THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, WEPT, 21 Coward By CLARISSA MACKIE. Copyrighted, 1W8. by Associate J Literary lYesg. "I must give you back 'jour free dom. I will not tell you why, lie cause yon would call my reasons ab surd. In justice to you It must be so. Try to forgive me." So wrote Jack Brierson when he Wke his engage ment and Miss Aberncthy pressed her white lips together scornfully and sent back the betrothal ring by registered mail In a very practical manner. Then because the long, euervatlug spring days bad robbed her cheeks of their wonted bloom aud the genus of a convenient "malaria" had dulled the brightness of her brown eyes Rose Abernethy's guardian aunt, carried her bodily away Into the braclug Adiron dack region, where they lived the sim ple life of tba woods and Inhaled vigor and peace with the sweet air. Gradually the cynical lines faded from Rose's face, and when the sum mer brought a greater influx of vis itors to the large hotels she found her self back In that whirl of pleasure of which she had always necessarily been a part . One afternoon she went to her fa vorite retreat on the brink of the Fall ing hill, where a huge bowlder under the pines afforded a comfortable seat. Here she had come every day to wit ness the glorious pageantry of the sun set and her joy In its recurring splen dor was always tinged with dread of the sheer precipice that yawned at her feet -.- Now she was reveling in the solitude , of the spot when slow, hesitating steps broke the silence. She turned as a man came Into view, parting the bush- es with a familiar brown hand. It was Jack Brierson. Apparently he did not see her, for he continued his faltering advance al most to the very edge of the hill. Then he stopped and looked away toward the west with level eyes and a face so stilled from all emotion that its very tenseness was eloquent of pain. Rose Abernethy's face paled as she watched him curiously. It seemed Tery strange to be watching Jack at HELP WANTED WANTED -A GOOD COOK; wages $J0. Apply to Mrs. Capt. Lumercnux, Fort Stevens. 9-24-4t City House, Tenth street. 9-2J-6t MESSr.r.GEk BOYS WANTED - Apply Western Union Telegraph office. it:. "LET GO !" HE SAID HOARSELY. "YOU ABE KI6KEIQ YOUB LIFEl" this remote distance with that empty feeling in her heart and brain. She Hdn't even hate him. Some girls might have done so after being jilted, but somehow she didn't care. She leaned forward breathlessly as he suddenly raised the light stick which he carried and "made another step toward the bring of the precipice. "Don't!" she cried involuntarily, and she stepped around the pine and held out a protesting hand. Brierson turned sharply, and his blank gaze met her own unrecogniz Ing, indifferent. "I thought I was alone," he said courteously, removing his hat "I I thought you did not see that ' you were so near the edge of the preci pice," she said in a low tone and with burning cheeks. He felt about with his stick In a clumsy, unseeing manner and dislodg ed a stone, which went hurtling down the steep Incline with an alarming crackle of twigs and earth. He stood In a listening attitude until the echoes had died away, and then he extended one hand with a helpless gesture. - "I am sorry to trouble you, madam, but I am blind. Will you kindly turn Bie about into the safe path?" Something warm came into the girl's heart as he spoke, and her lips quiver ed painfully. . She laid a small hand en his coat sleeve. As she did so the turf crumbled under his feet, and, with a startled cry, he sank away from her over the brink of the precipice. Strengthening her grasp' on his sleeve as his weight pulled her down ward, she threw her strong young body on the ground and clutched with her free hand at the tough branches of a stunted cedar. J'Let' go!" be said hoarsely. "You are risking your life!" "I shall not let go," she replied de cisively. "Except for your blindness you are a strong man?" ' "Yes," he said Impatiently, "but you must release me at once, madam! If I have been foolish enough to jeopar- SITUATION WANTED. WANTED GIRL WANTS PLACE to work at general house work. Apply 263 Alameda avenue. EXPERT PIANO TEACHING. AN f EXPERT ' PIANO "TEACHER will instruct a limited number of pupils in their own homes; a few specially reduced term lessons. Ap ply early to 424 Commercial street. 9-22 6t HOUSES FOR SALE. FOR SALE ROOMING HOUSE; 14 rooms; $400. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street. 9-23-tf FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM MOD em house; price $3500; this is less than cost. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street. 