I 0 TUESDAY, OCTOBER G THE MOltMNG ASTOIilAN, ASTOItIA, OIIEG027. to" When You Want Something a Little Bet ter Than Ordinary, Try Our Chase and Sanborn Teas and Coffee ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. THE MODEL FOOD STORE UllllUI Hi It Improving Frederick Larson, who attctuplci suicide on Saturday last by hooting himself, I Improving in his condi tion, at the hospital, and his chance of improving are greatly enhanced. Filed Pint Pspers Tiinar Hanson, a native of .Vo"v? , and Wain Fred Lund, of Finland, de clared their intention to become Am erican citi.cm yesterday, In the coun ty clerk' oflicc. Drew Uniforms The new drcs uniform of Firnt Company were distributed to the member on Sunday afternoon and the boy will make a natty appear- nice In them at the regular Inspection - . . i i : I . ... ...i.:.. i. r. . 1 1 vll vv cuiivmmjr infill Hi wiiiwii attendance i expected. Buried Sunday The body of Ed Matte, who wa drowned at Deep River last week was buried from Told' undertaking par lor on Sunday afternoon. The Alaska Fisherman' Union, of which he was a member, took charge oT the arrangement wn'ch were iw.cirfully carried out. The intermen . wa at Greenwood. Still Young And Hesrty Mayor Herman Wine wa 46 year of age yesterday and wa receiving cordial congratulation on .all ide from those who were next to the an niversary fact. The fact that It fell onthc Day of Atonement in the Hebraic calendar did not eem to make any difference to His Honor nor to those who showered him with good wishes. One Hundred Already , The special committee of the A. A. A. A." ha met with splendid Micccw in it quest for lady membership in the association, UK) being all ready to join and having been duly listed, with more to hear from. The list bear the name of some of the leading women of the city and is a matter of 'sincere congratulation to the director ate and officer. Cone For Pheasants It will behoove the Chinese pheas ants, of Yamhill county to "lay low." A jolly party consisting of L. E. Howes, Chester Fox, Dr. Vaughn and C. W. Haldcrman left on Sunday for McMinnville, on a trip of extermina tion of these game and toothsome birds, They left on the launch Skinch and will no doubt have a glorious time. . . Death From Typhoid The many friends of A. Wall, in Astoria and Gray's River of which latter place he was a resident, will be pained to learn of his death on Sun day. He died in this city of typhoid fever from which he had suffered for ITALIAN PRUNES Fancy Italian Prunes for Canning Our Prices Are Right. Scholfield, Mattson & Co. phone U8i GOOD GOODS phone 931 120 TO 124 TWELFTH STREET The " Steel Range For Sale Only in Astoria BY W. G. L A WS & C O Made by The Independent Stove Co. Trust Busters Dome time, He wa 21 year of age and had lived in Gray' River a num ber of years, and hi funeral will be held from the home of hi parent at that place, Have a Kick Coming ' The congested condition of the morning train from Seaside yesterday wa at the bottom of an alround kick Lfrom a number of the passengers, who claim that during court term here, and at other season of interest, at least two coaches should be put on the run. It i understood that this matter will be placed before Superin tendent John McCuirc, formally, at an early day. Cot Scare The regular lire drill on the steam cr Milcr took place a usual, yester day, and for a time there wa extreme nervousness exhibited by the pasoen gcr abroad. All arrangement were made by them for a hasty debarka tion, which happily was not neces sary, and'life preserver which had been hurriedly donned were removed and everything went along smoothly for the balance of the trip. Jt wa a good effective drill. A Complete Success The ladies of the Astoria Public Library Association did exceedingly well with their public tea, held at the elegant store room of the Astoria Furniture Company, on Saturday last, and there1 will be a generous list of new books accruing from the patron age conferred upon them. They are desirous of thanking all who contri buted to this succe, in any manner, especially the above named company, and take thi means of signifying their appreciations. Astoria's October Plays Manager Frank Hanlin, of the As toria opera house, announces the fol lowing excellent run of plays as due at hi house during the present month, to-wit: , Saturday, 10th, Rich ard & Pringle's Minstrels; Sunday, II th, "Four Corner of the Earth"; Sunday, 18th, "Rocky Mountain Ex press"; Wednesday, 21st, "A Poor Rcaltion"; Sunday, 25th, "Money mooncrs"; Thursday, 29th, Jefferson Boys in "The Rivals." A pretty fine showing for the month. Theatrical Troubles . There is trouble regarding the pos session of the Ilagcr Theatre which has resulted in a replevin suit being brought by E. M., Baker, the owner Hot Drinks Coffee and 'Chocolate. 