THE. MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPT. 15 The Daily Market Report ' PORTLAND, Sept. 14. In the lo- cnl full trade the belief Id more or less prevalent that it U only a matter of time when the federal government will have to assume control of the Columbia River, so far as the salmon fisheriei are, concerned, and make and enforce regulation! of its own. "The twos states are at loggerhead " In the matter of river Jurisdlsdiction," said a dealer today, "and It U inevit able that the questions that have aria en through conflicting lawi on the subject of fishing will have to go to the court. What will be te outcome nobody now could more than guess, but with the' two states unable, as they seem to be at present, to frame uniform lawi to regulate finhlng, I believe that the only solution of the trouble that will be satisfactory In the end will be for the government to take charge." Hour. Grain and Feed. Wheat-Choice milling aorta. Track prices: Club, 89c; bluentem, 93c; tur- key red, 92c; Valley, 90c. Export prices, standard quality: Club, 88c; blueatem, 92c; turkey red, 92c; red ussian, 86c. ' Barley-Feed, $2S.!0; rolled, $7. 28; brewing, $26. ; i Oata-No. 1 white, $27S$29; gray, $26$28.50. ' Flour-Patents, $4.83; atraighta, 405 455; export,- $370; Valley $445; 1-4 lack graham, $4.40; whole wheat, $465; rye, $5.50. Millstuffs-Bran, $26.00; middling, $32.00; ihoru, country. $30.00; hort, city, $29; chop, S2227.50. v-'-y Hay-Timothy: Willamette Valley, fancy, $14.00; do, ordinary, $11.00; Eaatem Oregon, $16.50; mixed, $13; alfalfa, $11. ' " Butter, Egg and Poultry. Butter-Extra, 311c; fancy, 274c; choice, 25c; tore, 14(J15c. Cheeie Full cream twin, 14)c; full cream triplet, 141c; Young Amreica. 151c; cream brick, 20c; Swi block, 18c; Limburger, 20c. Poultry Mixed chicken, 12c; fancy hen, 121c; roosters, old, 9c; broiler, 13c313Jc; dreed, lc lb. higher; duck, 1214c; geese, old, 8 10c; turkey, alive, 20c, Eggs-Extras, 27?t28c; firfsts, 25 26c; seconds, 22(fj)23c; thirds, 15 20c. ' , ' ' ' Fruita and Vegetable. Potatoes-New Oregon, $1.00 $1.25; tweet, 21c. Fresh Fruit Orangea, $3.754.50; lemons, $4 50(36.50; blackberrie. 75c hort clear, moked, 131c; do un- moked, J21c; Un. B., 10c13c lb,;; cases, 28c 121c. ' Coal Oil Union and pearl and a tral oil, cases, 18c per gallon; water white, iron barrel, 101c; eocene and I extra tar, cate, 21c; headlight oil, leases, 191c ;iron barrel, 121c; elaine, (..j ivaii... ...,.i,.A i?.: L,ea ainciiy pure wim iu, ed, 141c; shoulders, uc. v JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. than 500c lb., 81c; red lead and lith arge, ic higher than whita. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lot, 50c; 1-barrcl lot, 51c; in cate, 57c; boiled, 5-barrel- lota, 52c; 1-barrel lot, 53c; In cate, 59c. Caiollne Union and Red Crown, bbls., 151c; cae, 221c. Motor, bbl., 151c; catei, 221c. 86 degree, bbl., 30c; case, 37ic. Engine Distillate, bbl., 9c; cases, lw. - NEW TO-DAY Sugar, Coffee, Etc. Sugar (tack basin) D, O., $6.05; beet, $5.85; Golden C, $5.45; extra C. $5.55; powdered, $6.15; fruit or berry sugar, $6.05; boxe, 55c cwt. advance over tack bai (let 1 4c if paid for! In IS day). Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.75(26; broker., 41c i , ..- ' head; fancy, m'K AU Thlnga Modern. , Coffee-Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy j- - 2S28c; Java, good, 2024c; Java,' "J Modern" the beauuful ton ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, facy,iorUl. eabl.ment of Arthur E. I820c; Costa Rica, good, 16l8c; Petersen, at 57 Commercial atreet in Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt; Lion, $15.75 this city, i questionably, the real wt; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; SaI- ort for the mo.t perfect treatment "j. instil Un thia behalf, and the most entice! Salt-Bate of 75-2. bale, $2.25; otWg to criticixe there, how . bale of 60-3. bale, $2 25; bale of,oever otten he visa tne piace. y 40 4, bale, $2.25; bale of 15-tOs.j - , bale, $2.25; bag, 50. fine, ton; $15; Swedish Fancy Work. bagt 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; j A kinds of ladies' fancy work and bag, 50c, 1-ground $13.50; 100s, ton, fn,broiderics for sale or made to $13.00; R. 6. V. P.," 20 5-lb. cartons, orderi Central Drug Store. 