The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 23, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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110 111
Thi Wood' Development it by Far
the Most Important and Moit
Valuable Timber in the Southwest
To Teat Second Growth.
WASHINGTON', Sept. 22.-Ifurcrt
Civritiurit station will soon be c
laMMicd in a iuidiIht of the National
Foret htiiu- of th Vcl according
to pliiiH which have jut Wen om
olctrd' by the United State Forest
Service. These new (atioii arc e
j tx'Cted In do the name for the lf-
vcliipint'iit of American forcits us ntf
riuiltural rxprrimciit nation have
(lone for the Improvement ff the
country's farm.
A a firm trp in tliU work ait ex
prriiuont Million hat already bent e
I;ili1iticd on the Coconino National
Forot in the Stitli-rt. with head
quarter at I'laiftnfT, Arizona. Sta
tion in other National Forest will
be entablithed later, and it is the in
tention ultimately to have nt least
one experiment Mation in each of the
nil vicult lira! region of the Wcit.
One of the mont important parts of
the work of the new experiment Ma
tions will be the maintenance of mo
del forest typical of the region.
These area will furnish the limit val
uable and instructive object lessons
for ihe public in general, for profes-
- sional foresters, lumbermen, and own
er of forest land, and especially to
the technical and administrative of
ficers of the National Forests.
In the recently established , station
on the Coconino National Forest one
of the first problems to be taken up
will be the study of the reproduction
of western yellow pine and the couses
of its Mtcccs and failure. A solution
of this problem of how to obtain sat
isfactory reproduction of t lie yellow
pine is of the greatest practical im
prtauce to the South-west, since the
jellow pine, which is by far the most
valuable tree there is in. many cases
not foriniiig a satisfactory second
growth. The study will be carried on
largely by means of sample plots,
which will be laid out for future ob
servation to determine the effects of
graxmKi of the different methods of
cmiiiiK and disposing of the brush,
and other factors on the success of
i reproduction.
t;licr studies which will be taken
up soon are a study of the light re
quirements (jf different species at dif
ferent altitudes and the construction
of a scale of tolerance which will be
based on the actual measurements of
the light intensity, and not only, as
has hitherto been the case, on gener-
0 HI U
al observations alone; the taking of
meteorological observations to deter
mine the effect of the forest upoi'
temperature, humidity, melting of
snow, wind velocity, etc.! a study of
the relative value of the germinating
power of seeds from trees of differ
ent, ages, and degrees of health;
and similar studies of value to the re
gion. A complete collection of fhe
flora of the forest will be made to
form a herbarium, which will be kept
on the forest and will be available for
reference at any time.
The stations will carry on scientific
experiments and studies which will
lead to a full and exact knowledge of
American silviculture, and the indi
rect benefits of the forests will deal
particularly with those problems of
particular inportance to the regions
in which they are located.
While work of this character is new
in this country, it is not without pre
cedent abroad. The value of the sys
tematic organization for forest re
search work was officially recognized
in Germany in WO, when th fir-t
West experiment, statio,. was estab
lished in D.'Hcn, in connection with
the Tolytccknikum at Carlsruhe. Half
a dozen of the German states follow
ed the example, instituting main ex
periment stations in connection with
. forest schools, and branches in var
ious forest districts. The work dmie
is intensely scientific, and the policy
of forest experiment stations is stead
ily growing in favor, , , - r
J ii India, where after half a cen
tury of administration the state of
the forest is hardly better than in the
United States at present, the work at
research has been almost wholly ne
glected, and the result Is apparent in
the poor progresj of technical forest
ry. Very lately, however, the need,
has been recognized by the govern
nit'iit, and an Imperial Forest Re
serve Institute and College has been
created at Dt-linra I'un, with a facul
ty chosen from the Imperial Foret
In the United State considerable
research work has already been done
in connection with forest problems,
but the chief trouble so far ha been
the lack of pcrsistance and perm'"
nence which has characterized the
work, and failure frequently to con
sider all the factor which arc involv
ed. The new system provides for the
permanent assignment in a given re
gion of specially trained men who
will have an opportunity to become
thoroughly familiar with their region,
and the work will tliun be conducted
with the greatest effectiveness and
leant expense.
