3 TJF THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. THURSDAY, fJEPT. 10 IjtJBciilii Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINCER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year .... By carrie. per month .$7.00 .60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail,'1 per year, in advance. , . . . . , t .$1.50 Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1905, a the postoffice at As toria, Oregon, under the act o! Congress of March 3, 1879. Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place of business may be made by postal .card or through telephone Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office of publication. i TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THE WEATHER Oregon Fair in the east, increas ing cloudiness, possibly followed by showers in west portion. WHERE IT BELONGS. We sincerely trust the charter amendment providing for the estab lishment and construction of a sea wall in this city, will not be submit ted at the forth-comins; polls: not that the project is not entirely wor thy, altogether essential and a genu ine improvement; but because it is untimely, not properly considered and predicated, vastly expensive and must entail enormous obligations for which the city is not prepared. There are other reasons, but they can wait for expression. One more year of thought, study, examination, the as certainments of actual survey, soun dings and alignment and the careful districting of the project, so that it shall not fall with anihilative weight upon an unprepared community will do no harm and probably give far better impetus and more unani mous endorsement to a scheme that is worth infinitely more considera . tion than has been given it. And again, if Astoria is to take on the status of a port, with a port com mission, as is now probable, it were well to make the commissioners of the port responsible for the building of the wall, while the council takes care ot the immense system oi nus that is inseparable from the work; thus saving the annoyance and con fusion of "too many cooks" and do ing away with an infinitude of clap trap and epense. It is sharply with in the function of a port commission to dispose of just such phases of pub lic work as this, and it will be excel lent training for them in their own la titude. This is the logical plan to follow in this huge proposition, and there will be grave regret if the mat ter is forced to immature develop ment. It is inevitable, in the light of the sheer inexperience of the men. who have framed the text and terms j of the measure, not one of whom has I technical qualification of the remotest sort, nor specific data attaching to the task, and who have proven their in eptitude by concealing it behind clos ed doors for the months they devo modern switcn-boam ana nave pro ven their purposes by other actual and necessary work on the system here; and we are loath to believe they will renig. To the moment of writ ing, there is no sign of any sort lend ing color to this conclusion; no con tracts have been estopped; no work abated; everything is going on as it was promised and providedffi and it will take more than any vague hint to disestablish the general conviction that the company intends to carry out the last degre of its projected improve ment in this city. If there is any philandering underway, it might be better charged to the Automatic peo pie who are dallying with their fran chise rights as no company should do which properly estimates the real val ue of such public privilege, and which is supposed to be in the field for suc cess and advantage' as well as the old concern. They are as welcome as any reputable and progressive com pany should be in a live community like this and all they have to do is to make good on what has been con ceded them; there is nothing in their way that our people know about," and the public is simply waiting upon them to make full and final demonstaration of their desires and purposes, conced ing always that they are perfectly able to do so. What of rivalry exists, or what it may engender, as between these com panies, is no concern of ours; save that we feel it inopportune and am biguous for a public official to take even the remotest part in that contest, since such action is likely to be mis cinstructed to the city's disadvantage. ALL LINED UP, NOWI. There has been talk for months past of "opening up the city," wide and free, as of old, and to this current of comment is due in a large measure the broad interest in the new align ment of the police commission. If it does come to pass that the city is again given over to license and licen tiousness, to unchecked gambling and the concomitant evils that flock with such ircedom, there will be no earth ly doubt of the responsibility for it, and it will be frankly put where it belongs; .rd if things are held in ra tional check along all lines of indal- ceive any relief until my attention was drawn to Dean's Kidney Pills. I decided to give them a trial and pro cured a box at Chas, Rogers & Son's drug store. They helped me so great ly that I procured a further supply, usod them and wa sentirely cured. I am now in unusually good health and do not hesitate to attribute same to the use of Doan's Kidney rills.'' For sale by alt dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ' j Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. J. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes; "Last year 1 suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business, I had many of the symp toms of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed to only aggravate ny case. Fortunately I insisted , upon having Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package, and it quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and, Tar with the same success." T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. y How To Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St. Chicago, tells of a way to become strong. He ayi; "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters that I feel It's my duty to tell those who need a tonic' and strengthening medicine about it. In my mother's case, a marked gain in flesh has re luited, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steady growing stronger.1 Electric Bitters quickly remedy stoin ach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Charlei Rogers & Son's drug store. 50c. They Take The Kinks Out "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinka out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," nays N. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt. Guaranteed satisfac tory at Charles Rogers & Son's drug store. 25c. Sunda7 Excursions to Long Beach.' Steamer Nahcotta leaves O. R. & N. dock at 6:5 a. m. daily. Round trip fare to any poi t on North (Long) Beach, $1.00, Sunday's only One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious dls ease and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregu larities and prevents Bright'a Disease and diabetes. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated, he ' F .. O :: 1 :: i: V :: ii A AAA.. A A . ttttttTt V With Mechanic's Aid Future of Aeroplane Assured. By CapUIn THOMAS S. BALDWIN. J AEROPLANE IS NOW. IN THE EXPERI MENTAL STAGE, AND THE IDEA OF SUCH A MACHINE HAS BEEN WORKED ON ONLY BY DREAMERS WHOSE INVENTIONS SO FAR ARE BUT THE TOYS OF MILLION AIRES. The automobile was developed through vari ous competitions of endurance and speed, for which valuable prizes were offered by wealthy men. THE SAME RAPID DEVELOPMENT WOULD RESULT IP SUCH CONTESTS WERE HELD WITH AIRSHIPS. WHEN THE PRACTICAL MECHANIC GETS TO WORK ON THE r'ELOPMENT OF THE AIRSHIP, THEN YOU CAN LOOK FOR RE SULTS THAT WILL BE STARTLING. K Today a man earn ing aeroplane weighs from six hundred to nine undred pounds. WHEN THE MECHANIC STARTS TO RE FINE THESE CRUDE MACHINES I THINK THERE WILL BE BUILT AN AEROPLANE THAT WILL WEIGH BUT TWENTY POUNDS FOR EACH MAN CARRIED. OF COURSE A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY WILL NECES SARILY BE LOST BEFORE THIS RESULT IS ATTAINED. FOR IT WILL ONLY FOLLOW REPEATED AND VERY COSTLY EXPERIMENTS. . Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the j natural action of the bowel. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not natt- j ncnte or gripe and is mild and pleas- j anttojake. Refuse sugititutea. T.P.I Laurin, Owl Drug Store. AMUSEMENTS. he Grand THEATRE Commercial and Ninth Street, Tonight SPECIAL FKATUKl- Health kidneys filter the impurities , from the blood, and unless they do' .v.:., i...i.i. im ! ... . " "THE COBEL TRAGEDY" showing Kidney Cure makei lound kidneys lU.t' . . ismmimi ris-mmee . . .... , ' , the famous trial of Ckl.hu I OWERS ana win positively cure an lormi oi kidney and bladder disease, ft strengthens the whole system. T, F. Laurin. Owl Drug Store. , ; "The Neapolitan's Revenge" "FLOWER OF YOUTH" ' "SANDWICH WOMAN" Vlewa of a Trip Through Scotland ni t M.n. 1 ILLUSTRATED SONG I-oleys Madder Cure will cure any tha la..lt ,., mt.lt imnro. .j..,-. cane of kidney or bladder trouble that cal Machine. Don't fail to nee theie Is not beyond the reach of medicine. t)CUrel No medicine can do more Laurin, Owl Drug Store. T. F. The New Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that j Foley's Honey and Tar for cough, i colda and lung troubles is not affect-1 ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or i other harmful drugs, and we recent- j mend it a a safe remedy for children and adults. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug j siore. i', ADMISSION 10c. Children Sc. Change of program Wednesday and Sunday. Save Money. From $1.50 to $2.00 saved by buy ing through tickets in Astoria. Tickets to all points in the United States and Europe now on sale at O. R. & N. dock. C. W. Roberts, agent. Summer Eicuraiona During the months of August and"; September the II wan R, R. Co. will For Rubber Stampa and Typewrittr ,e 1 'ound rip tickets daily from all Suppliea aee Lenor. Benoit, Public m on 1ir,h (Long) Beach to all Stenographer, 447 Commercial atreet ff'"1" B Cla80P "ch r,,e ' li.i j. nciu.i. .mm nun." usjrt. A SUMMER DRINK Unfermented Grape Juice absolutely non-alcoholic Concord 6oc quart Catawba Coc quart Welch's Grape Juice Nips 10c AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street. America Deprives Foreigners of Much of Their Happiness. A GOOD REASON. gence, the credit will be quite a con ted to it, and whose nominees for'the 1 spicuous and as clearly noted, so fat- sea-wall commission will hardly know! as tins paper is concerned any more., " It may be held that the engineering phases of the scheme are matters of subsequent unfoldment; that this element of the business be longs to the commission and not to the charter committee, but the ground is taken in this city, and by a very re spectable and deeply concerned con tingent of citizens and tax-payers, that it is the city's right to know, pri marily, the utter scope and cost of such a project, before the commun ity is committed to it beyond recall. It is too great and costly a matter to be dispensed with any flippancy and the sooner this sinks in upon the public consciousness, the better for all concerned.