The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 06, 1908, Image 1

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33rd YEAR. NO. 207
. , :isT-:T - , . 1 1
Pack of 450,000 Cases
; Broached for Transit
Will Be Bannered to Tell a Story
of Astoria's Real
Oreat Northern Captures Tbli and
Other Big Shipment of Thii Pro
duct and Causes Stir in Southern
; Pacific Traffic Centers.
Thi evening at 6 o'clock precisely,
there will Mart from this city, over
the Astoria & Columbia River Rail
way lines tlx firt salmon train of 40
cur of eacd salmon, the first' of a
core of such trains to follow, in the
lig commercial task of despatching
this splendid commodity over the
length and breadth of America, and
giving vast uantittes of it, initial
tart to the several hemispheres of
the world. The train will cross the
Columbia river at Coble, going thence
to Vancouver, and out on to the con
. tinent via the new Hill line, the fa
mous" "Xorth Bank" system, and over
the Great Northern to New; York
and Chicago and other great distrib
uting centers'
J. I. Springer, one of the live con
tracting freight agents of the Hill
and one-half millions of pounds of
salmon in the shipment; the sum of
weight awaiting shipment being 31,-
500,000 pounds, or 787 cars, or practi
cally 20 Iralnloads of the succulent
foodstuff; all of which it worth get
ting into, the field after; and the
Great Northern and Northern Pacific
people are after their share of it right
at the point of departure, and what is
more they are getting it.
General Agent G. B. Johnson, of
the A. & C, is one of the busiest men
in the city these days, and he is mov
ing every" agency to compass the
(Continued on page 5)
But by Lv'ny Chance Her Attorney
Happened to Have Duplicate Cer
tified Copy From Judge McBride
and Once Again She Saves Child.
There arc many in Astoria who will
regret to learn that Mrs. Gates, the
unfortunate woman who has been
harassed by her husband over the
question of their little boy, is still
fighting to retain the possession of
the child. She went to California
from here several weeks ago. having
Volume Contains Speech of Taft,
Sherman and Bryan
NEW YORK, Sept. S.-The repub
lican campaign book was issued to
day, with a volume of 536 pages. The
book contains the" acceptance
speeches, of Taft and Sherman, and
articles on prosperity, publicity of
campaign, contributions, the attitude
of the two parties toward colored
citizens, guarantee of bank deposits,
President Roosevelt's administrations,
outline of the work of the sixtieth
congress. The platforms of the two
parties and Bryan's speech of acept-
day. Yet by great good fortune Cap
tain Abercrombie happened to have
a certitied copy ot the courts order
in his possession, and this he at
once sent to Mrs. bates, and that is
probably all she will require to show
the California authorities that the
husband has absolutely no rights in
(Continued on page 5)
Taft Getting Ready for His Octob
, er Traveling Campaign
Sept, 5. Taft will make his traveling
campaign during the month of Octo
ber devoting his time principally to
those states which are materially
considered doubtful, i.' the ideas of
both the candidate and the national
Chairman, Hitchcock, as expressed to
day are carried out. Taft indicated;
that although the greatest demand
for his presence had come from the
west this will not preclude his appear
ance in the eastern states and that
when the tour is decided on he will
undoubtedly reach both the east and
ALBANY, Ga, Sept. 6. - John
Towne, a negro, ' accused of the as
sault of Mrs. Joseph Wheeler last
Thursday, was captured at Damas
cus, Ga., last night and was taken out
and lynched.
Aeronauts Are Discussing Law to Li
cense Balloon Men,
WASHINGTON, Sept.' 5.-Actuat-ed
by the death of Charles Oliver
Jones at Waterville, Maine, Wednes
day, and the falling of his airship, the
"Boomerang", leading aeronauts are
seriously discussing the advisability
of the enactment of a law to tend to
prevent accidents of this character. It
is proposed to make it illegal for any
one not holding an aeronauts license
from the recognized Aero Club to
make an ascension.
