The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 01, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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    Admirers of
Fancy China
..Art Goods,.
will be given a treat .
by examining our
line now on
Sole Agent For H. C Fry Single
Celebrated Cut GIw.
Rev. H. E. Hawes who has been
lecturing in this city on spiritualism
left for Portland last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James have returned
from their wedding trip, having visit
ed Salem and Tillamook.
H. B. Parker made a flying jaunt
ln th Tohn Dav country yesterday in
a buggy, by way of change. He is
tired of railway coaches ana steamers,
for the time being.
C H. Wheeler, the well known
lumberman, was down from Portland
vtntav on taatters of business.
W D. Smith, wife and family, left
ip for Portland last evening on the
Lurline along with all their house
hold eoods. with a view to making
the metropolis their future home.
The Misses taurie and Ellen Mc
" Cann returned to this city yesterday
from Chicago, I1L The former young
lady has just completed a two-year
course in music at the Chicago Music
College. Both young ladies will find
a cheerful welcome awaiting them
in this their home city.
G. W. Sanborn was a homing pas
senger on the noon express yester
day, from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. Stewart left
last evening on the steamer Lurline,
for Seattle, where they will reside in
the future. Mr. Stewart is a well
inown musician an printer and has
resided here for the past three and
die-half years. He will work at both
.trades in his new environment. s
f G. B. Hawkins of Minneapolis was
a business visitor in this city yes-
R. B. Manning, "tf Portland, was
doing business on the streets of As
toria yesterday, leaving up on the
evening train. ,, ?
C. Y. Astonbury of Chicago passed
through the city last evening on the
A. & C. train from Seaside, en route
to his home in Butte, Mont., after a
delightful month spent at Seaside.
J. S. Montgomery of Sedalia, Mis.,
'arrived in ti)is city yesterday on mat
ters of business, and will leave out
for Tillamook tomorrow evening.
C. A. Gunning, of Salt Lake City,
'was a business visitor in Astoria yes
terday. Choice Meats.
v will find Frank L. Smith Meat
Company's counters full of choice!
rib roasts and many cuts ot porK
lamb and mutton at right prices; also
plenty of young and old chickens.
See our ad on page 5, for prices. 26-tf
Sherman Addresses Large Meeting
At Danville 111.
DANVILLE, Ula.. Sept. 3.-Last
night four members of congress, one
of whom is the republican vice prcs
; nominee. James S. Sherman.
delivered addresses pleading with the
voters of this section to re-elect to
.rresi Sneaker Joseph 0. Cannon,
who has been theft representative for
.hirtv-iive vears. Special trains
brought hundreds of people there
from nearby points to ' near tn
s,e.-hmakinti and sec the huge torcn-
light parade. Some time ago the
bishops of the Methodist hpiscopai
Church in this district united in an
appeal to the voters to defeat Mr.
Cannon for re-election, charging he
refused to let the Littlclield bill re
lating to interstate commerce in n
he reooTtcd out of committee
for passage at the last session of con
gress. The rally tonight was cieviscu
for the purpose of strengthening tie
cnMW uosition in his home dis
trict. Congressman Jas. ' S. Sher
man delivered his speech to a great
audience and repeated it later to a
hc,f overflow meeting. Congress
man Nicholas Longworth of Ohio,
wm R McKinlcv of Champaign, HI.,
and Warfkld Wilson of Chicago, also
We Announce
Three Days
Sale of
r tt
Next week you will have the pleasure of seeing them
of trying them on, of learning, first hands, from an ex
pert corsetiere, all about tnem.
We ask you - cordially to attend this exploitation sale,
which will begin Monday in our corset section. . We want
you to meet Mrs. L. C. Redding, the corsetiere sent here
by the manufacturer, to personally introduce, explain and
r.nccor fWsets. We want vou to see for yourself how
infinitely superior is the Gossard to every other corset you
ever saw. Be sure to come.
d Su:
Saturday Special
We announce for Saturday a special lot of high grade tail
ored suits; 20 suits in this lot; regular $30 and $35 values;
coats are 30 to 42 inchei long; beautifully trimmed and .
tailored; colors are navy, green, brown grey, Copenhagen
and black; all the very latest 1908 models; all go in this lot
Saturday at this low price..... ... ":JV0(Ji
r .. t.. rl,r and secure first choice. Mrs. M. IS. muck-
ler, from the East, an expert fitter and tailorcss, will guar-
antee you a perfect fit.
