FRIDAY, SEPT. II THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 13 PRESENT SEA WALL AMENDMENT (Continued from pige 1) tructlon of inch worki and, Improve ments at the commission shall rec ommend, together with an eitlmaU of the cont thereof. ine commiNitiorj than nave au thorlty to employ euch engineers, In pectors, laborers and clerical assist tnce necessary to (he performance o: the duties herein prescribed; provld cd, however, that no expenditures halt be made or Indebtedness incur red In an amount exceeding $10,000. I ".Section 160. Each member Of the commission shall receive the Hum ol $5.00 per day for the time actually employed In the performance of h duties. - ..i I "Section 161. Bills for the com fensation of the member of the commission and for expenses incur red hereunder shall be paid from the general fund of the' city of Astoria upon certificate by the three Rient' bers of the commission, when coun terslgned by the city auditor, and the council of the city of Astoria If hereby authorised to include, from time to time, in the general levy of taxes such sums as may be necessary to cover the amounts to paid out ol the general fund. ' "Section 162. The commission ahall from time to time, report in writing to the common council the result of their investigations, and auch reports, us well as the records of such com' mission, shall be public records of the city of Astoria, "Section 163.' No work of general improvement for the reclamation o! . land within the city of Astoria cov ered by the ebb and flow of the tide hall be undertaken before the com pletion of the investigation by the commission hereby created." Mr. Allen urged the acceptance of his substitute, but the committee finally voted it down. Mr. Allen' presentation of the railway's side of , the nutter was done in masterly way, and, judging from the attitude of approval among the citizens pres ent, he voiced their views as well Yet the committee seemed determin ed to go ahead with the bill that they have worked upon for many months. . Mr. G. D. Hagardt, the Portland engineer, also made an interesting talk. Mr. Hagardt said his object in comihg to Astoria was to set himself right on this matter. He said he, had understood that the charter amend rucnt committee was quoting hi in' as having expressed certain figures and fact in relation to the bulkhead pro jeet. ' ; I Onl state certain facts and figures, in a very general way," said Mr. Hagardt, "but it was done in general and abstract way. But I did not sU'e that it would cost so much to construct this seawall. I wish to make that very clear, for the sake of my reputation if nothing else. The figures given by me were meant to be quite general, under certain ideal con ditions, and what I would really wish to urge in this case is that a thorough investigation should first be made Engineers should be employed, and a. complete survey made. Then after this is done the cost may be esti mated with accuracy, hut not before It is a big project, gentlemen," said Mr. Hagardt, "and a matter of this kind must be first looked into very carefully by engineers. You might even find the cost to be prohibitive." In a nutshell the whole matter might be stated thus: many objected on t?c ground that no investigation lias been made by men competent to make such an investigation. On the other hand, the charter amendment committee apparently believes ; that this investigation can just as well be made by the commission after the people have voted in favor of the en terprisc, providing they do so. One case is first examining your pig be fore you buy, and the second case seems to be somewhat like buying a pig in the poke. Many of the citizens present made short talks, as a rule urging delay, and urging caution and thorough in vestigation before acting. One of the last to speak was I. Bergman, who urged some delay to look into the matter first. . On' all sides were brought out facts tending to show that the project will be very costly and that it means much in the way of changing grades, filling in lands and in changing the drainage and sewerage systems of the city- Mr. Allen stated last night that he sawno way to acquaint the people with the provisions of the bill, unless his company would have it printed, or unless the Morning Astorian were good enough to print it, so that the people might at least have the day to contemplate it before the '-council took its probable action tonight. The Astorian herewith presents the entire bill, and it will probably be worth the study of the taxpayers of this cityi " THE BILL Section 158, In order to .protect the health of the inhabitants Of the City of Astoria and to prevent the noisome disease breeding stenches that arise from the tide flats, it is deemed necessary and proper that tide lands, and flats and overflowed lands within the city be reclaimed by filling in the same to and above the high tide line and that bulk heads and retaining walls be , constructed within the city at such place or places as .may seem proper or convenient for lite purpose oi retaining ana noiaing such fills as the same shall from time to time be made or constructed and that the power and authority given to the City of Astoria by this amend mcnt to Its charter Including the construction of all necessary bulk' heads and retaining walls and fills, and the issue and sale of all bonds to defray the expense thereof, and the establishment of improvement dis tricts and letting and supervision of all contracts for reclaiming ana nil ing in air or any portion of the tide flats, mud-flats or overflowed lands of the city, and