SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 THE MOIINING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. rj OUR ERRATIC m wa iook st, thororore, enure w ft little gap when wo see nothing. But no one ( aware of It, because It has been .the cum Blur we first opened our eyes. . Some of tno Curious Facts Re th wuw we gain in walking. urn eye iiseir cannot joflge distance A near bill and a distant mountain will each form an Image of the eame THE pHENOMMSft OF t SOUND, tatw U fertteraway than the hS bi- cause there are more Interrenlng ob- corded by Physiologists. Squeal ' Mise and the Loweat Notsi of -en C.;an Are Inaudible to Some Pertont Pteullarltlei of , the Deli eate 8ni ef Smell. ! , .J1... It you sliudti the eyes, you weaken your ncntifl of bearing, Try It wltb a watch and the result will surprise you. If you lj n glime of cold water, you wllj liierehse for a abort tlmo your power of vImIoii. ; If you fllJ tbo mouth wltb walor, yoii will greatly atrengi li en your mm of amell. , i , j j Malty slinllur curious facts about the seniles nro told by physiologists. There Ik a multitude of eounda made lu tbe world evory day, for instance, wb Ictt we cannot bear, boworer close they Amy he. Every found tnuet lout a certulir time; In ordur to be beard by tbe eur. If It le an eitreujely'feuble Bound It must Inst quite two aocouda or wo cannot boar It Hut, 'no matter bow long it Iqsta, we cannot bear It If It la a very low or ft very blgb not, Extremely small animals emit eucb high notes tint t we never bear tbem, Umw people cannot even bear tbe uijut'iil of niku. Tbe, lowest botes of an organ are mero rumbling noises to moat people, und some cannot bear tbem at all. 'Vf It la by monna of tbo external ear We Jmlue tbu tltrectlou from wlilch sound cornea, - Stand " facing a clock, place your liiindo In front of your ear, wltb tbe palms turned back, clone your eyes; you will tben think the clock Is behind you, Why cau some auluiale smelt more keen I)- than other? It la a question of the apace within tbo none capablo of siuclllug. In man this spuco U very sinnll-loM than one-fourth of square Incb. In doss and moat mammals II la very much larger, Tbe porpoise line no souse of smell. Tben comes man. and oIko the monkeys, wholes and all kinds of fowl and birds, wltb very feeble smellig power. When pe plo talk of vultures . scenting dead bodies they make a mistake. Lions, tlgors, wolves, etc., can scout tbem at long distances, but vultures depend on tbelr sense of tight . Tbe sense of amell Is exceedingly del tcate. if one ounce 'of musk were dl- Tided Into 13,000,000,000 parte one of these Influlteslmul parts would be per ceptible by tbe average person's nose, On tbe otber band, many people have do power to smelt tome substances, ucb as uilguoueite, vanilla, violots and prusslo acid. ; 1 ' , Taste la curious In tbe fact that dif ferent parts of tbe tongue appreciate different flavors. At tbe tip we per eclve sweet tastes best, at tbe sides acid tastes and at the back bitter tastes. 8ubstancca must be dissolved to order to be tnsted, and a dry morxel tn a dry mouth baa no flavor. This is why smokers rannot taste well. Tbelr moutb chimin, which manufacture sn- flva. nro , paralyzed by the tobacco Very hot or very cold things ore searre- ly tn tit nl at nil. If you want to rd the l est (liver from your food It must bo at some temperature between Mi aud 05 degrees. Kvery cue knows bow easily the sense of sight Is deceived by optical puirr.lcs. But a carious deception Is practiced on us all throughout our lives, and no one ever perceives It, Thero Is a blind spot in tbe eye whore the oDtlc; nerve enters. In everything Eli . J. .J.JLUJ J! 1. 1 ItH-UJI Women's Health may be protected and improved by keeping the blood in good condition, the stomach well, the liver active and the bowels regular by the timely use of Jeels. Bat we can often moke to eetl- mate of distance, Id ft curious way. by the muscles of tbe eyeball, In order to focus a near object we must bulge the lens, and to focus a distant object we must flatten tbe lens, Tbe amount of muscular labor used in doing this given us an Idea of the distance of tbe object, .i , -; j & 1 f r I A man teens much thinner la dark than In light clothing. All black things, in fact, appear . smaller than white thing of tbe same slw. An Image re main on the eye for some time after looking at an object "If the thing le very; bright tbo Image remains a long time,' and sometimes If you look direct ly at the sun you will carry tbe Image of It around wltb you for days. J Color blind people bar defective musical aense. They confuse different notes, and, curiously; the confusion of green blind people differs from tbe confusion of rd blind people. Colors strengthen tbo sense of taste. Red ap plet and, tomatoes : and 1 strawberries and green pickles taste better than the selfsame vegetables and fruit when tbey are paler.4 ' :;;. 1 ,! . For fooling we have a variety of nerves.;, Soino spots on tbe skin feci D8 111. lOllllt " U'llhlllh innii nA "mnA w - - ... --.., ivm u i, u , cents, Foster-MIlburn Co,, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name Doan's and take no other. AMUSEMENTS UNCLE JOSH TONIGHT. 