TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0 dvertisement Mav Find What... WANT ADS--20 WORDS OR LESS 3 TIMES 25 CTS. TRY ONE THEY BRINQ RESULTS THE MOUNING ASTOHIAN, ASTORIA) , OREGON. Yoti ToDav's A YV 111 THE MORNING ASTORIAN WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Are Read Every Morning by 10,000 People. The Want Columns of THE MORNING ASTORIAN are con suited every morning by hundreds of persons in search of real estate bargains. Articles of sale, lost or found and people looking for em ployment Rates: Twenty words or less .three times, 25 cents; six times, 50 cents; one month, $2.00. HELP WANTED BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA pers. Apply Circulation Depart ment, Astorian Office. 9-17-tf WANTED LADIES AND MEN to wear our tailor-made clothes; perfection in fit and workmanship guaranteed. Osborne Tailoring Co. 10-4-lm MESSEKGEk BOYS WANTED -Apply Western Union Telegraph office. WANTED AT ONCE AN EXPER ienced saleslady; city employment and good wag's. Address Astorian, M.M.M. M-6-ft Boys wanted to carry papers. Ap ply Circulation Department, Astorian Office. 9-17-tf COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE TIMBER CLAIM, 160 acres; NS. 1-4, S. 24, T. 5 N., R. 7 W., Grand Rapids; 3,000,000 feet green timber; 1,000,000 feet dead tim ber; price $3000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. ' , 10-4-tf FOR SALE-1571 ACRES LAND, section 4, township 5, range 6, on Nehalem River, two and one-half million feet of timber, 35 acres cul tivated; price $6000. J. F. Nowlen, 473 Commercial street. 10-4-tf 42 ACRES OF TIDE LAND WILL be sold at $60 per acre if saKe is made at once. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street 9-26-tf FOR RENT HOUSES. A 6-ROOM COTTAGE; FOURTH and Exchange; also large house, corner 35th and Franklin. Apply. W. A. Sherman, 501 Duane. 9-26-tf GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE, 2415 Cedar, Alderbrook; also large house, corner 35th and Franklin. Apply W. A. Sherman, 501 Duane. 10-4-6t FOR RENT-AN 5-ROOM FLAT, on 14th street and Lexington; $12 per month; no children. Enquire A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth. 9-26-tf PHOTOGRAPHERS IT'S TIME TO THINK CHRIST mas photos. Carter has the best at prices that are right. Hager Theatre building. 9-27-1 m BUSINESS CHANCES. f FOR SALE-ROOMING HOUSE; 14 rooms; $400. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street. 9-23-tf FOR SALE-20-ROOM ROOMING house; $750; here is a chance for some one to make money; call and let me explain the proposition. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street. 9-J3-tf CITY REAL ESTATE. A LOT 50x100 SUITABLE FOR flats or an apartment house; $3000. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth St. 9-9-tf A SNAP, EIGHT-ROOM MOD ern house; 2 lots, price $3500; this is a bargain. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth. 9-26-tf FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK; the Waldorf, Kinney and Gribler, corner Eigth and Astor, two lots, 100x110; house 100x110, 40 rooms up stairs; 1 hall 40x100. J. F. Nowlen. 473 Commercial. 10-4-tf FOR SALE-ONE LOT, SALOON on Astor street; cozy corner; sa loon fixtures; price, $8500. Commerrcial. 7 furnished rooms; J. F. Nowlen, 473 10-4-tf WANTED IF YOU HAVE GOOD property you wish to sell, list it with me; nothing but good property wanted that , is worth the money asked- A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street. ' , 9-26-tf PRIVATE LESSONS. PRIVATE LESSONS IN FRENCH, German, English or arty subject in high school or grade work. 677 Ex change street. 9-28-12t LOST AND FOUND. WST-LADIEV " BACK COMB, with green settings, Saturday night or Sunday, on Bond or Commercial streets; reward. Return to 518 Bond street. RESTAURANTS. DO YOU LIKE HOME COOK ing?Vlf so, try the Golden Gate Restaurant, 112 Eleventh street, Phone M. 2791. We make a specialty of preparing suppers for lodge ban quets or private parties, and also send out meals. . 10-4-tf HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL SELL THE WHOLE stock or any part of it, or will ex change for ranch. Henningsen's Fur niture Store, 506 Bond. 10-4-6t FOR SALE-GASOLINE PLEAS- ure boat Call on Denny Cum mins, at Mug Saloon. 10-1-tf FIFTEEN ROLLER CANARIES for sale; fine singers; splendid birds. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Starr, 1765 Duane street, phone Black 2434. . 