making the assess ments to defray the costs and ex penses thereof, and issuing and sell; ing bonds to pay the contractors, or such filling where the property own ers avail themselves of the privilege of paying their assessments in in stallments, and all other acts neces ary and proper to be dope in carry' ing out the provisions of this act, ex cent where herein otherwise special ly provided, shall be exercised and performed as hereinafter provided by commission consisting of nine electors and bona fide residents -and taxpayers of the City of Astoria, which said commission shall be known as and styled "The Sanitary and Reclamation Commission of the City of Astoria, and said commis sion shall collectively consist of the following named electors and bona r .r, . .1.. nnc reuocms ana taxpayers oi inc City of Astoria, to-wit: - And when the Commission shall be hereinafter referred to or men tioned, it shall be deemed to mean and include '.'the Sanitary and Recla mation Commission of the City of Astoria." The remaining members of the Commission shall file any va cancy that may occur in the body by death, resignation, removal from the city, or otherwise, by the appoint ment of a person to be a member thereof who is a bona fide elector, resident and taxpayer of the city; and five members of the Commission shall constiute a quorum for the pur pose of organization, as well as the transaction of all other business, but it shall require the affirmative vote of five members 'of the Commission to sdopt any measure or authorize any. action. The Commissioners named shall hold office until the first Monday in January, 1915, ( and unti their successors shall have been elect ed and qualified, and at the general election to be held the second Wed iiesilay in December, 1914, a Commis ion consisting of nine members shall be elected, two of which members shall be elected from each ward of the city and one at large; one mem ber from each ward shall be. elected for the term of four years, and one from each ward for the term of eight years, and the Commissioner at Large shall be elected for the full term of eight years, so that one member of the Commission- f rom each ward shall be elected every four years; and the term of office shall be eight years and until their successors are elected and shall have qualified, and any person appointed to ill a vacancy shall hold for the remainder of the unexpired term. ' . ' Within sixty days from the time this act goes into effect, the nine per sons named in this section shall meet at some convenient place in the city on the written call of three or more of their number, published in a daily paper ot the city for not less than three days before the time named herein for said meeting and organize by the election of a presiding officer trom their number who : shall be styled' "Chairman of the Sanitary and Reclamation Commission of the Citv of Astoria, and a secretary of the Commission who shall be styled "Sec; retary ot the banitary and Reclama Hon Commission , of the City of As toria and also a treasurer who shall be known as "Treasurer of the Sani- ry and Reclamation. Commission of the City of Astoria," and also an at torney who shall be styled "Attorney ot the Sanitary and Reclamation Commission of the City of Astoria," and it shall not be necessary for said secretary, treasurer or attorney to be member of the Commission, and such secretary, treasurer and attor ey shall hold office at the pleasure ot the commission and may be re moved at any time and shall receive such salary or salaries as the Com mission shall from time to time bv by-laws or resolution prescribe; and such Commission shall also have power and authority to employ and ire and discharge at pleasure and to x the compensation of an engineer and such other inspectors, workmen, lab.orers and servants as it may deem necessary and convenient for the ac complishment of the purposes of this act. ; Section 1S9. The chairman of 'the Commission shall preside at all meet ings and appoint all regular or stand ing committees thereof, and in case of his absence, the Commission may ppomt trom their number a chair man for the time being. The chair man of the Commission shall exe cute all written contracts on behalf of the same and sign all orders or arrants for the payment of money authorized thereby, and together with the secretary shall verify and sign the record of the proceedings of all meetings. The chairman of the Com mission shall hold office until the first Monday in January following his appointment, and until his succcs or shall have been lected and qualified, and a chairman of the Com mission shal be selected by a major ity vote of the Commission by batlot at the meeting of the Commission on the first Monday in January of each year. Section 160. The secretary of the Commission shall be its clerical offi cer and he shall make and keep an accurate record and minute of its acts and proceedings, countersign all warrants and orders authorized by it and signed by the chairman, for the payment of money, and attest all written contracts signed by the chair man on its behalf, keep its accounts and have and keep the custody of all its books and records and perform such other duties as may be prescrib ed by resolution of the Commission, Section 161. The treasurer of the Commission shall be custodian of all funds arising from the sale of bonds, and all moneys coming into the hands of the Commission or any of the officers of said Commission from collection of taxes or assessments, or any other source whatever. He shall give a bond with two or more suffic