9t uaaoioo 'AVGIll.T 1m Your Waot Adveriiseirients TWENTY WORDS OR LESS, ONE WEliK FIFTY CENTS u a il THE M0UN1NG ASTOUIAN, A STOUT A, OKEtSON. ' , THE MORNING ASTORIAN - ; WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every' Morning by 10,000 People. . Tbo Want Columns of-TJIE MORNING , ASTORIAN art con sulted every morning by hundred of persons in search of ml trtata bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found' snd people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or less .three times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; one month,. $2.00. 7.7 . '77 - j HELP WANTED MALE. LOYS WANTED !TO CARRY ?A vsers. Apply Circulation Depart jeeat, Astorian .Office. ,9-17-tf WANTED AT ONCE 2 v FIRST -class tailors; steady work and good wages. Carl E. Franseen, 179 Elev enth street. V7 f fV.V 1U"3t L F. NOWLEN, REAL ESTATE ; b4 Employment Office, 473 Conv maercial St.. Phone . Hare fine Est I Astoria and country property A3 dases of labor furnished. WANTED LADIES AND MEN to wear our; tailor-made clothes; erfeetion in fit and workmanship guaranteed. Osborne .Tailoring Co. t - 7 : -'.'-, 10-4-lm MESSEKGEk BOYS WANTED - i Apply Western Union Telegraph Boys wanted to carry papers. Ap- $ry Circulation Department, Astorian Office. 9-17-tf WANTED BUYERS FOR SIB .' SON'S ROSES; the best in the market: office and nurseries, 1180 Milwaukie avenue, Portland,, Oregon Acres of Rosesl Catalogue free, THE SIBSON ROSE NURSERIES BOY WANTED -WOULD YOU i Eke- to know show kits of ; office Soys, errand boys, messenger boys, all kinds of boys with "steady jobs,' tare doubled their wages? Would TOU like to increase YOURS? Ifs easy enough, and without jnterfer face with your present work, and the ay is good. O. W. Whitman,' 502 Commercial street -J. OH' SCHOOL OFFICERS THE FISK 1 Teachers' Agency of Portland; pr., a planting more teachers, than ever; 2 yott need a high school grade, rural, commercial, music, or private teacher, write or wire immediately and you will receive prompt attention. . 802 Swetfaad-BIdg. . .. i DAY . EVENING POST wants, a few energetic boys, over ;len, to ifm eeive orders, ' deliver copies and make collections; high-class custom tiers in best neighborhoods; no corner loafing witlj bad companions;, good pay arid short hours; extra prizes for good workers." O. W. Whitman,502 Commercial street f I 74 : CITY REAL ESTATE. 7- FOR SALE-BUSINESS" BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; L hall 40x100, J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial ; 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; coxy corner; sa loon fixtures;. 7 furnished rooms; price, $8500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 CommerrciaL 10-4-tf Chicken ranch; 3 acres; new house; fully equipped, including incubators; price, $1100. i J. F. NOWLEN, ' ',T 473 Commercial St Astoria, Oregon WAN TED TO RENT. WANTED THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms. Apply at once, The Astoria Banking Savings & Lofin Association. 1 v X, v: 10-10-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES. ;, FOR RENT-DWELLING, SEV pn rooms; ; modern conveniences; Franlirf avenue ' between 16th snd 17th streets, Van Duscn St Co., 119 11th street X I 4 10-10-tf TWO HOUSES ON ASTOR -ST., pay 6 per cent on investment; blocV Ncv 1, Hustler and Aiken's Ad dition"; price, $15,000. , J. F. Nowlen, 473'' Commercial street. 10-10-6t LOTS IN ADAIR'S ADDITION; 230 lots; pricey $50 per lot. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street 10-6t TWO LOTS AND THREE houss; Seventh and Bond streets; price, $u,uuu.,,.j. r ,. ..Nowlen, 4J Commercial street 10-10-6t ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT-HOUSE ..rooms; furnished or Inquire Central Hotel. KEEPING unfurnished. 1013-3t FOR SALE-MACHINERY. 