Several Towns Near Du
luth Wiped Out
Astoria Saloons, Too, Are Said to Be Open Sun
days, While "Blind Pigs" Are Flourishing
Both Beveridge and Hughes Deal
' Kindly With Democrat, Whom they
Refer to as a. Dreamer of'Impos
. sible Things.
systems, has been in the city for. ccn granted the custody of the While PoflCO HaVB Suppressed SeriOUS CHmeS Against PerSOnS
limit- Iruiur onnnati tn noi-iir t1iU flu- child bv Illclfff McRrirfe. hilt linrillu
flection of the usual, routing of this had she arrived there before her hus
aplendid shipment for the old vogue hand also made his appearance and,
route, to the lines he stands for, and from what little is known of the mat
it is a distinct" departure, in more1' here, evidently tried again to get
ways than one; for the Oregon Rail- the little boy. But Mrs. Gates is with.
way & Navigation Company has prac-, her brother and his family there, and
tically invariably handled the bulk of, that she put up a spirited defense oft
With Stem Hand, Yet Sheriff's Office and Police Haven't
Managed to Handle Saloons and Games of Chance
the packs of the lower Columbia and, her rights is deemed probable.
Alaskan fields in the past, and has, events she wrote to Captain
suffered a radical rupture of its pre
ccdence In this behalf.
It is jurft such invasions as fthia by(
At all!
Hark, hark, the dogs do bark,
The beggars are coming to town.'
Mother Goose.
the recent order given by Mr. Harri-
man for the immediate construction
of the Lytic road from Hillsboro and
Portland to Astoria; and for. nil im
provements and developments' that
shall, accrue in the territory of the
Southern Pacific Company in this
"neck of the woods."
,The train out tonight will broach
the 450,000-case packs from this great
depot. There will be about 600 cases
to the car, or 42,000 pounds, and one
A k
rtutr-- r- .i. . . i , . t ,
I lyuruiK uic uasi lew wccus mcic
has been a noticeable return of a lot
rs who left Astoria
Irtue ttiin turn imirfi niYA
its competitors that is responsible for. tody of their boy. . ' r . u. .i 1 1 i t
its moral delinquencies and became a
"closed town." The gamblers had no
use for a town that wasn't a wide-
rrr rn a an1 f t cr" tt-nraA crn in
ad on August 8 taken all the papers c . .. . n , , .
. xi- cc i . , . Seattle, some to Portland, and some
is ntv VrV vs uuavi ivnTlllK Ilia t . v t
. . , . , . t . up in the wilds of Nevada.
rppnmt frr fliAin An aHnrt tin a than
, , . . . A, I But meantime it is evident that
when the attorney announced that
he had "lost" them. They are still
lost; at all events they have not been
returned to the clerk's office to this
crombie. who was her attorney here,
asking him to forward her a copy of of the mMer
the court s order granting her the cus-' ...
, aunicumig
Captain Abercrombie says he went
to the court house to 'get a certified
copy of the order and was told that
the husband's attorney, -C.J. Curtis,
YOUNGSTOWN, O., Sept. 5.
Aside from formally defining .issues
of both national and state, at the
opening of the republican campaign
in Ohio here today, according to the
republican critics, developed an im
portant fact, namely that Governor
Hughes, of New York will be in great
demand outside of his own state dur
ing the national campaign. The Gov
ernor following a masterly effort by
Senator Beveridge not only held the
attention of thousands who had beeni
listening to other speeches for hours,
.' '
catcs that they deem themselves quite ibut moved them to a vigorous out-
Flames Sweep Property Wocth
Many Millions of Dollars
Railroads Out
Chisholm, Town of 4000 Inhabitants,
Suffers Biggest Loss Dozens of
Smaller Settlements Completely
Destroyed Covers Many Counties.
their games, and when the Celestials
become emboldened it' usually indi-
safe behind the protecting skirts of
some one "higher up."
, But while there has been gambling
going on for the past year, it has
been mostly done in a quiet and tim
id way. The important fact now is
that, within a few months of the,
burst of applause and was fairly mob
bed when he finished by hundreds
who pressed forward to shake his
Senator Beveridge and Governor,
Hughes made impressive speeches
dealing with the national issues while
coming municipal election, these governor Harris, re-nominated by his
gamblers have the temerity to return, Partv devoted himself to state ques
to the city. That- must mean some- j tions- Bth Beveridge and Hughes
Massachusetts Man Murders Wife and Commits
Suicide After Losing Half Million .
Sept. S.Thc bodies of Mr. and Mrs.
Kimball' Slieldon was found at their
residence today. The body of Mrs.
