WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 TUB MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FINANCIAL . ... .... , , j The Daily Market Report 'ORTLAND, Sept, 15. The owt- look In for n comparatively slow miir ket for Oregon potatoen until about the firitt of the year, mid It l quite possible that there will be no marked activity in the trade before the middle of January, The crop of Salinns and River in the Smith U one of the great market (actors fur California ii an yet the main outlet for the potato surplus of this ittate. . . Sain Uronddu, who in well known Jn the jobbing trade here, where he hii been in biiMnen for oeveral ea rod pat, is in the city from Califor nia, on' hi way East. : -;' ' Flour, Grain and Faed. Wheat-Choice milling sorts. Track rice: ' Club, 89c; bluestem, 93c; tur key red, 92c; Valley, 90c. Export pricei, Mandard quality: Club, 68c; blueitem, 92c; turkey red, 92c; red Russian, 86c. Barley-Feed, $25.50; rolled, $7. 28; brewing, $26. Oati-No. 1 white, $27(2$29; gray, 126(228.50. Flour Patents, $4.85; straights, $405 4.55; exports, $3.70; Valley 4.4J; 14 sack graham, $4.40; whole whiat, $4.65; rye, $3.50. i Millstuffs-Bran. $26.00: middlings, J $32.00; shorts, country, $30.00; shorts, r city, $29; chop, $22027.50. Hay-Timothy: Willamette Valley, fancy, $14.00; do, ordinary, $11.00; Eastern Oregon, $1650; mixed, $13; alfalfa, $11. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butter-Extras, 3Uc; fancy, 271c; choice, 25c j store, 14 15c. Cheese Full cream twins, 141c; full cream triplets, 141c; Young Amreica, 15ic; cream brick, 20c;. Swiss block, 18c; Limburger, 20c. Poultry Mixed chickens, 121c; fancy hens, 121c; roosters, old, 9c; broilers, 13c(gl31c; dressed, 1c lb. higher; ducks, 12314c; geese, old, 8 10c; turkeys, alive, 20c. Eggs-Extras, 2728c; firfsts, 11 26c; seconds, 2223c; thirds, 15 20c. Frulta and Vegetables. Potstoes New Oregon, $1.00 $1.25; sweet, 21c. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $3.75(4.50; lemon, '$5(85.50; blackberries, 75c (JWcent per crate; new figs, $1.00 per crate; peaches, 25c($65c per crate; plum, 25c(60c per crate; $1,00(51.50 per crate; pears, 25c(5l75c. Vegetable Turnips, $1.2S sack; beets, $1.75; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage, $1.50(52.00; head lettuce, 2025c; cucumbers, 75c'85c per box; celery, 75e(S,R5e per dozen; artichoke, 60c dozen; beans, 8c pound; egg-plant, $l(7?1.25 per crate; tomatoes, 40(5ftc per crate; cantaloupes, 4075c per crate; corn, $1(31.25 sack. Onion California red, $1.25; garlic, 1215c. "Apples California new, $1.25(31.50; Oregon, 75c(g$1.25. Meata and Provisions. Dre?s, Meats Hogs, fancy, 71 cents; ordinary, 7c; large, 5c; veal, extra, 8c(plc; ordinary, 67c; heavy, 5c; mutton, fancy, 8S;9c. Lard-Kettle leaf, 10s, 15c; do 5s, 15lc; do 50-lb. tins, 141c; steam ren- "v dered 10c, 131c; do 5s, 131c; com , Vpound 10s, 91c. Hams-10-12 lbs., 17c; 14-16 lbs., 16k; 18-20 lbs., 16c. Bacon Breakfast, 16123c; pic nics, 101c; cottage roll, 12c; regular short clears, .smoked, 131c; do un amoked, 121c; Un. B., 10c13c lb:; amoked, 1013c; unsmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 13ic; amok ed, 141c; shoulder, 12c. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. , Sugar (sack basis) D 0., $6,05; beet, $5,85; Golden C, $5 45; extra C, $5.55; powdered, $6.15; fruit or terry sugar, $6.05; boxes, 55c cwt. advance ove sack basis (less Mc if paid for In 15 days). Rice Imperial Japan, No, 1, $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.75(2'6; broken, 41c head; fancy, $77.75. ' Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy 2528c; Java, good, 20i24c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, J618c; Arbucklc, $16.50 cwt; Lion, $15.75 cwt; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Sal vador, lH141c. Salt-Bales of 75-2, bale, $2,25; bales of 60-3s, bale, $2.25; bales of 4Us, bate, $2.25; bales of 15-10s, bale, $2.25; bags, 50s, fine, ton; $15; bags 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; hags, 50c, 1-ground $13.50; 100s, ton, $13.00; R. S. V. P., 20 5-lb. cartons, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 3-lb. cartons, $1.75; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. Raiaini Loose muscatels, 3-crnwn, 7 . cents; 4-crowp, 71c; bleached, seedless Sultanas, 91cl2c; un bleached seedless Sultanas, 6) cents; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 rounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75, Nuta Walnuts, 1517c pound; filberts, 11 ; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14 2Qc', hickory, 10c; Virginia row pea nuts, , 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital ian' 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen, 90c2$l; pine nuts, 1012c pound. Dried Fruits Applies, 81c per lb; peaches, 10 12c; pears, lli(gil4c; Italian prunes, 56c; California figs, white, in sacks, 71c per pound; black, 6(7c; bricks, 75c2.25 per box; Smyrna, 16l71c per pound; dates, Persian, 67c pound. '; Hopa, Wool, Hides, Etc Hops 1907, prime and choice, 33 4o lb.; olds, IQh lb.; new crop, 617c lb. Wool Valley, 1415lc lb.; coarse, 12(5 13c; Eastern Oregon, 8 16c, as to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, 18(519c pound. Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark) 41c(S5ic per pound. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 pounds $3(53. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 141c lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 131c; dry salted, one third less; dry calf, 151c lb.; salted steers, 78c lb.; salted cows, 61c lb.; stags and bulls, 41c lb.; kip, 61c lb ; calf, 10(3 11c lb; green stock, 1c less; sheepskins; shearlings, 10(25c; short wool, 3040c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 5090c; dry horses, 50c(S$1.50; dry colt, 25c; angora, 80c(5$I; goat, common, 10(g) 20c Oysters, Clams and Fish. . . Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon, $225; per sack, $4.50; Toke Point, $160 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25. Fish Halibut, 6c lb.; black cod, 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp, 121c ; perch, 7c; sturgeon, 121c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal mon, fresh, 7c. Canned Salmon coiumoia River, I pound tails, $2.10; 2-lb. tails, $3.00; fancy, Mb. flats, $2.25; 1-lb. flats, $1.40; fancy, Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska tails; pink, 95c; red, $1.40; nominal, 2s, tails, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Oils, Lead, Etc Benzine V. M. and P. and Union N'aptha, cases, 201c; iron barrel', 131c. Coal Oil Union and pearl and as tral oil, cases, 18k per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 11c ; eocene and extra star, cases, 211c; headlight oil, cases, 191c; iron barrels, 13c; elaine, cases, 28c. Lead Strictly pure white lead, In ton lots, 71c; 500-lb. lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs., 81c; red lead and lith- ictorsofS The human body is a wonderful machine, provided with muscular, nervous and mental energy far in excess of normal needs. In health, the organs and tissues can do double their usual amount of work without strain or friction, because they have stored energy to meet the extra demand. When you feel "all tuckered out," these factors of safety are nearly exhausted snd you need to resort to BEEOM m PUS to renew the supply of energy, wherever it may be called for. Indigestion, bilious attacks, constipation, loss of sleep, ner vousness, dizzy spells, are warnings that the factor of safety in the stomach, liver, bowels or brain, is low, or nearing the danger point and needs to be replenished, ' Beecham's Pills increase the supply of blood, strengthen the stomach, operate the bowels, feed the nerve cells, build tissue, aud create a reserve supply of energy, which is the only natural and effective way to , Protect the Health In bote wUh lull d'rr'on, lOe. and 2Se arge, 1c higher than white. Linseed Oil Raw, S-barrei Iota, 54c; 1-barrcl lots, 55c; in case, 61c; boiled, 5 barrel lots, 56c; 1-barrcl lots, 57c; in cases, 63c Gasoline Union and Red Crown, bbls., 151c; cases, 221c Motor, bbls., 161c; cases, 231c. 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 371c. Engi,e Distillate, bbls, 9c; cases, 16:. COULD NOT DENY IT. The WHneti Had Bten Mixed Up In a Case of Thsft. 'The attorney for the defense looked i keenly nt the, witness who was testify I lug for the prosecution. "Tour name, ; If I understood you correctly." be said, j "Is Horace HInsej. Is that rlghtr "Tea. sir." "Did you ever live In Nasbuar "Yen, sir." "Mr. Hlusey, have you ever been ar rested on a criminal charge?" -, "No, sir!" Indignantly answered the witness. "Never!" ; "Did you ever commit an offense for ' which you might Justly hare been ar rested r ' "Never, sir!" ; "Mr. IIIiiKcy, Is It not a fact that you j once stole from your own father?" 