9-4-6t $2.25; R.S. V. P, 3-lb. carton, $1.75; j , Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20, j The Palace Kestauranfc Ralaina-Loose muscatels, J-crown, ! An phaae of hunger can be daintily 7 cents; 4-crown, 71c; bleached, ,.;,:,,. . t,our th. dav OI leedle Sultanas, 91c 1 2c; un-p.,,. .., n, l...l.j c..i,,. xi " vv - UiCfltilCU lUK ,UIIII, V kitchen and dining room service are London layer. i lot the positive best. Private dining of 20 round, $2.00; 2-crown, ,oot for ladies. One call in.pires Nuts-Walnuts, I5l7c pound; ; ,af cutom Tfy it Commcrcia filbert., 16 ; Brazils, 16c; pecan., 14 j , p bui,di 20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia row peaj vv nut, 8 cents; chestnut., Ital-i m. t "" Yi ian 10, Ohio 25c; cocoanut., dozen. ! The Commercial. 90c$l; pine nut., 10(Sil2c pound, j One of the coziest and moat popu- Dried Fruita Applies, 8k per lb; Ur resort, in the city i the Coramer peachei, 0Ql2e; peart, lll14c;cial. A new billiard room, a pleasant Italian prunes, 5(5 6c; California figs, J sitting room and handsome fixtures white, in sacks, 71c per pound; black, all go to make an agreeable meeting 67c; brick, 75c2.25 per box;; place for gentlemen, there to discuss Smyrna, 16171c per pound; dates, the topic of the day, play a game of Persian, 617c pound. ( billiards and enjoy the fine refresh W . uia.. xtt, imenta tenred there. The beat of ' "U ? u xr V on,y han(1,e1' nd thl fc Hop-1907, prime and choice, 3a j being ,0 we know( , Urge bn,ineM 4c lb.; olds, lSlc lb.; new crop, jg done at tije Commercial, on Com 617clb. Jmercial atreet, near Eleventh.. Wool-Valley, 14151c lb.; coarse, : 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 8l6c, at New Grocery Stort. to shrinkage. Try our own mixture of coffee the Mohair Choice, I819c pound. jj.. p, B. Fresh fruit and vegetable Caicara Sagrada (chittitm bark) j Badollet & Co., grocer. Phone Mar 4ic51c per pound. ; 1281. Oregon Craperoot Per 100 pounds j $3S. Tb Clean Maa Hide-Dry hide, No. 1, 141c lb.; j Tfce mM who delIght, m perlonaI dry kip, No. 1, 131c; dry alted, one-lcieanilne ind enioyi hi ,j,tvei nor rrt- new fiirs. Sl.OOthird le; dry calf, 151c lb.; Ited shampoo, haircut, and bath, in Aa .p ri.rir. 25c(S57Sc oerteera, 7(28c lb.; aalted cow, 61c lb ; itoria, alway goea to the Occident fv-v-.v... r- ...... ji. 1. tk. V..W .. f, l,5..rf crate; plums, 25c60c per crate;wg 0u.., -ik .u r""" 'r ; 001.50 per crate; pear., 75c$l. ,e.W. 10Hc lb; green ..ock. lc k; j ! them at thebert. ineepsKini; incuings, iua, .uuh ; rriAT in wnnn wool, 3040c; medium and long; COAL AND WOOD wool, "cording to quality, 5090c;i Jf eu wt , od load o fir of dry horse., 50c$1.50; dry colt, 25c; of rf rJng up Vecetables Turnips, , $1.25 sack; beets, $1.75; parsnip., $1.25; cabbage, $1.502.00; head lettuce, 2025c; cucumbers, 75c(S85c per box; celery, 75c$125 per dozen; artichokes, 60c dozen; beans, 8c pound; egg-plant, $U,?2 per crate; tomatoes, 4050c per crate; cantaloupes, 4075c per crate; corn, $11.25 sack. Onion California red, $1.25; garlic, 1215c. ' Apples-California new, $1.25(31.50; Oregon, 75c$l-25. Meata and Proviaiona. Dres Meats Hogs, fancy, .71 ent; ordinary, 7c; large, 5c; veal, extra,' 8c81c; ordinary, 67c; heavy, 5c; mutton, fancy, 89c. Lard Kettle leaf, 10s, 15c; do 5s, 151c; do 50-lb. tins, 141c; ateam ren dered 10c, 132c; do 5s, 131c; com pound 10s, 91c. 4 Ham-10-12 lbs.. 17c; 14-16 lbs., 161c; 18-20 lb., 16c. ' Bacdn- Breakfast, 16123c; pic nics, 101c; cottage roll, 12c; regular Sept. Official Tide Tables ' Compiledly the U.S. Government for Astoria and Vicinity. 8EPTEMBER, 1908. High WIttter. Date. Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday ....... 