The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 16, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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' fc,. -assail
Established 1873.
Published Dailv Except Monday by-THE J. S. DELLINGER CO-
By trail, per year ....................... J7.00
By carrie-, per month . M
By mail, per year, in advance........ .... ..$1.50
Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, a the postoffice at As
toria, Oregon, under the act o Congress of March 3, 1879.
Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence
or place of business may be made bypostal .card or through telephone.
Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office
of publication.
of .mail matter and registry and mon
ey order system. Incidentally they
are to make known plans for better
ment, such as the establishment of
postal savings banks and the exten
sion of the parcel post. Wherever it
may be impracticable for po&tmnsters
to deliver the lectures they are to fur
nish the necessary information to the
school supervisors so as to equip the
regular teachers. It is the postmas
ter general's expectation that the
school children will be useful to the
postal service in seeing that letters
are properly and plainly addressed.
That there is necessity for action
of the 'kind, is shown by the volume
of business transacted by the dead
letter office. During the last year
13,145,172 pieces of mail matter were
sent there because the postoffices were
unable to read them.
IV I Vlllll 1.IIIIIVIIV I V 1 1 ffT
Oregon, Washington Fair except
rain in eastern portion.
Idaho-rShowers and thunderstorms
Speaking of Astoria's big prospec
tive sea-wall:
To what height shall it be built
above low water mark?.
To what official grade, or base of
grades, of this city, will it conform?.
Where will the wall start? Where
will it end?.
What course will it pursue to ren
der the best service?.
What depths will it traverse, and
upon what volume of base?.
Will it follow the pier-head, or har
bor, line throughout?.
Will it follow an independent line
inside both of these?.
Will it be built, once, or permanent
materials, rock, or cement?.
Will it be built of piling and planks;
for constnat re-building?.
Will it be built as a whole; or in
Has the route ever been surveyed,
sounded or understanding traver
sed?, j
Has the scheme ever been apprais
ed, exactly, or approximately?.
What is the real, or even probable
cost of the enterprise?.
Has anyone a tentative plan of the
work, indicating its range?.
Has anyone ever figured its finan
cial relation to the existing debt of
Have the people a right to- essen
tial answers to these questions?.
Should the answers be made before,
or after, the city is committed to en
Why cannot the Po,rt of Astoria
Comissibn build and maintain the
Will it not pay to have these prob
lems solved before we build?.
Will it not pay to pay to have them
answered before we begin?.
If so, get to work at the best sourc
es of information?
Will you?.
A Traveling Man's Experience.
"I must tell yon my experience on
an east bound 0. R. & N. R. R. train
of the ultimate cost of the proposi
tion, as it is of establishing a fixed from Pendleton to Le Grande, Ore.,1
and legal port status; of being sharply writes Sam A. Garber, a well known
and distinctively in line for action
when such an attitude and such a
franchise shall need demonstration
in the preservation of Astoria's natu
ral and inherent characteristics in this
She must not remain in the nega
tive and unguarded condition that has
prevailed all these long years; the
commercial people and creeds of the
hour require that she shall be equipped
to meet, legally, and aptly, the de
mands, encroachments, issues, ven-
traveling man. ' "I was in the amok
ing department with some other trav
eling men when one of them went out
into the coach and came back and
said, 'There is a woman sick untc
death in the car.' I at once got up
and went out, found her very ill with
cramp colic, her hands and arms were
drawn up so you could not straight
en them, and with a death-like look
on her face. Two or three ladies were
working with her and giving her
whiskey. I went to my suitcase and
The Aeronautical Exhibit Will be so
Arranged as to Show Each Step
Forward in the Inventions of the
Mechanisms For the Air.
tures and successes of such fixed po- Lot my bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.
sition and these things she cannot do Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy (1
without the full and exact right that ever travel without it), ran to the
goes with such organic plane and water-tank, put a double dose of the
p'ace- medicine in the class, ooured some
We hope that nothing may prevent water into it and stirred it with a
her final assumption of all that goes pencn; then I had quite a time to get
to a good port a big port, and an al- the ladies to let me give it to her, but
round port, known and appreciated I succeeded. I could at once see the
in every land that has dealings with effect and I worked with her, rubbing
the great Northwest of America. This her hands, and in 20 minutes I rave
is the first step to snch an end and
she has everything in the world to
amplify her claim and maintain the
new status.
The bill under question, with a re
her another dose. By this time we
were almost into Le Grande, where I
was to leave the train. I, gave the
bottle to the husband to be used in
case another dose should be needed,
sponsive and popular mandate behind but by the time the train ran into Le
it, will make her safe from a good Grande she was all right, and I re
many things, in the way of infringe- ceived the thanks ot every passenger
ment and spoilation, she might not in the car." For sale by Frank Hart
meet successfully without. The mere and leading druggists.
quality of a lawful port will enhance
her rating in the commercial world, Good For Biliousness.
even if nothing large or effective be "I took two of Chamberlain's Stom
done in such behalf for vears: and ach and Liver Tablets last night, and
she has a great deal to do when one I feel 50 per cent better than I have
comes to think of it. for weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of
Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a
Gov. Huehes refers to Mr. Brvan fine article for biliousness." For salf
.... It. t. tf. . s . -
as a dreamer. What a troubled time r "amc nan ana icaaing aruggisis
he must have in his slumbers if his
paramount issues pass in procession.