'IV KK NUVV N of the building, against Fred Frilz, of Portland, and A, B. Hager of this city asking possession of the building and furniture and a judgment for $S(K) damage for loss through Midi pos session being withheld. The "defend ants furnished a bond in the sum of $6000 and will continue in possession pending the outcome of the suit. Murder Trial At Cathlamet ' Tin trial of Michael Campbell, charged with the murder of John Mc Clellan, at Deep River, will com mence tomorrow at Cathlamet, A great deal of interest is being taken in the case and there no doubt will be i large attendance at the trial. From the array of counsel for the defense a stubborn fight for the defendant will most tikely put up. Attorney Dan J. Malarkey of Portland, J, Welch of South Bend and J, C. McCue of this city will represent the accused man and several witnesses from Astoria have been subpoened. Coming To Astoria The Rcvd. Barr G. Lee, secretary of the board of mission of the dio cese of Oregon will be in this city Wednesday and the rector of Grace church has provide a service in the church for Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, when an address will be delivered by the dioccsian secretary, concerning the work of the Episcopal church In the outlying districts , of thi state, it needs and opportunities, and an opportunity of meeting Mr. Lee will be had at the close of the service in the Sunday school room. It is earnestly hoped that every member of the church will be present and meet the secretary, 7:30 o'clock Wed nesday evening, , Boyhood Friends Meet Ben R. Fister, whose home is in the State of Illinois, is in Astoria as the guest of L. 0. Belland, the council man from the Third ward. Mr. Fis ter and Mr. Belland were boys to gether in Norway, their old home rear Stavangcr, and for 26 years they had not seen each other. Naturally, both gentlemen were glad to meet again after all the years of separation. Mr. Fister is a contractor and builder and had occasion to come West, and as a part of his trip made U an especial point to come to Astoria to sec Mr. Belland. Yesterday Mr. Bel land showed his guest about the city and introduced him to friends, and more than that, is trying to prevail upon Mr. Fister to come to Astoria and seftle down. Until High Noon Today f Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy announced last evening that the tax books would be kept open at his office today until the hour of high noon, for the pay ment of the second half of the taxes now due, owing to the necessity im posed upon him for making due entry of the taxes paid by mail, and until the morning mail is opened up and noted, which will take until that hour, those who have failed" to ante may save themselves from the costly delinquency of failure to pay. It is not the best part of good citizenship to ignore the notices sent out by the Sheriff's office force on the 10th of last month to each and every taxpay er in the county, and wait until the last instant of the. delinquency hour to pay up. The crush at that office was something vast yesterday and the sum collected was imposing, but has not yet been figured up. The Circuit Court- In the circuit court yesterday a de cree of divorce was ordered in the case of C. R. O. Distler vs. Olive Distler. In the case of A. R. Kanaga vs. The Astoria Abstract & Title Co. the defendants were allowed 10 days additional time in which to answer and the same ruling was made in the case of A. R. Kanaga vs. A. S. Tee, ct al, The following cases were also heard with results noted; Louise Weinhard el. al. vs. Geo.Bartley, or der confirming sale; Justina J.- Ahala vs. Heljaini Ahala, tietau'.: C. C. C. Rosenberg vs. Isaac and Hilda Hansen, judgment; F. L. Darling vs. M'illie Taylor, et. al., motion for new trial argued; G. Wingate vs. Frank Patton, ct. al. defendants allowed un til October 20th in which to answer; Jas. Finlayson vs. Frank Patton, et. al., defendants allowed until October 20th to answer. The case of A. A. Smith vs. M. J. Kinney is on .trial and will be resumed this morning. A Warrenton Freak A well known Astorian v was in Warrenton on Sunday last and as he walked abo:it that thriving center he ALEX TAGG Ice Cream 25c. a Qt. FRESH CHOCOLATES, CANDIES, ETC. Made Fresh Every Day in our own ' ; Factory. 