8 Friday 4 Saturday ; 6 SUNDAY MonJay 7 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 9 Thursday 10 ay 11 rday 12 Frlda: Baturaay SUNDAY 18 Monday ,,,, 14 Tuesday IB Wednesday 16 Thursday 17 Friday 18 Saturday SUNDAY ... Monday ...... Tuesday I Wednesday ,. I WedneMay . . S .TUursaay .19 ,..20 ...21 ...22 ,,.23 .28 .24 Frtday IB Saturday SUNDAY 27 Monday ..28 Tueadav 29 A. M. h.m. 8:58 4ft0 5:52 7:18 8:45 9:67 10:52 11:88 0:09 0:69 1:48 2:87 1:28 4:23 6:26 8:40 8:04 9:18 10:15 10:58 11:83 0:80 1:07 1:43 1:22 8:08 ft. 6.9 6.6 6.0 5.7 6.8 6.4 7.0 7.7 9.1 9.1 8.9 8.6 8.0 7.2 6.6 6.8 6.2 6.5 6.9 7.8 7.6 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.7 7.4 P. M. h.m.TftT 4:06 4:48 6:39 6:44 7:58 9:12 10:17 11:15 12:21 12:59 1:38 2:17 2:57 3:88 4:22 6:12 6:10 7:17 8:28 9:38 10:27 11:18 12:05 U:53 12:82 li:68 i:26 A . CO (2:21! 8:53 0 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.8 8.0 8.4 8.8 8.2 8.7 9.0 9.1 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.0 7.7 7.4 angor, out., .,..,,, v ; qqm, AND WOOD DEALER ' Good houshold and steam coal deliv Oyttera, Clam and Fiab, cred at $7.50. Oyter-Shoalwater Bay, per gal- j Phone Main 2191, Bam, 12th & Duane Ion, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; Toke' " Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympiaa (120 The very best board to be obtained lb.), $6; Olympiat, per gallon, $2.25. j in the city is at "The Occident Fish Halibut, 6c lb.; black cod. I Hotel." Rates very reasonable. 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, ! Fall Millinery, lie; .hrimp, 121c; perch. 7c; .turgeon, r Don.t o Grand 121c; ea.trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; Ml-j0pemng of FaU and Winter Milu. mon, fresh, 78c. ncry at The Ross Parlor, Wednesday Canned Salmon-coiumoia River, 1 ,and Thursday, September 16-17. 9-13-3 pound tall., $2.10; 2-lb. tall, $3.00; fancy, 1-lb. flats, $2.25; 1-lb. ' flat, j FINE L0T 0F FURNITURE IN $1.40; fancy, 1-lb. oval. $2.75; Altakt;the best of condition. fine steel range tall, pink, 95c; red, $1.40; nominal, j ,ate5t style sewing machine. every. Za, tails, $2.10. . en ! thing that is needed to furnish a good Clams-Little neck, per box, $2.50; jhome. can fae bmjght on Ume of wiU razor clams, $2 per box. , ;rem tQ desirabIe party. house is in Benzine-Indand Union of Address' "L- 0 " Naphtha, cases, 191c; iron barrt's. j Astonan' ; Ladies' Notice. Ross Millinery Parlor will hold their opening of Fall and Winter Mil linery, Wednesday and Thursday, September 16-17. 9-13-3t Summer -Excursion During the months of August and September the Ilwar) R. R. Co. will sell round trip tickets daily from all points on North (Long) Beach to all points on Clatsop Beach at rate of $1.75. Return limit thirty days. SEPTEMBER, 1903. Low Water. Date. Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 8 Friday 4 Saturday 5 SUNDAY 6 Monday 7 Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday .......10 Friday 11 Saturday ..12 SUNDAY IS Monday ..... ....14 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday ..17 Friday 18 7.8 Saturday 19 7.3 SUNDAY .;....20 7.6 Monday 21 7.8 Tuesday ...22 S ft Wo.lnnnrtflw 23 7.9 Thursday 24 8.2 Friday ...26 8.1 Saturday 2C 8.8, SUNDAY ......27 8.4 wronJav ....28 8.4.Tueday 29 8.4j Wednesday .....801 h.m. M. ft. 9:47 10:25 11:14 0:88 1:53 8:10 4:11 5:11 6:00 6:45 7:27 8:07 8:47 9:85 10:21 11:12 0:14 1:22 2:81 8:85 4:27 6:12 5:51 6:22 6:60 7:17 7:46 8:18 8:50 9:24 2.8 2.8 3.2 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.51 -0.2J 0.2 0.8 1.6 2.3 3.1 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 8.01 h.m M. Ttt 10:881 11:88 12:19 1:45 8:17 4:32 6:32 6:23 7:10 7:62 8:38 9:27 10:18 11:14 12:13 1:31 2:52 4:03 4:68 6:42! 6:20 6:47 7:13 7:43 8:15 8:60 9:27 10:14! 1.3 l.t 8. 7 3.9 3.9 8.4 2.7 2.0 1.3 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.4 0. 