There never was a time when Mr.
Taft and Senator Foraker would have
found it difficult to shake hands over
the record of the Republican party.
A gentleman engaged in shipping,
in this city, and a good Astorian, has
Mr. Bryan's favorite for governor
was beaten in the Nebraska Democra
tic primary. Are all parties in that
sfnf tirprl nf flip nernptital mmWAite?
In his forthcoming autobiography
Mr. Rockefeller will endeavor to do
himself complete justice something
Best Treatment For a Burn.
If for no other reason, Chamber
Iain's Salve should be kept in ever;
household on account of its great
value in the treatment of burns. It
allays the pain almost instantly, and
unless the injury is a severe one, heal.
the parts without leaving a scar
This salve' is also unequaled for chap
ped hands, sore nipples and disease;
of the skin. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Frank Hart and leading druggists
Frosts in the North are reported
earlier than usual. The Bryan dollar
campaign fund is suffering from a
nipping blast from Vermont and may
be marked down.
Both in Maine and Arkansas, the
next states to vote, the prohibition
question is at the front. In these ca
ses the straws and the juleps must be
considered together-
suggested a scheme whereby the com-J 'hat the public has never been able to
mission that is to handle the sea-wall
of the city may attain to 123,000 tons
of clean dry filling per annum for
little, or no cost whatever; and the
proposition will be worth stowing
away till such time as it can be
brought into play, to the general good
of all in touch with it: Namely, to
take all the ballast that the 100 ships
per year bring to this port and which
is not wanted at Portland under any
circumstances, nor anywhere else
along the river than anyone knows of.
These hundred vessels, or more,
each carry from 1,000 to 1,500 tons of
rock, sand, gravel etc. making an easy
average of 1,250 tons each, and the
stuff is a rank burden to ship-master
and owner when the hour for new
cargoing arrives and is generally free
ly given away. Every ton of this
might be conserved at this port and
made to do ready duty upon the
known route of the sea-wall, wherever
it shall be, with proper facilities fur
nished the ship in the way of towage
to and from the line.
There has been a cry sounding to
the Heavens for years past about
here for the solution of the ballast
problem, and now the answer is fur
nished forth soundly and gratuitous
ly and it only remains to those in
charge not to forget nor ignore the
Don't be afraid to give Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to your chil
dren. It contains no opium or other
harmful drug. It always cures. For
sale by Frank Hart and leading drug
Argentina has appropriated $55,000,
000 for a fleet, as an offset to the bat
tle ships ordered by Brazil. It takes
more than small change to get a
start in the modern naval swim.
There is general pleased expression
everywhere that the Port of Astoria
bill has been endorsed by the Chamber
of Commerce and practically amended
so as to keep the cost thereof within
easy control by the people themselves.
It is not, at present, so much a matter
Plan to Have School Children Study
the Postal System.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15-Post-
master General Meyer has made an
order that promises beneficient re-
i suits. The postmasters of the coun
try have been directed to confer with
their local school authorities as to the
practicability and desirability of deliv
ering to the school children short
talks on the postal service. The de
sign is to inform the pupils of the
scope of its operations, the methods
of delivering the mails, classification
You are both judgt tr.i
jury for Schilling's Best
Tour grocer returns your bomt If rim imt
Ilk it; we par list
What -The Japana Statesman Told
A California Congressman.
NEW YORK, Sept. .-Congress
man McKinley of California, in an ad
dress at the Metropolitan Temple told
of a conversation he had with Mar
quis Ito of Japan three years ago, in
which the marquis predicted the awak
ening of Asiatics and Japanese in par
ticular, along manufacturing and oth
er industrial lines and foreshadowed
the competition in manufacturing the
goods which Japan would one day
give the United States. That predic
tion, the congressman declared had
come to pass and already the country
is beginning to feel the effect of the
labor of Japan and other Asiatic countries.
"I don't see why you people of the
United States object to the coming of
Japanese labor to your shores" ob
served the marquis to me" said Con
gressman McKinley. "We can spare
you millions and China can spare you
more, they are the most docile and
adaptable people in the world. It
seems to me that if you fill your fac
tories with our laborers you could,
soon undersell all the nations of Eu
rope." -
In reply to this the congressman
told the marquis that he was looking
at the matter only from a Japanese
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian
60 cents per month by carrier.
WASHINGTON, "Sept. l5.The
marked interest in aeronautics ha
been noted by officials of the Smith
sonian Institution and National Mu
seum. Prof. S. P. Langley, who
built the first successful power driven
model of an aeroplane, was secretary
of the Smithsonian Institute and his
various models, the famous Langley
aerodrome and the numerous aero
plane parts used in his experiments
in aerodynamics are now in posse
sion of the institution. These and
other exhibits in the institution are
being arranged into a special exhibit
ey Geo. C. Mayhard, assistant cura
tor of the national Museum and a
bibiliography of aerial navigation has
been compiled.