7 Well known Rural Comedy Kolb A Dill In 'Lonesome Town' ' Sunday. "Uncle Josh ' Perkins" 1 the title of a play that has scored a success thitr season, unprecedented in recent yearn, , It h to be given here in all its entirety by the original company which first carried it on to, prosperity and popularity; It, will be produced here tonight at the Astoria Theatre, and it Is certain to play to a packed house. ','UncIe Josh Perkins" is i comedy drama; there is a touch o tragic nature In it that excites to an intense pitch the emotions of the spectators, with all ending, happily, The play is livened up by the excel lent comedy and when the spectators are not in tears over the misfortune of the beautiful young heroine and the khadows that appear to threaten her future, they are laughing and applaud ing uproariously at the funny antics of the comedians. Some new and ex ceedingly clever songs and specialties tome simple touch: The tip of the , are introduced at appropriate stages r" J ' ""T" wuw ..wnr' ?r of the; play, a vast amount of new But the cheek and the forearm are far better Judge of beat ; In the white of the eye we can fool neither touch, beat nor eold-only pnfit alone-but tbe red lining of the eyelids can feel scarcely anything but cold. Tbs moutb, fit every one know, can enJoj I - - i tea or eoriv at a temperature thai would give great pnln to the bands or feet'' '- ,v -s " ') "''' and magnificent scenery is used for the impressive stage pictures pre scnted in each of the four acts of the piece. KOLB AND DILL. Fresh from their eastern conquests and after making critical Broadway bow at their feet for over 100 nights in a paroyysm of laughter, Kolb and ...... l U. VJ-JI . .. ud a vnirs work Nature and k woman's worTr bined nave produced the ffrandett remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the eood old-fashioned dan of our granamotners tner re ilea upon the roots and herbs of the field to cure disease and mitigate suffering. The Indians on our Western Plains to-day can rroduce roots and herbs for every ailment and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled Shysicians who have spent yean In le Btudy of drugs. From the roots and herbs of tha field Lvdia . Pinkham more than thirty years airo irave to the women ol the world a remedy for their pe culiar ills, more potent and effica cious than any combination of drugs. Lvdia E. Pinkham's Veeetabla Compound is now reeoenlzed as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. Bertha Muff, of SIS N.CL fit- Louisiana, Mo., wrjtes : means so much to me that for the sake of otber suffering women I am willing to mane my troubles puDiic. "For twelve years I had been anffer Ing with the worst forms of female Ilia. During that time I had eleven different physicians without help. No toumie can ten wnat 1 auflered, ana at times I oouiq naroiy want. About two years ago I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice. I followed It, and can truly aay that ijai & riDkmtm s Ves-eUble Com. pound and Mrs. Plnkliam'a adrioa re stored health and strength. It ii worth mountains of gold to suffering women. . What Lvdia E, Pinkham Vem. table Compound did for Mrs. Muff, u wui oo lor owsi suoermg women. Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs ,i, - Sharpies Cream Separators . " Raecolith Flooring Storrett'a Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship . Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brast Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass ' Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Sein Web We Wotii Yowr Trod FISHER BROS. BOND STREET John Fox, Pres. F. I Bishop, Sec Astoria Savings Bsut Treat, j Nelson Troytr, Vice-Pres. and Supt ASTORIA IRON WORKS " DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS ' OF THE LATEST IMPROVED ... Canning MacWncir,Marinc Engines ' and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. Correspondence Solicited. . . Foot of Fourth Street A SUMIEK DEII How, To Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St Chicago, tells of a way to become strong. He says: "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters; that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it In my mother's case, a marked gain in flesh has re sulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steady growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy stom ach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Charles Rogers & Son's drug store. 50c. CHOLERA IS ABATING. MR. DILI WITH DILL AND KO LB IN' SUN DAY "LONESOME TOWN" BEECHM2B PILLS Sold Evsrywliere. la bt 10c wd SSe. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. ' Dill ,the two funniest comedians on the American stage, will appear in Don't Mistake The Cause of Your this city tomorrow eveninar for one Troubles An Astoria Cituten ' niorht at the Astoria Theatre in their MANILA, Sept. 25. The epedimic of cholera is believed to have reached its height and to be diminishing. The daily average of cases in this city has fallen below thirty and ,a low death rate indicates that the plague is pres ent in a form light and not virulent, Alfred McVeigh, a government em ploye who for many years was in Columbus, Ohio, and who was stric ken several days ago, is dead. The authorities expect a steady de cline in the number of new cases henceforward and the complete dis appearance of the cholera within a short time. Unfermented Grape Juice absolutely non-alcoholic Concord 5oc quart Catawba.. 