5 ELECTRICMOTORS FOrYaLE direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p, slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h- p.; one 30-light .TBfERS ANDCXEANERTX PARISIAN - STEAM CLEANING & Dye Works; goods called for and delivered; ladies' work spec ialty.. 75 Ninth street, Phone Black 2185. . 10-ll-26t INSTRUCTION, I BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT I have opened a class in shorthand and typewriting. Those interested kindly call. Lenora Denoit, 477 Com mercial. 107-tt BUSINESS CHANCES. LODGING MOUSE, MAIN ST.; lot 53x100; 30 rooms; nicely 1 fur nished? price, $12,000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. 1 . 10-10-6t polling place shall be P. J. Goodman, C, C. Utitiiigcr, and Isaac Bergman, and the Clerks shall be Paul fludol lct, and F. J. Carney, , ' Registration and Polling Precinct number 3, shall include nil that por tion of the city of Aiotria lying be tween the East line of Precinct num ber 2. and the center line of 8th street WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST. cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you sell,. Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 10-9-2fit LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. WEES FOR RENT-PLEASANT FRONT bay window room with bath to neat gentleman with good habits. 41ft .Exchange) v -nAM -10-11-61. : LOST AND FOUND. LOST-ELKS CHARM BELONG- ing to John C McCue; finder please leave at Will Madison's cigar, store and receive $5 reward. . , . 10-6-tf LOST SPECTACLES 7 WITH5 1 A gold chain attached. Finder kindly return to this office 10-14-.3t FOUND-A LADIES'. SILK UM i brella; owner can secure same -by paying for this notice and identifying same. Zapt furniture Hardware Co. ' -rr -10-13-6t LOST-SILVER PLATED BUGGY nut between Astoria and Young's River Bridge; finder please-leave at this office 10-15-2t COUNTRY -REAL 'ESTATE. COUNTRY "REAL ESTATE. 126 , ACRES, MOSTLY DIKED tide land on the Walluski river; 24 vhcacf of cows, complete farming im plements; price $7500. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. 10-10-6t ONE GRADED LOT ON FRANK , lin. avenue and Eleventh street; prke,;' $3,0001 J.' F. Nfowlen, 473 Commercial ' street ' 10-10-6t FOR SALE TIMBER CLAIM, 160 - acres; NS.H S. 24, T. 5 N., R. 7 W, Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet gretn timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price $3000. J. F. Nowlen, 473. Commercial street - 10-4-tf WANTEDTO ROT-A FUR- nished - ranch by an ; experienced rancher. ' 630 Taggert street, Port' land, Or. -' " v 10-15-3t FOR SALE AT' A BARGAIN Timber' claim in Clatsop county; $1800; part cash,' balance' On time'.", J. 'F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial. 1015-6t 10 ACRES DIKED TIDE LAND, below Lewis and ; Clark ' bridge; price, $2500; come quick." J. F.' Now len, 473 Commercial. ' 10-lS-6t SMITH'S .POINT 1, HOTEL, 3 story;: cost $2000 to build; 3 lots, "cost $1500;brick foundation; cement 'walks all round; yard filled with! fmit and ornamental trees; 5 good .milk cows, 2 hifers;, '. price, $3300; ialf cash; ha-lfitime;i ; 't'"&." ;, ; J. F. NOWLEN, , 473 Commercial St. f Astoria; Or. HUNTING GROUND, 200 ACRES, ;; C!?tsop Plains; price, $20,000. J. F. koulen, 473 Commercial street. 10-6t ' FO R 'S A LE-1571 ACRES ' LAND, vj-tj.-m 4, township 5, range 6,' on , 'eh'sl -m River, two and one-half t-c.VKon, feet of timber, 35 acres1 cul- uv'teu price uww, j. , huhku, 73 Commercial street DAIRY FARM; " 90 ACRES;' 45 -cows three horses, -including- cream separators and all farming imple ments j diked tide land; price, $20,000. Dairy farm, 250 acres; 100 cows, 8 work horses; principle part diked tide land; barn will accommodate 150 head of . cattle;, fully equipped with farming implements; price, $40,000. , .Chicken ranch; fine .house,, good barn and, complete apparatus for breeding chickens: 18 acres; all in cultivation; fineview