1 Here the attorney for the prosecution Interposed, but tbe witness chose to ' answer. "No, sir?' be exclaimed. "Never In j my life!" "Now, Mr. illnsey,",snld tbe lawyer, I "suppose I should tell yon that I knew of a case when you did steal from your father" Instantly the witness' brow cleared. "Gentlemen." he said, turning to the jjury, "he's right I remember now. t When I was about eight years old I ! stole half a dozen eggs from my fa- tber's grocery store, took them down j under tbe bunk of the creek, cooked them and helped eat them. This law ,' yer, who was a boy then, not only ! helped me steal those eggs, but put me ' up to stealing them. Ilow are yon, j Jlrar The judge and jury joined In the Imigb that followed, and the rest of tbe examination was conducted on more friendly lines. Youth's Com panion. i i AN ANGRY LION. ! Movements Thsl Always Prsesds ths Animal's Spring, A lion's first signs of anger are as follows; Its tall rapidly twists from side to side, the bottom slightly ralsiug and tiro black tassel at the end beat : Ing the air. It lowers its head more j than usual nnd growls, at intervals showing Its teeth. Then its voice be comes louder. It roars, shows Its tooth ; and lowers Its ears, tbe movements of the tall Increasing all the time. At the time, of cuarglnjj-thnt Is, at tho height of its nui,tr-the tnll rises . In tho air until It is almost vortical, tho ' black 'tassel contlunes to move, tbo e:irs ere lint toned completely, nn.l tho animal comes toward- you t a Blow trot, tlioh at a pillop, nn:l Tiiiiily i Kiul'iir. ,vvard with upon mouth m! extended claws. Home times it shows these various symptoms without charging, restrained by prudence, but it never charges with out showing tbem. When the tall rises tbe hunter can bring bis rifle to tbe shoulder and await bis opportunity. In buuting a man who is on bis guard Is woiftb four. charge is extremely dangerous, al most always fatal when unexpected, either because of tbe dense vegetation or other causes, but if you see the ani mal getting ready flight Is useless. Stand your ground. Tbe only thing to do is to keep cool and trust In your weapon. If you have no confidence In yourself it is prudent to avoid measur ing your strength against these ani mals. Exchange. Ovsrzsalous. If you have ever been annoyed by a too enterprising barber, you will ap preciate tbe little incident that left one of them rueful and crestfallen the other day. Having shaved tbe customer, he ran his band over tbe man's bead and said insinuatingly: "Have a hair trim today, sir?" "Do you think I need It?" "lea; it looks pretty long." "Well, bow is tbe boss barber on half trlmmlnff? Tsi ft nntffv avwvl V xes; ne s pretty gooa, au ngni. But why?" "Well, he trimmed my hah yester daysPhiladelphia Ledger. ' 8om Haightt In ths Catskills. The height of some of tbe tallest and most interesting mountains In the j Catskills Is as follows: Slide mountain, ' 4.220 feet; Iluuter mountain, 4,052; ; Black Dome. 4,004; Thomas Cole moun tain, 3.07S; Mount Cornell, 3,920; Peak o' Moose mountain, 3,875; tbe Witten berg. 3.824; Sugar Lonf. 3.807; High Peak. 3.800; Panther mountain, 3.80O; WIndbam High Peak. 3,534; North mountain, 3.450; Overlook mountain, 8,300; Plaaterskill mountain, 3,200; On teora mountain, 2.CS5. - His Dream. ' Towno Do you believe in dreams? Browne I used to. but I don't any more. Towne-Not as superstitious ns you were, eb? Browne Oh. It wasn't a question of superstition; I was In love with one once, aud she jilted me. Catholic Standard and Times. y How It Happened. I "True, tho uight vn dark, but bo j appeared to jump deliberately in front ( of the automobile. j "Force of habit The poor fellow was an actor and naturally dived for the spot light." Kansas Cit Journal. Tit For Tat, Affable Barber You're very bald on top, sir. Self Conscious Customer (much annoyed) What if 1 am? Yon ; needn't talk so much. 'Ow about that squint of yours? London Telegraph. Sept. Official Tide Tables Compiled by the U,-S. Government for Astoria and Vicinity. Better be poisoned in one's blood than to be poisoned In one's principles. Confucius. Believe that you have, and you have It-Ovld. SEPTEMBER, 1908. High Wbter. Date. Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday ..' Friday Saturday . SUNDAY . Mon.lay , . Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday ,. SUNDAY . Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday , . SUNDAY . Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Wednesday lirsday .. rlday iturday ... SUNDAY . Monday Tuesday ... Wednesday . 1 . 2 , 8 .4 . 6 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 .10 .11 .12 .18 .14 .IB .