TUESDAY, SEW. 22 THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. The Daily Market Report i ... ... ... 1 A V f C . . i II 1' I . i . t . I'D I LAAii JiCIM. J IIC irauc Krnrrally look (or developments In the hop market this week, and the clmncce are that when the market ht the late crop open in earnest prices will on the whole be higher than were predicted month or two ago. Of the 1W8 crop practically nothinit beyond titfgle has been marketed to ,t;,tr, hut a number of small talcs of thee at 8 cent, have ben reported within the p:it few days. Flour. Oraln and Feed. , Wheat-Choice milling aorti. Track jiricei: Club, 88c; blucstcm, V2c; tur key red, '91c; Valley, 90c, Export priced, Standard quality: Club, 88c; bkieitem, 92c; turkey red, 92c; red Russian, 85c. Barley-Feed, $23,5(1; rolled, $27 28; brewing, $26. Oat No. 1 white, $29.00; gray, $28 50. Flour Patents, $4.70; straights, $3.95f&4.20; export, $3.70; Valley $4,45; M aack graham, $440; whole wheat, $4.63; ryt. $5.50. MillitulT-I)ran, $2650; middlings, $34.00; shorts, country, $31.00; shorts, fancy, $14.5; do, ordinary, mw; i tiinn, a .ta..u eiinn. Eastern Oregon, $1650; mixed, $31; Haifa, $11., Butte gt and Poultry. Butter-Extras, 311c; fancy, 27ic; choice, 24c; store, 14l5c. Cheeae Full cream twins, 141c; full cream, triplet, 14i!l5c; Young Amreica, 151c; cream brick, 20c; Swiai block. 18c; Limburger, 20c. roullry Mixed chickens, 13c; fancy hen, 14k; roosters, old, 9c; broilera, 13c13ic; dressed, 1c lb. higher; ducks, 12$14c; geese, old, 8 10c; turkeys, alive, 20c. Eggs-Extras, 2'I29c; ftrti, 25 26c; seconds, 222Jc; thirds, 15 20c. Frultt and Vegetable. Totatoes-New Oregon, $1.00 $1.25; sweet, 24f 241c. Fresh Fruits-Oranges, $3.75(24.50; lemons, $311550; blackberries, 75c 90cents per crate; new figs, $1.00 per crate; peaches, 25c65c per crate; plums, 25c60e per crate; $1.00(3:1.50 per crate; pears, 25c75c. Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 sack; beets, $1.75; parsnips, $1.23; cabbage, $1.502.00; head lettuce, 202Sc; cucumbers, 75cf 85c per box; celery, 75c85c per dosen; artichoke,' 60c dozen; beans, 8c pound; egg-plant, $1(21.25 per crate; tomatoea, 405J50c per crate; cantaloupes, 4075c jier crate; corn, $11.25 sack. Onion California red, $1.25; garlic, 1215e. Apples-California new, $1.251.50; Oregon. 75cS$1.25. Meats and Provlslona. DrcM Meats Hogs, fancy, 8cJ81c; cents; ordinary, 67c; large, 5c; veal, extra, 8cS81c; ordinary, 67c; heavy, Sc; mutton, fancy, 89c. Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s, 15c; do 5s, 151c; do 50-lb. tins, 14k; steam ren dered 10c, 131c; do 5s, 131c; com pound 10s, 91c. Hama-10-12 lbs.. 17c; 14-16 lbs., 161c; 18-20 lbs., 16c. Bacon Breakfast, 1 16123c; pic lcs, 101c; cottage roll, 12c; regular s,ort clears, smoked, 131c; do un moked, 121c; Un. B., 10c13c lb.; smoked, 10l3c; unsmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 13ic; smok ed, 141c; shoulders, 12c. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc, Sugar (sack basis)-D. C, $6.05; beet, $5.85; Golden C, $5.45; ex'tra C, $5.55; powdered, $6.15; fruit or berry sugar, $6.05; boxea, 55c cwt advance Sept. Official Tide Tables Compiled by the U. 8. Government for Astoria and Vicinity. SEPTEMBER, 1908. High Wlater. A. M. P. hjnft Date. h.m. ft. Tuesday 1 Wednesday ..... 2 8:58 6 4:06 4:48 8.1 4:60 5:62 7:13 6.5 6.0 Thursday Friday Saturday ...... SUNDAY ..... Monday ........ Tuesday Wednesday .... Thursday Friday 5:39 5.7 5.8 6.4 7.0 7.7! 6:44 7:58 9:12 8:45 9:67 8.0 8.4 8.8 8.2 8.7 M 10:52 11:88 10:17 11:15 12:21 12:69 0:09 0:59 1:48 2:87 9.1 9.1 8.9 8.6 1:88 Saturday 12 2:17 2:57 8:88 4:22 5:12 6:10 SUNDAY IS Monday .44 9.0 8.8 8.6 8:28 4:23 8.0 7.2 6.6 6.8 6.2 6.5 Tuesday 1 5 Wednesday 18 5:26 j Thursday 17 j Friday 18 6:40 8:04 9:18 7:17 8:28 9:33 4 Saturday : 19 f SUNDAY 10 10:16 6.9 7.8 7.6 I Mnnilnv .........11 10:58 10:27 11:18 12:06 11:53 12:32 12:68 n...An 99 11:83 k 1 uoraa? i Wednesday .....23 Wednesday .....23 mrsaav z Ida 25 0:80 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.7 7.4 Saturday 26 1:07 1:43 2:22 1:26 1:52 2:21 2:68 SUNDAY ......27 Monday 28 2:03 over sack bails (less l-4c If paid for In IS days). Rice Imperial Japan, No. I, $6,35; Southern