The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 12, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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N TKfi Affair nf
the Count.
Copyright"" ISOt, y AntooUtfd
Utorery' I'rM,
"Ot coiwmi I do nut wish to marry
,tho count," said Mlis Bernard pctu
luntly. "If Aunt Dorlnda govt you to
Mdsrstaud" Bht panned iltfiilflcnntly,
"Rho did iilvo iu to undiwUiml that
tbe affair was tUud," muttered Km
ory, bl gloomy eye fixed on the
flashing satis la tut harbor. "In fuel
lis lntlntnted that Americans cut uo
, tot In tus nuttier."
"I'oor ountlo lores a title," slgbud
Jean, rultlng Lor pretty balr dlHlritctcd
ly. "Wby couldo't aba marry (bo count
Emory got upon hla foot with suridvu
alacrity. Thert waa fire In bla rd
brown ya and determination In tht
Hues of bla itrong Jaw.
"If Mlaa Leigh mnrrlea tb count,
will you marry ma, Jean?" ba ssked
Wm Bernard stared; then sba Isugb
ad merrily.
, "Why notl With auutfe'a crating
for titled poattlon aatbfled, 1 tellers
I might- Don't-not yetl" 8ba ward
' ad off Emory's ImpuUlve movement
and sought refug behind a high back
ad chair. "And now ba off about your
biwlnewi, Mr. Marriage Urokerl"
Bbo amlicd dvrlxlvoly at blin. Emory
picked up bla bat and ran down the
"What arv your engagements for thla
trenlng, Jean?' ha aakod calmly.
"The dance at tha Blcknella', of
"And Mlaa Leigh and the couutr
Tbey Ulne with Mrs. Fraka and
come to the dnwt afterword."
"I will see yon at Dlrknella', Jean
Coma early, dear," bo auld brasenly.
"Run away, yon bold, bad, more
American!" retorted MUts Bernard aau
cUy; thou alio watched him aa be atrode
down the path and on to the shore
road, a warm light In her gray eyes.
"I would whether auntie married the
count or not." aha murmured mystert
"Ect eei re beoutlfulues of t even
log sat appeals to my lovalre aoul,"
gurgled Count Leon Denpagne aa he
Joined MIhs Dorlnda Leigh on the ve
randa of the Frakt manHlon.
Mlaa Leigh adjusted a lorgnette to
ber blgb bridged node and peered up
at the itnr jeweled aky and then over
tbe moonlit bny, with Ita hundred an
chor lights vaguely Indicating the
wborenbouta of pleasure craft
"It la very pleasant," aba replied
practically, "but of course It cannot
compare with your own country! The
romance, the beauty, the atatellnesa of
the old chateau" She alghed luxuri
ously. "Ah, eet eea glorious, se vale da
Loire, ze magnificent Chateau Despagna.
Ah, mademoiselle, what eos all of eet
without your beautiful niece? Tou
haf been so kind, ao gracious, yon are
quits sure?" His voice quavered
doubtfully. -'
"There la no doubt about It, count,"
returned Miss Leigh In a tone of decl
alon. "Of course Miss Bernard hi quite
young, but I assure you aha la not as
. thougutlew aa aba may appear, and I
am quite sura that your affection la
The count grasped ber thin white
hand with on ecstatic cry. At that mo
ment a servant approached them.' "A
note for Miss Leigh," be said.
Miss Leigh went to tba drawing
room window and perused the note In
the stream of light that sifted through
the lace draperies. When she turned
her faco was quite white and ber
hands shook tremulously.
"Order my car around, please," she
said to the servant, and as he departed
she whispered to the count: "This Is
terrible! I have Just received news
that my . niece has eloped with that
villainous young Emory 1 Will you Join
me In the pursuit, dear count?" .
"Sacre!" muttered the count bitterly
as be followed Miss Leigh to the draw
ing room to make their adieus, Five
minutes Inter tbey were seated in the
tonnonu of the huge vehicle and whirl
. lng rapidly along the shore road to
ward the east.
As the miles curled out from under
the tires Miss Leigh gasped scanty par
ticulors of the flight.
"It was an anonymous letter, from
some friend, I suppose, They eloped
from the Blcknell dance In his auto
mobile, going toward tba east."
"Tiers are a many cars," wblmpexad
h count, turning up the collar of bis
fight ovorcout, 'wa cannot Idoutlfy w
villain." Ills thin voice shook with
rage. , ' ,
"it Is a whits car, There nra not
many going this wuy. You see we
ore mooting some, Nono of them Ik
white. I have ordured Francois to
apnra nothing to make the time.'! Tim
chauffeur, bending low over the steer
ing wheel, let out the pd a little
mora, and tha machine swayed from
aide to side with tipping, tearing
grind that precluded any further con
A Lasson In Hortloulture With
Serious Omission.