icnt sureties in such sum as the Commission, shall provide condition ed for the faithful performance of his duties as treasurer of the Commis ion, and that he will keep or ac count for and pay over to his sue cessors all funds coming into His possession -by virtue of his office, The treaurer shall keep all funds derived from the sale of bonds by said Com mission and trom au other sources under this act in a separate fund and shall pay the same out only upon the order of the chairman, countersigned by the secretary and no order or war rant shall be issued except in pur suance of an order adopted by the Commission. s, , Section 162. The Commission may adopt rules for the government of its members and its proceedings and on the call of any two of its members must cause the yeas and nays to be taken and entered in its journal upon any question before it, and. its delib erations and proceedings must be PUUIIC. , ; bectio 163, . The Commission shall meet in the city for the transaction of business at least once a month at such hour and place as it may direct and at such other times as it may provide, and said Commission shall hold an annual meeting on the first Monday in January of each year, at the hour of noon, and it may be con vened by the chairman at any time upon not less than one day's notice to each member at that time present in the city. ' Section 164. Said Commission shall act only at regular or special meet ings and neither the City of Astoria nor said Commission shall be bound by any contract or in any way held liable thereon unless the same shall be authorized by a resolution of such Commission and made in writing and by order of the Commission signed by the chairman and secretary there of, or some other person duly au thorized on behalf of the Commis sion. The style of all resolutions or by-laws of said Commission shall be 'Be it resolved by the Sanitary and Reclamation Commission of the City oi Astoria, me commission may provide for punishing any person for violating any resolution or by-law by fine or imprisonment in the city jail or both such fine adn imprisonment upon conwetion thereof before the auditor and police judge of the City ot Astoria. Section 16S. The City of Astoria is hereby authorized and empowered to construct, keep and maintain bulk ncaas or retaining wails in, upon, over, along, under, across or on any of the streets, alleys or highways of the City of Astoria that are now laid out and established or that may be hereafter laid out or established or secured either by dedication or con demnation, or otherwise and to con struct ana maintain tne same upon any right of way therefor .hereafter secured either by purchase, dedica tlon or condemnation or in any other manner which said bulkheads or re taining walls shall be of such length, dimensions, kind or character and constructed at such place or daces as the Commission shall from time to time determine and designate at and below the extreme high tide line on me snore or water trontage ot tne Columbia river above or below low tide within the city and for the pur pose of constructing such retaining wans or bulkheads the city mav ac quire by purchase or condemnation or otherwise' such rights of way as in the judgment of the Commission may be necessary or convenient for the construction andv maintenance of the same. Said Commission shall have power and authority at any regular meeting thereof to' levy a tax not exceeding five mills on the dollar in any one year, upon the taxable property of .1.. '.l L!-L ; ! . . .. . me cuy wmcn saia tax snau oe levied by resolution which shall be certified to the Common . Council of the City of Astoria before said Coun Council shall levy taxes for general municipal purposes for the ensuing year and such taxes shall be included in the general levy of taxes for that year and as made by the Council of the City of Astoria, which tax shall he collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes ; of the City of Astoria ' are collected and when so collected shall be turned over to the treasurer of the Commis sion and shall be exclusively under the control of such Commission and shall be used exclusively for the pur pose of defraying the expenses of constructing such bulkheads and re taining walls and paying interest on bonds issued for that purpose and for retiring or redeeming such bonds and in paying salaries of officers, ser vants, and employees and' the general ncidental expenses of the Commis sion. And to defray the costs and expense's of constructing said bulk heads or retaining '-walls, said Com mission may also from time to time as required issue and sell negotiable bonds of the City of Astoria, running for a period of not less than forty years, the aggregate amount of which bonds for the construction of such bulkheads or retaining walls shall not exceed the sum of $300,000.00. All bonds issued and sold to raise funds for the construction of bulkheads or retaining walls hall provide that the same may be recalled and paid at the option of the city at par at any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of issuance of the same. Provided that nothing herein contain ed shall be construed to limit or re strict , the amount of twenty-year bonus that may be issued and sold from time to time to defray the .costs and expenses of filling in the v tide lands, mud flats and overflowed lands where the owners of property assess ed to defray the expense, thereof shall avail themselves of the privi lege of paying assessments in ten equal installments as hereinafter provided; it being the expressed in tention ot this