The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 16, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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" I H H 1 1 M O M M M M t
I The Store tM Ladis
Women BEEMVE Outfitters
iviiimiei y iiayia v ........ t
JWednesday and Thursday
t Sent. 16 and 17 Everybody Invited ?
The steamer Yosemite arrived in
port yesterday from San Diego via
Willapa Harbor, at which latter place
she took on a half load of lumber, and
will finish out on the return trip at
Portland. Her officers report a safe
and pleasant trip down with the last
Benson raft of logs, but do not know
whether there are more to go out this
this season or not
There were probably 150 people
left Astoria last evening, including 60
on the Spencer earlier in the after
noon, for the State Fair. The Lur
line's cabins were full and the A. & C
train carried out a long list.
The Simpson barkentine Echo
which has been laid up at Knappton
for a good while, will sail at once for
Coos Bay to take on a load of lumber
for trans-Pacific delivery.
The steamer Tiverton came in from
the Bay City and docked at the
Fisher pier where she left a good
bunch of local freight. She then
went on to Portland.
The steamer "Northland arrived in
yesterday from San Francisco and
discharged a lot of freight at the Cal-
lender dock before going on to Port
land. The German bark Henrietta went
tip the river yesterday, Portland
bound for grain, on the lines of the
steamer Oklahama.
The French bark La Rochejacque
line will go up the river today on the
hawsers of the Harvest Queen and
load grain out for Europe.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore will
leave the O. R. & N. pier this morn
ing at 7 o'clock, for 'fillamook Bay
The motor schooner Evie went up
the river yesterday and will get an
overhauling before she comes down
Schilling's Best is in
packages; never comes
out of a bin or canister.
Tour rrorrr itturoi root mosey it yea don't
Ika it: pr turn
Get Your
Hand In
' Alp
Here are the handiest things you
wear; "all kid" and yet genuine.
Fit the purse as well as the hand.
Fancy stitched, well sewn and in all
the latest styles and colors. No
wrinkles, no bursting stitches, or
buttons tha fly off without notice.
We are ready for "all hands" of fe
male sex. Also a complete line of
silk gloves. Please bring your
hands with you.
Catarrh Sufferers Are Nothing But
Hawking, Spitting and Blowing
Machines, Says an Authority.
It is possible that in these days
when cleanliness and sanitary reform
is being preached in the churches,
schools and at public gatherings, that
thousands of people will continue to
suffer from catarrh, w.hen there is an
absolutely certain remedy always on
Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me
is a pleasant, medicated and antisep
tic air. Breathe it in and it will cure
catarrh. It will stop foul breath, wat
ery eyes, and crusts in the nose, in
few days.
It is guaranteed by T. F. Laurin
to do it or money back, and such
guarantee ought to be strong enough
for anybody.
Entirely Cured by Hyomei
Having suffered from catarrh for
about two years, and having tried
numerous remedies without any satis
factory results, I finally tried Hyomei,
and am glad to state that after using
about one and one-half bottles I am
entirely cured. I have recommended
it to others with satisfactory results,
C. N. Lindsy, 407 East First avenue,
Mitchell, S. D.
A complete Hyomei outfit, consist
ing of a strong, hard rubber pocket
inhaler and a bottle of Hyomei, costs
only $1, and extra bottles, if after
wards needed, cost only SO cents each
at T. F. Laurin or direct, by mail,
charges prepared, from Booth's Hy
omei Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
. Hyomei also cures, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Coughs and Colds, Croup of
Infants, and any inflammatory disease
of the respiratory tract.
Sept 16-18-23
We take this method of expressing,
and conveying, our sense of apprecia
tion of the genuine good work done
in behalf of our property on Sunday
last, on the occasion of the fire which
overtook it, and which was so well
and promptly handled by the mem
bers of the Astoria Fire Department,
and by the citizens who contributed
their aid in all ways during the
Afternoon Tea and Sale.
