The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 02, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Hood River Apples
Some Fine Ones Just in
We Keep the Best of Everything
New Fire Gong
A new Gainewell alarm uunii ha
be;n Iiitiallcd in the Iioukc of Hoe
Company No. 1.
Marriage License
A marriage licence wa Imnicd yet
terday to I'ckkn Wirtanen and
Tihula, both of Astoria. . v.
Filed First Paperi
Declaration of intention to become
crday, in the county clcrk'i office by
OI Anderson, a native of Norway,
Collecting Water bum
Clerk Lotuitibcrry ycateruay com
menced the collection of water tolls
and for the next ten days will be kept
buy handing out receipts.
Inspecting Officer
Lieutenant M. W, Holman, of Sn
lem, will be in Astoria next Wcdnci
day night to take charge of the
regular inspection of First Company
Artillery which will be held on that
Pleasant Newa At Hand
Mr. Charles F. Houston, of llii
city, ycnterday received a telegram
from Hotniiani, Wash., announcing
the safe arrival of a fine baby girt at
the happy home of Mr. and Mn.
Homer Fletcher, in that city.
Arrived Yeiterday
Prof. A. J. Brayton arrived here
yeiterday and will at once take his
place on the staff of teachers at the
High School in this city. That school
now has 140 pupils, or 25 more than
it had all last year.
Case Continued
The case of Frank Spittle vs.
Kelly Lumber Co. was called in
Judge Anderson's court yesterday,
and was continued imtil 1 o'clock this
.afternoon, to enable the defendants
to secure the presence of witnesses.
Will Bid On Reservoir
V, T. Jacobsen and Charles A.
,Hadc, of the Jacobsen-Bade Co., large
contractors of Portland, arc in the
city with a view of tendering a bid on
the new reservoir which will be
built for the water commission. The
bids will be opened tonight.
Funeral Yesterday ... ,
s The funeral of the late Wm. Ilea
ley was held yesterday forenoon from
the undertaking parlors of J. A. Gil
baugh, the interment being at Green
wood, Several relatives, including his
sister from Portland and brother 'of
La Centre, Wah., attended the ol
scquies. ; )
Reports Filed
The city surveyor has filed a cer
tificate of approval of the improve
ment of Ninth stret from the south
line of Jerome avenue to the south
line of Kensington and a certificate
of acceptance of the completion of
Tenth street between Grand and Har
rison avenue, the contractor being
entitled to final payment of $1864.80.
Storm Interf erred
Contractor Lennder Lebcck has
plenty of work cut out for his big
pile driving machine, and needed it
badly yesterday but the machine is
over on Baker's Bay, near Ilwaco,
and the nor'wester seriously intcrfer
red with its towage to this port by
the steamer Jordan of the Callendcr
fleet. It will be brought over as soon
as possible.
After The Non-Attendants
City Superintendent of Schools A.
L. Clark was out yesterday making a
careful census of the non-attending
pupils of the municipal school sys
tem, which he lias nearly , finished,
and which, when closed, he will turn
over to the proper recruiting officer
and Tiave the delinquent youngsters
hustled into school where, under the
aw, they belong.
of I'ckka Wirtancn and Miss Ida
Tihula, both of this city, in the happy
bonds of matrimony, Mr, and Mrs.
Wirtancn will settle down at once in
their own home at 13.1 Washington
Flattering Report
J he report of the director! and
citcliiir of the Scandinavian-American
Saving Hank jut isiued is very in
teresting, A splendid showing is
made. Every statement published
shows tin increase of business over
the pret.ding one aiid the latest is no
exception. Business is good with the
intittition and lias been since its
fjlt'llil'ff!, .. "';; "' .', ' V .
Repairs To Adair Drain
City Surveyor Tec and. Street Su
perintendent Kearney have addressed
A communication to the council ask
ing if the authority given them to act
on the Adair dram was to be con
strued as to mean the entire drain or
only that portion referred to in a
communication from p. C. Goodman
ct. al as acted upon by the council.
Tliey think that it covers the entire
drain and if the repairs are to be
made throughout the expense will be
great, ' '
Unsatisfactory Condition
Fishing at Coos Bay is in some
what an unsatisfactory condition.
There is a clash between the
canners and the fishermen's
union and a settlement of the matter
involved cannot be made. The price
of fish is the bone of contention.
Twenty cents each for silvcrsides
and SO cents for Chinooks is what
the fishermen demand and which the
canners will not pay, and but a few
men from this section are fishing,
the union men of Coos Bay refusing
to do so.
Bids Opened Tonight-
There will be an interesting session
of the Astoria Water Commission
this evening at the city hall, when the
bids for the construction of the new
20,000,000-gaIlon reservoir are to be
opened, and perhaps, awarded. In
this behalf there will be a number of
people present, and among them C.
W. Ide, qf Seattle, who arrived here
yesterday and is a guest at the Occident.