Japan, $5.75P; broken, 41c head; fancy, $77.75. Coffee-Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy 2528c; Java, good, 20S24c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 16 18c; Artuckle, $16.50 cwt.; Lion, $15.75 cwt; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Sal vador, lll141c. Salt-Bales of 7S-2s, bale, $225; bales of 60-3, bale, $2.25; bales of 40 4s, bale, $2,25; bales of 15-13. bale, $2.25; bag, 50s, fine, ton; $15; bags 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; bags, 50c, 1-ground $13,50; 100s, ton. $13 00; R. S. V. P., 20 5-lb. cartons. $2.25; R. S. V. P., 31b. cartons, $1.75; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20, Raisins Loose muscatels, 3-crown, 7 cents; 4-crown, 71c; bleached, seedless Sultanas. 91c12c; un bleached seedless Sultanas, 61 cents; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 iounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75. Nuts-Walnuts, lS17c pound; filberts, 11 ; Braxils, 16c; pecans, 14 ($20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia row pea nuts, 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen. 90c$l; pine nuts, 10 12c pound. Dried Fruits Applies, 8ic per tb; peaches, 1012c; pears, lli14c; Italian prunes, 56c; California figs, white, in aacks, 71c per pound; black, 6 7c; bricks, 75c2.25 per box; Smyrna, 16 171c per pound; dates, Persian, 61 7c pound. Hops, Wool Hides, Etc Hops 1907, prime and choice, 32 4c lb.; olds, lJc lb.; new crop, 617c lb. Wool-Valley, 14 151c lb.; coarse. 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, 18l9c pound. Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark) 41c5ic per pound. Oregon Oraperoot Per 100 pounds $35. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 141c lb.; dry kip, No, 1, 131c; dry salted, one third less; dry calf, 151c lb.; salted steera, 78c lb.; salted cows, 6ic lb ; stags and bulls, 41c lb.; kip, 6ic lb ; calf, 10 lk lb; green stock, lc less; sheepskins; ahearlings, 1025c; short wool, 30 40c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 5090c; dry horses, 50c$1.50; dry colt, 25c; angora, 80c$l; goat, common, 10 20c. Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oystera Shoalwater Bay, per gal Ion, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympiaa (120 lbs.), $6; Olymplas, per gallon. $2.25 Fifth Halibut, 7c lb.; black cod. 78c; black bass, 20c; bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp,-12ic; perch, 7c; sturgeon, 121c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal mon, fresh, 7c, Canned Salmon common River, 1 pound tails, $2.10; 2-Ib. talis, $3.00; fancy, Mb. flats, $225; Mb. flats, $1.40; fancy, Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska talis, pink, 95c; red, $1.40; nominal 2s. tails, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Oils, Lead, Etc, Benzine V. M. and. P. and Union Naptlia, cases, 204c; iron barrel 131c. Coal Oil Union and pearl and as tral oil, cases, 181c per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 11c; eocene and extra igtar, cases, 211c; headlight oil, cases, 191c; iron barrels, 13c; elalne, cases, 28c. Lead Strictly pure white lead,-in ton lots. 71c: 500-lb. lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs., 81c; red lead and lith arge, tc higher than white. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots, 54c; 1-barrel lots, 55c; in case, 61c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 56c; 1-barrel lots, 57c; in cases, 63c. iEasas " ' ... " SEPTEMBER, 1903. Low Water. I A. M. I P. M. Date. hTm.) ft? h.mTj ft I Tuesday 1 9:47 2.8 10:381 1.3 Wednesday ..... 2 10:25 2.8 11:38 1.3 Thursday 8 11:14 2.2 Friday 4 0:88 1.1 12:19 8.7 Saturday 5 1:58 0.8 1:45 3.9 SUNDAY ...... 6 8:10 0.4 8:17 3.9 Monday ......... 7 4:11 0.0 4:82 8.4 Tuesday 8 6:11 -0.4 6:82 2.7 Wednesday 9 6:00-0.6 6:23 2.0 Thursday 10 6:45-0.5 7:10 1.3 Friday 11 7:27-0.2 7:62 0.7 Saturday , 12 8:07 0.2 8:88 0.4 SUNDAY 13 8:47 0.8 9:27 0.8 Monday .........14 9:86 1.610:18 0.4 Tuesday... 