33rd YEAR. NO. 222 ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1S03 PRICE FIVE CENTS IT I RECENT Declares Haskells Unfit ness for Trust OIL RELATIONS PLAIN Roosevelt Says Haskells Con nections With Standard Oil are Court Record POINTS OUT BRYANS DEFECTS "Democrat Hai Indeed Advocated More Radical Measures Than he Hat, But the Prime Fault la, They Won't Work," Say President. WASHINGTON', Sept. 23.-rre.sl-dent Roosevelt tonight following a prolonged conference with members of the cabinet prepared and gave out h) reply to Colonel Bryan relative to W. R. Hearst'i charge that Gover nor Haskell, treasurer of the demo cratic campaign committee had rep resented the Standard ! Oil interest! both in Ohio and Oklahoma. Bryan demanded proof of the charges, promising in event, that their substan tiation Haskell will be eliminated from the campaign. The president spent almost the entire day in getting the letter into shape. ; A rough draft was prepared this morning and sub mitted to Secretary Carficld and Postmaster-General' Meyer. At 3 o'clock this afternoon all members of the cabinet now in the city met with the president for conference on the subject which lasted until after 5 o'clock. Two more hours were re ' quired to make certain changes be fore Secretary Loeb gave It to the press. Deeming the reply too lolig to be sent by wire, it was forwarded by mail to the democratic candidate at Lincoln, Xcb. . WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. -In brief, the president says he will ig norc so much of the charge as is dealt with Haskell's relations while in Ohio with the Standard Oil Company, in spite, of its significance. After .stating that Haskell was made chair man of the platform committee at Denver at Bryan's request and helped to draft the platform on which Bryan stands and later Haskell was also made treasurer of the national com mittee at Bryan's request, Roosevelt says hi Oklahoma, Haskell's relations with the oil company is a matter of court record. The president states "EGG-O-SEE" rJEIJNG PRESIDE Creditors Employ Auditors to Investigate Well Known Cereal Company Accounts CHICAGO, Sept. 23. - Auditors employed by creditors " today began an examination of the books and ac counts of the Battle Creek Breakfast Food Company, a corporate name of wht is commonly called the "Egg-O-Sec" Cereal Company. Assistant General Manager Wallace of the com pany stated that the creditor came in at a request of the company, He explained that since both the failure of the banks have been scrutinizing loans, and the company deemed it ad visable for their creditors to- know ID 111 CHALLENGE the case of the Prairie Oil Company which is shown by the disclosure of the Standard Oil Company in the Missouri case, is owned by the Na tional Transit Company which in turn is owned by the Standard Oil Company, where the attorney-general of Oklahoma obtained an Injunction against the Prairie Company for building a pipe line in Oklahoma while Maided! was at the Denver con vention this summer. On bis return to Oklahoma, Haskell petition for a dissolution of the injunction on the grounds that the acting governor and attorney-general had no authority to secure it in his absence and that the action by Judge Lawlcr's court was an "Encroachment by judiciary." Roosevelt asks Bryan to contrast his. (Bryan's) actions regarding Haskell with Taft's In the Foraker matter. The president says with much (Continued on page 8.) E TITLE AND TRUST OFFICERS TRIAL DELAYED FOR TWO YEARS ROSS APPEAL COMES FIRST As the Burkhart Cue b Exactly the Same as That of Ross, District At torney Thinks it May be Waste of Time to Try It First PORTLAND, Sept. -23.-T. T. Burkhart, indicted with other mem bers of the inner circle which wreck ed the Title Guarantee & Trust Bank, may not be brought to trial for two years by District Attorney George J. Cameron. According to the plan which the District Attorney's office is said to be pursuing, Burkhart's case will not be taken up until after the appeal of J. Thorburn Ross has been acted on by the supreme court. ' Mr. Ross, who was president of the defunct bank, and was indicted, found guilty, fined and sentenced to the penitentiary, has taken art Appeal. His attorney, Wallace McCaitiarit Is pre paring a brief for the appeal, and this may consume many months. This brief will then have to be answered by District Attorney Cameron, and these two briefs will consume at least a year, and possibly 18 months. The Burkhart case, it is contended, involves the same legal points as the Ross case and there is no disposition on the part of the prosecution to BOOKS EaAMIJNED just what condition the company was in. Ho says the assets of the com pany are a million and a quarter and their liabilities will not exceed half a million. