The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 09, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    Fill DAY, OCTOBER 0
m Gil OF
A Significant Hlatory.Maklng Mv
mnt by th United State.
Faolfie Ocean Cared to Amsrtcft by
Robust Policy ot Espubllcan
! Tarty, , .
'lliu i.rwnt world cruise of Aimtrl
can warships la oiu uf the moat Inter
tstlna;, Important and far rcnruln. im-
rorniHitcra of any administration sine
the Civil War. Hlatory rhUm upon the
prow of the fiausulpa of tbla fleet
Elibty-flve millions of people bave for
months ben attempting to latorpret
thf movement and solve tbe problem
our gomntaeut la attempting to prop.
erly adjust by thla clrcuotnavlfatioa of
tbe globe. Whou frealdent Kooacvelt
first announced tbat the fleet of battle
ablpa t u to mnke the Ion Journey
from tbe Atlantic to tbe radllc Ocean,
tbe Democrata turned prophets of aril
and predicts many dlssstrous things
would follow aa a' ronscqvmr of tbla
unprecedented move.
Arm4n aaJ WurH Onlae.
Tbe armada took Itl departure from
Hampton Roads, I")ec. Id, 1007, and
after wholly successful royage around
tbe Horn, of about twelve , thousand
.: nil), It drnpMd anchor In San Fran
. cleco Harbor May 8, 10OA Tbo ablpa
tbnt form thp four dlvlalona of the fiwt
in tbla rw-ord maklng cruise are: Tbe
Connecticut. Loulsltiuu, - Mnliuv Mia-
aotirl, Georgia,' New Jersey, Ithoda lal
' and, Virginia, Alabama, llllnuls, Kear
aarga, Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota Ka
ana and Vermont, TO which were add
ed tbe Nebraska and tbe Wisconsin, al
ready In Puget Round, tbua making a
feet ef eighteen firnt-clatia modern
battleahlp In perfect condition.
There were already In tbe Pacific
and Oriental watnra tho fine armored
cruiser Weat Virginia, Colorado, Ma
, ryln4 and .Pennsylvania.,. Their two
later ablpa. tbo California ana Routu
Dakota, were alo on tbe Pacific, and
the powerful Washington and Tennea-
aee went from the Atlantic to join the
armada, tbua making eight armored
crulaera to bo added to the eighteen
battleship. In addition there were In
tbe Pacific several protected crulaera,
gunboats and other lesser craft All
told there were ten hundred and fifty
officers and nineteen thouaand Ave ban
dred icea.
In due time the main fleet of war
ships resumed Its western course and
will touch at the leading ports of China
and Australia, pawing on east by way
"of tbe weat, and coming Anally to Mal
ta awl Gibraltar, where it will coal
and ultimately return to ita atartlng
point at Hampton Roads, some time
tarly next February. ;
In this expedition the Republican
party baa a policy Which projects Itself
far into the future, but It la an entire
misunderstanding of the whole schema
to suppose that It Is timed narrowly
or definitely at any single power. It Is
one of those robust constructive poli
cies of tbe party gauged on world Hues.
It Is more of a notification than a
threat, to all existing government.
Weldlag North a4 Heath Aeaerle.
, The eyes of tbe world have followed
our fleet with absorbing Interest. One
of the great advantages gained by tbla
crulae la the cordial welcome and close
acquaintance which It baa evoked from
the governments and peoples of tbe
chief republics of Latin America. To
tbe Brazilians, the Argentines, tbe Chi
liana and the Peruvians, the mighty re
public of the north had been merely a
name or a dim figure, powerful and
honored perhaps, but not actually
known. For yeare there had been lit
tle or a visible evidence of the wealth,
or authority of tbe United States, In
the chief South American porta. But
they were all visited by swift .and
etstely liners, flying the flags of tbe
maritime powera of Europe,
At every South American port the
fleet, our navy, our government, our In
stitutions, our people our alma, our
Industries, our trade every conceivable
thing that la ours, bave been dlaeuased
as they never were before, and that
without suspicion of our political and
diplomatic Intentions. . One business
house tn New York states that Ita
South American correspondence baa In
creased fourfold since the fleet vlaltod
Rle Janeiro, la thla cam It aeoms that
trade may follow the battleahlpa.