1610:21 2.811:14 0.1 Wednesday 1611:12 8.1 Thursday .17 0:14 0.7 18:18 8.6 Friday ..18 1:22 0.8 1:81 S.I Saturday 19 2:81 0.8 2:52 8.9 SUNDAY 20 2:85 0.8 4:03 8.6 Monday 21 4:27 0.6 4:58 8.1 Tuesday ..22 5:12 0.6 6:42 2,7 Wednesday .....23 6:51 0.6 6:20 8.1 Thursday .......24 6:22 0.8 6:47 1.1 Friday 25 6:50 1.0 7:18 1.4 Saturday 26 7:17 1.2 7:43 1.1 SUNDAY 27 7:46 1.6 8:15 0.1 Monsday 28 8:18 2.0 8: DO 0.1 Tuesday ........29 8:60 2.4 9:27 9.5 Wednesday ..,,.80 9:24 8.0 10:14 t.S WHAf IS A DAY? You Probably Think It Is Twsnty-four ' , Hours, but It Isn't. N'ltitf ptTxonfl out of tcn-yca, 000 out of tvery 1,0m-!f imUed how long It take (lie (:irtli to turn oii'.'O on Us tuU would HUMtt'or twenty-four bourn, nml to Urn ijui'Mtloii, How many tlmos dura It turn on It axis In tlio cow-no of the year? tbo wirtwer would be W'li tlnn'H, Iioin iuikwci's are wrong, H rwjtilrw but twonty-threo hour and flfty-flx mlnnles for the earth to uifiko ono coiip!i: turn, aud It maknx Kim:'4 turiiM during the year. The er ror springs from u wrong Idea of what Is mount by n tliiy, The day Is not, ns In commonly sup potwd, tbo tlmo required by tbo earth to mnko one turn on Its axis, but the Interval between two succesidvo pa siiKjif of tlio sun ncroHS the meridian that If) to ny, tho tlmo which elapses iifti-r the sun Is xceii exactly south In Its diurnal courso through tho heavens before It Is nnii seen lu that poHltlon. Now, In conseijiicnce of the earth's revolution In Its orbit or path round tho sun, the sun has the appearance of moving very slowly In the heareus lu a direction from euwt to west At noon tomorrow the sun will be a abort distance to the east of tho point la the heavens at which It is seen at noon today, so tliut whoa the earth un made ono complete turn It will atlil ban to turn four niluutes longer bo fore tho sun can again be seen exactly south, . ' THE ANCIENT SPARTANS. Thsy Floggd Msn Who Grow Too Fat For Military Service. Among tho ancient Spartans every thing was considered secondary to mil Hory efficiency, and with a view to so curing thin tho boys and men were by law kept In a continual state of "train ing.' No deformed child was allowed to live. Iloya wore taken roui tlieli homes ami subjected to military regn latlous at the age of seven. They were coinH!lled to wear tho same single gar ment winter and summer. At twenty they Joined tho ranks and from Unit ago till tbey reached sixty were re quired to Ulue at the public tables where only a certain quantity was sup plied for each man. Tho magistrate Interfered lu absurdly small matters They regulated the degree of fatness to which It was lawful for any citizen to extend his body. Those who dared to grow too fat oi too soft for military service and exer else wero sometimes soundly flogged Aellan In his. history relates that Nauclls. son of Polytus, was brought before the cpbors (magistrates) and. the whole assembly of Sparta, and "his un lawful fatness" was publicly exposed, aud be was threatened with perpetual banishment if he did not bring but body within the regular Spartan com pass and give up the culpable mode of living, which was declared to be more worthy of an Ionian than a Spartan. f Clock and Watch Freaks. "A watch Isu't exactly dirty when It requires clennlug," says a watchmaker. "It may need cleaning when It hasn't even been worn. "A common cause of this la that the oil In tho works has dried up and be come sticky, causing the watch to go slow or even to stop. In this case It not only wants cleaning, but also the addition of fresh oil. "Tho best oil for this purpose is ob tained from the Jawbone of a porpoise or kindred fish. Many watchmakers mix their own oil from various kinds. "Clocks also stop for no apparent reason. During a thunderstorm, for Instauce, a clock may stop, only resum ing work when minutes, days or even weeks have passed. ."Thunderstorma, again, have been re sponsible for tlio restarting of old clocks which have apparently retired altogether from active service." Lon don Answers. ' Brides and Wet Waather. A Breton bride rather likes to have a wet wedding. It Is held to signify that all her tears are now abed and that she will therefore have a happy mar ried life. I know of no similar belief In the British islns. The Erza of Simbirsk call the day before the wedding the weeping day, and the bride and her girl friends weep all they enn, with the Idea, It would seem, of getting the mourning of