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23,-Com-munication between shore and the vessels of Admiral Sperry's fleet when they reach Manila will be governed entirely by cholera' situation. If k is believed that serious danger of com municating exists shore leave for the men will be prohibited. BURKHARTS GETS SETBACK FREIGHT GOES 11 WITH BRIDGE Structure Oyer Susquehanna ' River Collapses HAVRE DE RACE, Md., Sept. 23. Through the collapsing of a span of nearly 600 feet of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad bridge over the Sus quehanna River at this point this morning, 12 loaded, coal cart of a northbound train were carried down and the span was totally demolished. William WiUon of Havre de Grace, s watchman, went down with the wreckage and received injurjes which may prove fatal, There were no oth er casualties. There are reports cur rent that the bridge was tampered with and that dynamite had been concealed in different parts of the structure during the last few weeks. Baltimore & Ohio officials are on the scene making investigations. place Burkhart on trial uirtil the Su preme Court has determined the points involved, which are to be set forth mi the respective briefs of Me Camant and Cameron, on the appeal. The Supreme Court is behind in its work, and decisions of the import ance of the Ross case are not rushed. All thes matters will occupy consid erable time, and should the Supreme Court decide in favof of the prosecu tion Burkhart will be tried. Should Ross win on his appeal "the District Attorney may consider it unneces sary and i waste of time to try Burkhart on the same grounds on which Ross was tried. . ' 1ft CAPTAINS RESPONSIBLE FOR STAR OF BU DISASTER Officer of Wrecked Bark Charges Them With Rank Cowardice For Cutting Loose From Ship COULD HAVE SAVED Captain Wagner Oeclares That if Tug Captains Had Done Their Duty No One Would Have Been Lost Was in Ten Fathoms of Water SEATTLE, Sept. 23 A cable from. Wrangle, Alaska, says: I Captain Wagner, of the bark Sfaf of Bengal, which . was ' wre'eke'd ' o'ff Coronation Island- With" a loss of ttO lives, was unconscious for an hour after he was rescued'. He charges the captains of the tugs Kyak and Hat tie Gage, who cut loose from' him.- with rank cowardice. Unable to speak above a whisper, - Captain Wagner I wrote the following: "When the tugs cut the towline we were lying in 10 fathoms of water, and for four hours hoped for help from the tugs. We burned blue lights, but the tugs would not come in. Had they done so, every man aboard could have been saved. v, "I will send both tug captains to San Qucntin, if possible, for their cowardice? "My soundings gave 17 fathoms of water when I dropped anchor and 10 fathoms when the anchor line paid out. ; The wind did not blow hard until 8 o'clock, and the waterway not too rough to come alongside." ;' The survivors of the wreck number 27. The ship broke in three pieces, and is a complete loss. .. The United States cable steamer Burnside has rctmied from the scene of the wreck of the bark Star of Ben gal, Captain Stamford, cabling the fnllowinc messaere last nialit from Wrangell to the local United States CAMEL IS MASCOT OF PillTIl Original Water Wagon Entered With Elephant and Donkey CHICAGO, Sept. 23,-The Prohi bition camel has been entered in the national race against the republican elephant and the democratic donkey. In a number of states the law re quires that each party have an official emblem printed on the ballot, that no voter may mistake his ticket. Alonzo E. Wil-on, state chairman of the Prohibition party, announced today that the FrohibitionUts have decided to adopt the camel As their mascot, replacing the emblem of the fountain and rising sun, which form erly indicated the Prohibition column. Among the reasons advanced by Mr. Wilson for the selection are-that the camel is the" original "water wagon"; that it can discern a fresh supply of water farther than any oth er quadruped; that it can travel faster than the elephant or donkey, and that it is under no necessity of getting a hump on itself, being already sup plied with the article. DRY DOCK PROPOSED. NEW YORK, Sept. 23 -Assistant Secretary , of the Navy Truman H. Newberry has just visited the New York Navy Yard and discussed with the commandant the work of com pleting the big drydock there. The or iginal contractor for this work: en countered such serious quicksand conditions that he suspended opera tions. "" ' . .. ' '' ' . "". THE ENTIRE CREW Signal Corps office: ' "On arrival off scene of wreck found tugboat that had remained in the vicinity had rescued the survivors, 27 in all; 110 drowned, which includ ed nine white men, and remainder, it is understood, were Chinese. Ves sel is a total loss." Captain Farrar of the Hattie Gage, one of the tugs, said: ."We. could see we were making let-way and drifting toward Corona tion island. The tug Kayak was light and could do nothing. The Hattie Giige could not handle the ship alone. At 4 o'clock the ship drifted into a narrow bight and we could see land on both sides' abreast. We sounded and . found eight fathoms and could see by the' phosphorus dark rocks that wereall around. We cut the towline and steamer out into open water, but could not see anything in the driving rain except one blue light burning on the ship. The storm in creased and the tugs steamer to Ship ley Bay, 26 miles away. The cable ship Burnside, ' which . left for the wreck at midnight Monday