10-4-6t FOR SALE-TWO DONKEY EN gines; nearly new; gasoline launch 5 horse-power boiler and pump. A G. Chutter, 618 Commercial. 9-27-6t HEATING STOVES AT REDUC ed prices; we have a large number to select from. Zapf Furniture Hardware Co., 630 Commercial street 9-26-12t FOR SALE AQUAPELLE horse covers; any quantity and any size, at Gaston's Harness Shop, Fourteenth and Bond streets, Astoria. 10-3-6t FOR SALE-12 DAIRY COWS. In quire at Glenwood Station, or post- office address Warrenton, Herbert & Poole. 9-17-tf LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE.; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf. WANTED -WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you sell. Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 9-5-26t REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WA NTEDo'ElcCHANGE-Hood River fruit lands for a dairy ranch with stock. Van Dusen & Co., agents. HJ-4-Jt ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms for' rent. Enquire 677 Exchange street. 10-4-6t BUSINESS CARDS. PICTURES EN LREDAN D finely framed; also best upholster ing. Bob Davis, 59 Ninth St. 10-3-tf FOR SALE MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE, direct current, 500 volts; one al most new Fairbanks-Morse 6 h. p. slow speed; one T. H. 2 h. p.; one General Electric 1 h. p.; one. 30-light dynamo. Enquire at Astorian office. TJNDEBTAKEHS. J. A. GILBAUGII & CO., Undertaken! and Eiiiliuliners. Experienced Lady Anintant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bdg. 12th and Duane Sts ASTORIA. OKE.GON Phone Main 2111 MISCELLANEOUS. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED ROOM WITH BOARD in nice family, by young man, tem perate, quiet, references if desired; state full particulars. Address, Ed ward, Morning Astorian. 1 9-29-tf ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. f ASSESSOR'S NOTlCE-(EQUALI-aation of 1908 Assessment). To the Taxpayers of Clatsop County, Oregon: Notice is hereby that the Board of Equalization for Clatsop County, Oregon, will convene at the Clerk's office at the Court House in Astoria on the 19th day of, October, 1908, the same being the third Mon day in said month and the time fixed 1 by law for the meeting of said Board I of Equalization, which will continue its sessions from day to day, exclu-1 sive of Sundays and legal holidays,. until the examination and correction and equalization of the assessment j rolls for said year shall be completed which said Board will continue in j session for one month from said date, j unless the labors thereof are sooner completed. Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular as sessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath to the applicant or his attorney and filed with the Board during the first week it is re quired by law to be in session, and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Board. T. S. CORNELIUS, Assessor for Clatsop County, Ore. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. J.F. NOWLEN Real Estate and Employment Office 473 Commercial St, Phone Have fine list of Astoria and coun try property. All classes of labor furnished. LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 MISCELLANEOUS. ! Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE I Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store " rnone DiacK Rea. Phone Red 227R ! Stand Corner 11th an Commercial Plate Racks. Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrani & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. HOT OR COLD olden West ea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. liili Bin... JAPANESE GOODS Fancy Tea Sets and Fine China Ware of all kinds. , Bamboo Furniture made right here and made to last. PROFESSIONAL CARDi. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES II. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices; City Hall JOHN C. McCUE, Attorney-at-Law Page Building, Suite 4 HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law Deputy District Attorney 420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS Osieoctth 0ffice :v,gnse B,d phone Black 206J 573 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS DR. VAUGHAN Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR. W. C LOGAN Dentist Commercial St Shanahan Bldg. nUSINES3 DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS, TOKIO, RESTAURANT. 