No Charge for Alterations
CARSON, Nev., Sept. 3a Two
convicts, Davis and Lane, were yes-
i.lav found missing from the crew
of men employed grubbing brush on
State land opposite the prison and a
search was at once instituted, News
of their escape was telephoned to the
state police and they were immedi
ately dispatched to the prison. It is
the belief of the officers that trie men
are in hiding in the ditches there or
heavy brush taking their chance of
escaping detection until darkness 01
the night when they will attempt to
make good their escape.
Davis comes from Elko County
and is serving a sentence of 12 years
for attempted murder and Lane hails
from Goldfield for six years for bur
glary.' ,
Muslin Skirts
Greatly Reduced
50c Values j-JC
TK ValtiAC 53C
$1.19 Values - fjC
i 0 1 RO Values , 016
fl.HU IV f v
$1.75 to $1.98 Values. BJC
$2.00 to $2.50 Values
$2.50 to $3.00 Values jlijg
$3.50 to $4.00 Values ....
To think about your FaV. Underwear '
Mmising Underwear
In union suits or separate garments is superior to any ot
cr knit underwear on the market.
Ladies' Union Suits....... $1. $1.50. S2.S2.50, S3 1
Children's Union Suits,;. 5Ci 75C Si
Ladies' and Misses' Pants and Ves 50o$l
Remember Three Days9
Exploitation Sale, Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday
Since Cholera Outbreak in Russia
2168 Die Out or S6SS Cases.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 30-The
day ending today shows 223 new
cases of cholera compared with 223
yesterday. Ninety-three deaths to
day compared with 99 of the prev
ious day. One hundred and twenty-
seven recoveries are reported, lo-
day compared with 137 yesterday.
Totals since the outbreak are 5655
cases, 2168 deaths and 1651 recov-
dlnlllrvlfa I Uw Uhr oUUUo UU.
r- i ........ .
SARANAC LAKE, N. Y., Sept. 30.
The' forest fires in the Adirondacks
that wer temporarily checked by
rains Monday , are again Springing
into life in every direction and as
suming dangerous proportions.
Large Musical Comedy Company Will Be Seen at
Astoria Theatre Friday Evening
A Big Sensation in Hats
NEW YORK, Sept. 30.-Chairman
Mack today appointed Dr. J. W. Cox
of this city, as assistant treasurere of
the Democratic National Committee
with headquarters in New York. A.
J. Doolin will, continue to act in a
similar capacity in Chicago. Fox is
a close friend of Bryan. Bourke
Cochran will take the stump for
Bryan October 12.
LONDON, Sept. 30.-The unique
.gambling contest between Sir Her-
. it P,cJv ramp
yman -iaxim ana j-." iw..j...
to an end this atternoon anu snu
defeat for the system advanced by the
After record runs of 221 nights in
Chicago, four months in Boston and
14 weeks in New York City, at the
Majestic Theatre, the "Isle of Spice"
described as a piquant musical mix
ture, has been meeting with great
success on the road, " and will be
seen at the Astoria Theatre tomor
row night. The entire company, prin
cipals and chorus, numbering over 60
people, that were responsible for the
phenomenal success it attained in the
cities mentioned, together with the
scenery, costumes and sensational
electrical effects, will be seen here.
A nerfMtlv drilled army of musical
supernumeraries, youthful, pretty of
face, graceful of movement ana ex
quisitely costumed, fill the scenes
continually, it is said. Lights and all
the other accessories of brilliant
stage surroundings dazzle the eye,
while the music tickles the paiaie,
Is being created at present in our
Show-rooms, where models of the
most modern Millinery for Fall wear
are now being displayed. You are
invited to call and inspect these new
styles, which are certainly most im
pressive in the novelty of the ideas.
'The choicest creations in artistic
trimming are here for your approval
and the moderate prices marked on
the Hats will tempt you to buy.
'! "The Style Store."
. Suits,, Cloaks., and Millinery
MUNICH, Sept. 30. The fifteenth
gamebetwen Dr. Lasker and Dr. Tar-
rasch for the chess championsnip en
ded to-day in a draw after two
The score stands: Lasker 7,
Tnrrasch 3, drawn 5.
sTAYTON. Or.. Sept. 30. Begin
. . t A!11 nf
ning UctoDer i, o. n.. .,u. ......, .
Portland, will be the new manager
of the Stayton Woolen Mills Com
pany. He will take the place of Uec
Sault, who has gone to accept a posi
tion with the Gordon Falls Company.