The work will be not only scientific
in character, but will also be ex
tremely practical, and will aim in
every case .i solve problems of most
importance to the lumberman , the
orester, and the people a a whole.
Valuable results will undoubtedly be
obtained in this way which were not
possible under the old system of gen
eral observation.
Not 80 Funny After All. .
On one of tin cruises out of Hock
limit we run Into Castlue, Me., where
crowd of visitor boarded the ship.
On old grljilwl f firmer fell Into the
hands ut a youugNtttr from Moutanu,
For the time Mug ventilator bucumo
torpedo tubes, those "sticks" up In
tint air were to hold up fog not, the
rope were Hnthesllnes, tlu engine
ran by radium, mid the Hartford was
ttie fastest ship nlloat,
Tlie old uiuu Mi-timed dtwply Interest
ed, espi-rinlly lit the chute fur getting
overboard, the legit mid arms that
might be adrift It) oetloti mid the value
for letting out whatever water might
run Into the ship, When be Anally
went over the wide he was profuse lu
lila thanks, Turning to his escort, be
drew out ids card, on which was en
graved, " , Hear Admiral. U. 8.
N., Jtetlred." and aald, "The old ahlp
baa changed aim 1 commanded hst.H
Army and Navy Life.
The Whole luslnss.
A very young housekeeper went to
market to purchase a aprlng chicken.
After selecting one and Inquiring the
price ahe said;
"Isn't 3 shillings rather high? The
poulterer to our road only charged me
3a. Od. the other day."
"With the feet onT' asked the sales
man. "No. I believe, now you mention It,
the feet wore cut off." aba replied,
with some hesitation.
"I thought so," anld the man at the
stall. "When we sell a fowl here,
mn'uin, we sell It feet and all" Lon
don Scraps.
Insect Notts.
The slow flapping of a butterfly's
wing produces no sound. When the
movements 'are rapid, a noise la pro
duced which Increases with the num
ber of vibrations. Thus the house fly,
which produces the sound of P, vi
brates Its wings 21,120 times a minute,
or IMS times a second, ami the bee,
which makes n Round of A, aa many as
2(1-100 times, or 410 times a second. A
tired Imp hums on H and therefore, ac
cording to theory, vibrates Its wings
only 8.10 times n second.
Johnny -SmoUIn' cigarettes Is dead
sure tor hurt yer. Jlnimy O'ou! Where
did yer git dnt Idee? Johnny From
pop. Jlmmy-Aw. he wins Jlst atrtngln'
yor. Johnny No, he wiwn't atrlngln'
me. He wua stmppln' mo. Pat's how
I know It hitrta. Philadelphia Press.
, Beyond Him.
"There's only one thing the arm
loss wonder ettn't do with his feet,"
said the showman.
"What's that?" asked a spectator. 1
"Put on hla gloves." answered the
i I Cures Coughs, Colds,
s v
S I M It
a i m tax
a y
tl 1X1 J
XI f S
fifW otto W!K1YW?F iMlTt
i --.g.n. ,i,i,m-j, k aw . ai rfa w n etaan mum uuu ud xt
cJj nl L,Lg Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
Typhoid, if You Pull Through,
Gives You a New Stomach.
That Painful Affliction Keeps Other
Miseries Out of the System and I a
Promoter of Long Life Blessings of
Colds and Smallpox.
To be struck down by disease seems
A most undesirable thing, yet there are
many Uvlng today In t&e fullest en
joyment of very excellent health who
but for an attack of some disease
would have lived a life of almost per
petual misery.
These people were, first of all, vic
tims of Indigestion In It worst form,
and only those who havo experienced
It know what true indigestion is.
Btruek down by typhoid fever, they
came through the trying ordeal cured
of Indigestion, for one outstanding ec
centricity of typhoid la !Mt if you
pass through an attack safely It gives
you a new stomach. In fact, after an
attack of typhoid the victim is usually
left with a stomach like an infant.