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .23 .24 .15 ,2S .27 .28 .29 .801 A. M. h.m. ft 8:58 4:50 6:52 7:13 8:45 9:67 10:62 11:38 0:09 0:69 IMS 2:37 8:28 4:23 6:26 6:401 8:04 9:18 10:15 10:68 11:33 0:80 1:07 1:48 1:22! 2:08 8:481 6.9 6.6 6.0 6.7; 5.8 6.4 7.0 7.71 9.1 8.9 8.6 8.0 7.2 6.6 6.3 6.2 6.5 6.9 7.8 7.6 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.71 7.4 7.01 P. M. h.m. ft 4:06 4:48 5:39 6:44 7:68 9:12 10:17 11:15 12:21 12:69 1:88 2:17 2:57 3:88 4:22 6:12 6:10! 7:17 8:28 9:83 10:27 11:13 12:05 11:68 12:82 12:68 1:26 1:62 2:21 2:58 8:29 SEPTEMBER, 1903. Low Water. Date. Tuesday 1 Wednesday ..... 2 Thursday ....... 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 SUNDAY 6 Monday 7 Tuesday 8 Wednesday ..... Thursday 10 Friday ...11 Saturday 12 SUNDAY .....'.18 Monday 14 Tuesday 15 Wednesday .....16 Thursday , 17 Friday ....18 Saturday 19 SUNDAY 20 Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday .......24 Friday & Saturday ,,,,.,.26 SUNDAY, ......27 MonJav 28 Tuesday 29 Wednesday u A. M. h.m. 9:47 10:25 11:14 0:88 1:53 8:10 4:11 6:11 6:00 6:45 7:87 8:07 8:47 9:36 10:21 11:12 0:14 1:22 2:31 3:85 4:27 6:12 5:51 6:22 6:60 7:17 7:45 8:18 8:50 9:24 " (B1CIB1B p ft. h.m. ft I Z .J-XL-V$ 1! N 811:88 1.8 . ISPv-- trl VtKVj1,1 ill " k ""w .A ljrt?h.r i iii I T'! 2.8 2 8.2 1.1 0 0.4 0.0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 0.2J 0.2 0.8 1.8 2.8 8.1 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 8.41 8.0 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.6 6.6 t.6 Every Builder or Contractor will find ft to his; advantage to become acquainted with our stock of Tools and Building Implements. Builders' Hardware is a specialty with us. The many little thinks re quired in the kitchen in the Hard ware line can be bought at a great saving at our store. "What yer got dat rag fastened up dore fer?" "Gee, but you la a landlubber! Oat's to show dat do owner's aboard." New York World. '. Terrible Tests. "So you are still looking for an hon jst man?" "I am," answered Diogenes. "What is the lantern for?" "That's to test him with. 1 am going to lend him the lantern, and if he brings that back I'm going to try him with on umbrella.'VBoston Post Ths Rsturn Trip. - "Will you have plenty of fresh fruit at that farm where you go, Alice?" "Yes; Arthur says he will bring a big basketful every nlght''DetroIt WE KEEP THE KE It Will Make YOU The following; table il. Independent lustrates how your sav ings will accumulate in five years, computed on a basis of 313 working days in the year at 6 per cent, interest: 10 cents per day for five years. 20 " " " 1 25 " M M 30 " " - - 50 " ' -100 " " - Amount Deposited ... 156.50 ... 313.00 ... 391.25 ... 469.50 ... 782.50 ... 1,565.00 fnterest Earned I 26.47 - 52.94 66 13 74.32 132.25 264.67 Total Amount 180.97 365.84 457.38 543.82 ' 914.75 12957 Depositors Will That any sums that they Please Notice mav not wish to deposit in the little Banks may be brought to our offices and deposited on pass books the same as an ordinary bank account. The Man Is building up capital with which Who Saves t0 cnJ'y the earning power of money. When the opportunity presents itself (and it comes to everyone) he is in position to grasp it and reap success. He is independent. He is a citizen of standing.J L The Man Who Is neglecting one of the most Does Not important acts of life. His responsibilities increase with his years and his earning capacity, decreases. The result is evident. ggu.., mm WHICH WILL, YOU BE? Get One of These Banks and Find Out The Banking Saving & Loan Assnj First National Banlc of Astoria DIRECTORS ' Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. CFlavei J. W. Ladd - S. S. Gordon E7T Capital .........$100,000 Surplus ,.. 25,000 Stockholders' Liability ..... 100,000 t:STABLIMHKJ) 1871. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $227000 ' Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and Duane Sts. ..... Astoria, Oregon 1 SCANDINAVIAN-A A E R I CAN SAVINGSJ BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTOi "Safety Supercedes All Other Consideration." STEEL &jE WART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 .... 426JBondStreet in in Only All Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Points. Two daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call on or address O. B. JOHNSON, Gen'I Agent 12th St, near Commercial St. ASTORIA, OREGON. Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, llaoZar. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks and Fnraitsrs Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street - - Lltia Ftoa vn