When. Sammy, Turned Detective By Mbel Herbert. Coiyrij;htr, t,y Associated Literary t'tv, ' ' ;; 1 liaised upon a dint of Blbllonl liters tun until bo bud passed hit eighth year, gammy Templo took eagerly to the otckvt novola wlwu at ist knowl eTW of their exlatonct was communi cated to blni, First he IlkeiJ tbt lories of tuou who tailed strango craft til tbe sky above, the earth, bolow or In the water under tho carta, i " Later tuw were as naught besldt the bold detective wbe could arrest bend of counterfeiters tingle handed end who ran murderer to forth Just to Keep in practice for greater things, Captain Beggs, the Military town con stable, at once became a more Impor tant figure than Bon Dwyer, who ran the tingle engine which constituted the motive force on the little branch line, (tommy had liked to dream of the day when bo should-be an en gineer, toolud would bave.qharge of the great Iron steed, , ; i s .. He bad planned to sneak past the twitch at tho junction tome nlgbt and run down the main line clear out to California, or maybe to Mexico, or tip to the gold field of Alaska. A fel low could go anywhere on an engine like that. But after "The Boys' Own" and the detective book the engine, tied to Its Iron roudld, swmed tame. Dwyer was dciHXM'd from hie pedestal, and Beggs was Installed tbcroon, although be was only a constable, which la not at ell Mkn a reitl detective. Detectives art peojl who tell con stables when the bitter bare the right prisoner, and be looked forward to the day when he oould show bis badge and pay to Captain Hoggs: "Oslteer, there tands the man who killed Cyrus Blake. Arrest him!" lie was ready to bet that old Beggs would be surprised, nd bow the other fellows would stare! But meanwhile there were opir tunltles to do a little detective work bout the farm, and Sammy became .3 iMl hi... i ram cam mobs car&wiw and plkad- Iio. , : i vastly interested In the movements of Dave Ryder, one of the summer board ers at Caswell's, who would stroll osten tatiously toward tho village, only to be seen returning from the opposite direc tion an hour or so later. This action was auspicious. Detec tive Samuel took the trail, and, like the human bloodhound that bo was, be shadowed the sunpect. It was rather disconcerting to have Ryder turn after a tullu or more had been covered and rudely command him to be on his way. Ryder even called him ''little boy." Sammy's heart rose hot within blin, and he ' assured himself that Ryder mut bo n very rtcfipernte tirlrnlnnl. But practice makes perfect, and the time came when Sammy learned to maintain a safer distance between him self and the object of bis suspicions, and at luBt bo tracked him to bis lair. Tho lair was disappointing. It was not ft cave reached thrdugh a cunning ly hidden trapdoor. It waa not even a rude shack such as tho one In which Billy, the Silent Sleuth, found Pete romero, the head of tho train wrecking band. y.h a . ' k It was Just a little nook lu a bend of the creek, with a fallen log for a seat, and with bis own sister Lucy sitting there apparently waiting for the arrival of the desperado.' It was rathur disconcerting to find , one's own family mixed up In such af fairs, but duty Is dity, and Sammy wriggled as close as be dared and lis tened to the low murmur of conversa tion. It all seemed absurdly simple. Ryder was not planning a burglary. lie was klttslng Lucy many times, and between caresses they were discussing how best to approach her father on tho matter of their marriage. Judged by the stem, unyielding stand ards of Josliih Temple, Ryder was far too guy a young blade to be -trusted with Lucy, who was destined to marry n minister when her father could find a minister of whom ho could fully ap prove. Lucy fen red to let Ryder speak to her father lest she bo forbidden to see or speak to him.1 Ryder, on the other hand, was urging ber to consent to a test of fate, 'I feel like n scoundrel meeting you In the woods this way," he urged. ''If jwtir father rcfimcs to give his con sent, then w will elope." Lucy shook her betid lu dismay. "I couldn't do that!" she cried, "It Would break father's heart," "Bettor bis heart than yours," tug Rested Ryder selfishly. Then came more caresses and pleading, and Bam my, tired of inch talk, wriggled softly through the brush, and beaded for hs?i, He bud been wasting alt bis time on ft pair of silly lovers when be might bare been' ' better. occupied - with - Ms books. ' ;V V As h turned Into the yard bis fa ther called to blut from the porch, "Did yon read your chapter of Jose- phusr... . . f-v- r--(. Sammy's fact grew long with dis may; Josephus was dull reading for a ten-year -old, but It was ft duty, like watering the stock and feeding the chickens. In bis eagerness to trail Ryder he had forgotten all about It ; '.'What were you doing?" continued tho old man. i 1 "I was dowff by the creek," explain ed Sammy uncomfortably. "And what were yon doing ?down there V came the prompt question, ' Bammy was no' George Washington, but tbo habit of truth was, strong with in blra, , "I wanted to see what Dave Ryder was doing down to the creek," be ex plained, i; ; "And what was ho dolngt' asked the elder,5,? ,f - "Kissing Lucy," was the startling re sponse, and the old man sprang from bis chair In sudden anger. Bit by bit he forced the frightened lad to tell all he could remember of the conversation. He found relief In the statement that Dave wished to marry Lucy, but bis lips tightened angrily as Sammy explained that they both feared to broach the subject to blm. He nodded approvingly over Dave's reluctance to do his courting clandes tinely and again at Lucy's recusal to consider an elopement I ' " Sammy was startled when the Inqui sition was concluded at being released with only a mild reproof for not having read hla Josephus. He scampered around the comer of tbo bouse In a spirit of thanksgiving at getting off so lightly. When he had gone Josiah Temple re sumed bis seat and the contemplation of the dusty road that ran, river ot white, between the fields of grain. It was Mrs. Temple's favorite obser vation that "you couldn't count on Jo slab's moves no inore'n you could on a hens'," and now this contrariness was working In Lucy's favor. nad Rydei boldly demanded Lucy's hand In mar rtago t the, refusal ;would hare been prompt and emphatic H i,I,t was because Ryder anticipated a refusal that Josliih called to him as the young man . was plodding along the road, having made bit appearance through bit of woodland half mile beyond the place of the tryst ; s . , Ryder turn4 In at the Templo gate, wondering-If perhaps, after all. Jucy bad spoken iv spite of their decision to let matters rest awhile. Ho stood at the foot of the steps and doffed his bat In respect to the other's ago. "When I was a lad, said Joelah, with twinkle in hla eyea, "tt wai propcr.tc call on ft young lady, at her folks' an' not go sneaking off Into the woods. Too c'n como over tonight If you want to, I'll tell hef to expect ye." Joslnh watched Dave leave the yard after an unintelligible Jumble of apolo gy, thanks and explanation. ' "I fooled ye!" he ' cried' exultlngly after the retreating figure. ? And he laughed as though the Joke was on Ryder and Lucy. Whlttier's Pot of ButUr. Once, at the close of the midweek service held lit the Friends' meeting houso ' Mr. Whittior was Inqulrlna where ho could got some fresh wade butter. The next morning he received a pot of the very best butter that Tond Hills could produce. The sender, Friend Ruth Challls, was rewarded by one of ttiose spontaneous poems with which he was wont to "burden" hl friends. The original copy of the poem hangs upon the wall of the homo of Ruth Chains' 1 granddaughter, who treasures the note, given In payment ot her grandmother's pot of butter, as not rcdoemnblo in silver or gold: , ;, , "Won! butter no pwtnlps," the old ad age aaya. And to fill up the trencher Is better than pralio. So trust mo, dear friend, that while eat ing thy butter v The thank that I feel are far mora than I utter. Kind Providence grant thee a life with out till. I ! ' May the cowt never dry up that teed on Pond hllla. May the cream never (all In thy cellar io ; cold v i ... Nor thy hand loss Its cunning to change It tO gold.