Prlt Reoaevtflt lata. Moth
In a statement In a speech he made
in St. Louts, President Boosovelt took
the public Into Ma confidence to a de
cree when he said: "California, Ore
gon and Washington have a coast line
which la our coast line Just as emphat
ically aa the coast line of NewYork and
Maine, of Louisiana and Texas. Our
fleot Is going to Its own home waters
in the Pacific and after a stay there It
will return to Its' own home waters
In tho Atlantic. Tho beat place for th
imval C'fflcer to learn his duttea is at
sen, by performing them, and only by
actually putting through a voyage of
thla nature, a .voyage .longer" than 'any
""one before undertaken by an laruo a
fleet of any nation, can- we find out
Just exactly what Is necossary for m to
know as to our naval needs and prac
tice our officers and enlisted men In
the highest duties r' thetr profession
Awakening i( Orient. ,
The Pacific Ocei.n la recognised by
all far seeing state nnon is tbe thoater
of (lie world's coming g-cat struggles
fcr mliltcry and romMir!ll atiafery.
Whin Chios ilit.ifs( t tbe degree
tlmt Japan Is nuw awake, events pass
ing tbe power of the imagination to
Coucolr will take place.
Aa to tho palliative and benenVuiit
effect thla cruise may have on China
and Japan, there can be but one opin
ion. Wlillt Uncle Sam was little con
cerned about tbo rumor to the effuct
tiiat Japan was about to descend upon
the Pblllpjilnce, or possibly to make a
domonatrutloit off our Pacific count, yet
bu did desire, and perhaps is In a
poHltloa to Insist, that tbe Open Ior
policy be maintained la China. Japan
has apparently never (pea jilto recuiv
cJW to llilb fvllcy, and ( M to u.ra
worked to establish la China tbe poli
cy of "spheres of Influence." To this
America, with Kuropeaa notions, strcii
uoutily ohJiM'tml mid docs still object.
This Open Door policy stands as a
world monument In diplomacy to tbs
constructive genius of the Republican
party. William Howard Taft is in full
sympathy wltb this constructive policy.
Mr, Taft oa bis Isst trip to tbo
Orient was given such an enthusiastic
reception at Shanghai, China, as was
never befort accorded to any visiting
statesman by otllclala of ths Celestial
Kingdom. On that occasion Mr. Taft
made a poech which, la spits of its
gonial tone ami cautious phrasing, was
at ones recognised as of th highest
International Importance. Said be:
DOOR, l bs BMulescnc lu this poli
cy of all the tmtlotui Interested has
been so ouhcaltiUIng and emphatic that
It Is hardly worth while to epeculate
as to bow far the United States would
go In the profivtlon of Ita Chluce
trade. This feeling la llkly to
And esninl.i:i in the action of thu
American government The United
States and the ether powers favor the
Open Door, ami If they ar wise they
will encourage the empire to take long
steps In administrative and govern
mental reform." .
So we hnvo not far to seek for an
other very powerful reason for th!j
world crnl of our fleet. Mr. Taft
simply announced In diplomatic lsn
guage that thla cruise Is Intended to
say that Jhe Open Door policy will be
maintained nt acy price, lis is In
thoro!!!ih sympathy with thi alert eon
atrtictlve policy of the Republican
parly. He Is one of Its chief exponents.
Perfection ot Dlarlplla.
the eye of the nation st home wers
This world cruise of the mlshty .P. j method which hav built up an nor
mnda of sixteen ships of tbe line bas nm and ever increasing indebtedness
been, and la bctnfc. conducted with a for tbs city of New York ar to be rs
preclslon worthy of the An traditions ;garded as an illustration of th Demo
of American seamanship which speaks ! era tic economy which Bryanlam would
tn highest praise. Every man, from establish in Washington,
officer to common sailor, bos felt that , . - -
following him, and that however moil-1" ""V" "
eet bla altuation, be must bear himself 77?.. ! '
worthily a an American sailor, in the ta n aignt roter, Repub
stoutest jtmdron that ever flew the; "can or Democrat; who is not glad
Stars and ltrlc, i that Bryan's free silver scheme of 1893
, There Is no question but tbat this I was defeated and Bryan, as its cham-
crulao will lc noted by all comment-: pion, overwhelmingly rejected in the
tors, of the future i one of the miwt 'election of that year7 It Is safe to as
remarkable hnpi.cnlngs of any age:Buni0 tnat of n WB() TOt0(j f0r Bryan
Even though the American people have f ar0 now lhflt bt
not fully ubdcrsutid the slgnlncan., ! worki
when a the facta r known, It will i , , : . , . (-
h. nil to hv- W one of the dla. : ,n,Bfta wa aved from Ba,n '?
tlnctlve acta of statcsmanHhlp of the
present Republican administration. Mr.