The ladies of the First Methodist
Episcopal Church will hold an after
noon lea and home cooking sale Fri
day afternoon at 2:30. Everybody
welcome. 9-16-3t
When the steamer Charles R. Spen
cer reached the snug little city of
Skamokawa yesterday at 12:15
o'clock p. m., there was a wild
tumult afoot there among the people,
with four houses in flames and a de
mand for all the help that might be
The instant the Spencer was tied to
her dock, Captain Charlie Snenccr at
the head of his officer, crew and pas
sengers, lit out for the scene of the
lire and all hands worked cheerfully
and successfully in saving all manner
of household goods from the home
of John and Lew Kennedy and from
two of the .Howell Shingle Company's
house's, all four of the structures go
ing up in smoke, and fortunately
summing up the range and ravage of
the fire.
It is not known just how the fire
originated but it is thought to have
caught in the attic and from the
chimney of Lew Kennedy's home.
So far as U known, and as reported
by the officers of the steamer Lurline
which was behind the Spencer, there
was no further spread of the fire.
In the appearance of the man that wears a suit that is cut and
made, right and the man that wears just any- old make of clothes.
You can't be too careful in selecting your suit, Most any of
them looks good when new, but how do they look after six
months wear; that's the te& that tells. Then why not
buy guaranteed clothing? . Suits that are guaranteed to not
only wear well, but also guaranteed to hold their shape and
! Suits, "The Better Kind". Priced $20 to $30. '
W. II. Fowler of the Smith-Premier
Typewriter Company, of Portland,
was a business visitor in Astoria yes
Uncle Charlie Wright, "mine host'
of the Hotel Occident, departed yes
terday afternoon, on the steamer
Spencer for a week's outing at Car
son's Springs.
County Judge C. J. Trenchard and
Commissioner John Frye, left up on
the steamer Lurline last evening for
their annual trip to. the Oregon State
Fair at Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Enberg were
homing passengers on the Spencer
yesterday, from a brief outing over in
the Evergreen State.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hull took the
steamer Spencer for Portland and Sa
lem, yesterday afternoon, for a pleas
ant visit to the State Fair.
Giles B. Johnson, of the A. & C.
and G. W. Roberts of the O. R. & N.,
were both absent from their desks
yesterday, having been summoned to
Portland on business.
Another party, bound for the State
Fair, from this city, last evening con
sisted of Messrs. J. P. McCrca and
Phil J. McDonough, Mrs. Anna M
Ford and Miss Mary McCrca. They
went up the river on the Lurline, and
will spend the week at the Capita
Mrs. t,. A. iayior, with her son
Robert, has returned from a summer
stay in Los Angeles, with kinsmen
and friends. They came back on the
steamship George W. Elder.
George Judd, of Judd Brothers, left
up for the Capital City and the State
Fair yesterday and will be gone the
better part of a week, visiting at his
old Marion county home while in
that section.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherman will
eave for Salem this morning to visit
the State Fair.
Mrs. Albert Dunbar and Mrs. John
McGowan went to Portland last
ight for a visit.
Uittord waterman of Chicago is
the guest of B. F. Allen. Mr. Water
man may pdssibly locate here.
Now is the time to get your- new Dunlap
i ; right. $5.00.
; Remember our 1-2 Price Sale on Boys' and Youths1
il Suits; soon over.
They're always
The Home of Hart Schaf f nerf &Marx Clothes
. - . - . . . . .
Ladies' Notice.
Koss Millinery Parlor will hold
their opening of Fall and Winter Mil
linery, Wednesday and- Thursday
September 16-17. 9-13-3t
Grand Millinery Display.
Showing of imported and domestic
headgear will begin at Jaloffs on
Wednesday, September 16. Ladies
are cordially invited to call and in
spect this fine stock. 9-lS-2t
Y. P. S. C. E. Meeting.
The members of the Y. P. S. C. E.
of the First Presbyterian Church will
entertain their friends on Thursday
evening, September 17, 1908, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Tuyl, 268
Tenth street. ' 9-16-2t
.Millinery Opening.
You are invited to the opening dis
play of fall and winter millinery at
the La Mode, 682 Commercial street,
Saturday, September 19th. 9-16-4t
The Frank L. Smith Meat Com-
Lpany, .twelfth street, between Jiond
and Commercial, buys hides, pelts,
dressed veal, dressed pork and poul
try. 9-14-tf
"The Style Store."
