F1UDAY, OOTOBEB 2 DEPARTMENT OP JUSTICE luuei Pamphlet of AU Civil Criminal Cases. and WASHINGTON, Oct. l.-Thc De partment of Justice hu issued a re vised itutcmcnt (ivhitf in pamphlet form summaries of the record to date of all civil and criminal canes insti tuted by the United State under the Sherman Anti-Trut Law df July 2, 1890, and the uct to regulate com merce approved February 4, 1SW, ai amended, including the Elkiim Act, The statement given the following luminaries of canes under the Anti Truts law; Four bill in equity and three in dictment under President Harrison's administration from 1889 to 1894; four bill in ciiiity, two information' and ;two indictment under President Cleveland' .second administration from 189.) to 1897. Three bill in equi ty under I'reidcnt McKinley' ad ministration from 1897 to Sept. 14, 1901. and eighteen bill in equity and one forfeiture proceeding in civil ca se and twenty five criminal indict ment and two proceeding in con tempt in criminal canes under Presi dent Roosevelt' administration from Sept. 1901 to date. The fine impos ed in these cuse amounted to $147. 000, The summary of case under the Interstate Commerce Act ihow one indictment, during President Cleve land's first administration and 35 in dictments, live convictions, 18 nolle prossed cases, seven quashed, one dismised and four acquittal under dismissed and four acquittal under President Harrison's administration. Under President Cleveland's sec ond term there were 19 indictments which resulted in nine convictions, one dismissal, eight nolle prossed, three quashed and one acquittal, sev enteen petitions to enforce order of 'commission and one petition to re strain defendants from making dis criminatory rate, one prosecution for contempt and sixty four petition for mandamus to compel filing of annual reports,' ;. ' 'J:'"7" 1 Under President McKinley' ad ministration there were 22 indict ments, five petitions -to enforce or ders of commission and one petition to declare pooling combinations ille gal. These indictments resulted in five conviction, one acquittal, four nolle prossed and twelve not prose cuted.'' 1 ', J ,:, Under President Roosevelt' admin istration to date it is shown that there has been 157 indictment, 48 convic tions, two acquittal, nine nolle press ed, five demurrer sustained, four dis missed, one quashed and eighty eight pending the amount of fines imposed wa $1,113,325. ' , THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank REVOLTS EXPECTED. :. . ... ,vfv '-' At Astoria, in the' State of Oregon, at the close of business, September 23, 1908, ' RESOURCES, Loans and discounts . ..,.$465,686.12 wveraratts, secured and un secured ................ U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation Premiums on U, S, Bonds Bonds, securities, etc.,..,, Due from National Banks (not reserve agent)... Due from State Banks and Bankers Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items 426.78 Notes -of other National FINANCIAL, REPORT OF THE CONDITION ;:;";:;. OP THE . ; , AstorjaNationalBank 3,517.04 40,000.00 -; 1,200.00 55,430.00 7890.32 13,225.16 177,732.16 Situation In Turkey Alarming-Young Nickel. .Ve'nV.' V.'. V.V.V. Turks Party in Power. NEW YORK, Oct. l.-Nahle Me Lynablc Moutran Pasha, a member of a very old and wealthy Turkish fam, ily, who ha been in New York for the last month, tailed to-day on the French liner La Provence for Pari. He Is a close friend of Rashid Effcn- di, brother of the present Sultan Ab dul Hamid and when the former is placed on the throne of Turkey in 1,495.00 317.25 Lawful money reserve in bank, via: Specie ...$203,000.00 Legal-tender note 715.00 203,715.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5per cent of circulation) Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent re demption fund 2,000.00 350.00 Total .. $1,043,485.43 LIABILITIES. hit brother' tead, which event will Capital stock pain in ..... $100,000.00 not be long postponed according to I Surplus fund 25,000.00 Nahle Moutan Pasha, the latter ek- undivided profits, less ex J A J oecU to have a hirh nl. f .h. I ..P'"8 "na Pa, ... , 7 r . w" I National Bank note cut- AMUSEMENTS. THE GRAND 1 1U 'THEATRE 4 hAC Commercial and Ninth Street Tonight HOLD UP OF THE MAIL MESMERIZING HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW HOW CLUE IS MADE THE POLICEMAN'S VISION 25,058.94 40.000.00 981.02 "nmcnt- standint In speaking of present condition in Due to State Banks and Turkey, the pasha, through an inter- ?1er! : r.r I Individual deposits subject W - . . , . to check $682,707,70 : The situation in Turkey is alarm- Demand certificates of de- ing. The Young Turks party is In posit 169477.09 power but they are divided. There Certified Checks ...260.68 852,445.47 SONG Tm Wearing My Heart Away For You" VIEWS OF VIENNA This Theatre is equipped with the latest and most improved electri cal Machines: Don't fail to see these pictures. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM MONDAY, THURSDAY AND ' SATURDAY., ADMISSION 10c Children 5c. are two elements the radicals and conservatives. I am certain there will be a renewal of the Macedonion re volts. The Younk Turk are losing their grip. They are verging on de spotism and abusing their power.. They are riding roughihod over the Sultan, which U causing the anmity of the religious element" , , The pasha said the German ambas sador helped the Sultan in negotiat ing the loan of the four million livret recently obtained from the Deutsche Bank. f He think the conservative faction will assert itself and that Rashid Ef fendi will be made sultan in place of his brother. , - . Nahle Moultran Pasha said there were 250,000 Syrians in this country, many of whom were citizens and he had told the editors of Syrian papers here to urge them. to vote for Taft. Total ..w. $1,043,485.43 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, a.t : ' ' t I, S. S. Gordon, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of September.-1908. , V. BOELLING. ' , , i Notary Public. Correct Attest: ' - G. C. FLAVEL. ' w. f. McGregor, JACOB KAMM, Directors. At Att6rli in the State of Oretron. the close of business, September 23, IWB, RESOURCES Loan and discounts ....$433,677.79 ; uveruratts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bond to secure cir culation . ,,..,,,,.,,., U. S. Bonds to secure U, S. Deposits Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits ............ Premiums on U. S, Bonds Bonds, securities, etc. .... Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned.. Due from State Banks and Bankers Due from approved reserve agents ....... J,...,.l.. Checks and other cash items r. .......... Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, .nickels, and cents ....... Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: ' Specie ...$77,379.65 Legal-tender notes 720.00 Redemption fund with U, S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 8,465.35 47,500.00 20,000.00 34,000.00 3,045.00 65,413.3-' 4,030.00 8,233.41 4,845.45 143,049.01 3,672.71 1,240.00 241.22 78,099.65 2,375.00 Total '...............$857,887.89 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 50.000.00 Undivided profits; less ex penses and taxes paid.. 18.786.55 National Bank notes out standing ., 44.000.00 Individual deposits subject to check.... 339,642.98 Demand certificates of de posit 51.457.61 Time certificates of de posit 253,859.00 Certified checks 141.75 United States deposits 50,000.00 695,101 J4 Total ..........,.....$857,887.89 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, ss.; I, J. E. Higgins, , Cashier of ; the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to. before me this 30th day of September. 1908. - " M. C. MAGEE, Notary . Public, Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU. Directors. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK ;"5 1908, AEROPLANES FOR NAVY. They Must Meet More Stringent Re quirements Than For the Army. t NEW YORK, Oct. I Lieut. Swan, U. S. N., recently appointed by Sec retary of the Navy to investigate to the practicability of the aeroplane in naval warfare, is in New York to con sult with A. M. Herring, an aeroplane expert. Lieut. Swan said the , . .. ASTORIA. OREGON. ' Statement called by the Stat Bank Examiner, ' September 23, ; (Condensed) Loans and securities...... $107,182.95 Capital . , ........$ 50,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 4,421.46 Undivided profits ......... 4,358.25 Expense account 1,279.41 Available funds: Due from banks.. .$15,533.47 Cash in vault $16,8S7.82 32,421.29 Deposits . . 90,946.86 riorsneim i ootNotes" Tli OurN O. 1 otyi r ii ew ran es lid is off " have arrived They represent "A fit for every foot" "A style for any taste CHAS. V. BROWN The Family Shoe Store Blaa A SUMMER Dm Unfermented Grape Juice absolutely non-alcoholic Concord 5oc quart Catawba ,.6oc quart Welch's Grape Juice Nips. .10c AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589,!, Commercial Street THE TRENTON I i First-CIass Liquors andoCigars ; T ' a-i-m .-, 102 CommeTdil Street , . '' . o I Cocmt GMnaiRU tad 14th. f ASTORIA, OREGON Total . '.... $145,305.11 Total . ....