Taft Is the man to continue this his-
tory-maklng policy of tbe Republican : and third rate countries In which sll
party. i ver Is the standard. Tbe evlla result-
There Is a remarkable unanim
ity of opinion of Judge Taft In
nil parties and In all sections.
Men pay tribute to his remark
able ability even where party pol
itic may exort such an influence
as to demand the espousing of
the rival presidential candidate's
caiwe. As an illustration W.
Bourke t'oi kran In an Interview
at Ronton the other day snld :
i.; "Yes, I ahull support Bryon; ho
la the best candidate the Demo
crats could put up Taft, how
ever, la the greatest and best
qualified nominee erer offered In
any republic in tho world. He Is
a greater man than Roosevelt,
, and , when surrounded by the
some environments that made
Roosevelt great will prove a big
ger man. Taft la a wonderful ad
ministrator, the greatest the
country has over aeen, and Is n
wonderfuf worker." ,
Dniuooratle laeowiatenx.
The Democratic leaders have been
for years making loud declarations
against corporations and trusts and
railroads and have, nevertheless, in
stituted no legislative steps In all this
time for the purpose of restraining
abuses. They are now Indignant that
the Republican party, In carrying out
tho promises of Its own platform, Is
putting Into practice the principles
which they, with a super aclf-compla-ceney,
claim are really covered by a
Democratic pntont. Hon. Wui. H. Taft,
at Greensboro,' North Carolina.
Society In Sound.
In1 spite of tin general comfort, ther
have been made manifest by hIriis not
to be misunderstood, a quickening of
tho public conscience and a demand for
tho remedy of abuses, the outgrowth of
this prosperity, and for a higher stan
dard of business Integrity. Kvery lover
of his country should have n feeling ot
pride and exaltation In this evidence
that our society la still sound at the
core. Hon. Wm. H. Taft, ai Columbus,
I'ropus to lilt tbe Afnerli'da 1'ouple?
The httxy ludcllullimiKS wbi' b char
iclcriziD Ilryau's utt'raucc; wbua be
talks about what he would do with
i United fslak-s government should
tho American people ducide to let blw
nimikoy wltb It is etendli)g to other
ploadcis for the Rryanlt cnuao. Jud-a
Morgan J. O'llrlou in his address to
th New York Democratic stats con
vention said:
"If returned to power tbs Republican
party must Increaas ths tariff or resort
to now and untried met hods of taxa
tion to meet th extravagant expendi
tures which Its policies Involve, thus
placing greater burdens on tbe people.
"Tbo Democratic party," add Judge
O'Brien, "Is united In favor of econ
omy la public expenditures and ear
reney reforms."
Wby not define wber the Demo
cratic cut down in expenses Is to be
gin And end?
Do th Democrats propose to cut
down by abolishing th rural free de
livery system? Very pountbly, for th
Democratic platform, on which Bryan
stands, Include ths carries on the
83.000 free delivery routes among
ths unnecessary officeholders whom
tbs Republican party bas Imposed on
the country. It is well, by th way,
that voters living on th rural free de
livery route should note this declara
tion la the Denver platform and pre
vent' Bryan from having a cbance to
make It effective.
Do tbs Democrats propose to econo
mic by stopping work on ths Panama
Does the Democratic policy of econ
omy contemplate the nullification of
the pure food and drug law and tho
meat Inspection law?
Do the Brynnlten propose to econo
mise on expenses for the improvement
of rlvt-re and harbors?
Does the Bryan programme of econ
omy contemplate curtailment of tbe
fumb now expended for the improve
ment of agriculture, the suppression
the Introduction and
propagation of useful plants and sim
ilar work?
