoa
- .
OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Ccitslderatka."
,1. 1 111!!RI
kalis Ccstrictcr, Tinner
iSheet Irca V7crker
425 Bond Street
Eagle Conceit" Ml
(323 Astor Street)
Rooms for rent by the day, week, or
month. Be& rates in town.
Don't be afraid to give Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to your chil
dren. It contains no opium or other
harmful drug. It always cures. For
sale by Frank Hart and leading drug
gists. :
111 ill II! .
Dank of Astoria
J. W. GARNER, Assistant CasLi
if 1.
All-V.'nrk Guar'nteed. I '. Eiuh'l
Street, c, .-. Post CTice. 1 ;.one Kit
, sr -.