SUNDAY, HEPT. 27 THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTOMA, OREGON. Oat 0 " , M44 Items of HooUl Itiiorot tr for th oolumoi nd hould be Mot aii oct to Hi 4torliQ oltlce to liuur. llielr luMrtlun. 4 The first theatrical event of Import ance thl sea nun will occur tonight t the Astoria theatre when the well known comedians, Kolb and Dill, will be seen In "Lonesome Town", a mimical comedy said to be among the Barr and W. 0. Relth; Seaside, AI bert II. Utzinger, Harry Mcintosh, Alfin Johnson, Gladstone Dawson, Lester Kindred, and W, 0. Rlcth. The Merry Widow Club gave leading productions of its kind on the fancy drrts party at the home of Miss road this season. Manager Hanliti Marguerite Taylor, one of the mem has some rare treats in store for his bers, last Thursday evening which patrons during the next few months, whs a decided success. The affair was his booking sheet howing the best the opening one of the season and selection of plays and players Astoria for that reason no pains were spared Iia ever seen in so short a time, to make it perfect in every detail. The Among the star who are already 'party was given in honor of Miss contracted to appear at his house are: Mary Gregory and Miss Certrude The Jefferson Brothers in "The Riv- f Upshur, who are to leave the first al"; Henry. Savage's New York pro-'part of October for an extended visit duction of .the "Devil," and a return, to Honolulu arul the east. Miss Tay engagement of the "Isle of Spice." lor entertained her guests with cards The lust mentioned musical creation during the evening. The fortunate win scored a decided success last , year, 1 ners of the pretty prize gifts were and their return is already anticipated , Miss Winnifred Higglns and Miss The home of Mr. B. Van Dusen on Franklin avenue was the, scene of a delightful gathering last Thursday afternoon where sards were the fea ture of the day. The pretty residence) was handsomely decorated and a large number i guexts were present. Mrs, E. M, Crawford, who has been on a snort visit at Portland arrived home Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford are planning a visit to South Bend some time during the present week. , '.' r. i ' The sewing society of the Relief Corps met at the home of Mrs, Jef- fcrs on Harrison avenue last Wednes day. The session was well attended and the ladies accomplished consider able of the work they had on hand. Dr, Nellie Vernon will leave the early part of this week to visit with friends at BridaJ Veil Falls on a well- earned vacation. I tan's Ite Fall Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gaston re turned home on Wednesday evening from a two weeks' visit at the State Fair at Salem and the horse show at Portland. ' with much pleasure by the. many ad mirers of this variety of amusement in this city. Mrs. 0. B. Etes and daughter, Frances, who have been visiting with friends in the northeastern portion of Washington have returned to Astoria after a most enjoyable trip. Mr. Estes visited with her daughter, Hazel, at Walla Walla during the trip. Miss Hazel is attending the Whitman Col lege in that city. En route to this city Mrs. -Estes stopped at ' Seattle where her daughter Frances was vis iting with Mrs, Jones Etcs, and grandmother, Mrs. E. E. Estes, who accompanied her to this city for a visit of several months. A delightful launching party was ten dered by Mrs. P. Patton and Mrs. W. F. McGregor to their friends, Thurs day on the U.S. Patrol. They visited the American ship Henry Villard at : Young's Bay and later extended up the pretty bcachea of Young's river. riiirinir thu I rin lunch was fttrved on board the Henry Villard and a splen did time was experienced by all. At the first rehearsal last Wednes day of the Philharmonic Society, a lann HuntliAa Slf ill !nf1s' ItfttMSSl lalgv lltilliuvi vi hi aeavsstn vuwmi was present and an excellent begin- ..!.. -.l. TL - . l. 11111)$ Will III1XUK. IIK VWIIVVM v given this season promises to be far in advance to the one given last year. The .entire affair is under the capable managments of Dr. Enna Enna, who is spending much time, on the mat ter and the musical numbers especial ly promise to be very successful. The