483 Commercial St., ' Astoria, Or. lSKj v' ILL Correct Cikie& : : --Made in: New;. Yo:: Come liere to scs;; r:'nl- no? .imitation, . New .York ctys JUDD BROS. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store saw a cow passing along one of the thoroughfare followed by a five leggcd calf. The gentleman from Astoria looked long and hard at the freak and unconsciously counted up the several drinks he had had the night before. But to make sure he wa on the right side of the danger line, went out to the little beast and examined it closely. The fifth leg was attached to the loose skin of the ani mal's neck and swung about like a fluttering ribbon, useless as a fifth wheel, and its hoof was overstocked by one, with toes. It was following its mother placidly enough, and did not appear to realize, what an extraordi nary cowlct it was. It finally passed into a farmer's barn and the wonder ing Astorian made notes of the, dis covery in his pocketbook in order to escape any undue accusations when he crossed the bay, homeward-bound. Home-Coming Astorians Yesterday morning almost the first people to descend the gangway from the steamship Rose City were Hon. and Mrs. Isaac Bergman, who for the past month have been sojourning with friends at San Francisco. Both were well and very pleased to get home again. They report a delight ful time in the Bay City, and neither were sea-sick, either way, though they tried hard to be. Mr. and Mrs. Berg man are just good enough Astorians to aver that with all the pleasure they fell heir to abroad, with all the charms that San Francisco had to bffer in the way of endless hospitality and splendid entertainment, there is no place like little old Astoria. Frank Patton has just come back from a week's outing in "old Marion," where with his friend, J. H. Walker, of Oregon Cit, he has been hunting pheasants for nearly a week, and he reports a delightful outing and the legal outing and the legal measure of game birds to the credit of his gun. He cannot say enough for the charm ing hospitality of the good people up that way. Ex-Senator John H. Smith and his brother "Tone" are also back from their outing up the Willamette Valley and they are both ready to swear to the cleverness of the kindly denizens up there. The senator says they almost forgot the pheasants in the enjoyment of the constant overtures made them by their old friends up that way. There were three in the hunting party, all shooting over the same dog, and the rivalry begot a despatch in the shoot ing that was merciful in the extreme to the birds, as all three failed to compass the limit accorded by law to one person. REALTY TRANSFERS Columbia Harbor Land Co. to Orien Van Schoonhover, lot 14, block 69, Warrenton Park; $250. Columbia Harbor Land Co. to Ash ley B. Townsend, lot 13, block 69, Warrenton Park; $250. ' Elk Creek and Cannon Beach Land Co. to Daniel E. Bowman, lots 1 and 2, block 5, Elk Creek Park; $120. ; ; Adda L. Wright to Jennie Sweet, lot 7, block 8, Grimes Grove; bond for deed. : ' ' Catherine Case to Sarah F. Bartho lomew, lot 4, block 39, Adair's; $10. J. I Scothan to M. L, Barrett and Sydney Heyting, W. 1-2 of SW. 1-4', sec. 3 and NW. 1-4 of NW. 1-4 sec. 10, T. S N., R. 10 W.; $6000. . Max Young to J. P. Scathan,- NWi. 1-4 of NW. 14 of sec. 10, T. 5 N.', R. 10 W.; quit claim deed; $1. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian. 60 cents per month. - Jv 'Oi-k f ....Special Millinery Sale.... We offer at this early part of the season the very best of our immense and well selected stock of High Grade Millinery at greatly reduced prices. Call now, the best goes first. Bon Ton 4 uuuftUiA rAliUlUiUlX. m mssm ;ei7 policy om WILL RENEW AND ADVANCE PIPE LINE-BIDS ON RES ERVOIR ALL REJECTED. The Astoria Water Commission has rejected all bids filed with it for the construction of the new 20,000,000 gallon reservoir, and that particular enterprise is in abeyance, while an other has come to the front of equal, if not greater importance, that of re building, in part, the water conduits from the source of supply, and per haps, adding three mils more of pipe