j THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. THURSDAY, HE DAVIS CUF TEAM. Four Men Selected Will Try to Re cover Famous Tennis Trophy. o THIS IS THE PLACE Oregon Cantaloupes special-6 for 25c ...PEACHES.., ' ' - ' 1 ft ' ' M ''!-JJA mmer iSeu ? reel TO PLAY RITCHIE AND PARKE. A. V. ALLEN Sole Agent (or the Celebrated H. C Fry Cut Gloss. PHONE 711 PHONE 3STt UNIONTOWN BRANCH PHONE 713 "SISTERS OF MERCY" RAIDED BY POLICE NEIGHBORS MAKE COMPLAINT AGAINST A CHICAGO INSTITUTION. THE "FATHER" GETS AWAY Raid Followed Complaints Made to the Anti-Cruelty Society in Regard to the Orphans and of Sounds of Revelry There at Night CHICAGO, Sept. 9,-Four "Sisters of Mercy" were arrested last night in a raid by City Detectives on St. Jo seph's Home for Orphans at 202 Thirty Sixth Street. Despite the precautions taken by the police An tonio de Lubics, said to be the head of the institution and claiming to be out for him. It is feared he has fled the city, but detectives were on his a priest, escaped the dragnet spread trail early today. The raid followed complaints made to the Anti-cpelty Society and to the health department by neighbors who often heard sounds of merriment in the "Asylum" in the early morning hours. Mrs. Mary Pillar, until a week ago employed at the place, was the first to tell of the midnight mer- riment and of the severe beatings ad-. ministered to the little orphans in the home. The "Sisters of Mercy" are Helen Myslivers, 17 years old; Mary Mar- engo, 19 years old; Fidelia Lazarius. 20 years old and Sarapheni Polner, 18 years old. The Myslivers girl told the police how the home was main tained and how DeLubics conducted himself. She denied that the child ren fed at the institution were mis treated, but asserted that sometimes they were "chastised for being un ruly." ' "I have been at the home for a long time, but I never kept count of the many dollars I turned over to Father DeLubics," she said, 'We were not permitted to keep any track of the money handled by us for that was one of the vows we took when wej Uncle Sam's Men and Ships. got the veil. The place is not so bad! as the neighbors would have you be-( ALBANY, West Australia, Sept. 9." lieve for there were no scenes there j The American fleet is expected to at any time. We are "Sistrs of Mer- j arrive here Friday and when the cy.' and are doing a lot of good work J warships come to their anchorage in in that part of the city for there are (King George Sound, representatives always a lot of little orphans in the j 0f the government of West Australia, home." ! Admiral Sir F. G. D. Deford and of The police will make a further in-1 the legislative bodies, will pay ' an vestigation of the home today and j official visit to the Admiral in corn will probably ask that the four girls j mand. Rear Admiral Sperry will under arrest be sent to a home else-jcall upon the governor, the premier where. The orphans will be taken Hon. M. J. Moore, and the mayor of care of. AERONAUTS CAN'T GO. Nevertheless America Will Be Rep resented In Berlin Races. ' NEW YORK, Sept. 9,-The Amer ican team entered in the international balloon race to take place in Berlin on October 11, has lost another mem ber in Allan' R. Hawley, who finds that business will not permit of his sailing for Europe today as. intended. Mr. Hawley's inability to take part in the race follows closely on the de cision of General Allen, chief of the army signal service, that Lieutenant Frank P. Lahm cannot be spared to go to Germany to compete. Lieutenant Lahm is superintending, with other army officers, the tests that are now being made at Fort Myer and this entire month and probably a part of October will be taken up with the trials of the' Wright and Herring aeroplanes. The government experts believe he is of more use here at the present time, than competing in the balloon trophy at Berlin. W. H. Arnold will take Lahm's place and he will be pilot of the new balloon St. Louis which the St. Louis Aero Club 4tad constructed in Paris, for the race. Mr. Arnold is a com paratively new aeronaut, having but lately received his pilot's license, but he has made a number of ascensions from North Adams within the last six months. He will sail for Europe next week about tne same time that A. Holland Forbes, the third member of the team, sails. CANNOT ACCEPT ALL, WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. -The Navy Department has been obliged to decline with regret the invitation extended by. the Netherlands govern ment to have the battleship fleet make a visit to Landjong Prick, Java, on the way to Manila. The Department is anxious to get the fleet to Manila in good time for target practice and the department does not think it wise at this time to depart from the itinerary already mapped out. JONES LEADS ANKENY. Returns From The Washington Pri mary Are Far From Complete. SPONE, Sept. 9.