Cloaks and Millinery
Subscribe to The Morning Astorian.
Summer Excursions
During the months of August and
September the Ilwao R. R. Co. will
sell round trip tickets daily from all
points on North (Long) Beach to al!
points on Clatsop Beach at rate of
$1.75. Return limit thkty days.
Fall Millinery.
Don t fail to attend the Grand
Opening of Fall and Winter Milli
nery at The Ross Parlor, Wednesday
and Thursday, September 16-17. 9-13-3
Save Money.
From $1.50 to $2.00 saved by buy
ing through tickets in Astoria. Tickets
to all points in the United States and
Europe now on sale at O. R. & N.
dock. G. W. Roberts, agent.
Restaurants, Hotels, Ships, Boats,
Mills, Logging Camps,' Etc. .
We will give you low prices and
special rates on all kinds of meats.
Every pound guaranteed to-be fresh,
pure, and in perfect condition. Frank
L. Smith Meat Co., Twelfth street
between Commercial and Bond. 14-tf
CHICAGO, Sept. 15.-The fight
which is being waged by Chicago
high school fraternity members
against the school board for the right
to retain membership in secret socie
ties was carried into the court yester
day. Edward McDonald, a suspended
pupil at the Hyde Park High School,
filed a petition in mandamus in the
circuit court denying the right of the
board to expel him for failure to sign
pledge renouncing his fraternity mem
bcrship and asking that a writ be is
sued compelling his reinstatement as
a pupil in the school.
rector E. H. Newell of the reclama
tion service will sail"to-day on the
transport Crook for the Hawaiian Is
lands, where he will remain until Var
ly in November .investigating recla
mation work in the islands. He sta
ted last night that the government de
sires to ascertain what forms of em
ployment are open to home builders
outside pf the sugar plantations,
where Coolie laborers are at work
almost exclusively. The government,
he stated, desired to open up in the
islands a large field for white laborers.
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian,
night at the Palace Restaurant. Tbi
kitchen and dining room service arc
of the positive best. Private dining
looms for ladies. One call inspires
regular custom. Try it. Commercial
street, opposite Page building.
The Commercial
One of the coilest and most popu
lar resorts in the city is the Comraer
cial. A new billiard room, a pleasant
sitting room and handsome fixtorei
all go to make an agreeable meetins
place for gentlemen, there to discuss
the topics of the day, play a game of
billiards and enjoy the fine refresh
ments served there. . The best of
goods are only handled, and this fact
being so well known, a Urge businesi
is done at the Commercial, on Com
mercial street, near Eleventh.
J. P. B. Fresh fruit and vegetables.
Badollet & Co., grocers. Phone Mali
The Clean Man.
The man who delights in persona!
cleanliness, and enjoys his shave,
shampoo, haircut, and bath, in As
toria, always goes to the Occident
barber shop for these things -and
gets them at their best
New Grocery Store.
Try our own mixture of coffee-rthe
If you want a good load of fir or
boxwood, or of coal, ring up Kelly the
Good houshold and steam coal deliv
ered at $7.50.
Phone Main 2191, Barn, 12th ft Dusne
The very best board to be obtained
in the city is at "The Occident
Hotel." Rates very reasonable.
The O. K. Chop House is now open
at Twelfth street, north of Commer
cial. Short orders and oysters at all
hours. ' 9-l5-6t
All Things Modern.
"The Modern," the beautiful ton-
sorial establishment of . Arthur E
Petersen, at 572 Commercial street in
this city, is unquestionably the real
resort for the most perfect treatment
this behalf, and the most criticcl
finds nothing to criticize there, how
soever often he visits the place. ,
Bartlett Pears
For canning. Our price is right. Order
yours now.
Acme Grocery Go.
The Palace Restaurant
An phase of hunger can be daintily
gratified at any hour of the day or
..Big Cut in Wall Paper..
Must close out our line of Wall Paper. All the
latest designs. 1-5 Off Until Oct lO Only.
If ycu are contemplating any work of this kind,
call and inspect our stock before purchasing else
where and you can save money. .
Eastern Painting & Decorating Co.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oil and Glass