of the ocean and forts; will pay 10 per cent on in vestment; price, $6000. ' Dairy farm;' 49 acres; diked tide land; 17 cows, 2 horses and wagdn; well equipped dairy farm; good house and barn; price. $10,000. ' 'V; Dairy farm; 20 acres; 10 cows, 2 horses, fine house and barn; on the Lewis and Clark river; price, $6000. A 25-acre farm at ' Svensen; one eight-room house; good barn, out buildings and brchard; partly improve ed; price,, $300ft"v- '" i; "' ' nairj farm," on ' the Lewis' and Clark river; ' 83 acres; 35 cows, 3 horses,-' large barn, good house and orchard; fully equipped with dairy machinery and farm "' implements; price, $20,000. 'J ." , , : : Dairy farm on ' the "Lewis and Clark rivr; 153 acres, diked tide land, 96 cows, 2 hbrseSj 'gobd houSe, barn and orchard; well equipped with dairy and fanning implements; price, $25,: Dairy farm ' on the. Lewis and Clark "river;- 137 acres;' principally iJked tjcle land; 35 cows, 10 yearlings; horses, two 2-year-old colts; large house, good . barn;, complete farming implements; price $25,000. House and jot on Young's Bay; 440 feet: waterfront; 40 lots, 50x100; 10 tots 25x100; 2 lots 35x100; 40 lots In block 34; price, $15,000. V ' Dairy farm on the Lewis and Clark river; .40 acres; diked tide land; 20 cows; 2 horses; 1 colt; good barn and house; well' equipped; price, $12, 000.,, ', . .-, J. - "j i t ); r ' Dairy farm'on the Lewis and Clark river; 153 acres; mostly diked tide land; 55, cows; 4 horses; good house: 10-4-tf ' Darn a"d orchard; three living springs ELECTION NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of November, 1908, a primary nominating election for the city i of Astoria will be held, at which the fol lowing named Officers will be nomt nated, and that on the 9th day of De cember .1908 a general election .for the city of Astoria will be held, at which election the following named Omcers will be elected to-wit;- One Mayr of said city for the term of two years from the first Mon dav in lanuarv 1909. One Treasurer of said city for the icrm 01 iwo years irom me nrst won day in January miy. ' ; i One Auditor and Police ; Judge .of said city for the term of two years from the first Monday in January One Attorney of said city for the term of two years from the lirst Mon day in January 1909. One Superintendent of Streets of said city for the .term of two years from the first Monday in January 1909, .: Oat City Surveyor of said city for the term of two years from the first Monday in January 1909. - One councilman at large of said city for the term ,of two years from the first Monday in " January 1909, One Councilman for the first ward for' the term of four years from the first Monday in January 1909. , One Councilman for the first ward for the term of two years from the first Monday in January 1909. One Councilman for the second ward for the term of four years from the first Monday in January 1909. . One Councilman for the second ward for the term of two years from the first Monday in January 1909. On, Councilman for the third ward for the term of four years from the ! first Mnmlav In Tanuarv 1909. 1 MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL One Councilman for the third ward kinds done at the Astorian Office' f"' the term of two years from the HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRICKSON BROS.-We make ", a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. T FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR TR ADE-De Leave! Separator No. 2j practically new. W. Wallingford, 'Warrenton. ll-12t FOR SALE-12 DAIRY COWS. In quire at Glenwood Station, or post office address Warrenton, Herbert & Poole; J l i,: "- ; 9-17-tf LOOSE J LEAF 1 LEDGERS ALL hkinda made by The J. S. Dellinger Company. v YOUNG ; DELIVERY HORSE j SSg?& K 3 for saleArnquiiVat this office. 15-3t for the term of fouryears from the j 1 1 i, .