That Is the grand chance offered to
one who has suffered, it may be, for
long years from acute Indigestion. If
only ho takes care, after an attack of
typhoid ho need never know indiges
tion again.
lie It nmieinlxired that any one trou
bled with severe Indigestion Is not ad
vised o go hunting around for typhoid
fever. That might prove to !m a disas
trous course to follow.
A chronic rold Is Just ono of those
things which none of us want, yet
even a chronic cold has Its good point,
more tupeoiully If you happen to be up
In years a bit not too old, of course.
People who are up in years and who
suffer from chronic bronchitis seem
to get remarkably well. It keeps the
blood in good circulation, for. of
course, the victim have !: rough, and
that gives tho heart n Jerk nml semis
the blood coursing nicety thr.-ytgh the
veins and arteries.
If the cold lie not too acute, otd peo
ple derive considerable benefit. An
acute attack, on the other baud, vnny
cut off an old person In a day or two.
It Is the chronic type only which yields
Smallpox is a dreaded scourge, so
much so that If it be reported that a
esse exists In a neighborhood a thrill
passes through the whole community.
Yet those who suffer from smallpox
and recover usually live to a green old
see. It teems to renew life in some
mysterious way by thoroughly purify
ing tho blood.
If, however, you desire to attain to
a ripe old age, you cannot get on at all
without rhcumatlom. Consider the
hosts of old folks you encounter hob
bling atiout, grumbling all the day
about their bones and Joint. In all
probability these old people would
have been In their graves years be
fore but for this very rheumatism.
Tho reason is that if rheumatism Is
In tho system It keeps other Ills out
It makes a grand fighting force and
keep most other enemies of the hu
man frame nt bay, especially those of
the germ type.
Very naturally If you have such a
grand friend at band you have to pay
something for aid rendered, but the
pnln of rheumatism, If shockingly se
vere at times. Is not deadly, nnd thnt
Is why one gets so little sympathy
when suffering from rheumatism.
Hut tho plain fact Is that a slight
malady always benefits yon, even If
indirectly. As an example of that,
say n very bad spell of weather comes
along, cold and wet. nnd you contract
a slight chill.
What do you propose to do? Why.
to take the greatest care of yourself
nnd make ns certain as possible thnt
your cold gets uo chance of develop
ing Into anything worse. Now. did
Hint very slight cold not mnko Its ap
pearance and cause you to be ex
tremely careful of what you did there
Is no saying what might happen to
you any day during a spell of evil, cold
weather. You might have exposed
yourself bo much that a severe chill
would have seised you. followed by
Inibimmittion of the lungs.
Accordingly a slight cold may easily ,
Music and Fun Sent on Free Trial
We sU os approval, wltiont
issss-e ana si low ten oars Ktusis tkmjj on every jsaison mono
. uiv ieiBt Boitir urn
onlv easts om Mat ta have
KINO MA.OHINB oroDoeltlon
de if you'll have one sent on
vapenae io you iqii acuiia uuer
lunnrena ar omera nurinr cne
nstanee the Edison was kDt
sent baoK and there's a reasoa
sent on reaueat use the con do a.
Special outfits to nt say pokboo J
few are too smalt to secure a Talk. KTLEHS piAJf 0
his Hachlae from HUers Flaae
jlonaa the largest dealers la
Talking Machines and reooros
on the Coast or Northwest-
40 Itores.
Croup, La Grippe, Asthma.
save you from many worse ill.
In this way minor afflictions act as
waniln,"4 that worse things are com
ing along, but unfortunately many
person fpslta neglect these warnings,
A man. for example, has Indigestion
more or Ms constantly, yet pays little
heed, always expecting that It will dis
appear otiij day. Now, If ho had Just
piild attention to the matter at tha beginning-heeded
tho warning, in short
-be might not have tn let in for a
sjver liver attack later on.
Every pain, every ache, every bead
aehe all thw are warnings that
something else Is on the way and will
bo along shortly. Pearson's Weekly.
An Idea of Business.
"Doe your titled son-in-law, know
anything about business?"
"Wall," answered Mr. Cumrox
doubtfully, "he has had a lot of ex.
perlonce with promissory notes, and
be knows how to get a check ralsed."