My neighbor Brown came to the gar
den fence and said:
"How do you do your grafting?"
"My grafting?" snld I. ,
"Ves-grnfllng apple trees. I want
to try It myself." ',"
"Obr 1 exclaimed. "Yes, yesl Well.
In the drat place, I begin by lylng
that is, I lie In bod to think the whole
thing out In every detail. I watch my
opportunity, and ou the (Irst One day 1
ileal a few hours I rum tar huHlncNS.
Watchful and observant, Miss Lsfgli j Then I borrow a saw-n steel one-
and ber guest Bank Into alienee, and an I and with It I. rob tlio tree upon which
hour passed a tbey whirred thrir way I want to Kraft of some of Its larger
through town and village, eluding vlg- branches. This I try to do In such a
llant constables with reckless dnredev- j way that the toss of fho branches will
lltry on tba part of Francois, who was not b noticed. Them limbs should
drunk with a lust of speed. On the j not bo left lylng-that Is, tying on the
outskirts of the city Miss Leigh or-1 ground. They are unsightly and may
dered hlw to alow down, and presently ' attract the attention of passcrsby.
the machine pouted motionless st the j They should be bustled behind the lot
roadalda while Miss Leigh and the ; tlcework screen At once. Bo far ao
count took counsel together. j good. Now, let me see oh, yesl I
At that Instant, out of the darknens , rob another tree of o few twigs bav
behind them, there shot a triangular i lng buds on Ilium and hiwrt them In
ray of light, and a white car swooped j the cuds of the sawed branches ou the
down and stopped bastde them. j tree. Then I take sor beeswax and
"Oh, Aunt Dorlnda! How could i tallow and melt them together. This
yon?" cam Jean's reproachful young 'must be thoroughly mixed. Work It
volea. j for all you're worth to make It pliable
"Count, I am aura you can make j Finally with this I try to bide all ap
aoma explanation!" thundered Emory pen ranee of the graft, from sunlight
la Btentorlau tones. ! and air, and there you are the Job Is
"IIow could I what? What do you idone."
mean, Jean? Such Impertinence on I "I sec," said Brown, "and I tbluk
your part, Mr. Emory! Why-I under- I'm foxy enough to do tho trick the
stood-1 received a note saying that first time trying. Many thanks."
you and Jean ware eloping, and of J Shortly after I heard Brown telling
course of course the count and I were his wife bow I expluhied the process,
pursuing your ! This Is tho way ho bad It:
"It didn't look like It, Mlsa Leigh," ! "First," he says, "you, must be a
aald Emory In a muffled voice. "It good liar; then you watch your chance
would be most ridiculous for Jean and f and steal a half day from the com
ma to elope, for Jean la going to marry pany'a time; then you steal a saw;
ma anyway, but aa aoon aa we beard ' then you defraud tho tree of some
of your cl-er that la, as aoon aa we j branches, which you must bide, ao no-
beard that tba count bod kidnaped body will get on; then you rob some-
you" ! iKKiy a iroe or iwigs, put tnera in tno
"Eet eea a Hat , I baf not doue tat : ends of tho branches and cover your
tblngP' vociferated tha count'a volt ; tracks with beeswax and tallow."
out of the darkness. "Eet eos te young
mademoiselle cat I lofel Without her
I am deeNpalrlug beggar for lofe!"
Yon are making a scene, count," re
monstrated Mlsa Leigh coldly. "Aa
for you, Jean, you bav broken my
heart I did not know you were ao de
ceitful! When I spoke about tha cha
teau and"-
Madcmolselle," whispered the count
with passlonatt Intensity, "why not
console my loneliness and go wis me?
Wa will enjoy ta plalaure te beauty
of Loire"-
"Wby-why," stammered Miss Leigh
confusedly "why notf
Bald Brown's wife: "I don't think
that man can bo trusted. He has two
kinds of grafting mixed, and, besides,
ho didn't tell you where to steal the
apple tree."-Judge.
Th Result of Little Edwin's Ques
i tions and Comments.
I "Say, maw!"
i "Well, what?"
i "How do tbey get holes In lacef
j "Why, they make tho lace round the
I boles, my son."
) "But It oiu't luce without lt'a got
! holes, is It, maw?"
I "No, Edwin." .
"Well, bow do they get the holes in
Laarn to Obey.