(I first Monday in January RESTAURANTS. , One Councilman for the fourth ward Nwwwwi. tor the term ot two years Irom- tne THE O. K. CHOP HOUSE, 12TH first Monday in January J909, street below Commercial: short order! and oysters at all hours; good service. 10-lftlm DO YOU , LIKE HOME COOK- ing? Tf so, "try the Golden Gate Restaurant, '112 1 Eleventh street One Police Commissioner of the city for the term Of six years from the first Monday in January 1909. One water commissioner at large of said city for the term of eight years from the first Monday irt January 1909. ; . - :' ' One water commissioner for the first ward for the term of eight years WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; " wiirht shout 1250 nounds: not over if extended a sufficient distance North a .u. ... k. a ka ....1 c...K !.., th. Nrth and 0 w,u' ",H" pnu oomn 10 intersect ins wiu " - . . , . .i.,,,. j, South boundary line of said city, and entle, also city broke. Address As the polling place for said precinct torlan office, 6--"- shall be The Basement in the County Court House, and the Judges of elec tion for said polling place shall be J. V. Burns, F. L. Evans, and C R. TTitrcins. and the Clerks shall be Geo. II. Ohlcr and A. J. C. Schroeder. Registration and Polling' Precinct Number 4, shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria lying be tween the East line of Precinct num-1 ber 3, and the center line of 14th street if extended a sufficient distance 1 North and South to intersect the North and South boundary line of PROFESSIONAL CAEDj. ATTQRNEY8.AT.LAVV GUSTAF A. HEMPLE Attorney-afLaw 1 Suite 9-10 Odd Fellows' Building Tenth and Commercial Streets CHARLES ABERCROMB1E, AT- said city, and the polling place for torney at Law, City Attorney. said 1 precinct ahal be the ; hall in the Offices : City Hall. . A. O, U. W. Building and the Judges of election for said polling place shall JQm Q McCUE( ATTORNEY AT be C O. Palmberg, C, C. C. Rosen- ' .' . , . . , berg, and C. . W. Spriggs. and the; L- Building,' Suite 4, Clerks shall be J. T. VVallEce and T. ,,., ...,.,.,, k R. Davlcs. HOWARD M.. BROWNELL, AT Registration and Polling Precinct ' torney , at Law, Deputy District Number 5, shall include all that por Attorney. 420 Commercial Street . 1 tlon of the city of Astoria lying be-! . -- tween the East line of Precinct num OSTEOPATHS. 'I DR. RHODA C. HICKS, OSTEO path. Office: Manscll Bldg., Phone Black 2065. 573 Commercial StrccfN DENTISTS Pythian Building Astoria, Oregon. Tfrffl$XXD E SI T 1 S'fi Commercial Street, Shanahan Bldg. ber 4, and the center line of 23rd street if extended a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boundary line of said city, and the polling place for said Precinct shall be The Astoria Motel, and the Judges of election for said Precinct shall be W, E. Schimpff, A. D. Garner and A. Scher nackau, and the Clerks shall be C. J. Trenchard and G. Ziegler. Registration and Polling Precinct Number 6, shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria lying be tween the East line of Precinct num ber 5 and the center line of 35th street if extended a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boundary line of said city, and the polling nlace for said Precinct; shall be Engine House number 3, and the judges of election for said Pre cinct shall be Harry Jones, Al. Lein enweber; and L. Larsen, and the Clerks shall be Thomas Davis and E. ' Hauke. . I Registration and Polling Precinct EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE numucr , imn mciuue an mat por- erArm . St.. ri ... tlon of the city of Astoria lying East er' fUr C,,r S,or- of the East boundary line of Precinct Phon B1"! 8383 Rea. rhone Red 227& . Bund Corner Htb mi Commercial X)IRECTORY. -ill.... '! ua MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special Delivery PkM. f w 1.. & :-- . nrsi wara lor me term c BpeC.a.xy rom the fifst Monday in January 01 preparing suppers tor lodge ban- 1909. quets or private parties, and also One send out meals. 