-3 A. M. Returns from the primary elections tii Washington are far from complete. Such returns as have been received indicate that Jones is lead ing Ankeny for the senatorial nomina tion and will probably carry the Eas tern part of the state. In Spokane County Jones has a good lead, and also in Okanogan County. He is car- rying Yakima, his home county, by i a vote of 5 to 1, while Ankeny is carrying Walla Walla, the Senator's : home county, 3 to 1. For governor on the Republican ' ticket, McBride appears to be leading,: though Mead and Cosgrove are show- ing much strength in several counties, For governor on the democratic tick- et pattison is leading Well. for Congressman, Poimdextcr ap pears to be in the lead, with honors divided between the other contests. Chadwick, Crow and Root are easily leading, all other candidates for jus tices of the Supreme court. For Senator on the Democratic ticket, the race between Cotterill and Godman is close. Cotterill has a slight lead in Spokane County. Subscribe to The Morning Astorian. ; 60 cents per month by carrier. HONORS EVERYWHERE. Splendid Program For Reception of , Albany on Saturday, while extensive Known in America, but many Amerl j illuminations have been planned for ' can visitors on the continent have seen : - r I .1. - 'II tita fnhrnnp nl'iv nn tllfl TMvlln nml fit I me evening. 7ii auiuiay mere win I be an open service while on Monday the governor and premier will receive! the admirals and other officers the1 governor presenting a formal address ; of welcome at the official luncheon. In addition there will be a review!' of land forces and a contingent fronii tho ivnrshins a xr,t,., ,.nrtv thr. i mayor's . ball and a variagated pro gram of sports.. The vessels will re main here, until Thursday. HAVE, AGREED. REXO, Ncv., Sept. 9.-This after noon Chairman Humphres and Som ers, of therepublican and democratic state' central committees, respective ly, formally entered an agreement !: binding the legislative Candidate' of ; both parties to abide by the popular j Vote for United States senator.' " For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in ! about one-third the time usually re I quired, by applying Chamberlain's I Palm Balm freely, and giving k abso lute rest. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. International Matchea to Bt Htld at Longwood Club, Boston, Shortly. Wlnnort Will Go to Australia to Compote Agalnat Cup Holder. Four players will compose the Amor loan challenging team for the Davis International tennis cup. These play ers are as follows: In the slugles. Wil liam Aymar learned, Heals 0. Wright. Frederick B. Alexander and Harold II. Hackett. Dr. James Dwlght of Bos ton, president of the Uulted States National Lawn Tennis association, made this announcement recently as the selections of the committee, of which he Is the chairman. Hackett wilt add no strength to the team In the tingles, but was Included to keep the doubles combination which has, been mi successful for two years. From their recent performances lexander and Hackett are peerless as l pair and are regarded as standing above any previous pair of champions that this country has produced. No sooner had the selection been made than Lamed and Hackett nu- uounced that they would be unable to make the trip to Australia If the Eng lishmen were defeated, but It Is thought that both players will recon sider their determination not to go. Should Lamed and Hnckctt not go !t Is probable that Wright and Alex ander would constitute a team strong enough to have au excellent chunce of recovering the cup. They have made no tournament appearnuces as a team, but have played together a good deal In private and with practice should become very formidable. Alexander will probably Ik? better In November than he is now, and In the singles he and WrUht will represent America The ma Iches will be held on the turf j courts nt the Lougwood Cricket club. Boston or Sept. 17, IS and 19. There will be Ave matches two lu singles on the first day, one lu doubles the second and two more In singles the final day.. . English lawn tenuis experts are al ready discounting the expected defeat of this country's representative In the Davis cup preliminary. M. J. Ritchie and J. C. Parke, Who are to play for the purpose of deciding y. 3. KITt'tllE, ENGLISH TENNIS PLATE II whether Aniericun or English playerr t;hall go to 