6oc quart Welch's Grape Juice Nips 10c RIGAN IMPORTING CO. 5S9 Commercial Street SCHOOLIOIDAT Big &ock plenty for all-plentygof if. clerks you won't have to wait to be waited on. Free blotters, rulers and book covers. WHITCMUTS BOOK STORE pi One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious dis- Showa How to Cure Them. (most successful musical play entitled ease and before the victim realizes his Many people, never suspect their . "Lonesome Town." The book is by danger he may have a fatal malady. kidneys. If suffering from a "., lame, the late Judson D. Brusie while the Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first weak or aching back they think that tuneful music was penned by J, A. sign of trouble as it corrects irregu it is only a muscular weakness; when Raynes. These German dialect come urinary trouble sets in they think itfdians made an instaneous hit with will, soon correct itself. And so it is this musical comedy in San Francisco with all the other symptoms of kid- where it ran uninterruptedly for sev ney disorders, mat is lust where erai monms to crowaea nouses, its the danger lies. You must cure these Pacific coast success was later re- larities and prevents Bright's Disease and diabetes. T. F. LaurinOwl Drug Store. I carry the best Loggers' Smoea in town at the low est prices. My stock of men's and boy's i shoes is unsurpassed for qua- lity. Close buying and low They Take The Kinks Out "I have used Dr. King's New Life troubles or they may lead to diabetes peated in New York, Chicago and all Tills for many years, with increasing or Blight's Disease. The best remedy of the other prominent cities of the satisfaction. They take the kinks out to '.tse is Doan's Kidney Pills, It east, and the critics throughout the of stomach, liver and bowels, without cures all ills which are caused by i country arc unanimous in uecianng iuss or incuon, says in. n. urown, weak or diseased kidneys. Astoria , Lonesome Town" to be the liveliest of Pittsfield, Vt. Guaranteed satisfac- peoplc testify to permanent cures. "' i bit of nonsense that has ever been at- tory at Charles Rogers & SonYdrug Thendor Tosenhson. SIS Seventh tempted by these inimitable "slim' store. Z5c. street. Astoria. Ore., savsv "Ahnnt anu iai rpresentatives oi uerman five years ago I used Doan's Kidney , comedy. Pills and derived great benefit. I was I The st0Iy of tIie PIay Ica,s vvith You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? Portland's Leading Business College offers such to you and at no greater cost than an " inferior school. Owners practical teach'ers More Call than we can fill Teachers actual business men In session the entire year Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking I. M. WALKER, Pres. O, h. BOSSFK1" N, Secy. M sufferirig from severe pains across) the. disposition of a town in Califor- was unable to stooo or straiehten. expenses enable me tO Sell the My kidneys also bothered me a great deal, as the secretions were generally mv back and my loins and at times ' ,lln- wIl,cl1 bcars "amc o Watts. i ne original owner disappears and the laughable attempts of the var ious fictitious claimants to prove i . . 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I few best qualities at lowest prices. 1,0 r Jn passing. At last Doan's I Muney ri:is were Drougnt to my at- ttntion and I procured a box at Rogers' drug store, I began using ii em and my health is now excellent. T take a few doses now and then, when feeling any sign of backache and they never fail to banish the trouble." ., - . their ownership is the basis for many extremely funny situations, , S. A. GIMRE 54.. Bond Street MEN AMD WCMESI. ITm for nnntiirl dirUrKi,inniiiniiiuu. Ounmnl y IrriUlluD. or uiceiauoui irlctar.. - ot ni u o o u nieniurne Pr....t. wttsiin.. Palntn.i. knfl not lstrln ITHEEVNSCHMICI CO. gout or joinoui. 0iNCiNNTI.0r "" I SMilU by DrawUM. ' or (nt In plnln wmpp" 8.. i or tinl III pinm wrnppri 1 ljp -)xpr!i. Tinlil, tot " v'J SI I" it t l'"'tl' K 7- " Circular f "mf ' Tnurr T1--:it C0PYRICHT3 &'C. Annnmnrtlin n nKcirli nnd rtP.T(p!!on may quli'klr usi'ortitnl our M't"" )i frou t. )tM)ior ittvAiiH,.n i nrtihnhl. nft!.c,M nl.ft. Cl.n'nitlllloiv. Han Mriotlr omSdcnt In). HAfiiifOCK en iutit fre, Dlitnat cfiirf r m-cunnt- ixiicma. l'nleiin taken tiinmuii iiiinn v.v', rJt'tiivs (il notlc. without tlinrao. lullia e cu lie nmnidA ' rtfindsomelr lllniitrstud wepXIv. T nwort o!r lulniliin or any si-ieniiuo journal, -i nrwn, fwr: fourmontbt, 11 Bold l)j-U how(1o1m brannb Offloo. & V BU Wahtu.uii. D. V TliE G EL .' "' '..."' .v,,-.;, ... , : C. F. WISE. Prop. ; I Choice Wines, .Liquors and Cigars ASTORIA, Corner Eleventh and Commercial OREGON i THE - TRENTON i Ftrst-Class Liquors andcCian ' ' " M2 CommercU) Street Corner Commercial and 14th. . " ASTORIA. 6 RE 3 ON For sale by all dealers. Price SO