Octave Chanute, the father of aero
nautics in the United States yester
day offered to build one of his glid
ing machines for the Aeronautical
Exhibit and it is understood that the
Wright Brothers will present the In
stitution with a model of their latest
flying machine and one of their ear
lier gliding machines.
As soon as the new building for the
Smithsonian Institution is completed
the aeronautical exhibit will be ar
ranged to show each step in the pro
gress of aerial navigation from the
hot air balloon of Jos. Montgoificr
in 1782, to the Wright Brothers aeroplane.
On exhibition now are three model
aerodromes constructed by Prof.
Langley, two with steam motive pow
er and the other with a gasoline en
gine, and all of, which have made
flights.. The Langley, aeroplane,
which was wrecked has been rebuilt
but has never yet ben exhibited. One
of Lilenthal's two winged gliding
machines, a model of Hargrave's com-1
pressed air flying machine, which flew
a distance of 319 feet; Stringfellow's
aeroplane model which was exhibited
in the Crystal Palace, London, in 1856
and the engine of which was far ahead
of the development of that time and
numerous motors, propellers, wings,
kites and other interesting parts of
aeroplanes, are now in the possession
of the Smithsonian Institution. The
dirigible balloon brought over to this
country by Santos Dumoiit will also
be exhibited. The exhibit and Iibri
ry on aeronautics will be of vast in
terest to the public1 as well as aero
nauts. -
If And the Fairest and Biggest
M Reduced Price Piano Sale
Will End.
In just two weeks we have sold 32 'instrument
and that many buyer can testify to the extraor-
$ dinary values they have received for little money
telle! . J '.
raj isi
I, I ,a
M NEVER AGAIN will the cream of highest
2p grade pianos be offered at such small prices and
easy terms of payment.
the extreme low p ices on these will self them by
Saturday night.
Just TWO brand new beauties left; come in
and get one at actual factory price. .
We have three very fine second-hand pianos,
taken in exchange as part payment on Pianola
Pianos; one for $ f 55. one $ f 46 and one at only
$ I CO pay as best suits you we want the room pogj
Store onpn frvpntnrrc until 10
For a Sprained Ankle.
A sprained ankle may be cured in
about one-third the time usually re
quired, by applying Chamberlain's
Palm Balm freely, and giving abso
lute rest. For sale by Frank Hart
and leading druggists.
Missouri River Case Decision Does
Not Give Satisfaction.
CHICAGO, Sept. IS. Attorneys of
the railroads affected by the Missou
ri river case decision of the Interstate
424 Commercial St
m m
Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers,
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery
18th and Franklin Ave.
Prompt attention given to all repair
, work. Tel Main 2461
sums ot the local. I his. it is held.
will place Chicago and St. Louis job
bers re-shipping goods from these
Commerce Commission met yestcr- cities to the Missouri river, at a dis-
day to draw a petition for a rehearing
of the case. The order of the com
mission reducing through rates from
the Atlantic Seaboard to Kansas City
and other Missouri river points be
comes effective Sept. 25 and au effort
will be made to bring about a post
ponement of the enforcement of the
order pending a re-hearing.
The decision, which was rendered
two months ago, deals a serious blow
at Chicago and St Louis commercial
interests, it is said, and threatens to
demoralize rates throughout the counj
try by introducing a new system of
rate making The new through rates
from the seaboard to Missouri river
advantage with jobbers in that terri
The petition for a re-hearing of the
case will b completed within a few
days and filed with the commission.
If the appeal does not produce the de
sired result, an injunction against the
enforcement of the commission's or
der will be sought in the United States
The petition to the commission will
be signed by those railroads that
were not parties to the suit. They
include the Chicago and Alton, the
Wabash, the Missouri Pacific, the
were the Chicago and. Northwestern,
the Chicago, Burlingtop and Quincy,
the Rock Island, the Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Paul and the Chicago
Great Western.
Sunday Excursions to Long Beach.
Steamer Nahcotta leaves O. R. &
N. dock at 6.5 a. m. daily. Round
trip fare to any poi t on North
(Long) Beach. S1.00, Sunday's onl
" For Sale.
Twelve shares Northern Oyster
companies stock, one hundred and
thirty dollars (130) per share, Apply
Imperial Restaurant. 8-9-tf.
For Rubber Stamps and Typewriter
Supplies see Lenora Benoit. Public
Atchinson, Topcka and Santa Fe, St. Stenographer, 447 Commercial ttreet
Louis and San Francisco and the Illi- - -
points are to be made less than the nois Central, The defendant roads Subscribe to the Morning Astoriaa
C?t3 E-Iousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ech, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation.
Pleasant to taKe
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexions of
pimples and blotches.
It is guaranteed