li , surfer; - OVCRSTHC MORNING FIELD ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA PU1USHES rULL At VOCIATKO PRCS IMPORT ft ,4 33rd YEAR. NO. 219 ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1203 PRICE FIVE CENTS FORAKER WITHDRAWS FROM ALL CAKiPfllGH ACTIVITY SCORES VICTORY III F.1AII II Takes Leader's Hint and Eliminates Himself LETTER INFORMS TAFT Foraker Before His Resignation Had Already Been Eliminated from Campaign , RESULT OF HEARST ATTACK Advertising Matter Prepared for the Speaking at Camp Taft Show Name of Hughea Only and Indicate For aker' Elimination CINCINNATI, Sept. 19.Senator Foraker tonight el'minated himiclf from participation with Judge Taft in the political rally of the National League of Republican Clubs, to be held here Tuesday. Hi action wai made known to faft in a letter ad dresxtd to the Judge today In which he say that, having read in the news papers that Taft and some of his friends are doubtful as to the propri ety of Foraker speaking with Taft on Tuesday, he decided not to attend He fays he takes this action, not be cause he deems his "answer made to Heart's charges insufficient, but be cause he did not want to do anything that could possibly injure the Repub lican cause or embarrass Taft per onally. Taft said his action li en tlrely voluntary and that he received no direct word from Taft regarding the situation. direct question it was said at county headquarters was not known hethcr Foraker would appear with lughes. '--: It was further learned tonight that advertising matter in relation to the Taft meeting is being prepared and tat the announcements will not In clude the mention of any other sneaker than Hughes. At the same time it was said that a second big NF.W YORK, Sept. 19,-Regard less of whether Senator Foraker' de fense of his relations with the Stand rd Oil Company, as evidenced by letters made public by VV. R.'Hcarst U deemed sufficient to clear him of suspicion of impropriety, there is distinct feeling here tonight that h will be eliminated from consideration as speaker for the Republican na tional ticket. Indications that such move is on foot appeared in the an nnnnccment from hcaduuarters of Hrhert Parsons, chairman of the New York County Committee, that Governor Hughes had been selected to make the speech at a meeting to be held at Camp Taft in this city October 1st. It had bccnpreviously announced that Foraker had accepted the invitation to be the principal In Annual Meet at Chicago ; Hatch a Close Second - CHICAGO, Sept. 19. The annual Marathon race was today won by A. L. Com (unattached), of Chicago, in the official time of 2 hours, 57 min utcs and 30 seconds; one minute be- meetiing Is being arranged to be niinoi Athletic Club, while the third ai vam,. ii vt.wci .- . ma wa , F , Ch, Q ( attached). Fetter's time wai 3 hours rctary Shaw. arul it minutes. Corri. hi. friendi . .1.-1. t ... I.. J... L( ' ll was ueciarcv uy icuCl ..... t,-, ..y n, tna,.rA oraker' availability a an effective ,. ' . . . . . . ... . campaign worker is at an end, even i h wWch hj oot ofe nil appearance on tne stump wouia not prove damaging to the cause he undertook to champion. Although digging trenches so the cable will akcd many questions as to the prob- be placed out of sight. Many Indus tries are suspended because of no water. Cory, Pa., is surrounded by fire, and the heavy smoke makes it almost im possible td breathe AUGUSTA, Me., Sept 19.-The razing of vast sections of timbcrlands by the forest fires continued without decrease today. . The damage is esti mated at more than $300,000 already done. Hundreds of men who have been fighting the -fire for the past three days are nearly exhausted. able course of Taft managers con ceming Foraker, Chairman Hitch' cock declined to express an opinion. n fact, he declined to answer all questions. FOREST FIRE DIMS RISH-Ar, UORS.l'i BUMS lit H SS ER TO THE FltOUT ON THE KIIE'iB Pl'iliS New York Second With 25- Chicago Third With 18 TRAVLRS, ISLAND, Sept. 19.- The national track and field cham pionships of the Amateur Athletic Union were decided today on the fa mous oval of the New York Athletic Club As usual there was a fight for supremacy between the Irish-American Athletic Club and the : New York Athletic Club. Many of the re cent Olympic winners participated. The Irish-American won honor with 55 points to 29 for New York and Chicago 16. The other points were SCHOOLS FOR INDIANS. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. I9.-Har- lan Updegraff, U. S. Inspector of schools in Alaska, is authority for the statement that the federal govern ment will establish thirtee new schools for Indians in the territory, making a total of 74. About 2,500 In dian children are enrolled in the schools and special effort is made to instruct them in industrial, sanitary and hygienic courses. JEALOUS MAN KILLS WIFE PORT TOWNSEXD, Sept 19.- A tragedy of the under world oc- distributed as follows: Olympia, San furrcd here toni8ht when in a fit of Francisco, 8; Montreal, 6; Boston, 4; fliirW Attanriatmn. Washington. 