'Australia to meet the hold ers of the title, hope to obtain a week's practice before the International mutches begin, but their chances of holding their own against Hackett and Alexander In the doubles are consid ered very slim, while In the singles they are held to bt quite outclassed by both Lamed nnd Beals C. Wright. . Both Ritchie nnd ' Parke are uu- "-- " -. Jeraiau summer resorts, while Tarke s .slyle closely resembles that of F, L. Kbdey, with which Larned. Holcomb. Ward and Beals Wright are well ac quainted. His staying powers nre Parke's best feature. v Bulgarian Challenges Gotch. Antonio Herri, the former wrestler, ; believes he has n world's champion In j lfUKsiff Mabmotint, the Bulgarian ! (hainplon. nnd Is williiig to match' his ; 'man atcli-as-catch-can style against : Frank Gotch, tlie champion of the j world, for $1,000 a side. Mahmount 1st twenty hIx years old, stands five feet ; nine a. id one-half Inches l:i height mid I M-elghs 230 pounds. I'lerri and hlf ; champion will visit America this win I (er.! Mahmoimt 1s at present appearing nt the London music hails. 1 Company' to Back Football Team. f A compr.ny has been formed hi,-Cm-: I Dover, O., to back a football team th!M fall, and fifty shares of stock , at $r(j each have been sold. Julius Wlttinan. formerly with the Masslllon Tigerc. has been engaged as coach. , New Bafeball Slang. , According to 'the latest baseball slang, ' when 'a batter makes m clean, solid base hit he "pickles it." . ., , ' ,'. f f '-. , I ., ! ' jl I' ' ' , 1 j; ,i i v - ' - , i j j i I - . i , J ' ' ' Beautiful golden oak table with dinner set , .,..$14.00 ALL GOODS SOLD AT COST AND LESS . . . Buy now and toria's greatest opportunity furniture cheap. This massive quarter - sawed oak table with dinner set only $29.00 BANKRUPT vSALE OF MYSTERY0F THOUGHT. fry to Concentrate Your Mind on On Thorpe For Five Minutes. A St l.mils physician who has given much attention to the study of tncin.i. disease In Its vuriom phase, though as he says himself,' not eiiuuuh tu iiini Ify as uu ulleiiist. has it ciirlniis t Ih-i.i .. ylth regard tocoiiinitratlou of tlnniy'i: on any purtlciihir MibJt-l. Ills Idea Is that no human i-;m " lis his uilud uu iiny special t ( 1- it- to nrold eveu for n moineut tl : ru;ii thoughts that come and g:t. iml o-in without our volition. Inn lu !te . our most earnest efforts nl iiici,,.ii :i; plication lie goes so far as to maintain iti'i noliody but a nioiioiiiiitilac i-.in Uu.::. of one subject continuously foi tivr minutes mid even believes thai Hi. ubillty to do so is one evident somcliilng wrong In the u)mt story "I once heard the subject dlscussi-n by a party of intelligent men. ami our of the nuinlier was so conlidcut of hi ability to think of one subject mi In delinite length of time that he rouse:! his opponents to the point of making u test. y " 'If you enn repeat the Lord's I'rnyei and then declare upon your word oi honor that you have not thought oi anything else while doing it, I'll uiaki you it present of a horse and .suddfi nnd bridle.' "The coulideut one took up the chill lenge uud In order to fix his uilml reiiuested the company to keep still un til he got through. Then, with frown !:.g bro-.vs and tightly drawn Tace. he begun aloud and went slowly und ap parently with the most determined at tention straight through the prayer. "Al ter lie said 'amen' nnd opened bin eyes he was asked how be bad got along with his tank. "It's a failure, gentlemen. I didn't get to the end of hallowed be thy nn me" before I wondered what kind of a horse It run. 'olug to be, and before I reached Mhj will be done 1 thought :!;out Mack hmiU.'Ich and white saddle ::ii:l iiliotit l he horse again: then of the i,v.::e' mid the reiu. whether they iVimld lie of !i,';!it dark leather; ! lien, of old pete, a horse my father !i:nI mi l how he threw me over his dead when I switched hi m with il,lo .-::st thorn "branch: then of n iimi-e that ;k-!:e.l old Pete In the ri!i while they ,.(';( In the pasture lo-.'i'tlier and left i he Inipi-liit of both shoes on his side ,i:';:l before I reached -ninen' I thought -if a drove of wild l-urwi llutf in-ed to be out on the plains und what u p'le o!' !:::r,:v u i:::iii would iuhI.i' by, round lug them all up and selling them for farm horses. '' "i tll -t::liiU I could fix my ml::d itii one thing for awhile, hut 'when I tried my brains seemed t-j sen tier like; an old fashioned shotgun.' "St. l.oi:!s Globe-Democrat. An Eccentric Will, In the year WMi u Kcutlcui.