THE MOKMNG A5T01UAX, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, 21 Established 1873. NOT SAFE TESTIMONY IN ;es Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year -By carrie. per month ..' . . ..:.;. ....$7xo ! . .60 ASSOCIATION ACCUSES AMER ICAN FEDERATION OF BAD FAITH t t tl WEEKLY ASTORIAN. ! By mail, per year, in advance........ ............ . .$1.50 , Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, a the postoffice at As SOUNDS JUST A BIT BIASE0 IWl.d, WlCgWll, UllUCi IUS ll VI wmivaa w " - f, twin i " ; Orders for the delivering o! The Mornbg Astorian to either residence j or place of business may be made by postal .card or through telephone. An Jrrlaritv in deliver khould be immediately reported to the office ! CIa,nt3 Tn" Socialism is Absorb , ! TT! J of publication. f vn,omsm ftna preaiei ins tear ot tne consequences Many Are Interested. TELEPHONE MAIN Ml. THE WEATHER Oregon Fair, except showers in northwest portion. Washington Showers FOUNDING THE PORT. Astoria, and all her projected im provements, including the seawall, would be better entrenched and bet ter qualified for development in every direction if the legal foundations were laid for her port status. It would give her a leverage, a signifi cance, a base of operation, a right of initiative, she does not yet possess, and contribute abundantly to that prestige she requires in asserting her claims to .recognition from abroad; it is barely possible it might exert an influence in securing her the "com mon point" rate on grain; at any rate, it would never act as an impedi ment to her logical expansion on j commercial lines. It is a simple matter to take over the condition, whether it shall be widely exploited or not, for it is only a question of voting for the Port of Astoria bill at the forthcoming city I election, and reserving the public use j of its franchise and privileges until such time as shall be expedient to put them into effect, and even this opera tion is limited to the expenditure of a five-millage revenue from the taxable values of the city in any one year; so . the man who votes for it is carefully safeguarded as against extravagance and untimely debt. It also offers an easy and logical solution of the seawall issue, as this important project may be safely committed to the Port Commission for proper development and comple tion under well-advised provisions therefor, supplied direct from the people themselves; the cost and labor and plans for the harbor and its gen eral improvement, may be merged with the seawall plans, and the whole thing worked out under one com prehensive system of device and ap propriation. At all events, the port principle commends itself largely and sensibly to the average citizen, and if adopted at the polls, will constitute a valuable working purchase for many things intimately associated with it as public benefices. ONLY THE VOTES LEFT. A devoted old Republican yester day made dismal complaint to the Morning Astorian that there was ab solutely nothing lefof the grand old party in Oregon "except its votes," and proceeded to wail over the al leged utter disorganization of the party throughout the country. We sought to comfort him by the assur ance that the votes were a smashing fine asset to have left, and that those properly and safely appropriated to the man and the cause on the 3rd of November next would save the day to the country, but nothing we could say seemed to placate the partisan spirit that demanded back the old regimen to which he has devoted the long years of his manhood, the club, the local scrap, the caucas, the open primaries, the boss, and the uproar ious election to crown the ardor and triumph of the post-elective hour. With all due respect to our old compatriot, -we must admit that a ringing coalition between the Repub lican votes of Oregon and William H. Taft for the Presidency, will suit us down to the ground; and we will cor dially and easily pass up any of the old-time details and accessories. AH that is needed in Oregon (and it is needed, alright) is the 1 normal ma jority for that ticket We will try to worry along with that, and leave the clap-traps, old, or new to the "war horses' and the callow poli ticians who think no election com plete without them. SOMETHING WRONG. The filing, by the City of Astoria, the purchase, in its Own behalf, of properties delinquent in the payment of street improvement assessments in a period of three years, . does not strike the ordinary thinker as indica tive of any peculiar popularity of the scheme in operation here nor of the amenability of the property to stand the strain of the charge; but rather forces the conclusion that there is something wrong in the policy, or that it has been pretty nearly work ed to death. Xinety-nine-hundredths of the mu nicipal records and business of this city for that period show scarcely anything else done; and while there is a great deal of it that speaks com- mendably for the character of the ST. LOUIS, Mo. Sept.'23.-J. W. Vancleave, President of the National Manufacturers Association in a speech tonight at the banquet of the Missouri Manufacturer! Association at the Southern Hotel said that the Ameri can Federation of Labor has played a confidence game on President Roosevelt and other party leaders at Washington last winter. "We saw in Washington," said Mr. Vancleave,, "party leaders and civic bodies invite representatives of the Federation of Labor into their council and ask them what legislation they wanted. We saw the president of the United States make treaties with those labor officials with almost as much formality as he would with dip lomatic representatives of Great Britain, Germany or any other great power. What enabled the Federation to play tlii.t confidence game on the party leaden and the president or ganization," Mr. Vancleave urged that employ er organixe saying "in all our facto ries we must insist upon the open shop. The labor societies have made union among us imperative and at the same time have shown ui what union can accomplish. We must get together so that we can wield an .in fluence to elect courageous and pub lic spirited men to office and we must aid them while in 'office in enforcing the statutes and the ordinances against law breakers of nil sorts. "Socialism is absorbing unionism. The drift of most of the unions is strongly toward the Debs and Hay wood follies. Some of the unions have embraced those follies already. THE STAR OF BENAL. SF.ATLE, Sept. 23.