line. .There are, as present from 10 to 12 miles of pipe-line, two-thirds of which are of wooden casing, the other third being of metal, and the idea is to rebuild the system entirely of steel, and carry the pipe to a point above the present intake about three miles, whereby an additional supply of nearly a million gallons per day will be added to the city's water en dowment. These facts were gleaned yesterday from a prominent member of the Water Commission and are strictly in line with the present purposes of the boaTd, since an order has been made and given to Engineer Kelly to per fect and present plans, specifications and estimates covering the whole pro posed improvement, and bids will be called for in due course. According to this gentleman, the policy of per fecting the conduit is taken to super cede that of amending the storage, since to keep "the horse before the cart," it is essential to have something to store before accommodations are made for that end of the service On the new line it is proposed to5 Estab lish a gateway reservoir of say, 100, 000 gallons, which will be used to feed the high-service of the city; auf to hold in readiness, for other emergen cies as they may arise.-, V:.. ; ?i iv Both the big projects, conduit and reservoir, are peculiarly ., necessitous, and will have to be met without much more delay, as the present wooden sections of the pipe-line will not last more than two years, it they do that and the question of additional storage has been pertinent and necessary for sometime past. Engineer Kelly will go to work at once on the new calcu lations and make a detailed report; at the earliest possible moment,' -" ; Another matter that is figuring in the varied and vexatious problem of the Water Commission is the fact that an amendment is to be submit ted to the people at the December election whereby the public monies of the city are to be merged into one common fund, the general fund, and the board is naturally anxious to as '.: J..av iiik r-,. Millinery 488 Bond Street certain before it proceeds much farth er with its work, whether the reven ues of the water system are to be included in that wholesale fund and are to be amenable to the payment of all manner of civic obligations along with the contracted monies of the water office. It is a nice question, and the people may not weigh the situation quite as closely as the board does, and give the authority sought; which may, in the outcome, prove a very dangerous innovation. PERSONAL rJEfiTIOn Dr. Linton, of Warrenton, was a business visitor in the city yesterday, having come over to confer with the Honorable County, Court on the mat ter of roads in his district. Ex-Representative J. V. Burns de parted yesterday morning for a month's visit to hs old home is Canada. Mrs. Mary H. Leinenwcber will go to Portland on this morning's express for a month's stay at the home of her son, Fred Leinenweber. N. P. Sorenson, president ot Port land Shingle & Lumber Company, was in the city yesterday on a busi ness and pleasure trip, mostly basi ness. , Miss Gertrude Upshur leaves this morning for Richmond, Virginia;, where she will visit with kinsmen and friends for sometime to come. R. D. Abernathy, of Spokane, was doing business in this city yesterday C. J. Martinson of Meridian, Cono, spent the day here yesterday, iu the interests of the cigar house he rep resents. H. T. Caron, of Walla Walla, was an interested tourist in this city and section yesterday having spent Sun day at the Clatsop, beaches. K. A. Savage, of Beloit, Wis., was in the city yesterday on matters of business. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, ASTORIA THEATRE OCT. 1L It is understood that the dramatic roster of the new Klimt & Gazzolo spectacular melodrama, "The Four Corners of the Earth," is certainly remarkable in point of numbers and artistic ability and of the play; it has features of interest for the popular and the most artistically exacting tastes as well. Over fourteen mas.we scenic mountains are presented 'kn& the plot takes the audience for a triji that is exciting, lengthy and interest ing. En route many hits of bright comedy and catchy music acts as a relief to the more serious portions of the play. "The Four Corners of the Earth" is rather an innovation in melo-drama. ', Subscribe to the Morning Astorian. 60 cents per month, delivered by car rier Contains full Associated Pm reports. :