life over so that only Joy may remain. The Badagas of tho Nellgherrles at tain the same end by sousing the bride with water. Some Greek tribes have a similar belief In the virtue of a drenching bringing good fortune. The Omnipresent Rosa. Every continent on the globe, with the exception of Australia, produces wild roses. There enn be little doubt that the rose is one of the oldest flow- era in the world, perhaps grown from the wind blown seeds In paradise. In Egypt It Is depicted on nunibcra of early bas-reliefs, dating from 3000 to 3500 B. C. Rosevrater, or the essence of roses, is mentioned by Homer in the "Iliad," and the flower is Rpoken of in the Troverbs of Solomon. Truthful Cholly. "Cholly, have you ever loved be fore?" . . ' "My dear girl, I will be honest with you. I have been encaged so 'many times that my ex-fluueees have per fected an organization and adopted a yell." St. Paul Pioneer Press. Must Havo Been a Prise. "But how could you tell, darling, that I had never proposed to any other gtrl?" "Because you were not married," she murmured rapturously and admir ingly. Judge. ' TO ENTER "SOCIETY." You must Have Treasure, Tsmpsra- msnt and Tact. ... -To enter paradise yon had to be good and you bad to be dead. To enter society yon do not have to be either. On the contrary, though what you do have to be la harder to tell than it is to. get there. But certain requisites may be mentioned. These aro treasure, temperament and tact Treasure, which la the basis of all scrumptlousness, apeak for Itself. Temperament if more complex. Tom perament Is the art of holding your own on the subject of nothing at all with experts who have devoted tUelr lives to the subject That la clearly abnormal. Tact, while less unnatural. Is more abstruse. Tact la the ability to put your vibration Into harmony with those of others about yoa. . As pirants may be rich, rigbteou and ready, yet If they lack that ability, whatever their efforts, they are no where. If they possess it, then, though they be nobodies, they have only to choose wbcro tbey want to go and get there generally speaking, that Is, and provided tbey are not la a hurry. Taste Is very mercantile, besides being nnbecomlng.-dgar Saltns In Broad way Magazine. I Health kidney filter the impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys and wilt positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole system. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Of Interest To Many. Foley's Bladder Cure will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious dis ease and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregu larities and preventa Bright's Disease and diabetes. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Tbey Take The Kinks Out ' "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," saya N. H. Brown, of Fittsfield, Vt Guaranteed satisfac tory at Charles Rogers & Son's drug atore. 25c. I MAG AJZ I assa The J.S. Blank Book Makers Paper Rulers Commercial Printers j: They Do .Everything in Line at FINANCIAL Y EMeptheMMi Savings Accounts Savings Deposits aie received from $i up', oil which inter est is paid. This form of deposit is of especial value in building up a. bank account; as it admits of withdrawals or additional deposits at any time. Every incentive con sistent with safety is offered to patrons of this department. Our neat home savings banks, as an aid to saving, is loaned free to those who want them. The Banking Saving & Loan Assn. 'WE KEEP THE KEY First National Bank df Astoria DIRECTORS Jacob Kami W. F. McGregor G. C. Flavel J. W. Ladd S. S.Gordon Capital ; $100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' liability . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . .100,000 ESTABLISHED J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $227,630 Transacts a General Banking Business . , Interest Paid oa Time Deposits Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and Duane Sta. - - - - Astoria, Oregon SCANDINAVIAN-A A E R I C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Ceaalderatksk" Have Your Bound Into Elegant swum '..w.ys. O Books 2 H -BY- DELLINGER CO. the Lowest Prices for Good Work. N E S the Printing Tuesday 291 Wednesday 10, 1:48 7.0 8:29