Washlngton Star.
The Lightweight Champion.
Sluipklus You say that little man
was formerly the lightweight cham
plou? Tlmklns-Yes. 8lmkius-How
did he lose the title? TIniklus Oh, he
didn't lose It. He merely sold hi gro
cery and retlred.-Chlcago News.
To feign a virtue Is to have it oppo
site vice. Hawthorne.
An Invitation.
Fred-Last night a yon stood In the
moonlight I couldn't help but think
how much I would like to kiss yon.
Fj-eda Weil, the poet say. "The
thought of yesterday 1 the action of
Catarrh Sufferers Are Nothing; But
Hawking, Spitting and Blowing
Machines, Says an Authority.
It is po.-siblii that in these days
when cleanliness and sanitary reform
is being preached in the churches,
schools and at public gatherings, that
thousands of people will continue to
suffer from catarrh, when there is an
absolutely certain remedy always on
Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me)
is a pleasant, medicated and antisep
tic air. Breathe it in and it will cure
catarrh. It will stop foul breath, wat
ery eyes, and crusts in' the nose, in
a few days.
. It is guaranteed by T. F. Laurin
to do it or money back, and such a
guarantee ought to be strong enough
for anybody.
Entirely Cured by Hyomei.
Having suffered from catarrh for
about two years, and having tried
numerous remedies without any satis
factory results, I finally tried Hyomei,
and am glad to state that after using
about one and one-half bottles I am
entirely cured. I have recommended
it to others with satisfactory results.
C. N. Lindsy, 407 East First avenue,
Mitchell, S. D.
A complete Hyomei outfit, consist
ing of a strong, hard rubber pocket
inhaler and a bottle of Hyomei, costs
only $1, and extra bottles, if after
wards needed, cost only SO cents each
at T.- F. Laurin or direct, by mail,
charges prepared, from Booth's Hy
omei Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hyomei also cures, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Coughs and Colds, Croup of
Infants, and any inflammatory disease
of the respiratory tract.
Sept 16-18-23
Don't be afraid to give Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy to your chil
dren. It contains no opium or other
harmful drug. It always cures. For
sale by Frank Hart and leading drug
gists. For a Sprained Ankle.
A sprained ankle may be cured in
about one-third the time usually re
quired, by applying Chamberlain's
Palm Balm freely, and giving it abso
lute rest. For sale bv Frank Hart
and leading druggists.
en Otortt- pay the freight or
to per ana ensrge no interest.
the (alreat. aaiaat aa tho heat
ever made sent to you -then
Free Trial as above stated.r
um uvqu twuuyiea oj
mat munia ana in eTirr s
in the home not on a
wnion wui do
OJTLT S29.S5. A PWofrmph
se m Waah, St.
'Oaotlemeat PI mm aaa
' Catalogue and partlonlari
your Kdleoa Tree trial
Addnaa .M
in the
Fisher Brothers Company
Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting
McCormick Harvesting Machines
Oliver Chilled Ploughs
Sharpie Cream Separator
Raecolith Flooring Storrett'i Toot
Hardware, Groceries, Ship
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, . Welch Coal, Tar,
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Bras Goods,
Paints, Oils and Glass
Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Sein Web
We Wont Your Trade
Jobs Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec . Astoria Savings P-sus, Tress.
Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Snpt
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Correspondence Solicited. - Foot of Fomh Stmt
Unfennented Grape Juice
absolutely non-alcoholic
Concord.... 5oc quart
Catawba 6oc quart
Welch's Grape Juice
Nips 10c
589 Commercial Street.
Big &ock plenty
clerks you won't have to wait to
be waited on. Free blotters, rulers
and book covers.
You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforta,
pleasures, etc., why not in education? .
Portland's Leading Business College
offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school.
Owners practical teachers More Calk than we can fill s
Teachers actual business men In session the entire year
Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking"
I. M. WALKER, Pres. , 0. A. BOSSFP"N, See
C. F. WISE, Prop.
'Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Corner Eleventh
... m
First-Class Liquors andGCigars
S02 Coimnerdal Street
Corner Commercial and 14th.
for all plenty Jof
and Commercial
1 1