1: Pastime, New York, 1. Three points 0yld Hunker, an erratic German jealousy at the prospect of a woman leaving him and breaking off relations REACH D LI0IIS CONDITIONS IN PENNSYLVA- NIA, OHIO AND WEST VIR GINIA IS SERIOUS - BALLSTON. N. Y., Sept. 19.-The fore.t fire is sweeping over Mt. Mc Gregor and it is feared the historic cottage where General Grant died will be destroyed, ' went to unattached athletes. f.;r. ,.; BOOK ON CONSUMPTION. NEW YORK, Sept. 19.-An exten sive report of the fight being carried on against consumption is a volume entitled "The Fight Against Tubercu losis in the United States" to be is- j sued in the United States by the Na tional Institution for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, and the Russell Sage foundation. The book! includes a directory of all questions and organizations dealing with .tuber culosis in the United States and Can ada. It was compiled by Phillip P. Jacobs, assistant secretary of the" Na tional Association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis. musician, tonight shot and killed Eva Patton, a colored woman whose home is in Bellingham, and then killed him self.; .. v MURDERER LEAPS OVER BOARD Ai ESCAPES LEE JOHNSTON, WHO KILLED THEN DISMEMBERED HIS WIFE'S BODY Makes Number of Strong Averments ANENT.THE COST BILLS Incident to the Schemes and the Correlated Improvements That Must Follow SMALL STREAMS DRIED UP REPUBLICA Boy Play Baseball in Middle of Ohio River Bed Thousands at Work Attempting to Check Flamei Are Growing Discouraged S MET TO EHUVE THE me CAR ON WAY TO NOME FOR TRIAL Man Thought to Have Secured Life- Preserver and Succeeded in Swim ming Unimak Pass Only One Man Sa wthe Escape PITTSBURG, Sept. 19.-With for est fire destroying much valuable property, the enforced suspension of mining industries, crops ruined, live stock suffering, river navigation at a standstill and numerous small streams absolutely dry, the drouth which has been practically unbroken for two 'months past is assuming seri ous; proportions in the western Speakers of Wide Renown Expected of Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia. During the past few day an Associated Press representative visited this territory, and conditions of an alarming nature were found. At night the raging for est fires light up miles of territory, while thousands of persons are doing SEATTLE. Sent. 19. A soecial to Mall Will Ro SofMIPArl nnrl tllfl SprWAC nf ftftVftral the Ppst-Intelligencer from Nome IIHII Hill fc V SfWWUI VU WMU WW! WWV w w 1 says: . . . . . Lee Johnston, who is being taken to Nome charged with murdering his wife and burying her dismembered body, leaped from the steamer Vic toria Thursday morning- in Unimak Pass and escaped. The only man who saw him was a sailor named Walk over. The officers of the Victoria pan Many of the Leading Republicans of the City Met at the Chamber YzJst ASTORIA WILL HAVE A CAMPAIGN CLUB of Commerce Last Night to Put Life in the Approaching Contest preserve swimming ashore. At a meeting of a number of the leading Republicans of the city last everything in their power to check "' " I.U111IIIII l,Va VTVV V iywn the flames.. The majority of the smaller streams v are dry and being used as wagon roads. Boys play ball speaker at that meeting. In giving In the middle of tne unto Kiver pen nut Hie fact that 'Hushe' would ad- at Marietta. dress the meeting no mention was Telegraph and telephone companies made of Foraker, and in reply to a having cables crossing, the river are CHARLESTON, W. Va., Sept. 19. Charles W. Swisher, nominee for Governor on the regular Republican week. It is proposed to call a mas.s ticket, today authorized the Associ-, meeting, when the Taft and Sherman ated Press to announce next Monday years, to" be replaced in wood FILLS, GRADES AND SEWERS Gives Estimator and Figures in Re gard to Proposition and Tells of What Must Precede and Follow the Enterprise, Etc The first expression of any sort of- fcred on the important subject of the bulkhead to reach this office since the matter became prominent a few days ago, is here and now offered, ' without comment, in these columns, ' as will be all, others with which The Astoran is favored, without regard to their particular disposition or argument: Editor Astorian Permit me to make the following averments: "That a sea wall, otherwise a wooden bulkhead is not wanted at this lime is clear!;- shown by a pe rusal of hc 105 ren.onstrances now on file. - - "That this remonstrance, represent ing the bulk of the property in As toria, could have been increased to 1(XX) sigt-atures the is no doubt, judging Itom the expressions of those who had no opportune y to sign "That the most valuable Astoria real estate lies in the water, and not where nature has excluded the water. "That the owners of water lots are not asking for a bulkhead, not for pity, nor have they solicited aid from the hill lot-owners,! who are just now supposed to have their hands full of expenses. "That water lot-owners think and