Learn to obey! By obedience I do
Ui uir-u . ..., """"'"" the luce tbey put round the bolca to
to outward forca and authority but the i make ,ho
. . i - m . Child, yon will yet drive ma to dlS'
will under tba will of a better and t '
oiguer luiciugcnc. ui wnu uu uoi
learned to do thla In childhood will j
have great difficulty In learning It lu
6HLS .
Girl vfho work for their living
are csrKriallyexpow'd to the dangers
of organic feminine disorders. Stand
ing: all day, or witting in cramped
posit ions. ; walking to and from their
ji!;tces of employment in bad weather
ali tend to break down their delicate
feminine organism.
No claHH of women are in need
of greater assistance, and thou
sands of letters like the follow
lng demonstrate the fact that
restores the feminine system to a
strong, healthy, normal condition.
MIas Abby F. Barrows, of Nelson
ville, Ohio, writes to Mrs. Pinlcham :
"Iwh very aiolc, had dull head
aobea,pain in my back, and a feminine
weakness. I had been to several doo
tors and they did me no good. Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made me well and strong, and I can do
most any kind of work. I am In better
health tnan I ever was, and It Is all due
to yonr medicine,"
Miss Lillian Ross,of B30 E.84th St,
New York, writes to Mrs.Pinkham:
"I had a female trouble, nervous
headachcH, and was tired all the time,
and could nothleep. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound made me feel so
much better that I hope every woman
who suffers as I did will try it"
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for feminine ills,
andhas positivelycured thousands of
women. Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pink ham, Lynn, Mass.
Invites all sick women to writ
her for ml Ice,
later life; be will rarely get beyond
tba deplorable and unhappy state that
vacillates between outward submission
and uproarious rebolllon. No greater
wrong can ba done to childhood than
tha one caused by our desire to spare
It tha necessity of obeying. Whoever
conceives tho duty of the educator to
consist In giving in to all desires of '
the child, lu gratifying all Ita wishes,
makes himself guilty of the gravest
aln toward bis child, lie denies It
what, In flew of Its future mission. It j
cannot afford to lose-namely, the ex
"Where do they get tho holes, maw?"
"Why, tho bolca are Just air."
"Oh. they're air holes?"
"I suppose bo."
"Well, there's air holes In paw's bat
Does tbnt make It a lace bat?"
'"Xo, no, no!"
"A Swiss cheese has boles In It Does
that make it n Swiss lace?"
"Hold your foot tongue! Do you
"Didn't you say all lace bad boles,
"Yes." '
"Well, I've got shoo laces, but they
ain't got no holes lu 'era,"
erclso in voluntarily aubordluatlng its ' '-'r r V
own will under necessity, be It a nat- f'f "'Idy Lingerie a Lct Lover; or,
ural or a -octal one. - Professor ? fr& tmgo " Lured Aw ay
raulson. University of Berlin, ln.Edu Lallapataaa of a
catlonal Review. mnkf; . . ....
"Maw, am you mu&e incef
"Xo. Edwin; that Is not one of my
accomplishments." '
"I didn't think you could, maw. Mrs.
Strang Feats of Ey and Hand.
An expert who prided himself upon
the amallneHS of his writing sent the
president of the French academy a
grain of wheat on which he had writ
ten 221 worda. A PoIIbIi poet wroto
Knockenberger said you waa ao fat lac
ing wouldn't do you any good."
But "maw" wasn't too fat to give Ed-
The Mouse Trap.
"The child is father to the man,"
said an Inventor. "For Instance, there
was a miller's son who Invented, at tbe
all of llomer-a "Illlad" on a piece of ! clng that did him aome gwl
paper which could be rolled up email ; Chicago Journal.
enough to go Into a nutshell.
In the sixteenth century a man named
Mark offered to Queen Elizabeth a gold
chain of fifty Itnka. The chain waa ao
flna It could not ba seen unless It was
put on a aheet of white paper. To ; age 01 Beveuieeu, uu uuioumuu muuai
prove Its lightness Mark tied it to a fly, i trap, a trap that used the recoil from
which flew away with It The most j one mouse's capture to set itself for
curioua fact In thla matter, which re- another mouse. This trap worked well,
quired so extraordinary a facility of ' caught cloven mice at tho first go off
touch for making thla ornament, was land aoon rid the mlller'B mill of its
that Mark waa a blacksmith, accua- mice myriads. Well, sir, the boy in
terned to all kinda of heavy toola all ventor of that mouse trap used the
day long. j trap s recoil principle ror nis greatest
A Spaniard, Joaeph Faba, made a ! Invention, the Maxim gun, for It la
carriage aa large aa a grain of wheat s Sir Hiram Maxim I'm talking about
and ir you go to tne aiaino vuiage 01
Sangervlllo they'll show you there one
of the automatic rapid firing mouse
traps that presaged the famous Maxim
gun." '
Fort Sumter of the Revolution.