- ; j . , , - Thrice welcome to htm who, unblest with ' a Wife, '- " I" . " Bits and bunglca alone with 4he ripped aeama ot lite, Is the womanly klndneia which pltlea hl .. fate And iowb on hit buttons or ftlla up hie plate.' ' V i . ; ' : ' And 8o She "Dldna." Perhnps it .was . because he was Scotch that bis temper was quick, but, whatever the reason, he lost it during a rush hour at the little country sta tion where he waa employed as portor, aud he told one lady 'near by that she could go to well, a place not down on the tlmo table. Quite iiuUi rally, she complained to the station master,, and it was he who sent Sandy Into t'.io waiting room to apologise for his strong language. lie found several Indies there, and, Tpt belnvr sure which was the she with wham Ithi business lay. he asked them all around whether ho had told her to go thero. The very last one answer r:l yes. , . . "Woel." said Sandy, "ye ncedna." t.lpplncott's., The Chlmne, Where wood Is much n'd as fuel, according to Suburban Life, ruinddera ble soot collects in the chimneys, and It Is a souree of many fires. The chim ney should be burned out otic a year t least and ths work done on a datfp day, or It may be swept out A chim ney is burned out by placing a bundle of straw of similar material In the bot tom of the flue and firing It To sweep out chimney a small metal ball about four Inches In diameter Is bung on a thin rope and pulled up and down In the chimney until It Is clean. When not too blgn, the chimney can t clean d by ji brush on a jointed pol. ' H 1 1 Birds list Play. ' ' Mom birds, like all children, like to play, and Australia and New Guinea product the "bower bird," which builds regular playhouses, Th houses art not part of their nests, but are con structed usually in the shape) of cov ered archways of little, bough two or three feet long, eighteen Inches high nd about at wide. They as these houses filmply for;, their garnet, as If they ert clubhouses. Generally these playhouses are decorated with bright colored 'shells and feathers. Just s children decorate their playhouses. , Lucky Future Generations. There Is a saying of Carlyle that tbt greatest hope of our world lit In tbt certainty of heroes being born Into it That it indeed a glorious certainty, but the reference might be enlarged. Birth itself, we venture to say, not of heroes only, but of the generations In their succession, is the infinitely hopeful thing. It Is the guarantee that the world will never grow old; that It will never stand still: that no bait Is to be called In Its eternal progress. Chris tian World. ' ' Sure 8!(jn. "Don't sell that man another drink," ordered the boss. ' .' ' ' ; "He's alt right", argued the barkeep. "He ain't full." ' "No; but he's beginning to tell what a nice family be comet of." Louisville Courier-Journal, , ; Foley's Honey and Tar cures Coughs quickly, strengthens the lungt and expels colds. Get the genuine in a yellow package. T. F, Laurln, Owl Drug Store. 'i HWlAlli! A f : w doees tS tlils remedy will Ia arkbly curt m ordluary svtUck ft diarrhoea. ' It can always be depended epon, even in tht more severe attacks cf cramp colio and cholera morbus. It is eqnallTsneoeeeful or ettmiae diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When rednced with water and sweetened it is plea ant to take. Every man of family should keep thi remedy in his home. Bay it now, Price, 25c. . LarobSizs, 60o. A Jewelert Experience - C. R. Kluger, the jeweler, 1060 Virginia avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., writes:, "I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the ir regularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Rem edy to all sufferers, as it cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. invr' im) ir itv if i p i r Jr. ItS 'r J r.- U , ,t IM5Ui:flMM!:U!Gj . H IE.;. IN bWK OR MANY C0L63 j ARGtf 'FACILITIES IN, Tills' WEST' FOR. THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK ims At UW at tA&Tim HOUttl litfciji the if , 'V oy of tho harpy homes of to-day U rsst fund of ! " )nnm n U t Lt wotl.O'Js of promoting liilth and happiness and riit livir. aud knuwIeJV of lie wotlJ's bot products.' Products of actuiJ exfcUcnce and reasonable claims truthfully presented ad which have attained to worldwide ftcceptanoe through t'a epptoval of the Wt'J-Informed of the World; not of indi viduals only, but of ths many who have the bappy faculty of selecting and obtain-' mg the beat the world affords. " One of the products of that c!ms, of k;nowa component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physfw'aos and com mended b the Well-informed of the Worldas a valuable and wltolemme family bmtlve is the well-known Syrup of Figs and JClixir of Scmna. To g"t its bcnelkU eiTects always buy the genuine, nianu-1 factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug&'sts. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND UTTON Vancouver Barracks, Wash,, September 16, 1908. Sealed proposals for furnishing and deliver ing fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning Jan. 1, 1909, will be received here and at offices of com missaries at Fort Stevens, Ore., Boise Barracks, Idaho, Forts Casey, Colum bia, Flagler, Lawton, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden and Wright, Wash., until 10 a. m. October 16, 1908, and then opened. Envelopes containing proposals should be in dorsed, "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton to, be opened October 16, 1908," and addressed to cornissary of post to be supplied, or to Lieutenant Colonel George B. Davis, Chief Com missary. ... Chinook and Iiwaco. The launch Hulda I. will leave on the tide, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, two round trips, for Chinook. Landing at Lurline dock for freight and passengers. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for Iiwaco, with freight and passengers. CAPT. JOHN HAACBLOM.. ...-. . 104-tf Oysters. ;., Bay " Center Oyster House,, 420 Bond street. Oysters wholesale and retail. George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf IILffiY SALE ! . v 'f:! s i ; ' .' -." PATTERN: jhats . ; La Mode 682 Commercial St. ' ' ' 'rf ' R0 YEARS .FVOCDICMri! 6 Tn irir ll riKO I ' DESIGM3 , CCPYRIGHT3 lC. 'Knrme ifndfnq kor h nn rtwMTintion mny ni,kiT otKiermm mir oi'imuu froe wliomer no 'iiTntlon t v.hnMr T.m"f',e. Coiitnnuntpft. t.ninnrj-ii-tlylxHill.J.HiUHl. HANllf'.tifX otll'stcnu viit fr.w. Oiilcwt nueni-r f,r Hfmring iwtenia. l'aienil ti!in 'uro.ieli Ulunii A C4. reoelrf n-idi iuxu, without chnro, lu the l nn!omIr llhutmtw! worttr. I.enrert rtr iiIMIiii ( any rientl)o JonrnU '1 erivt. S3 fmt; f mir tuonliu, SL Sol bj r,il newndoaler f;j:;KCo'Brnjcri BrMich OiUim. T St. Washliwcon. D. C DAINTY CHINA ' is a necessity to the careful house keeper. If your stock is inadequate you will find this a splendid oppor tunity for supplying your wants. We have an amazingly FINE COLLECTION of. beautiful China. Fancy dishes in exquisite new designs, Tea-pots, Cups and Saucers, Salad Bowls, Platters, etc. j , We have just received two more patterns in Decorated Dinner Ware. frrf1 1 WW I'TfTfj! fin ?teiri8 j ,,-aUJatnrslSiM w ' l.tsiWiarii ' ' ' ' 01 i SE A JLJ ill Unfermeiited Grape Jisice " absolutely noa-alcoLolic Concord 5oc quart Catawta... Coc qyart Welch's Grape Juice Nips 10c ' AMER CArJ;'iHFORTKIG;C CCD Cc22iserd?J Street, ...... .1 John ton, Pres. F. L. Bishop, ' Nelson Troyer, ASTORIA . IRON " VORKS ' - DESIGNERS AND OF THE LATEST Canning MacMscryMariiie Engines mi BaSkrs COMPLETE CANNERY , Correjjxmdence Solicited. . ; 0 W BAY BRASS & 111 Mil ASTORIA, OiiEGON . Iron and Brass Founders, Up-to-Pate Sawmill Machinery 18th and Franklin Ave. --'.-Sherman Transfer Co." Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked ' W.nk. l.J - I 43S CommOTdftl ttman - WWW Www W I TP f-m ,TREOTON 4 I ..-.a ... f Fint-CIass Liquors andDCijJan' . CC2 Commercial Street, I Corner Commercial and Hth. - ASTOS1A. C2.ZZ0U ti'4wwkwww444tw-ww'w'wttw4itt-ii I t '.STEEL &, EWART. ;, Electrical Contractors Phonelllain 388 1 . . . 426?Bond5Strcet You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? . . Porttand't -Leading Business .College" ,;'-,..-.. offers such' to you and at' no gttater cottbaa an inferior . school. Owners practical teachers ' '' More Calla-than w caa . fill Teachers aotual husiness men ; In session the entire year Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking -M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. EOSSFF'N, Zo-y. Fisher Brothers Company; SOLE AGENTS Marbourand Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting ' ' 'McCormick Harvesting Machines". vf ;.n . i i , Oliver Chilled Tloughs : . , Sharpies Cream Separators , " . Raecolith Flooring ' ' ' Storretf'a Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic" Acid, Welch" Coal, Tar, . Ash Oars, Oak Lumber pipe and Fittings, Brass GW Faints, Oils and Glass ; . Fishermen's Pure Manilla, Rope, Cotton Twine and Seim- Web Wo Wont Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET Subscribe to .Thellorninrr Astorian I Sec Astoria Savin-s B-eus. Treaa. Vice - Pres. and Supt MANUFACTURERS IMPROVED ... OUTFITS FURKISIISa : . , Foot of Vogtfb giit .Land and Marine Engineers. Prompt attention given to all repair work. TeL Mala 2451 and Transferred Tracks si Vml'sm J T ... J a r a -'J - Mala Thorn &f ' ("t.J.t!-f - J i? J-f--a u m