and re turned at 6 o'clock today, said the ship was a total loss, the ends of the mosts only showing above water. One hundred and ten were drowned, 27 saved. Nine of the drowned were . . . . buried on the beach. The survivors were brought in on the Hattie Gage." FOREST FIRE RASES III E10RTH E! Mil WE VOTE "NO.' WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. -To President Roosevelt will be left the decision whether the Washington monument is to be ucd as a wireless station for the purpose of conducting experiments ' with ships at sea and possibly across the Atlantic ocean. A request asking permission for Hiuch use has been before the authori ties for some time. Vigorous oppo sition to the proposition manifested itself in the press and otherwise on the ground that to put the great mon olith to such practical every day pur poses would be an act of desecration and for the additional reason that the wires at the top would disfigure it. TROLLEY GARS CRASH IIIDEfiSEFOG FIFTY ARE INJURED IN STREET CAR COLLISION AT PHILADELPHIA HURLED GREAT DISTANCES Men Are Thrown in Every Direction When Trollies Collide, Both Cars Are a Total Wreclr-Many Others Slightly Injured." . , r PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23.-Fog was responsible today for a head-on collision between two cars on 'the Southerwestern Traction Company's line between this city and Chester, in which about SO passengers were in jured, several probably fatally. A car leaving Philadelphia with' workmen employed by the Baldwin Locomotive Company at its out-of-town plant, and known as the "Bald win Tripper," was speding along the; single jrack with 72 men on board i-f. suddenly, a car coming from Chesier loomed UHlH the fni; BeT brakes could be applied there was art - -T ' -vo' awtiu crasn. aien were nuriea in every direction and both cars were wrecked. Among the most seriously t 4 r ait hurt were: Edward Smith, leg cut off and shock, may die. William Mullen, ribs crushed in, may die. Philip Itanagan, George Frey, W. R. Porter and M. ScoVitch, all hurt internally . In addition, a sH:ore or more are in various hospitals with broken limbs and other injuries. Most of them are suffering from slight cuts. i (Continued on page 8) MASKED MAN KILLS PORTLAND OFFICER Samuel S. Young Meets Strange Death in Umatilla Street Saloon, Proprietor Sees Crime PORTLAND, Sept. 23-Policeman Samuel S. Young was murdered at 10:30 o'clock tonight in the saloon of W. S. Wood, at East Nineteenth street and Umatilla avenue. The pro prietor of the resort was the only other occupant when the crime was committed. According to Wood s story, the murderer entered the place Ihrough the rear door. ' He wore a white mask, over his face. As the doqf opened, Wood says, he went to- see who was there and was confront ed' by a' masted man, who brushed Little River and Luffen holtz Destroyed HAMMONDS BIG LOSS Large Lumber Company Looses Miles of Track and Many Trestles TRQNG WIND FANNING FIRE Flames Start in Camp of Vance Lumber Company , and Spread Very Rapidly in Teeth of Gale No Death Reported, ' EUREKA, Cal., Sept. 23. With strong wind fanning it to increased fury the forest fire which broke out this afternoon in the camp of the Vance Lumber Company has already spread to the Little River and from there has gotten into heavy timber east of there. The lumber plant of Kellstrom Company, valued at $60, 1000", was totally destroyed by fire, as were all the houses in the settlement. Kellstrom and the crew of plant, however, escaped with their lives to Trinidad. The fire has swept over the Hammond Lumber Comoanv's road, destroying several miles of track and several trestles. Hammond j Company has crews .fighting the fire but it is gaining on them steadily, urged by a 50-mile gale. Last reports from the scene state that the immense plant of the Little River Redwood Lumber Company is threatened as the flames are within two miles of the mill and running toward them fast. The plant is valued at a million dollars, with its large lumber re- serves. The people from Lnff?n9H? arrivin at Trinidad, having left I .i. -- . t- all but their clothes behind" them id- be destroyed, by the flames which are close upon the town. Vast stretch. of timber from Little River and Luffenholtz 1o Trinidad is being swept over and timber valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars is being destroyed. Tonight the fire fighters of the Hammond Company say they do not expect to check the flames and unless the wind dies down .. the whole section of country is doomed. The fire is the worst in the history of the county. The Ham mond Company's passenger train ar rived at Samoa tonight with refugees (Continued on page 8.) Wood aside and stepping quickly to ward Patrolman Young, who was also approaching the door, said "Come on for this time, I have got you." The masked man was carrying a revolver in his hand and raising it leveled it at the officer. When, at close range, he fired. At the first shot Young turned round and the murderer fired two other shots. One of these three struck the unfortunate policeman in the brain, killing him Instantly.