-The United States cable steamer Burnside has re turned from the scene of the wreck of the bark Star of Bengal, Capt. Stan ford, cabling the following message last nighf from Wrangel to the local United States Corps office: "On arrival off scene of wreck found tug boat that has remained in the vicinity htd rescued the surviv ors, 27 in all; 110 drowned, which in cluded nine white men and remainder it is understood were Chinese. Vessel is a total loss.' Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, NO RETREAT " .j 1 (IWW "5 IT'S YOUR KIDNEY8. Don't Mistake The Cause of Your Troublei An Astoria Citizen Show How to Cure Them. Many people never suspect their kidneys. If suffering front a lame, weak or aching back they think that it is only a muscular weakness; when urinary trouble sets in they think it will soon correct Itself, And so it Is with all the other symptom of kid ney disorders, , That is Just where the danger lies. You must cure these troubles or they may lead to diabetes or Blight's Disease, The best remedy to m Is DonnV Kidney Tills. J It cures all ills which are caused by weak or diseased kidneys, Astoria people testify to permanent cures. Theodore Josephion, SIS Seventh street. Astoria, Ore., says: "About five years ago I used Doan's Kidney Pills and derived great benefit. I was suffering from severe pains across mv back and my loins and at times was unable to stoop or straighten. My kidneys also bothered me a great deal, as the secretions were generally t'.io free in passing. At last Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my at tention and I procured a box at Rogers' drug store. I began using 'hem and my health is now excellent. ! take a few doses now and then, when feeling any sign of backache and they never fail to banish the trouble," For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. , case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. One of tin worst features of kidney trouble is that it Is an Insidious dis ease and before the victim realises his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the firxt sign of trouble as It corrects irregu larities and prevent! Bright' Dlseane and diabetes. T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store. 1 - ' - t ' Pland Facts About Hardware : There's a lot of Tools and other articles made to SELL and that's all) There are Tools and other things made to sell and give satisfac tion by their wearing qualities, and that Is the only kind we care to han- die. If you buy your Hardware here you can have full confidence In its durability and upon its always giving you satisfactory service. Of Interest To Many. Foley's Bladder Cure will cure any f j n ni.i.. I 1 lii FREE TRIAL-AN ELECTRIC IRON Saves backs, footsteps, blistered fingers, and faces fuel and tempers. mmmmmmmmmmmt mml i ' 'ilj'l 'j Mil You feel no electricity attach to anyfc incsn descent socket low expense would sur prise you let us explain to YOU. ASTORIA ELECTRIC CO. STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 .... 426BondStreet THE SENTINEL STANDS FIRMLY IN DEFENSE OF HIS FLAG From th. Baltimore American. of, practically, 1000 deeds covering improvements made, there has, un questionably, been more of it than was essential and there are those who have suffered by some of it as well as those who have realized upon it. It might be well to abate the policy for a while until the improve ments are specifically demanded by the growth of the city and not build quite so far upon an assumed growth; which latter idea, being intangible, is none the less costly than if inspired by actualities. Mr. Bryan's new issue of guaran teed bank deposits is going to pieces so fast under examination that he will hide it with the . rest of his busted paramounts before election day. ' One of the Hawaiian Islands is to be elaborately fortified for a garrison of 15,000 men. The key of the Pa cific is a great outpost and it is as cheap to keep a part of the army there as elsewhere. A little problem for mathematical experts: If a perpetual democratic candidate for the presidency has an income of $75,000 a year, what is his estate worth, rating the party he ex ploits at nothing? In Maine the Republicans elected the entire state ticket, all the con gressmen and the legislature. The Democrats "made gains" except in the offices.. Many Democrats feel that this sort of progress-leaves, an aching void. BANKERS OUTING. NEW YORK, Sept. '23. M embers of the New York State Bankers As sociation will start next Friday for Denver to attend the tenth annual convention of the American Bankers Association. The convention will be gin next Monday. Probably 300 New York state bankers will make the trip. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, The Won a is lull o! anonymous coffee: "Java and Mocha.' Who returns your money if you don't like em? Tar tc ntorw tmu moot t V lat Ufa IcbmtBi's BMti W fci M l ill Hi 11 Only All Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Points. Two daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocean tines at Lowest Rates. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call on or address O. B. JOHNSON, Gen'I Agent 12th St, near Commercial St , ASTORIA, OREGON. Sherman Transier Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks tad Furnitire Wagoni Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipp-wl. 433 Commercial Street . . , Main Phon V SCO! BAY BRASS & IH I0IS ASTORIA, OREGON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers, Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery 18th and Franklin Ave.- Prompt attention given to all repair work, Tel, Main 2461