9-23-tf t'.Wd my own life you must not E!erl flto yours!" "If you nre Btroujr you can pull your self up by the old of this cedar tree. 1 will bend It down-so there! Now. draw yourself up, and I will help you on to Arm ground.? Five minutes later he lay panting on the ground at her feet "I ani very grateful" ho began eagerly, when her crisp, cool voice stopped the words on his Hps. "I am mora than repaid," she said, with cruel emphasis. "I never met a coward before!" "A-coward!" be stammered, sitting np and turning bla sightless eyes to ward ber. "A coward!" she repeated firmly. "You see I know-Rose Abernethy." "Ah, you have the advantage of me, madam. Ytmr flattering words Indicate that you have some knowledge of my affairs." Ills face was very red, and his black brows were drawn together In an an gry frown. I know enough to form an opin ion," said Miss Abernethy coldly. "I will tell you why I believe you to be a coward If you wish." He smiled grimly. "You have been good enough to save a very worthless life. Go on." "You are a coward because you are afraid to let Rose Abernethy know that you are blind. You denied ber the right to share your affliction aud to let her money make things easier for you. She would gladly have shared her pal try dollars with you." You don't understand, whoever you are," he said shortly. "I am a poor man. I bad just reached a point where my fortunes depended npon the keen ness of every faculty, and this blind ness came npon me like a stroke of lightning. I could not ask Rose beau tiful, bright Rose to play nurse and Lady Bountiful to a miserable blind beggar." He dropped his face In his hands and, forgetful of her presence, groaned bitterly. "You have forgotten her. She had some rights. You could never have really loved her, Mr. Brierson." He lifted a ghastly face. "God knows I did, I do, I always shall, but I could not ask her to wait on indefinitely, and I know her un selfish nature, capable of any sacrifice! She would lose youth and everything that goes to make up her joy in life. I could not-I had not the courage to face her and tell her the truth. You are quite right 1 am a coward." There wasa long silence after that while the sun sank behind a distant range and long, cool shadows fell over the two sitting among the pine needles. The man sat with his hands clasped about his knees, while his countenance settled Into that Impassive calm with which he bad first faced the snnset . The girl watched him with pitying eyes and trembling Hps. Twice she parted them to speak, and each time her voice died away In her pretty white throat. "And the doctors said?" she asked at last. "That the sight might return as sud denly as it went or a costly operation might effect a cure. Overstrain has paralyzed the optic nerves," be replied without moving. Rose sprang to her feet, and for the first time that afternoon her voice rang out clear and sweet: "It is growing late, Jack. Will you i take me back to the camp?" Brierson was beside her instantly with groping hands. "Rose, Rose," he cried Joyfully, "It Is you! It has been you all the time?" "Yes," she said, withdrawing from his touch with a confusion he could not perceive. "You must let me show you the way, nnd then" "And then" he echoed breathlessly. "and then you will not leave me you will forgive my mental blindness and my cowardice?" "lou do not need me," she ventured pnR SALE-12 DAIRY COWS. In wistfully. j . pi,,n,nr.j c,; , "Ah. l.Piivr. I fli.1 not know how I " . , - i n: ur tt i . much I needed you!" he cried remorse- ! "mLC auuress vrarrcnion, ncrDen yfullv. "You will ford ve m.v brutality i& oie. . SM7-H and show me the way to happiness ir.r . Z Z once more?" He turned appealing, j F0R SALE CHEAP, ONE SCHOL sightless eyes and beseeching hands arship in the International Corres CLASSIFIED. ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. ASSESSOR'S N0T1CE-(EQUAL1-jtntion of 1908 Assessment). To the Taxpayers of Clatsop County, Oregon: Notice is hereby that the Board of Equalization for Clatsop WANTED - PRACTICAL, AND landscape gardener desires work by County, Oregon, will convene at the day; terms reasonable. Apply at Bay Clerk's oflice at the Court House in Astoria on the 19th day of October, 1908, the same being the third Mon day in said month and the time fixed by law for the meeting of said Board BOYS WANTED TO CARRY PA pcrs. Apply Circulation Depart- ment, Astorian Office. 