10-4-tf water commissioner for the U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 BOND street "Coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; first-class meals, 15'cents., ,, on place; price, $15,000, first ward for the term of four years from the first Monday in January ,1909.'' ' " , , . One water commissioner for the , second' ward for the term of eight ' years from the first Monday in Janu- 'arv 1909. TOKIQ RESTAURANT, 351 Bond One water commissioner for the street, opposite, Ross, Higgins & second ward for the term of four Co.; coffee with pie or cake, 10 cents; j;Jr,1om tM "r" 'Monaay m Janu" first-class meals; regular meals 15 . One water1 'commissioner for the cents and Up., . . ''.''.' third ward for the term of eight years the first Monday m January number 6, and the polling place for said . rrccinct shall be the ' Mess House at McGregor's' Mill. 'and the Judges of Election for said Precinct shall be L. Agrcn, Axel Finney, and John Enberr, and the Clerks shall be W. I . O'Brien, and Ole B. Olcsen. The Judge first mentioned shall be the Chairman of the Judges of the polling place for which he is mention- ed. ...... ..' ., .. Each elector of the city shall vote only within the precinct in which he is registered. - OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, October 10th 1908. , ... . lOt TRANSPORTATION. The "K" tint PASSENGERS . FREIGHT Steamer - Lurline NOTICE. Notice ill herhv oivfn that th ricr. istration books of the city of Astoria ttWht Rnat Vn pAl.n4 .. J for the primary nominating election mai COM Mr FOrtUad and to be held in said city Monday, the WlT L&ndlnfft 9th day of Nov. 1908, will be opened 7 4aoaiBS' at the office of the Auditor and Police 1.,.,. . . . ,. - . ' Judge in the City Hall, on Tuesday, Astoria daily eacept Sunday at 7 p.m. , HELP WANTED FEMALE, i from , , VIA j One water commissioner, for the WANTED Kind elderly ... lady to third ward for the term of four years . take care of baby; good home. ' For ffom the first Monday in January particulars apply this office. 10-10-tf . 19r?' t;'l . . . ''i y J "1 One water commissioner for the fourth ward for the term of eight years from the first Monday in Jan- SPECIAL-TH1S WEEK ONLY, I . -"..'''" 4. . ,. , vnui,, ,Qnc water commissioner for the : bepia cabinet photos, rough , or . fourth ward for the term of four smooth surface, at $4.00 per dozen. ' years from, the first Monday in Jan Carter Studio. Hairer Theatre h;M. . uary, 1909. , , c PHOTOGRAPHERS ing. i9-27-lm . , ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. ASSESSOR'S NOTlCE-(EQUALI- 1 zation of 1908 Assessment).- To the iTaxpayers of Clatsop 1 County, Oregon: Notice is hereby that the Board of Equalization for Clatsop County, Oregon, will convene at the Clerk's -office at the Court House in Astoria on the 19th dayof October, i908; the same being the third Mon day in said month and the time fixe4 by law for the meeting of said Board of Equalization,' which will continue its sessions from day to day, exclu sive' of Sundays' and legal' holidays, until the examination and correction and equalization' of 'the - assessment rolls for said year shall be completed which said Board will continue in session for one month from said date, unless" the'' labors .thereof are' sooner completed. Petitions ' or applications for the reduction of a particular as sessment shall be made in ; writing, verified by the path 'tJ the applicant or his attorney ' and filed .' with the Board during the' first week it is" re quired by law to' be in session, and any petition or application ' hot" ,:so made, verified and filed 'shall- hot be considered or acted . upon ' by" the Board. '.'.':,'.'