At tha mouth of the Plscataqua riv
er, three miles below the historic town
of Portsmouth. N. II., nestles the only
seneoast fort in the United States
which includes within its confines a
combination of nil the styles of for
tlflcation from the colonial stone re
doubt to the present barbette - battery
of concrete .faced with earth. More
aver, Fort Constitution, aa It Is named,
was the Fort Sumter 'of the Revolu
tion. Army nnd Nnvy Life.
Under a magnifying glass It waa pos
sible to see the Interior fitted up with
seats, every detail being carried ont to
perfection. ,
Sure of Water.
Sir Joseph Prestwlch bad bought in
1804 a small estate near Sevenoaks, on
which he built a residence, but it was
high up on a dry and treeless chalk
down. Where waa water to be found?
So confident was Prestwlch in, re
spect of water supply that he at once
engaged an old well digger to sink a
well 108 feet deep. The boring pro
ceeded, but when a depth of 160 feet
waa reached tbe two workmen went to
the city and sought an Interview with
their employer, whom they found at
hla desk. They explainedthat there
was no sign of water and that in their
opinion It waa useless to bore to a
greater depth. "Go on," was the quiet
rejoinder. "You will come upon water
tomorrow. You are within two reet or
It" Next day it proved exactly aa
Prestwlch bad foretold, and ever aft
er, among many of the denizens of the
valley, he had the reputation, much to
his amusement, of not being quite
canny."-"Llfe and Lettirs of Sir Jo
seph Prestwlch."
There Are Cihsrs.
"Somo women are roo!lr!i
convicted thus rets lots of
from women,' I s'piweV" ,
"Yes," answered the warden. "P;;t
the lady murderer on the next Her has
had forty -seven offers of mnrrlage to
date' St. Louis Republic.
See that your children be- taught
uot only the labors Of the earth, but
the loveliness of It. John Ruskln.
For Ruboer Stamps and Typewriter
Supplies aee Lenora Benoit, Public
Stenographer, 447 Commercial street
Every Builder or Contractor will
find it to his advantage to become
acquainted with our stock of Tools
and Building Implements.
Builders' Hardware is a specialty
with us. The many little thinks re
quired in the kitchen in the Hard
ware line can be bought at a great
saving at our store.
Fid I Stokes lire
Golden West
Just Right
Everything but the Baby and return
everything but the dirt.
Tenth and Duane
Phone Main 1991
It Will Make YOU The following table il
Independent , lustrates how your sav
ings will accumulate in
five years, computed on a basis of 313 working
days in the year at 6 per cent, interest:
10 cent per day for five years...... $ 156.50
Interest t Total
Earned Amount
$ 26.47 $ 180.97
52.94 365.84
Depositors Will
Please Notice
That any sums that they
may not wish to deposit in
the little Banks mav he.
brought to our offices and deposited on pass
books the same as an ordinary bank account.
The Man Is building up capital with which
Who Saves t0 enjy earning power of
money. , Wjhen the opportunity
presents itself (and it comes to everyone) he is
m position to grasn it and reap success. He is
independent. He is a citizen of standing.
The Man Who Is neglecting one of the most
Does Not important acts of life. His
v responsibilities increase with
his years and his earning capacity decreases.
, The result is evident.
Get One of These Banks and Find Out
The Banking Saving & Loan Assn.
First National Bank of Astoria
Jacob Kawm W. F. McGregor LT G. CFlavel
J. W. Ladd S.S. Gordon
Capital .............. .........$100,000
Surplus .......... 25,000
Stockholders' Liability ........ ......... .100,000
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President J. W. GARNER. Assiatant Cashier
O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier
Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposit!
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Eleventh and Duane Sta. . .... Astoria, Oregon
OUR MOTTO: "Safety Supercedes All Other Considers tio."
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Phone Main 3881 ... . 426 Bond Street
You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home cdmforts,
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Portland's Leading Business College
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Owners practical teachers More Calk than we can fill .
Teachers actual business men In session the entire year
Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking
I. M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. BOSSERMAN, Secy.
Sherman Transler Co.
HENRY SHERMAN, llanagar.
Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks tad Furcitar
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipjwd.
433 Commercial Street . . - liala tos 121