1 86 8.9 8.9 3.6 3.1 2.7 2.2 1. t 1.4 1.1 0.1 0.1 1.6 0.6 Notice. The O. K. Chop House on Twelfth streetv near Commercial will open Wednesday, September 16th, under a new and efficient management. Good coffee a specialty. Save Money. From $1.50 to $2.00 saved by buy ing through tickets in Astoria. Tickets to all points in the United States and Europe now on sale at O. R. & N. dock. G. W. Roberts, agent. Don't be afraid to give Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to your chil dren.' It contains no opium or other harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug gists. v- MAN'S HEADGEAR. f rem the Primitive Cap to the QloMy Hlflh Hat of Today. Earllt of nil form of headgear was tua cp." The hat did not rt-ally corne Into common use till th seventeenth century, in the time of diaries I. the queer hlgb sugar loaf shaped hat camp j Into fulilon. It waa wound with a rich bund and trimmed with a feather, j Coustant balnnchig of the head was necessary to keep it on. The bat wns j taken np by the Puritans, who satis fied tbelr bitter consciences by dlxeard ing the frivolous band and the wicked leather. ".- ''-'S' Charles II. brought the French peri wig into England, and the tall hat went out to niake way for a low, broad brimmed thing, gorgeous with feathers and glnicrai-ks. These broad brim be-; came broader and broader. At last it j became necewary to turn them up. First this wns done at the back, Dually according to the wearer's Idea. j Out of this extravagant style of bead- j gear grew the cocked bat Tbo foot- j men and the ' liveried coachmen of i many European nations still wear this stylo of headgear. DurhQueen Aone's time the cocked hat was the bat of the gentleman. The. correct fashion was to carry it under the arm aa much as possible. . Tbo French revolution, which took off so many beads that had worn the cocked bat, took off the cocked hat too. In its place the crescent shape became tha style, partly by force. The direct ancestor or that dreadful thing, tbe blgb bat of today, was tbe noble and sturdy bearer. Beavers went out of fashion largely because tbe supply of material became exhausted. London Answers. : "" NATURAL SOAP. FINANCIAL The Queor Fruit of a Troe That Grows In Algeria. Soap grows on trees in Algeria. Tbe soap tree is ornamental and reacbea a belgbt of fifty feet It begins to bear fruit when six years old. The wood Is close grained, takes a good polish and Is admirably suited for furniture. The average income from a tree Is $10 to $20 a year. Tbe composition of tbe fruit consists of a nut shaped bull in which is a seed. In the bull exists the soapy matter in tbe proportion of 30 to 40 per cent of tbe bulk of the bull. Tbe soap principle is set free by the; shredding of tbe hull and using It with water, just as If it were a piece of soap. A beautiful latber is the result, and the cleansing qunjitles are such that there Is no soap made by human process that can compare with tbem. For toilet purposes tbe same applies. Tbe bull can fe made Into a powder and tbe powder into a cake, so as to make the use of it easier. It can also be made into a liquid for hair wash, dentifrice and various other preparations. Seeds of tbe Algerian soap tree have been im ported to the United States, and soap trees bare been discovered in Florida Indigenous to the soli. Tbe seed has a kernel which contains fixed oil In ev ery respect preferable to tbe best im ported olive oil, either for eating or culinary purposes, and also for all kinds of industrial products In which tbe olive oil is used. The yield in oil is twice that of tbe olive fruit-Baltimore American. . WE KEEP THE KE It Will Make YOU The following table il Independent lustratcs how your sav ings will accumulate in five years, computed on a basis of 313 working days in the year at 6 per cent, interest: . Knit mf. ' ,r - -T '? a- f' "':'V f-; Amount , Deposited 10 cent per day for five years...... $ 156.50 20 " " " " ...... 313.00 25 " " " " 391.25 30 " " " . " ...... 469.50 50 " " ...... ' 782.50 100 " " " ..... 