act that the costs and expenses of constructing the , bulk heads shall be defrayed by general taxation or the issue and sale of bonds but the costs and expenses of filling in and reclaiming the tide lands, mud flats and overflowed lands shall be by local special assessments levied upon each lot or parcel of land or tract of water frontage filled in according to the benefits resulting from the filling in and reclaiming of the same including the filling in of the abutting streets and alleys. All bonds issued under this act shall bear such rate of interest as may -be de termined upon by the Commission not exceeding 5 per cent per annum and all bonds issued to pay for filling in or reclaiming the tide lands, mud flats and overflowed lands on account of persons owning property assessed for that purpose availing themselves of paying assessments in install ments, shall provide that the same shall be redeemable at the option of the city at par with accrued interest at any time after the expiration of two years from the date of issue, and all bonds shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the om mission and the full faith and credit of the City of Astoria shall be pledged to the payment of all bonds issued under this act. No part of the expense of filling in or reclaiming any of the tide lands, overflowed lands, mud fiats or water frontage including the streets of any reclamation district (except ing the retaining walls or bulkheads) shall be paid from general taxation, but the whole expense of filling in and reclaiming such tide lands, mud fiats or water frontage in any district including the streets, and crossing and alleys thereof shall be defrayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises inclusive of water frontage included within the special assessment district to be constituted of the lands .so filled in and. benefited by the improvement, and the con tract for any such improvement shall provide that the contractor shall look exclusively to such assessments' and the funds to be derived therefrom for payment for constructing the same, except whenever any of the owners of the land assessed for such im provement shall ask for the privilege of paytng his assessment in ten in stalments as hereinafter provided, the Commission for and on behalf of the City of Astoria sha.ll have power and authority to issue and dispose of ne gotiable bonds of the City of Astoria from time to time, equal in amount at the par value thereof to the amouna remaining due the ity of Astoria on account of such persons so assessed having availed themselves of the priv ilege of paying such assessments in installments, and said bonds shall be payable twenty years from date of issue and draw interest at such rate as the Commission shall determine not exceeding 5 per cent per annum pay able annually and shall provide that the same may be called at any time after two years from the date of issue at par plus the accrued interest and all moneys paid to the treasurer of the Commission on account of in stallments of such assessments shall immediately be used in retiring such bonds. Such bonds may be issued and sold at par direct to the contractor execut ing the work. The aggregate amount of such twenty-year bonds so issued on account of instalments shall not exceed $500,000.00 at any one time and such bonds as well as the bonds is sued to secure funds for constructing bulkheads or retaining walls shall not be taken into computation in ascer tainmg the limit of indebtedness of the city mentioned in Section 132 of the charter of the City of Astoria. When the expenses of any fill shall be assessed against any lands belong ing to the city or used for public buildings or public grounds and ex empt by law from such assessments the amount of such assessment shall be paid by the Common Council to the treasurer o,f the Commission by warrant on the treasurer of the City of Astoria payable out of the general fund. . . Section 166. In case the Commis sion shall at any time desire to ac quire any real property or water trontage within the city for a right of way unon or over any land or lands or water frontage to construct or maintain any bulkhead or retain ing wall across or upon such land or lands or water frontage, it may main tain an action in the, Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County against the owner or. owners thereof for that purpose and it shall not be necessary in order to maintain iny such action to submit any ques tion to a vote of the taxpayers, in habitants or voters Of the city; or in case the Commission shall through its hairman and secretary certify to the Common. Council of the City of As toria that it has been unable to agree with the owner or owners of property desired for said ,' purpose as to the amount to be paid for the appropria tion thereof, the said Common Coun- ci shall by ordinance direct an action r actions to be instituted in the lame of the City of Astoria in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County to condemn and appropriate to the use of such city uch right of way and it shall not be necessary in order to maintain any uch action to submit any question to a vote of the taxpayers, inhabi tants or voters of the city and such action shall , be commenced and troecuted in the manner prescribed by the general laws of the State of Oregon, providing and regulating the mode of proceedings t appropriate land by private corporation. Sectipn 167. No contract for the construction of any bulkhead or re taining wall shall be let or entered into by the Commission until plans and specifications