Mr. Sault made many, fast friends
while in charge of the plant in Stay
ton, and during his absence-the busi
ness, as the manufacturing end, has
been in the hands of Charles Streff,
secretary, of the company. , ,,
and the comedy pleasurably excites
the risibilities.
Although there are nearly twenty
musical numbers in the piece, it has
been said that there are more popu
lar son hits in the "Isle .of Spice,"
than in any other musical comedy or
comic opera ever written. Among
them may be mentioned: "The Goo
Goo Man," "Peggy Brady,' "Silly
Sailors," "You and I," 'Chmg L'ng
Fong," "Take Me Home," and "How
Can You Tell Till You Try," the lat
ter rendered by a quartette of clever
singers. The music is by Paul
Schindlcr and Ben M. Jerome, while
the book and lyrics were written by
Allen Lowe and George E. Stoddard,
The production is under the direc
tion of H. H. Frazce and has every
where been received with an appre
ciation that at times has approached
extraordinary enthusiasm.
Will Open for Business
Golden Gate
Restaurant II
American and Chinese High-Clas Kitchen
Chop Suey and Noodles, Steaks, Chops and Oystert
ExceUent Merchant's Breakfast and Lunch Daily, 25 Cents
Free Coffee, Cake and Pie Saturday, J
Opening Day
William T. Forsythe, of I'hiladel
nhia. arrived in this city yesterday
and is the guest of Engineer F. L.
ttvans. of the Astoria, Seaside & in
lamook electric lines. Mr. Forsythe
is the gentleman who has been ex
pected here in the interest ot this
venture and of the syndicate he rep
resents in the East, and will spend a
week or more in going over the
.entire proposition in detail, with , a
view to reporting upon the situation
as he finds it, in due time,
He is a wide-awake, Eastern opera
tor in these properties and his word
goes with the capitalists whom he
stands for in such investigations as
he b making in this intancc. He is
apparently very much pleased with
the Astoria country and was intro
duced yesterday to the leading men
of the city, and especially to those
gentlemen who are sponsoring the
nroiect her.
r - , .
In course of a conversation with a
rpnresentative of the Morning Astor
ion vesterday; Mr. Forsythe, speaking
from a supervisial standpoint said there
was no doubt the money needed to
start construction in this enterprise
could be had here within 60 .days if
all things answered the estimates put
upon the proposition by its projee
tors: and to this end he will go deep
ly and explicitly into every detail of
it and make a comprehensive report
tn his neoole. What he docs he in
tends to do as quickly as possible,
since time to Mr. Forsythe means
everything. He says that money is
easy In the East at present and that
this circumstance will contribute
largely and readily to the demands of
this enterprise if it shall meet the
ritrid requirements scheduled for such
investments as his principals' are
making all the time.
He will ko over every inch of the
system with Mr. Evans, who will ex
oedite the trip and make it as pleas
ant as possible for his guest, using
n auto' whatever possible, and plac
ing Mr. Forsythe in possession of
the last atom of available and essen
tial information to be had.
(Continued from page l)
' NEW YORK, Sept. 30.-A special -
to the World from Brockton, Mass.,
ft is said that the fact "has
never" been published, th:4 Mrs.
Wm. J.; Bryan before her marriage
to Mr. Bryan was once expelled from
school on account of taking a carriage
ride with Mr. Bryan. The Rev. Ju
lian S. Wadsworth, pastor of the
Central Episcopal Church of Brock
ton, accompanied them on that mem
orable ride. The future Mrs. Bryan
was then attending Jacksonville
Presbyterian Academy in Illinois. It
was while Bryan Jtnd Wadsworth :
were students at Illinois College in j
Jacksonville. She was later reinsta-'
ted' and became valedictorian of her
class as did Mr. Bryan of his.
in a general way Jlie judges had
reached their decision on the fact
that they did not consider the nature
of complaint itself sufficiently definite
and certain to permit the granting of
the' relief asked. Attorneys tor tne
government were well pleased with
the outcome of the case and declare
the action of the court practically sus
tains the contention of the president
that congress has the right to enact
statutes for the regulation of railway
SEATTLE, Sept, 30,-Frederick
Imics, the well known eastern band
master and musical director of the
Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition, is
lying dangerouscly ill in the Savoy
Hotel suffering from a fever contrac
ted since his. arrival, Mrs. Innes is
with him.
SuWrihe to The Mornins-'AstOtXa'
60 cents per month, delivered b