1,565.00 Interest Total Earned "Amount ' $ 26.47 $ 180.97 52.94 ' 36584 66.13 457.38 74.32 543.82 132.25 914.75 264.67 1,829.67 Depositors Will That any sums that they Please Notice my h to deposit in the little Hanks may be brought to our offices and deposited on pass- books the same as an ordinary bank account. pf'W',P!P,5W'W aattai ; T . The Man Is building up capital with which Who Saves t0 enjoy the earning power of money. When the .opportunity, presents itself (and it comes to everyone) he is in position to grasp it and reap success. He is independent. He is a citizen of standing. The Man Who Is neglecting one of the most Does Not important acts of life. His responsibilities increase with his years and his earning capacity,' decreases. The result is evident .. , ., ?! WHICH WILLI YOUF BE? fMMMt . In'"' - . Get One of These Banks andf Find Out The Banking Saving & Loan Assn. A Chinese Superstition. When Chinese baby takes a-nap people think its soul is having a rest-' going out for a long walk perhaps. If the nap la a very long one tbe mother is frightened. She is afraid that ber baby's soul baa wandered too far away and cannot find Its way borne. If it doesn't come back,' of course the baby will never awaken. Sometimes men are sent out into the streets to call tbe baby's name over and over again, as though it were a real child lost They hope to lead tbe soul back borne. If a baby sleeps while It is being carried from one place to another the danger of losing tbe soul along tbe way is very great So whoever carries tbe little one keeps saying its name out loud, so that the aoul will not stray away. They think of tbe soul as a bird hopping along after them. A Fox's 8tratagm. A fox is bound to be a thief when ever he has half a chance to steal, says London Answers. He can no more help taking a goose than a badly train ed cat can help taking a chop from the larder. There was a tame fox that was chained in a yard to keep him out of mischief, but he soon hit upon a plan for seizing a Btray duck or fowl. At the very farthest point to which his chain would reach he used to place a portion of bis food and then hide him self In his kennel. In due course a silly chicken was sure to spy the bait and begin pecking at it Before it had had time to enjoy Its meal, however, the fox would pounce upon it and the stock of poultry be reduced by one. Whon Not to 8moke. It is quite certain that much may be done to diminish the risk of tobacco amblyopia by paying attention to cer tain points of personal hygiene. For instance, a rule should be made never to smoke upon an empty stomach, but as far as possible only after meals. It is absolutely bad to smoke before din ner and equally bad to smoke late at night to keep awake at one's work. It should also be forbidden to chew tbe cigar between the teeth, as many smok ers are wont to do. Hospital. Qualified. ' Head Astronomer I want a man to figure eclipses, calculate the distances between various stars, fix the orblta or certain comets and, In fact, he n sort of handy mathematical man n round th" heavens. What are your quallttctttloiis'i1 Applicant (proudly) All Inst yen r. sli. I was the official score kef per for woman's bridge club. Life. ' First National Bank of Astoria DIRECTORS r" Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregorIJ G. CFlavei, J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon. .-EC Capital V..'.... $100,000 Surplus .......... 25,000 - Stockholders' Liability .100,000 ' ESTABLISHED 18Ktt. . J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $227,000 ' Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits v Fcnir Per Cent. Per Annum , Eleventh and Duane Sta. ' . . Astoria, Oregon " SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS! BANK ASTORIA, OREGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Consideration." STE E L &jj E WA RT Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 . . . . 426BondStreet il II HAD Only All Rail Route to Portland and all Eastern Points. Two daily trains. Steamship tickets via all Ocean Lines at Lowest Rates. For rates, steamship and sleeping-car reservations, call on or address G. B. JOHNSON, Gen'I Agent 12th St, near Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON. Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks tsd Furaittrt Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street , - Mala Fiona 11 . Wtednesday 10 1:48 7.0 1.2 1 , . J- 3:29