for the same and a complete and detailed estimate of the costs therof shalf have been made and filed with the Commission and approved by a resolution therof, in which resolution , said Commission shall specify and provide the time and manner of constructing and complet ing the proposed improvement and all necessary matters relating to the execution and inspection and appro val of the work and the time and man ner of the payment of the contractor therefor All contracts shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder af ter advertisement for bids published in the City of Astoria, and no con tract for any bulk-head or retaining wall shall be let at a price exceeding the estimated cost thereof fifteen perj cent. The Commission shall provide! for rejecting any and all bids and the j contractor entering into any contract for the construction of any bulk-head or retaiing wall shall be required to give bonds with one or more suffi cient sureties in such sum as the Com mission may determine conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and the contractor will pay all persons supplying labor or mater ial in the performance of the same upon which bond any person or per sons supplying labor or material shall have a right to bring action against such principal and surety or sureties in the name of the City of Astoria. Section 168. Whenever the Sani tary and Reclamation Commission of the Citv of Astoria shall consider it necessary to fill in or reclajm any of the tide lands, and flats, overflowed lands or water frontage in the 'City of Astoria in order "to protect the health of the inhabitants of said city, the City of Astoria is hereby given power and authority to fill in and re claim any or alt of the tide lands, mud flats, overflowed lands and water fron tage and the abutting streets within the said City of Astoria to such depth or level as said Commission shall deem proper including all streets, al leys, parks, squares, lots, blocks, tracts, parcels of real estate and wa ter frontage trbrth of or below the extreme high tide line or any street next south of said line or between the extreme high tide line or any street next south thereof and the U. S. Bulk-head ilne, and may establish and lay out reclamation districts and provide for filling in such districts as said Commission shall from time to time consider necessary and pro perto defray the costs and expenses thereof by levying special assessments upon the lots, lands and premises, in eluding the water frontage, franchis, es, rights of way and easements with in each district so reclaimed accord ing to the benefits resulting to each lot, tract or parcel of land, tract of water frontage; right of way, fran chise or easement within the district from the filling of the same or re clamation of the same, including the costs and expenses of filling in the tre'ett and intersections thereof with in the district so reclamied and each lot, tract or parcel of land, including water trontage, right of way or fran chise in each district shall be assessed such proportion of the entire costs and expenses of making the fill in cluding the filling of the streets and alleys as the benefits resulting to such lot, tract or parcel of land, water frontage, right of way or franchise is proportonate to the benefit resulting to all such property from the im provement of such district. And provided further that any and U street! within any reclamation district may be filled in to the same level or grade that the lots, blocks, tracts of land'or water frontage is filled in or to the full established grade of such street or streets or to such depth or level below the established grade as the Commission shall deem proper or advantageous; and provided further that whenever the boundary of any district to be filled in shall be the line of any street which is to be filled in whole or in part as part of the im provement of the district the lots, lands and premises including water frontage abutting upon or adjacent to and specially benefited by the "fil ling in of such street or portion there of may be included within the special assessment district and be assessed for its proportion of the cost of fil ling in such treet according to the benehts resulting therefrom, although such lots, lands or premises or water trontage be not . within- the distrtct to be filled in or reclaimed. Section 169. Whenever the Sani tary and Reclamation Commission of the City of Astoria shall deem it ne cessary in order to protect the health of the inhabitants" of any portion of the city to fill in and reclaim any por tion of the tide lands, and flats, over flowed lauds or water frontage of the City and to defray, the costs thereof by special assessment, they hall so declare the fact and their determination or intention to reclaim or fill the same by resolution stating in general terms the nature and char acter of the fill and the elevation or level of the same including- that of the street or streets to be filled and shall designate and describe the dis trict to be filled in and reclaimed and the district upon which the special assessment shall be levied to defray me costs ana expenses tnerot; and shall cause estimates of the expenses thereof and specifications for the pro posed improvement to be made and hied vth the Secretary of the Com mission. It shall be sufhfhcient tol describe in general terms the nature and character of the fill and the ele vation and level thereof including the elevation or level to which the streets are to be filled. Such resolution shall direct the Secretary of the Commis sion, upon the