S,heldon was on the bed with a deep
wound in her head while the body of
Mr, Sheldon in an adjoining bathroom
with the gas jet wide open. The opin
ion of the medical examiner is that
Sheldon killed his wife and then com
mitted suicide. Mrs, Sheldon is 70
years old. According to Jfriends he
lost a half million dollars in unfortun
ate investments in the past few years.
they have not forgotten that dear old
Astoria, and yet air these months
they carefully remained in their dist
ant exiles, until something must have
happened to suddenly bring them
back. To a man viewing the field
from a vantage point up in a tree it
looks as if there must have been
something to bring them back. It
j looks as if the word has gone out that
there is to be "pickings" in Astoria
once again. The word must have gone
out among them that there are plans
on foot to open up Astoria once more;
and more especially the tip ; must
have gone forth that gambling is not
interfered with here under the pres
ent police and shrievalty regimes,
That, gambling is going on in As
toria is known to every one who has
half an (eye. ' Any policeman will
tell any enquiring citizen so. . Any
cigar store man, if, he thinks he is
talking to a, "friend," will tell,; the
ame story. Chinese lottery men have
been growing so careless that they
don't even make any "bones" about
thing.. It evidently means that they
have some reason to think that the
town is once again going to "open
up" in the manner that will best
please them. That there are "quiet"
and "gentlemanly" games , going on
in saloons and in the back rooms of
cigar stores is information that every
one knows, but the presence of these
men evidently means that there is to
be something more than this.
How bold some feel in their w-ishes
to have the town wide open once
again was well indicated during the
Regatta. One man who keeps a saj
1 rw-M nair f Via w f rftnt w n f a1 k(
iwii ii.ui iii n nivui vih uiuvu w
run a "country dance" in opposition
to the country dance under the au
spices of the Regatta committee. This
dance would have been simply a re
crudescence of the old dance-hall
orgies-and worst of all, under the
widely advertised and innocent guise
of a "country dance" it might have
enticed many an innocent and guile
less girl to its shameless - grasp.
Mayor Wise had to take decisive
steps to prevent this. He went to the
(Continued on page 8)
dealt kindly with Bryan in personal
capacity but insisted that he is a
dreamer, a preacher, not an executive.
l$oth "speakers insisted on revision
of the tariff from a protective to ai
maximum and a minimum basts in a
line the policy of Germany and
France. .
DULUTH, Minn, Sept 6.-The
forest fires that have been burning
for three days closed in on several
towns and small settlements near
Duluth today wiping them out, ren
dering ten thousand homeless, de
stroying property valued at several
million dollars, and sweeping over
lands in many counties in Northwest
ern Wisconsin and Minnesota. It is
believed some lives have been lost
CHISHOLM, Minn, Sept S.-The
town of 4000 people on Mesaba Iron
Range, 90 miles north of Duluth, is
completely wiped .out. Hibbing, five
miles from Chisholm, is ' surrounded
by fire tonight and the city was in
grave danger until the wind shifted.
The entire northern portion Douglas
county, Wis, is on fire and several
small settlements have been destroy
ed. Renshaw, a village 25 miles west
of Duluth, is surrounded by fires to
night, with no hope for the town.
Hundreds of- farmers driven home
and passage along the roads is diffi
cult Owing to the heat and smoke. At
Bayfield, Wis, the property damaged
is $700,000. .
Fire descended Chisholm almost
without warning or consternation.
Hundreds sought refuge in flight
without attempting to rescue their
effects. AH conveyances pressed into
service and tonight the Great North
ern, the only railroad running into
Chisholm, took 15 box cars crowded
with homeless people to Hibbing.
Nashwauk, 50 miles northwest of
Duluth, is surrounded and tonight
the outskirts of the town is burning.
Buhl, Minn, 12 miles east of
Chisholm is cut-Off by fires that are
burning down to the town.
Wrenschall, 20 miles northwest of
Duluth, appears doomed.
(Continued on page 8.)
ABOUT $800,000
Provisions Arrive From Surrounding Towns, Re
lieving Suffering Rebuilding Started
RAWHIDE, Nev, Sept. 5.-Pro-visions
arrived today from many
points and relief has ajready been do
nated probably sufficient to last until
the stock telegraphed for hy local
merchants arrive. The report that
two bodies have been found is un
true. The work' surveying prepara
tory to re-building is progressing.
The estimated loss by fire is $800,
000. Total insurance about $30,000,
at the rate of 15 per cent having been