Drives Last Spike J- -
Superintendent C. A. Coolidge of
the Oregon F.lectric Co, drove the
last spike in electric connection be
tween Mountain Home and Hillsboro
yn Tuesday last. This connection is
part of the system that 'will run from
Portland and Hillsboro which line
will be ready for business on Novcm-.
bcr 1st. Mr. Coolidge was formerly
manager of the Astoria Electric Co.
in this city. 5 ,
Wedded At The Manse-
Rev. W. S. Gilbert, of the First
Presbyterian Church, at 8 o'clock
last evening, employed the beautiful
ritual of that church in the uniting
Deed Promptly Given-
Sometime ago Mayor Herman
Wise wrote a letter to. A. B. Ham
moud, asking that gentleman to ded
cate by deed a certain triangular
strip of land adjoining the City Park
drive, as the same was needed by th
city to round out the lines and con
tour of the new park site. Yester
day the Mayor received a deed direct
from Mr. Hammond conveying the
property desired, and on behalf of
the people of Astoria, immediately de
spatched a cordial letter of thanks to
the donor. .
Hot Drinks
Coffee and'ChocoJate.
Fancy Italian Prunes for Canning
Our Prices Are Right.
Scholfield, Mattson $ Co.
phone liBi GOOD GOODS phose 931
. , . . FOR A t
, ; -)GO T0(-
ohnson Phonograph
Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield ft Mattson Co.
Auditor's Collections-
According to the report of City
Auditor and Police Judge Anderson
there has been collected, for fines and
forfeitures the sum of $210, for the
month of September. For the past
quarter there has been collctcd $9
for building permits, $53 for ceme
tcry fund and $91 steam roller ac
count. Licenses amounting to $896.50
for the quarter were collected as fol
lows: Teams, $604; laundries, $50
theaes, $75; pawnbrokers, $25 ped
dlers, $25;; dogs, $27.50; livery
stables, $25; merry-go-round and
moving pictures, $60; exhibitions, $5.
In The Circuit Court-
In the circuit court yesterday the
jury in the case of C. C. C. Rosen
berg vs. Isaac Hansen brought in a
verdict in favor of the plaintiff for
$10. The suit was brought for the
collection of $512. Victor Dillus, who
is charged with larceny from a dwell
ing, entered a pica of not guilty and
his case was set fo September 10th.
He was released on $250 bail. The
grand jury brought in "not a true
bill" in the case of Leon Pye, charged
with stealing a phonograph from a
Chinaman, and he was discharged and
bail money returned.
Has Cheerful Sound
A telegraphic order was received
by the Callender . Navigation Com
pany yesterday directing them to
hold the National Supply Company's
shipment of pipe, as the consignee
will take delivery on the 15th of
October; which means that the $800
worth of eight-inch well-casing,
which arrived here a few months ago
for the Pacific Coast Gas & Oil Com
pany, of Deep River, is to hold and
be delivered under some arrangement
that enables that concern to secure,
it; and which indicates a cheerful
turn to the company's affairs here,
confirmation of which will be good
news on both sides of the Columbia
in this relation.
Ice Cram 25c qt,
Fresh Chocolates
Candies, etc,
Made fresh every day in out
own factory.
843 Commercial Street
'' ' i'W ' '
MS (i(Mrk: I
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yc His "' - . '
Mr )
n. if
'" . f
4Zk. - f S- it (If A
,',t t
t - V in !
v m i -
' Edcrhcimcr, Stein & Co.
. Hltlll
Keep a tight grip on these facts; it's going to be a great
season for the more pronounced and extreme effects in
Young Men's clothes; for rich, handsome patterns; The
garments we're selling are more notable than ever in these
respects; and are made exclusively for us by a house spec
ializing along just these lines. . - -
Prices from $17.50 to $35.00
The shades are browns, grays, olives, greens, tans, smoke;
English hair line and pin stripes; and beautiful scotch mixtures.
Grand array of good things representing the cream of market
Astoria's Reliable Toggery
Fine Fall and winter
The nicest assortment
in Astoria to select from
at the
Most Reasonable
You will be interested in
the display. We invite
' you to call.
Mrs. It. Ingleton
Welch Block
Opposite Budget Office
..Big Cut in Wall Paper..
Must close out our line of Wall Paper All the
latest designs. 1-5 Off Until Oct lO Only.
If ycu are contemplating any work . of this kind,
call and inspect our stock before purchasing else
where and you can save money.
EasternPainting& Decorating Co.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oil and Glass
For Splendid Cause-
In an effort to raise money for the
uses of the free public library, the
ladies of the library association will
hold a sale of pies, cakes and other
good things to eat Saturday (tomor
row), morning. The sale and display
of the edibles will be in the big fine
show windows, of the Astoria furni
ture store, formerly Heilborn's, and
the event is expected to prove quite a
successful one. ' All who wish to give
any fine samples of the cookery art
may do so, and the donations will
be thankfully received. The library
receives comparatively very little aid
and ther is constant need for money
with which to, buy new books. The
adies of the assoc.ation therefor plan
to give one or more entertainments
or sales of the nature yearly.
Porterhouse Steaks
Sirloin Steaks - -Tenderloin
Steaks ; -Prime
Rib Roast Beef
Sirloin Roast Beef -
- 15c
- - 12Kc
10 to 12xc
10 tb?12?c
Eleven Different cuts of meat for - r 5c
Veal Sausages - - 12 l-2c per lb.
Pork Sausages - - - 12 l-2c per lb.
All other different kinds of Sausages for
10c per lb.
Hamburg Steak - - lOcnerlR
Frank L. Smith Meat Co
12th Street,fBetween Bond and Commercial '
253 Taylor Street, Uniontown