9-lMf;o E,wa,iiatjon whlch wiI1 continue its sessions from day to day, exclu sive of Sundays and legal holidays, UNDERTAKERS. J. A. OILUAUmt & CO., Undertakers nud EmluUtuers. Experienced Liuly Assistant wnen uesireu. Smith's Spec Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGOAQE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store, Phont Black 2383 Res. Pbbnt Red 2278, 4 Bund Corner 11th ani Commercial until the examination and correction and equalization of the 'assessment roll for said year shall be .completed which said Board will continue m session for one month from said date, unlesskthe labors thereof are sooner completed. Petitions or applications! for the reduction of a particular a sessmcnt shall be mnde In writing, verified by the oath to the applicant or his attorney and filed with the Board during the first week it is re quired by law to be in s'esslon, and any petition, or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Board. T. S. CORNELIUS, Assessor for Clatsop County, Ore. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tatton Bdyr. 12th aud DuaueSU AMTOHIA. OKE.UON FhoueMaluiSlil MIQICAU HOUSE MOVERS. FOR SALE--ROOM ROOM I NG house; $750; here is a chance for some one to make money; call and let me explain the proposition. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth street. 9-23-tf FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car centers, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. MISCELLANEOUS. UnpruaUa 8uoeeM' ef DR. t GEE P TBI GREAT CBIJNESI DOCTOI '' Who It kanm .ilirfinolinnt Ilia TTnltat JBtUe on accouBi No pottos or drugs ussi, Hs gusras wea t eur catarrh, asthma, lun u throat trouble, rheumatism, osrvousoest stomach, liver and kUnsj. amals torn . piainU and all ohronle diseases. luccissrui home thatxint If you cannot call writs for symplon oianK and circular, Inclosing 4 outs I stamps. THE C. GIE WO MIDICIin CO 1121 First St., Corner Morrison P0RTIA1TD, ORXOOH. Plsste nsntkm tU AitorUa. MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets. Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in See us llildebrand & Gor Old Btc Hive Bldg. HOT OR COLD Golden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET & PEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office TRANSPORTATION. The nKM Line PASSENGERS . FREIGHT ROOMS FOR RENT. TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms for rent Apply 584 Commercial street. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms. 677 Exchange, 9-15-61 FOR RENT 3 NICELY FURN ished room, en suite; central locat . ...... ea; suitanie tor tour young men with bachelor tendencies. Call 519 Duane street. 9-24-3t LOTS FOR SALE. A LOT 50x100 SUITABLE FOR flats or an apartment house; $3000. A. R. Johnson, 120 Twelfth St. 9-9-tf WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT A STOCK or dairy farm for cash or shares, (Address Lewis &. Clark, R. F. D, box bu. y-4-im LOST AND FOUND. LOST - CHILD'S BRACELET set, with purple stones. Finder please return to Astorian office and receive reward. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS toward ber. She placed her hand in his. Jack," she said. "Come. Laughing Gat For Poets. Sir Humphry Davy was the first to inhale nitrous oxide. Ills experiment WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE, weieht about 1250 oounds: not over was " resuu o a reporc puonsueu. g 0,d must fce d drivef d tv a hrnthpr pnomlof rnnr Innphlnc ens. ! . pondence School of Scranton. En quire Astorian office. 8-7-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. by a brother chemist tbat laughing gas, called by him oxide of septon, was the cause and basis of all contagion. Cautious experiments made with the diluted fflr, produced no 111 effects, and Davy proceeded to Inhale considerable quantities of t!iL pure gas. Contrary to his expectations, the effects were highly pleasurable. Thrills of pleasure pervaded bis body, and his mind was filled with ideas and emotions of the most exalted kind, which, however, were very Indistinct when the effect of the gas passed off. It occurred to Sir Humphry Davy that the gas might be useful In promoting poetic inspira tion, aud he accordingly tried writing verse while under Its Influence, but the recorded result hardly shows a close connection between the divine afflatus and nitrous oxide. Davy's experi ments had the effect of making the In halation of laughing gas for a time highly fashionable, so that iu 1802 a French writer alludes to it as having become a natioinl vice In England. gentle, also city broke. torian office. Address As- 6-9-tf. An Inference. First Old Lady Oh, I do so love par rots! Second O. I,. So do I; they're so Intelligent. First O. L. Yes, I was down the street the other day and saw one in a cage at a store door. I said, "Pretty roily." and he, cried. "Get away, you old fool!" Second O. L. Well, what appropria'e remarks they do make! Llpplncott'i WANTED WE PAY" HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you sell. Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 9-5-26t MASSAGE. OLGA KANTONEN, FINNISH masseuse and steam baths, room 6, Pythian Bldg., Commercial St., As torian, Ore. PROPOSALS. BIDS REQUESTED FOR TWEN ty million gallon reservoir. Sealed proposals for furnishing materials, and constructing a twenty million gallon reservoir, in whole, and in sec tions, will be received until 12 o'clock noon Friday, October 2, 190S, at office of the Water Commission, City Hall, Astoria Oregon. Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank forms of proposals obtained at said office. Certified check in the sum of not less than 10 per cent of the amount bid on each contract . must accompany, bids. ' Right to reject any and all bids is reserved. City Water Commission, by G. W. Lounsberry, Clerk. 9-15-10 LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS -ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dcllinger Company. PROFESSIONAL CARD). ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices : City Hall JOHN C. McCUE, Attorney-at-Law Page Building, Suite 4 HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law Deputy District Attorney 420 Commercial Street PLUMBERS. m iinuTflMii . ft. DlUnlllUitll PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner , AND Sheet Iron Worker LL WORK GUARANTEE! 42S Bond Street :-.:.,Vi... Steamer Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. I Leaves Astoria dally-txcept Sundsy at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Except Sunday at 7 i. -n. Quick Service Excellent Meals Good Berths OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS Osteopath Office ."vfansell Bldg. Phone Black 2065 i73 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS DR. VAUGHAN ' Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR. W. C LOGAN Dentist Commercial St Shanahan Bids. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO . RESTAURANT. 351 Bond Street Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cts. FIRST-CLASS MEALS Regular Meals 1 5 Cts. and Up. Yniinrd A. Rtfrsi Landing Astoria Plavel Wharf I VMS SX LSCmtl Land.,,, Portl,ni vant T.W PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Oflice. Phone Malr 4061. J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 270a WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall) (320 Astor Street) DENTISTS. We Kill the Torturing Demon Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. mmmu IMLAYins U. S. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cts. First-Class Meals, IS Cts. LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt: TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane hone Main 1991 . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. J. T. NOWLEN . Real Estate and Employment Office 473 Commercial St., Phone Have fine list of Astoria and coun try property, All classes o: labor furnished. i . i. . . wnose paintui ana affonizinz nanirs mane me intolerable tor the sufferer. It is but a matter of a moment to si lence the imp that causes the pain in the nerve. We practice painless ex traction and do it carefully. Also the cleaning and filling of teeth when we deem them worthy of saving'. Our Uur Crown and Bridge work demon strates our professional skill. En trust your teeth, to us, and vou will never have cause to complain, .cither or tne work or the charges. CHICAGO DENTISTS, . Cor 14. h and Commercial Sts. Over Danzigcr's Store. IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST. FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK IATII At LOW At tAtTtll MOUSII wT ....... 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE CONCRETE WORK DONE ANY PERSON WANTING ANY CONCRETE WORK DONE AT THE CEMET ARIES, WILL PLEASE LEAVE ORDERS AT POHL'S UNDERTAKING OF- fice. E.NYMAN Astora, Ore. P. O. Box 603. I ..!. ..H.U ..U ...... -l.U- ivmm TriADt Marks A nrftnt lending nihil eh nnd doacrliitlnn may kit Mtwrimri wit 4Hinnii irvu WMUMlor UP nil Ion ! prohnlilr rule iiiMi. f onunutikiu t.nns HtrlctlT ciinciont.lil. HANDBOOK onl'iiteuM I'itinl.i ttthtin thriiiiili Munil l j. rcculvi IficM notice, without clmruo, 111 till K nndomlf lllnitrated mMf. T.nriroit elr. illation of hit .!ltmlllo linirnul, Tnrnia, t:t i rnnrt four month!, f U Sola uyull newid(ilor ' tlriudb Otto. H V St., WnihliiKiun. 1. C MENAN0W0ME1 Vm Big a for unnatural v dlclirKi,luflninmtk.n. QummumI u lrritutloni or ulcoratioui v. Boi to itrlnturt, of muooui niembmndi. Ti. T fmilb I'siIiikIoi. PmIiiImm. nlkd ntit Aitrln. '' ItheEvamsChemioai Ca. sunt or iiol'onom. lOIHDINSAHOfl StoM bjr Dronlila, j, I or lnt In plnln niitMr, ll 11 br xrwn. repalil, for Kjf P l (lit. i".l'."Ul. 2.7S.