- BAD FAITH HINTED. It strikes the ordinary thinker for cibly, and pertinently, that there must be some very apt reason for the hint of bad faith charged against the Pa cific States Telephone Company at the council meeting on Tuesday ev ening; some basis for the allusion that was withheld, and which the people are entitled to know all about, if such bad faith really exists; the public na ture of the interests at stake demand a more candid treatment than mere supposition and Councilman Logan would have done a very distinct ser vice If he had enlarged openly upon the real reasons he possessed, in put ting forward the suggestion. The P. S. people are, as far as open declaration and business demonstra tion go, absolutely committed to sweeping improvements in their ser vice here, including their new head quarter building and the new and Astoria People Can Tell You Why It Is So. Doan's Kidney Pills cure the cause of disease, and that is why the cures are always lasting. This remedy strengthens and tones up the kidneys, helping them to drive out of the body the liquid poisons that cause back ache, headache and distressing kidney and urinary complaints. Astoria peo ple testify to permanent cures. Wm. Joyce, 412 Duane street, As toria, Ore., says: "At the time I be gan using Doan's Kidney Pills, I was enduring a great deal of suffering from my kidneys. The secretions from these organs were so profuse as to give me a great deal of annoyance As a result of not getting my proper rest at night, I would rise in the morning feeling more tired and weak than when I went to bed and during the day felt weak and languid The slightest exertion caused severe pains through my back and hips. I tried liniments and plasters but did not re- A m kid i my- :eak and first-rate coffee are better than middling coffee and first-rate steak. Con sider the cost Ywr irotar rnnrni yaw mtr M r iat HMtcUUiartfeftitMHrhia. 0 By IDA M. TARBEIX, Celebrated Author. 2JE of the first disappointing realizations of the immigrant to the United States must be that lie has come to a country practically without fete days. Accustomed to a succession of religious and national holidays, all lively in color and move ment; to local fairs running over days, even weeks sometimes; to street shows and games and merrymaking a land where not more than six or eight legal holidays are known and where the church is contented with an annual Sunday school picnic for the' children, must seem poverty stricken indeed in gayety, whatever its opportunity for money making. THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT THAT THE VARIETY AND NUM BP" OF FETE DAY8 IN FOREIGN COUNTRIE8 GO A GREAT WAY TO MAKING UP TO THE LABORING CLAS8 FOR MATERIAL HARD8HIP3. HERE THERE 13 NO 8UCH COMPENSATION FOR NEW AND OFTEN VA8TLY MORE PERPLEXING HARD8HIP8. Even those among us who havo appreciated thoi difficulties of the immigrant's transplanting and have tried to smooth them away have given little thought to this side of the matter. The tendency, indeed, has been to frown on the newcomer's efforts to introduce his own frolics and festivals as un-American and to impress upon him that it is work and not play which counts in the new land. WE HAVE BEEN WILLING TO IMPROVE HIM, BUT UNWILLING TO AMUSE HIM, EVEN TO LET HIM AMUSE HIMSELF. THE RE SULT HAS BEEN THAT HE HAS DROPPED HIS MERRYMAKINGS AND EVEN COME TO DESPISE THEM AND HAS SUBSTITUTED FAR LESS ATTRACTIVE AND TOO OFTEN FAR LESS INNOCENT AMUSE MENTS. THE BARROOM AND THE DANCE HALL ARE POOR SUB STITUTES, INDEED, FOR THE OPEN AIR CAFE AND THE VIL LAGE FAIR. We Americans lose no less than the foreigner loses by this. One of the most precious things he brings us, indeed, is his capacity for gayety, expressed in picturesque dances and customs. 1 We are always willing enough to travel far in Europe to study these expressions. Indeed, the popular fete is one of. the things the tourist remembers longest, yet we have done almost nothing to encourage the preserva- ion here of any of its features. , , . . Tt ':"'f Jkt V Subscribe to The Morning Astorian, 60c Mo Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Sharpies Cream Separators Raecolith Flooring Storrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Se!n Web We Wont Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET , FREE TRIAL-AN ELECTRIC IRON Saves backs, footsteps, blistered fingers, and facesfuel and tempers. k 7 I !;: You feel no electricity attach to any incan descent socket -low expense would sur prise you let us explain to YOU. ASTORIA ELECTRIC CO.