date of the coming concert ha not I.aah AiriAi rut n. vft. Clatsop county is well represented at th Drixmn Acrrii-tiltliral CollfCC this year. Among them attending from Astoria" and. vicinity arc! Roy I. Chambers, Hc'rold Turley, Miss Mablc Turley, Miss Maud Turley, William "Wilson, Park Sims, Harry W. Van Dusen. The hostess was assist ed in entertaining by her sister, Miss Helen Taylor. Those present at the pleasant affair were: The Misses Irene Simington, Mable Simington, Winnifred Van Dusen, Maud Van Dusen, Gertrude Upshur, Mary Greg ory, Lois Parker, Winnifred Higgins, Fay Ball, Ellen Nowlen, Freda Foard, Laura Faslabcnd, Mary Eakin, Bar bara Eakin and Leta Drain. A pleasant little party, made up of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carruthers and children and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tal lant and children are spending a week at . Seaside and are occupying the Kendall "Crow'i Nest Cottage" dur ing their stay. Mrs. Chas, Ilaldcrman and Miss Bess Reed entertained members of the Saturday Afternoon Club last Friday. Mrs. Halderman entertained the ladies in the afternoon and in the evening they were the guests of Miss Reed. . "fi " v. , ' i1 . , At Mrs. Kirchoff s home on Franklin avenue last Friday, after noon, the Ladies' Guild of Crace church entertained its members and friends at a tea. The affair was the first of a series to be given by the ladies during the coming winter months. A large gathering was pres ent to enjoy the pleasant session which included a splendid musical program rendered in fine manner. The home was daintily decorated with Virginia creepers and many beauti ful cut flowers. , . , .. Mr. George C. Flavcl returned from Portland the latter part of last week ;from the horse shore that was held there recently. Mrs. Flavcl declared the show to have been the best ex hibition of fine stock ever shown in the state, especially the Oregon pro duction which made a splendid show ing. Mrs. J. A. Monroe and two young sons, Masters Roy and J. A, Jr., re turned Tuesday on the steamer Miler, after an over-Sunday visit at up-river, t points. , i , .". . IHVji HMx ill 3f . ' aiioreu Suits Captain J. A. Munroe and daughter, Miss Hjuel, returned from Brookfield yesterday and he will spent Sunday with his family. . . Mr. Ingval (Happy) Severson is visiting his parents at his. old home in Chctek, Wis. Word was received from him the past week, stating that he is having the time of his life. Miss Marie Utzinger and Miss Hattie Utzinger spent a pleasant visit last week at the North Head Light house, the guests of Mrs. Pesonan. Miss Ellen Nowlen is on a short visit at Seaside, the guest of Miss Long of Portland. ' i. - Miss Harriett Tallant of this city; is at rorttana spending a wee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brink. Our assortment of women's Tailored Suits and Goats for Fall 1908 could not be more complete. The season styles are exception ally smart and modish and the materials were never better while the workmanship .,.,. in the garments we handle are; the careful selection of nothing but the best makes of high class tailored suits. Mrs. M. E. Muckler from the east has taken full charge of this department and is an expert fitter and tailoress. She will take an interest in showing you the best values to be obtained anywhere. NOTE Jackets and Coats Relined ! Simington Dry Goods Co, hr r&i, rr.... Mri. T. J. Heacock and Miss Lati mer of Seaside are in "Astoria for i hort visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Donnerberg. The steamer Rose City yesterday carried away Miss Phoebe Binney of California who had been visiting with Miss Grace Stokes during the sum mer. Alias Binney $ nome is at Berkeley. , : -; JAUNTY MILLINERY ! Turbaus of exceptional beauty are now on display HaM with all the jauntiness and style of the French Model, yet sufficiently practical for every day wear. They will form the finishing touch and add individuality to the new fall costumes. Trim mings of fancy feathers and wing effects in all the late shades. See our line before buying. Bon Ton Millinery V 488 Bond "Street rXlh- ; Astoria, Oregon Vim Miss Dame and Mary Lyons of Portland who have been visiting at Long Beach for the summer are now visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. Jane Smith. ; i ..." CHURCHES-SUNDAY v"" Memorial Lutheran. Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Divine service in the afternoon at 3 o'clock; theme for sermon, "A Curse Turned Into Blessing." All Luther ans who prefer the English language in their worship are especially invit ed. The Ladies' Aid Society of the church wilkbe entertained on Thurs day afternoon of this week by Mrs. Pauline Beck at her home on Irv ing avenue. Members and friends cordially invited. Gustaf E. Rydquist, pastor. . First Lutheran, Morning service in Swedish at 10;4S: theme for sermon, "Bethany, an Ideal Home." Evening service m B. U., 7 p. m, English at 8 o'clock, theme, "God or Mammon." The Lutheran League Circle meets an hour before services. The morning sermon will be a fare well sermon as the pastor will take charge of the English Lutheran work after the 1st of October. I Christian Science. 1 Services at rooms 5 and 6, I. 0. O. F. building, corner Tenth and Com mercial streets, at 11 a. m., subject of the lesson sermon, "Reality." All are invited. Sunday school, 12 o'clock. The first Wednesday evening in the month at 8 o'clock. Reading room same address, hours from 2 to 5 daily except Sunday. First Norwegian Lutheran. unaay school meets at V:w a. m.; morning service at 10:45; evening ser vice at 8 o'clock. You are respect fully invited to attend. Theo. P. Neste, pastor. Presbyterian, Morning worship, 11 o'clock, "Ap prehending the Love of God." Sab bath school, 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 7; evening worship, 8 o'clock, "A Heart Divided Against Itself.". Special music in the morning. Male chorus at night. All are invited. Wm. S. Gilbert, pastor. Norwegian-Danish M. E. services at II a. m. and 8 p. m; Sunday school at 10 a. m. The choir will sing at the evening service. Scandinavians are cordially invited. 0. T. Field, pastor. Church and the Professional World." Violin music by Miss Esther Sund quist Everybody invited to attend Conrad L. Owen, pastor. Grace. Early celebration at 8 a. m.; morn ing prayer, 11 o'clock; Sunday school, 12:30 m., and evening prayer, 7:30. Holy Innocents ChapeL Sunday school at 11 a. m.; evening prayer, J:jll. . Spiritualism. At the A. 0. U.. W. hall, Sunday evening at o o ciocK. Kev. n. Ji. Howes, of England, will lecture and give spirit messages, subject A Man of Sorrows." All are'invited. Baptist Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m., sermon theme, Covenant Responsibilities." , B. Y. evening sermon., "The Best Treatment For a Burn. If for no other reason, Chamber lain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the treatment of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without tearing a scar. This salve is also unequaled for chap ped hands, sore nipples and diseases of the skin" Price, 25 cents. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists Good For Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel 50 per cent better than I have for weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for biliousness." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. A Big Sensation in Hats Is being created at present in our Show-rooms, where models of the f most modern Millinery for Fall wear are now being displayed. You are invited to call and inspect these new styles, which are certainly most im pressive in the novelty of the ideas. The choicest creations in artistic trimming are here for your approval and the moderate prices marked on the Hats will tempt you to buy. JALOFF'S "The Styie Store,"! Suits, Cloaks and Millinery 1 ;'-r, V.-:- ..:..':Svv,I 4 t -y .... t I take pleasure in announcing the arrival J of a new lot of Fall Suitings direct from the mills arid which are being shown at my store, 179 Eleventli Street. These feoods the most up-to-date in town and among them you iU--iind many new creations in browns and greens. Call tomorrow or any day this week and let me show you these patterns and also how I make them up. A perfect fit guaranteed. :'. -'jt . ; I The Astoria Tailor 1 79 Eleventh Street. Phone Main 3711.