say that lots on the hills should not be taxed one per cent, for their ben efit any more than water lots should be taxed for grading hill lots. "That the top of a wooden bulk head would rot off in ten to fifteen at Governor. I BRYAN ARRESTED FORSCORCHING Democrat Anxious to Reach Next Town and Is Nabbed by Police for Speeding His Auto PROVIDENCE, Sept. 19,-Cam-paigning through Connecticut and Rhode Island, Colonel Bryan today in this city concluded his first invasion of the East in the present campaign. The day was not without jts inci dents, particularly in Rhode Island, where Bryan and his party were ar rested for overspeeding their automo biles whjle making a trip of 35 miles necessary to visit a river point and Woonsocket. At Stamford, South forthwith in securing a hall and to make preparations for the organiza tion of a Taft and Sherman Club. The campaign is at last on. The striking apathy in local politi cal circles over the coming presiden tial election will probably now be lost sight of in an energetic and perhaps wideawake and rousing activity to help elect the nominees of the Re publican arty pby a handsome major ity in the State of Oregon. All over the State the same influences are now at wcrk to waken things up. There is yctbut a short time before election, only a little over five weeks. . At the meeting held last night a committee of five was appointed for the purpose of enrolling a member ship for the proposed Taft and Sher man Club. The committee is com posed of John C. McCue, Clark Loug early' in the day, the candidate deliv- ety, Dan Ingalls (the only one pres- SAY ITS HARD TO "PENTCH" MAGNATES Club can be formally launched. Con- that he would resign as candidate for; sidcrsble enthusiasm was manifested last night, though in a quiet way, and on 'all sides the need of putting a little zest and enthusiasm into the campaign was .felt. C. J. Curtis sug gested that the building on Duane street heretofore used by the Astoria Herald may be utilized for the pur poses of the club if desired. Other places were also suggested. Some hall easily accessible to all will be finally secured The meeting last night was pre sided over by F. I. Dunbar, acting as temporary chairman. C. E. Lock- wood, of Portland, who is acting un- .1 i,. . C ,L. C.. f Pan. ur . u nuu u. y - BALTIMORE, Sep. 19.-Attorney fral Committee, was also present for v '. v the purpose of urging the formation General Bonaparte today made an- of a Taft and Sherman Club. Mr. swer to the recent statements of W. Lockwood said that such organiza T Rv that the oresent administra (Continued on page 8.) ered short addresses to large audi ences, using as a basis of his speeches the Democratic platform. "At Provi dence crowds were at the station and lined the streets and their welcome was vociferous, His address at In fantry Hall was mucji in line with hjs addresses during the past few days. He denottnled Taft for his. attitude on the labor question and challenged htm to put himself on record on this ent 'from outside of the city), H. G Van Dusen and W. T. Eaken. . These three were named a com mittee to secure, a hall: C. J. Curtis, Dr. J. A. Fulton and Sheriff Pony eroy. .. ' It is expected that the committee on securing a hall will be able to re port by Monday, and the other com mittee will probably be in shape to call a muss meeting of Clatsop county Bonaparte Replies to Bryan's Speech, Saying Present Administration Is Not Keeping Promises tions are being formed all over the tion has not squared itself with its A: win it the club is formed and As soon as the club is formed and promises by putting some trust mag- gotten well under way it is probable that efforts will be madeto form sub sidiary organizations . It was re called that during a former campaign the Swedish club was a strong and potent factor. Especially was it pointed out that something ought to be done to interest the young men in the campaign. It was stated that the young men of the present day betray nates in jail. ' Bonaparte says that ever since he has been in office that very thing has been his ambition, as well as Roosevelt's. He says, how ever, that he has been in every in stance compelled to advise against the prosecution because he did not believe it would be successful and that the defendants would have the benefit of an unmerited whitewash ir g. He says in the case of nearly and consolidations that took place ten to twenty years ago and long ago are barred by the statute of limita tions. Although true that officials of a corporation can be held responsible criminally for corporite acts, Bona parte says it' is very difficult to secure legal evidence to convict individual officers. Certain newspapers, he says, which "have been crying for some trust magnate to be put behind bars, are in the position of bystanders who advise the smaller boy in a street fight to "go in and win." Bonaparte says that, as Dickens wisely remarks, "This is an excellent thing to do when one can do i but not an es pecially good thing to try when ona