$145,305.11 J. M.1 ANDERSON, Cashier K Wi ptoria Theatre F. M, HANLIN Lessee and Mgr. THE SEASON'S EVENT H. H. FRAZEE'S Piquant Musical Mixture Isle itOitlOJ Qf Spice ! TONIGHT requirements for the aeroplane to be government I used in the navy are far more diffi cult to meet than those of the army. The machine must be able to stay in the air four hours and maintain an average speed of forty miles an hour and should be able to travel a distance of 200 miles if necessary. It must al to be able to start from the water, no tracks, of course, being available as are used at present in starting a machine on land. The aeroplane, as it will be used by the army department, would not be an offensive machine but would be used for scouting purposes. "To equip our ships with the plants would be to increase their efficiency 3(fl) percent" said the lieutenant. "Sup pose," he added," each ship doing Book and Lyrics by Allen Lowe and George E. Stoddard, elabo rated and amplified by Frederick Rankin, author of "Happyland," "The Gingerbread Man," etc. Music by Paul .Schindler. and Ben Jerome''. ;V.y". .'J. : , TWENTY SONG HITS AND UNIQUE DANCES The Peer of all Musical Comedies THE ORIGINAL PRODUCTION Company of 60 People American Beauty Chorus Pfisitively the Greatest, Prettiest, Singing, Acting and Dancing Chorus ever organized. Entire Production Richly Staged, Cleverly Acted, Handsomely Gowned, Perfectly Presented. Prices - - 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $L50 scout duty were to be equipped with three aeroplanes , and one sent off forty miles to starboard and one for ty miles to port while the third went the same distance off the bow. See what a great fan shaped area these ships of the air could cover and how small a chance of any surprise by an opposing ie?t." MRS. HAIN'S ATTITUDE NEW YORK, "Oct. 1.-A11 doubt as to what wouM be the attitude of Mrs. 'Hains in the forthcoming trial of her husband,, Captain Peter . C. Hains, jr., acused of the murder of Will cure any case of Kidney, "or Bladder.. Disease not beyond the reach of medicine. 'No medicine can dd'fn&re. T. F. LAUREN OWL DRUG STORE. Cures Backachf , Corrects ' Irregularities Do not risk having Bright's Diseaaa 1"" or Diabetes ; William E. Annis, at the. Bayside (I I.) Yacht Club, in August last, was dispelled to-day by the inauguar ation by her of proceedings in the Supreme Court, Brooklyn, in which a general denial is made of the al legations of wrongdoing with' Annis which Captain Hains made in his suit for divorce against her and formed the basil of bis defense for the shoot ing of Annis., Mrs. Hains asks coun sel fees to defend the divorce sui al imony and the custody of three chil- drn. It appears that Mrs. Hains al leges that the break between herself and her husband was due to the poi soning of the latter's mind' -by her brother-in-law, Thornton J. Hains, whose enmity she had incurred, shej asserts by repulsing his advances. In her petition for $1,000 counsel fees and $50 a week alimony, Mrs. Hains will utterly deny improper relations with Annis. The famous confession of her improper conduct upon which the' attorneys for Captain Hains have depended to prove their clinet's ir responsibility, it is asserted, is now repudiated, save only, that the claim is advanced by Mrs. Hains that it was obtained from her while she was under the effects of a drug. A letter beginning: "My dear Billy" which the lawyers for Captain Hains have in their possession and which they claim was written by Mrs. Hains to Wil liam E. Annis, is declared a forgery.. You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts,' pleasures, etc, why not in education? : i -- mm- "Pirtlaid'i Uadbg BuVnesColege7:E',10,' .Cf ,3' ' offers such to you and at no greater' cost than an ' inferior school. Owners practical teachers More Calk than we can fill Teachers actual business men In session the entire year Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A for the asking I. M. WALKER, Pres. ; O. A. BOSSFP"N, Secy. Snerm an Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trtcka and Fomitwr Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped 433 Commercial Street , ...... ... If tin Pboo I?1 For Chapped Skin. Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. I.t is also unequalled ' for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale bv frank STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors T' Phone Main 3881 . . . . 426Bond2Street .1?n.,.:.tftAw,itoH'n,f,t v4 iff & llH4 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE D W Trade NlArms ti Designs--. 'r CopvmoMTsas. Anyooe Sending k sketch nnd description mT 1llil)r iweetuwh hroiinin fr whotlier an 'uvonii'm 19 pn MnT ' n',tci,:i l?. C'nflt-.l. . tlontrioUroMientui. HmNUHOOK uuemeuw itvit. f-v, ,Mrtit lor pc!iriM." rmtpms. fAtouui Imd luruuvli Juumt & wj. ivcdirt Vrtol notice, without chnive, lu the Scientific mmmi A nsndsomelr Illustrated weeklr. T.nret elp sulattun of anr oiomldo Journal. Terma, f s t (ew : four month, f L SuiuUyall newadalera. Branca umca. osa r sr. , Waihluittuo. D. C- PaHb "SMC "JSU ii I " IS r If ' IN ONE OR MANY COLORS j tin? tL-M w, j,1 f,4t LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF, HIGH GRADE WORK , IV 4 j nut as tow as usteki rouses Hart and leading druggists.