-iit llvlm: With every dining table sold we give, while, they last, a 42 piecc dinner set. Westill have on hand a good assortment of high grade tables from which to make your selection. ' take advantage of this, As Meilfoora In England uamed Samuel Baldwyo died after a somewhat unhappy mar ried life. By hi will Mr. Baldwyo left his property to bis young wife on the condition that alio should from time to time dance upon bis grave. ' . Tha mnfli-A far thin fttraficrih rcntiwl was evident when the Instructions for I his interment were read. Mr. Baldwyo desired that his remains should be tak en by boat to the Needles and tbeo cast In the sea. This lingular wish enabled blm, to revenge himself on bit wife for past disagreements, and the widow lost the property, as she could not fulllll the conditions of her bus band's bequest The Word "Ogre." Old fashioned etymologists used to say that the word "ogre" commemorat ed the sufferings of Europe during the ninth and tenth centuries at the hands of the ravaging "Olgours," or Huns. This derivation, however, Is now oban doned. "Ogro," which reached the French language by way of Italian and Spanish, Is really Orcus. the Latin bell, afterward the god of the underworld. Io Ilotnanesoue folklore this god be came a shaggy, black, man devouring monster.' with a particular taste for lost babes In the wood. One View of the Kits. The olfactory kiss Is Mongolian. The nutritive affair Is European. The Mon golian kiss is with the nose. The Bu ropean kiss Is with the mouth. The Mongolian kiss Indicates that the party sniffed would tie an agree able prey. The European variety Indi cates that the party embraced would make a delectable meal. Tbey are but thp different forma of the same Instinct of preservation tha give and take of wild beasta. Ex change, i . Art of the Superior 8mile. The superior smile Is a useful accom plishment for any young man. It la much In vogue nt the universities, where It may be studied at Its best on young Don. Mony men who learn not'.ili:;: e!re at the universities learn this art and find It uncommonly useful In after life. It Is an excellent cover for a naked mind and should be sought after by parliamentary candidates. Oxford Varsity. Flooring Papa. Five-year-old Tommy was being put through a test in numbers before the admiring family one day, 'at dinner. Finally puna asked him the question that had proved the Waterloo of the older children In past years. "Now. Tommy." said papa, "how man;,- are two apples and three pears?" "Five fruits!" promptly answered Tommy. Delineator.- We exaggerate misfortune nnd ha p f!ww alike We nre nevrr either so v. i-etcfied or so happy as wi say we nre. Balzac. A MUiion design In weathered oak finish with dinner set,.. $13.00 ALL GOODS SOLD AT COST AND LESS , and buy goo4 Every article in the house a bar gain. Buy now while the oppor tunity offers. 15 Co. GANS GOES OUT (Continued from page 1) ly; I will never fight ayain; I will re, turn to Baltimore Immediately nnd attend to my hotel buincs there. This is no Patti farewell, but in dead earnest." When Nelson was seen in his dressing room he said: "Cans was tougher than before. He was in good shape and fought a dif ferent kind of fight, but I proved con clusively that I am his master in any kind of a fight. From now on I will never fight a colored man again. I shook hands with Billy Papke today and we both made this compact. Nelson appeared as strong at tlus finish as in the beginning. One of his teeth was knocked out in the fourteenth round and blood flowed freely as a result. The sight of blood spurting freely from Nelson's mouth caused the short enders to mount in their seats and shout encourag ingly to the fast dying colored lad. He responded gamely and in the fol lowing round made what was probab ly the most furious round of the fight. NOMINATION OF JONES ( Continued from page 1) of second choice necessary. On sec ond choice ballots . Cosgrove has strong chances of success. For Congress, Miles Poindexter lend. all Spokane candidates, though' Lee Johnson, of Sunnysidc, may ov ercome his lead by the county vote. John Pattison, of Colfax, is leading in the East Side precincts for demo cratic nomination for governor. Edi tor William Goodyear, of Colfax, is conceded the .democratic nomination for Congress from the Third District. The returns are coming in very slowly, In some precincts the count ing of votes may not be ended at noon. GOLDENDALE, Wash., Sept. 9. Jones will carry Klickitat county by 200 over Senator Ankeny. Charles Kayser will be elected state repre sentative again. For sherif, D. W. Pierce and W. M. Warner are run-' ning a close race, for clerk, another close vote is being counted, wit R. A. Hornbr'ook and Charles Mese cher contestants.