351 Bond Street Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta. FIRST-CLASS MEALS Regular Meals 15 Cta. and Up. U. B. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cta. Flrat-CUsa Meals, IS Cta. DENTISTS. We Kill the Torturing Demon . . , , , whose painful and agonizing pangs make life intolerable for the sufferer. It is but a matter of a moment to si lence the imp that causes the pain in the nerve. We practice painless ex traction and do it carefully. Also the rfpanitifr.anrl fillinrr tf ttU rKM I B ....... Q V. ...V.I. TVtl.l . V deem them worthy of saving. Our Our Crown and Bridge work demon- '8trat" our professional skill. En- fruat .mm t.tn ti na nrtA ..a.. ...ill never have cause to complain, either 0f the work or the charees. CHICAGO DENTISTS, Cor 11 h and Commercial Sts. Over Danziger's Store. TRANSPORTATION. The "K" Line PASSENGERS FREIGHT Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daily Except Sunday at 7 a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Bertha Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 276 WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes fates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. 7 v yi r-VvN. MEDICAL. , UnprwwueiiUd y 8uoom' ef ftt.ffEfl TEE GXXAT CMireSI DOCTC , . Wh b kTBw tl..nn.lintit ilia TTnllnil A: 3 States on aoeouat of L,fertiisiW wonderful wm No poim. or drugs uaeu He Uraav tees to euro catarrh, asthma, lun( aid nMn. stomach, Uw and kUaej. female corn- plaint, and all ehronle dieaes, SUCCESSFUL BOMS TRIATXZXT. It you cannot call write for symptoa t blank Mid circular, Ineloslng 4 watt t stamps. TEE C GEI W0 MSDICnfl CO, 1(2 first St, Comer Morrtaoa, PORTLAND, OaSCOlf. PWs mention the Astoria. MISCELLANEOUS. PI In! fc!HjJ. I carry the best Loaders' Shnefl in town at the low. snoesintownattneiow.. est prices. , , , MY StOCK Of men's and DOy'S shoes is unsurpassed for qua- , llty, Close btiyincr and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. 643 Bond Street PLUMBERS. I.iY PLUMBER IieatlllS Contractor, Tinner AND Sheet Iron Worker IL WORK GUARANTEEr 425 Bond Street ii p - i a iniinC!? s llflKPr I VUHVV PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth jucci, vyy. ira wince, jrnuoc miin 406L " IHhllMllW HWIHklM 'cCKt" ft C Blf for onntiortl ' la 1 f. I QlnbarKM.lDOiiminallonB OurotM4 tl Irrllallons or ulonlloiK titKMUmn. of nueoai mtmbrtiiM. InwIi TmiImIM. Ptiitl... kiifl not utrln. TIIEEvMSIjHEMWM fo. g.nt or poIkbob. l tlMINNSTI.ef' ol br OnntsU, V. A. 4. i vr mm ID plain wrappvr, I hv ...r.1.. nraaatd. rap )J li no. r I Imttln M.7. ' Circular V 'Q'ft NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Ore gon, will sell to the highest bidder, at its office in the Capitol Building at Salern, Oregon, on November 27th, 1908, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, all the State's interest in the tide and overflow lands hereinafter described, giving, however, to the " owner or owners of any lands abutting or fronting on such tide and overflow lands, the preference right, to pur chase said tide and overflow lands at the highest price offered, provided such offer is made in good faith; and also provided that the land will not be sold nor any offer ac cepted for less than $5.00 per acre, the Board reserving the right to reject and and all bids. Said lands are situated in Clatsop County,, Ore gon and described as follows: Tide lands fronting or abutting upon a portion of the N. A. Ebcrman D, L. C, on the right bank of Skipa non Creek in S. E. 1-4 of Section 21, T. 8 N. R. 10 W. of W. M., beginning at the M. C. between sections 21 and 28, T. 8 N. R. 10 W S. 89 deg. S3 min. W. 13.19 ch. from the corner to Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28: thence down right bank of Skipanon Creek N. 45 deg. 56 min. W.; 251.4 feet, along high tide line. N. 15 deg. 38 min. W. Z01.6 feet. along high tide line. N. 29 deg. 38 min, W.; 34S.7 feet, along high tide line. N., 28 deg. 33 min. W.; 205.2 feet, along high tide line, j 'f N. 27 deg. 9 min. W.; 343.8 feet, along high tide line, n. iu cieg. ou mm.' w. vua feet, along high tide line. ;; , , 1 1- is""fy N. 20 deg. 45 min. E.; 131.2 fct, along high tide line. N. 47 dcg. 39 min. E,J 288.8 fect, along high tide line. N. 25 deg. 6 min. 140.3 feet, along high tide line. N, 8 dcg. 22 min. E.; 138.0 feet, along high tide line. N. 22 deg. 30 min. E. 