Where Is tbe econmy t corns In,
then? Co definite, and let us know
Just where you mean to bit tte Amer
ican people, so that they can take
warning and action accordingly, -
In tbe meantime It may not be amiss
to inquire whether the Democratic
. . ,
, wa08 cut down ona-half la value and
that the United States was saved from
ainsing to tno icvei or a rew second
i Ing from such a condition are so near
1 ly Incalculable that tba failure of Bry
!an in 18!)0 may well be regarded by
tbe American people as their greatest
i blessing since tbs suppression of the
The progress of tbe nation' within
the past twelve years ia largely due to
the fact tbat Bryanlsm was bo em
phatically condemned and its standard
bearer routed when he confronted
American voters with the banner of
repudiation and financial dishonor.
Had the free silver platform been ac
cepted and Bryan Instead of McKlnlcy
elected it would bave taken many
years for American credit and Ameri
can commerce and industry to recover
from the blow and to get within ap
preciable distance of the prosperity
which baa been achieved under Re
publican rule with every dollnr worth
100 cents.
The fact that the country escaped
the peril of Bryanlsm twice In 1896
and 1900-ls no reason for too great
confidence tn face of the same danger
today. Bryan's character and purpose
are the same, and. although be offers
a different kind of bait to catch votes,
there is no difference in what he means
to do if he gets votes enough. Of the
crowds that listen to him with curiosi
ty, If not wltb credulity, many will
doubtless be drawn after him, as in
1800 and 1000. That be will be de
feated may be taken as certain, but It
would be highly Imprudent to be in
different on that account Every citi
zen Interested In preserving Anserlcan
finance. Industry and commerce from
the paralysis that the election of Bry
an would bring upon them should give
some personal time and effort to whi
ning votes for Taft and Sherman, can
didates of the Republican party for
president and vice president of the
United States, and thus give final no
tice to tho political unrlequln mnsquer
adlng In the garb of a degenerate De
mocracy that his occupation lu that
role is over and that he bus made his
last futile attempt to fool the Amcr
can people: .. '
Astoria Tlieatrcee.
' ' Oct 10
After the Make Be
lieve, Come the Real
Notable Tour of
iil S FiOLE'S
Thousands of Dollars Invested in
Ita Equipment
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Astoria Theatre
" Oct. 11
4 Corners of
The Earth
The Melodramatic
Hit; of the Season
A Pure, Wholeuome Story of Con
vincinf Power, Embracing the
Gamut of Human Emotions
PRICES ,....25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
Commercial and Ninth Street,
"The Good Old U. S. A."
This Theatre ia equipped with
the latest and most improved electri
cal Machines. Don't fail to see these
pictures. ,
ADMISSION 10c Children Sc.
By buying alleged bargains in unre
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Yon will find that by steadily dcalins
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Have you seen the fine display of
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a. & b aJ M fee a W M
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The iKcceyof the Kaa Francisco Exaa;kcr is
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per month delivered. , Subscribers not gctticg
papers regularly notify ns at once and' agent will
call. Quick delivery guaranteed.
Pioher Brothers Company
Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines tz4 Netting
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Oliver Chilled Ploughs
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Hardware, Groceries, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar,
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods,
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Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Sein Web
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Only All Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Twists. Two
daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates.
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Savings Deposits are received from $i up, on which - inter
est is paid. This form of deposit is of especial value in
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Our neat home savings banks, as an aid to saving, is loaned
free to those who want them.
The Banking Saving & Loan Assn.
First Jafional
W. F. McGregor
. J. W. Ladd S.S. Gordon. , ;
Capital $100,000
Surplus 25,000
Stockholders Liability . . . ; 100,000
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President
O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President
Transacts a General Banking Business
Four Per Cent. Per Annum
Eleventh and Duarte gts. Astoria, Oregon
r fADTOniA,'
0U3 KOTTO: "t;y Srcedcs AU Other Consideration."
"i Ar-
' -j ks Kj
IPs fi 1 9
1 i ii lit i n r, n
Dank of Astoria
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier
Interest Paid on Time Dcpos:t
rl(l"''V ;dtl "-"I - ' Friday XU1U:U;I 8.7I1()Ti8I 0.1 jv1 vr y- t .
liL33LijlLL? 8:jli57 Vt Vr.-L. y. J Astoria