estimate of the costs and expenses thereof and specifica tions for the proposed improvement being filed with him, to cause notice of the intention of the Commission to cause such fill to be made to be given by publication in a daily news paper published in the City of As toria, which notice shall contain a statement of the improvement to be made in general terms nd a state ment of the district to be filled in and to be assessed and a statement that an estimate of the costs of the im provement and specifications for the proposed work has been filed, and such notice shall be published in such paper for at least ten. days. If a re monstrance against such proposed fill or improvement signed by persons owning three fifths of the property in the district to be improved or reclaim ed and assessed, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commission by the time of the next regular meeting of the Commission following the final publication of such notice, no such fill or improvement shall be ordered except by the affirmative vote of six members of the Cimmission, but if no such remonstrance be filed the same may be ordered by a majority vote of the members of the Commis sion At any time after the expira tion of said time in which a remon strance can be filed and within four months thereof, and also after such estimate and specifications are filed', the Commission may by resolution order the improvement or fill con structed and prescribe the time and upon the passage of such resolution declaring the intention of the Com , mission to make such fill or improve ment and the giving of the notice in this section provided and the filing of the estimate of the cost and ex penses thereof and specifications for the proposed work and passage of the resolution ordering the improve ment or fill and prescribing the time and manner of making the same, the City of Astoria shall be deemed to have gained jurisdiction for the pur pose of making the improvement and assessing the property benefited thereby to defray the costs and ex-, penses thereof. Cirflr.n 17ft Tt fAmmtcfliAM atilt provide by resolution for the time and manner of doing the work of re claiming or filling in any reclamation district subject only to the following restrictions, viz: after such notice as may be prescribed in the resolu tion the work must be let to the low est responsible bidder, and the Com mission shall provide for the rejecti on of any and. all bids when deemed unreasonable, and the Commission shall provide fqr taking security by bond in such sum as it shall consider reasonable 'conditioned for the faith ful performance of any contract let under its authority, and that the con tractor will pay' all persons supply ing labor and material used in the performance of the work and conform to the requirements of the charter and all ordinances of the City of As toria relating to public works, and the provisions of such bond may be enforced by an action in the name of the City of Astoria. The Commis sion shall provide by resolution for the time of the completion of the work and for the inspection and ac1 ceptance thereof. Section 171.- When, by the provis ions of this act and the cost and ex penses of filling in or. reclaiming any district of tide lands, mud flats, over flowed lands, or water frontage is to be defrayed by special assessments upon the property so filled in, with in such district benefitted by the im provement, such assessment may be made as hereinafter provided. The Sanitary and Reclamation Commis sion shall select three disinterested freeholders of the City of Astoria to act as a Board of Assessors which shall make .the special assessments authorized by this Act. If a member of -such Board of Assessors which any property in any special assess ment district directed directed assess ed by the Commission, they shall ap point some other person to act in his stead in making the assessment, who for the purpose of the. assessment shall be a member of the Board and such Board of Assessors - may be changed from time to time at the pleasure of such Commission. Section 172. When any special as sessment is to be made pro rata upon the lots, lands and premises including water trontage, rights ; of wav and franchises in any special assessment district according to the benefits,' the Commission shall by resolution eith er at the time of ordering the fill or reclamation or before or after said time direct the same to be made by tne Board of . Assessors, and shall state therein the amount to be as sessed and describe or designate the lots, lands and premises, water fron tage, rights of way and franchises constituting the district to be assess ed. Upon receiving such order or directions, the Board . of Assessors shall make out an assessment roll listing and describing therein all the lots, premises, parcels of land, water frontage, rights pi way and fran chises to be assessed, and the valu ation thereof with the names of the owners therof, if known, and shall levy thereon the amount to be as sessed in the manner directed by the provision of this act. They shall assess upon each lot or parcel of land, tract of water frontage, right of way or franchise such relative portion of the whole sum to be levied as shall be proportionate to the estimated benefit resulting to such lot or par cel of land, tract of water frontage, right of way or franchise from the iiuiJi vvciuciu arm wnen sucn an as sessment is completed they shall re port the same to the Commission and file the same with the Secretary thereof., ., . : , . . Section. 173. When -any" special (Continued on page 7)