80.2 leet, lng high tide line. N. 64 deg. 4 min, E.; 140.0 feet, along high tide line. f 11 . .. ...1. r . .. unna i,ih ,i,u ii n, 80 deg. 51 min. E.; 213.3 feet, aloKn 'de. V"K . ,,, North 160.0 fect, to low. tide line - A 3 mln w, mA ktif along j0W.tTje ine p erMki s. 61 deg. 13 mln. VV.i 94.0feet, BQng low-tide line up creek. S. 42 deg. 34 min. W.; 63.8 feet, along low-tide line up creek. a. :a ueg. 1 mm. w.j i.u icci, along low-tide line up creek. r . I - II 1.. t . At t .. I a. ou ueg. f nun. y.; tj ici, alonn low-tide line un creek. S. 13 dcg. 36 min. W.j 4J.8 feet, along low-tide line up creek, S. 17 deg. 08 mln. W,; 142.9 feet, along low-tide line up creek. S. 39 deg. 27 min. VV.; 164.S feet, along low-tide line up creek. S. 55 dcg. 53 min. VV.; 239.8 feet, along low-tide line up creek. S. 11 deg. 16 min. VV. 186,4 feet, along low-tide line up creek. S, 20 drg. 46 min. E.; 192.9 feet, along low-tide line up creek, S. 27 W K 34J.3 feet alonff IOW- 1 tide line up creek. ! S, 29 dcg. 41 min. E.; 268.9 feet, nlf-mr iw t'tAt tiiii un frrt: s 20 ieg. 06 min. E.; 320.0 feet, a,onS lmv tiJc lil,e lP rrcrk- Ug ,0 n)in E ; 2m cct( along low tide line up creek. S. 35 deg. 45 min. E.; 214.2 feet, along low tide line up creek. C. HQ Aca 1(1 min 1". 72 S fprt. to point of beginning. Containing 3.26 acres of tide land, ApplicatioriH and bids should be addressed to C. O. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salcrn, Oregon, and marked '(Application and bid to Purchase tide 'lands." Clerk State Land Board. Dated this September 26th, 1908. Judging a Melon. Ia there any way for a purchaser to tell a good molon without cutting and testing It T That la exactly what an expert melon grader Is expected to do, to judge the flavor of the melon as well as the size. The best external In dication In a netted Gem and melons of similar typo la a goldeu greenish color, the melon being deeply ribbed end thickly overlaid with rather coarse gray netting, the edges of which rise perpendicularly from the surface. The melon should be heavy. There should be no ragged or broken stem to ludl- ' cate that the molon was torn from the : vino before It was ripe enough to part freely. If one follows these points he Is pretty sure to get the perfection of melon produced by the quality of the seed planted. If the seed baa come from a tnsteleHs melon the result will be disappointing even with thorough culture and the best care In picking ani Bbipping.-Baltlmoro American. Bore and Crltlo Both. Midnight camo and still the bore re mained. ! "Do you like music?" asked the beau tiful girl JuHt to break the monotony. 4Tm .... I .... .1 utt ii a At.. UT carry me away." She rimhed over to the piano and played several popular airs. I "You are still hero," she said, tarn I lng on the stool, j "l'es," yawned the bore. "Hut I thought von said nnwln nl- ways carried you away?" 1 "So I dld-muBlc!"-Dundco Adve I tlser. Tht Value of a Good Memory. If men only realized how great an asset In life Is a retentive memory they would take caro to see that their children's were properly trained. The simplest method consists In learning every day a few lines by heart. None of our faculties can be trained so easi ly as that of memory. Btuttgort Famlllenblatt. Tht Pantomime. "Pop, what Is a pantomime?" "A pantomime Is a piece in which no one speaks." "1 shouldn't think a piece with no women In It would be Interesting." Yonkers Statesman. A Memory Test. ' A professor ot mnemonics had gone to lecture at or near Canterbury. After the lecture was finished he had to wait for bis London train. It was a most comfortless day, and be re tired to an Inn for shelter and refresh ment To pass the time he began to exhibit his feats of memory to the yokels In the Inn parlor, and one and all were thunderstruck except the waiter. There Is always one skeptic In every communion, whether of saints or sinners. Do what he would he could not mitigate the acrid smile of acid Incredulity of that glorified potman! In the midst of one of his most difficult feats the whistle sound ed of the "only train to London to night!" and he rushed off to catch It. He caught It at the station, and his reputation caught It in the Inn parlor, for the waiter-coming In with some ordered refreshments and finding him gone pointed to the corner where he had been slttlnir and exclaimed. 'S!i- iy 'umbug, he's forgot his umbrella!", . '