.;;"', 7' J'i;,:a.'7 j ::t: 'S'. CORNELIUS; Assessor for Clptsop County, Ore. That the polls for said primary nominating election shall be opened at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, on the 9th day of November, 1908, and remain open until the hour of 7 o'clock, p. m. that day, at which time they shall be closed. . !; , And that the polls for said general election shall , be opened at the hout of 9 o'clock, a. ml on the 9th day 01 December 1908, and shall : rema.n open until the hour df 6 o'clock p m. that day,, at which time they shall be closed. . . . . That the following described regis tration and polling precincts, and vo ting places therein are hereby estab lished, and the follqwing named per sons are hereby appointed as judges and clerks of said polling places and for said - Primary Nominating and genera : election, to-wit; ; , - Registration and Polling Precinct Number 1, "shall include all that por tion of the city of Astoria lying West of the center line of 2nd street if ex tended .North and South a- sufficient distance to intersect the North -and South Boundary lines' of said City. The polling place for said.'3 predinct shall be Suomf Hall, "and 'the Judges Chas. Wilson, and the clerks shall be of election'.' for : said precinct shall be Karl Knobloch, Leander Lebeck, and Frank Norberg and Walter, Kallnnki. Registration and Polling Precinct Number 2, shall include all that por tion of . the city of Astoria lying be tween the Cast line' "of Precinct Num ber 1, and the center line of 5th street if extended, a sufficient distance North and South ' kd intersect the North and South boundary line of said city, and the polling place for said Precinct shall be Engine House Number 1, at the corner of 4th and Astor streets and the Judges of Ele ,tjon for said the 20th day of .October,. 1908, and will be closed for said primary elec tion on the 5th day of November 1908, at the hour of 4 o'clock, o. m. said registration books will be again opened on Saturday the 14th day of November 1908, for the general elec tion to be held in this city on Wed nesday the 9th day of December 1908, and will be closed on I'ridav the 4th day ot December 1908, at the hour of Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Leavee Portland Dally Except Sunday t 7 a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Bertha ' 4 o'clock, p. m. All persons must reg ister jn order to be entitled to vote, OLOF ANDERSON, 77 Auditor and Police " Judge of the Cit- of Astoria, Oregon, i Dated at Astoria, Oregon, October 10th 1H)8. . - l()t Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J-J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27o laundries; i .rjUDESTAKm WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt TROY LAUNDRY Ttnth and Duane Phone Main 1091 Kh J . J.A, OILHAUOH & CO.. Undertaker wdi Embalniera. j i EperlencU , Laity AsHlHtant ! ; 1 ; When DeMlred. jt'allH Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tattoii ndjf. lath and DuaueStN ... ASTORIA. OUE.UON I'hone Main 2111 ) !' . ' 1.-;, MISCELLANEOUS. Unprecedented Successes of , M n nrc urn it i in i. hrr tui -i win v Ubb II W THB G2IAT Plate Racksr,..Wiill.PDckets,! Music,Ra.cks, Clock Shelves L,Pf . "iJSm Old i Bee Hive Bldg. M wcount of his won- rugs I 1 II JAPANESE u 5ft30ppsj;.;.v,.v.; . Fancy Tea Sets and""Fnie China Ware of all kinds, . i, t; Bamboo , Furnitu e ,: made right here and warranted. , dc-ful cures.-,, No -poisons 'or d j used. He guarantees to cure catarrh, i -sinma, ning and , throat trouble, -! rhe"matism, nervousness, stomarti liver - and kidney,- female complaints, and all .chronic diseases. : ' SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symp- ' torn., blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stampl X , ' THE C. GEE WO MEDlCTNTr r.n 1 ' 162J First St., Corner Morrison ' ' PORTLAND, OREGON r Please mention the Astm-iVi