THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 A I 5, I. 4 f 5" I i ; i fhe Back v Number. By TEMPLE BAILEY. Copyrighted, UXB, by Associated Literary Press. When the boys came back to college, Catherine Newlands displayed rejuve nated charms." The euforced quiet of the summer season In the dull old town bad rested her, had brightened her eye and given tinge of color to her cheeks. Aa she crossed the campus that first morning In a scarlet sweater and white linen skirt, with her tawny hnlr In a big knot low on her neck, a half dozen of the freshmen turned to look after her. , Catherine felt their admiration with thrill of gratification. For ten years sbe had basked In the delight of mak ing that first Impression on the new boys, and It was like draft of old wine to a tippler. Now and then In her triumphant progress a junior or a seulor stopped bar and greeted her with frank friend liness. That was one of the advan tages of an affair with Catherine New lands. She knew bow to shade a love affair off Into a good comradeship, and the boys, who In their freshman years bad been her adorers, came for advice In their later love affairs. For Catherine wouIU have none of them. She liked to bask In the sunlight ef their admiration, she liked to be the queen of the Junior promenade, she Kked the violets and the blue pennants and the crowd of eager boys surround ing her at the football game. She liked to sing "Down the Field" for them and to have them cheer her at the end. She liked to lead In their college yell, and the roar of their young voices was music In her ears. But that was all! "You are too young," she would say frankly as some stricken youth would plead, "and. besides, If I married you, what would the other boys do?" A lot of her old friends crowded around her as she reached the library Steps, and there was a fringe of uncon ouered freshmen In the background. But when she presently detached her self from the group It was one of the faculty, Oswald Ware, who accompa nied her. , "Dear old boy," she said as they walked toward the great gate that led out Into the city street, "It's so good to have yon back." "Don't call me old boy," he flung out; with a touch of Irritation. "Heaven SHB BAT DOTS ON THE OTHEB 8 IDS OF HIS DESK. knows I am old, but you needn't rub It in." He was bareheaded, and Catherine glanced affectionately at his gray streaked temples. "You're just right," she told him, and then as her eyes swept the scene the sunlighted square, the old buildings that seemed to breathe a benediction over the boys, the boys themselves, of the best college type, graceful, lithe, strong young animals, ready for the training that should make men of them she exclaimed: "Afen't they fine? It's the spirit of the place that I love, Os wald, and it's the ideas of such men as you that help to bring out the best In them." "They are a lot of cubs," gloomily. "Oswald!" . "Well, they are. In the classes I don't feel that way. I know they are going to be men some time, and I want them to be the "right sort, but when I see you frittering away your time with them you with all your pos-sibillties"- "I love it" she asserted, "and when I can't have their admiration any more I think the youth In me will die, Os wald." He glanced down at her. "But there ! are other things worth while love and me and the needs of humanity." "I am not great enough for those things," obstinately. "Why didn't you fall In love with some other girl, Os wald?" "Because you are the one woman. And I know you better than you do yourself. Some day this will pall on you"- She Interrupted him. "I shan't change," she said flippantly, "but if I should I'll come to that stuffy little, mussy little class room of yours and tell you"- They had reached Lampson hall, and ht was forced to leave her. As she made her way slowly back across the easapus her eyes were thoughtful, but for ears were sharpened to bear (hi ouuneuts of the new boys. "Who la she?" came an eager ques tton. "Catherine Newlands." "She's a beauty" "My dear boy, she Is a back num Iter. She ts twenty -eight if she's titty." It was the first uoto of disloyalty tc her queenshlp, ami the man who had said It for her to hear was sore over n rebuff, but the light seemed to go out of the mornlug. The old bulldlujr frowned grim aud gray above the hoi low square, and, to add to It all, It through the big gate came anotliei Rlil-a little thing with a fluff of fait hair. Tlptilteil on her high heels, with her pink ruffles floating about her, six was like a wild rose. - ' The boys on the campus fence bent eagerly to watch the new arrival, and the freshmen, debarred from the fence, but hanging in groups about the big gate, asked the question that had so often thrilled Catherine Newlands: "Who is she?" Laughing aud all a-flutter with tut Joy of the attention she was exciting. the other girl came toward Catherine, "Oh, Miss Newlands," sbe gurgled. "don't you remember tne?" "It's Grade Allendale!" Catherine 6ald brightly. "Why, Oracle, when did you grow up?" The other girl laughed delightedly. "Yesterday, I think," sbe said, "when mother told me that I needn't go back to school. I am going to bo here alt winter and have the time of my life." Her lips answered the older girl, but her eyes were on the boys. And sud denly she was swept away, with a dozen laughing lads In her train, and Catherine was left aloue. ' . One youngster ran back. "You won't mind," be said boyishly. "We want to show her things." Catherine shook her head. "No," she said slowly; "1 don'l mind." But when be had gone she went out of the big gate with lagging steps and drooping head. Late that afternoon Oswald Ware, bending over a pile of. papers In the fusty, musty study, saw a vision of light as Catherine In a filmy flowered gown came In. She sat down on the other side of his desk. "Oswald," sbe said, "the queen is dead. Long live the queen I" "What do yon mean?" he asked. "I am a back number," she said wist fully. T heard a boy say It And Grade Allendale has developed Into a little beauty, and they are flocking to her." "She will never be as beautiful as you," be said Indignantly. " "Ah, but she has youth." The girl was 'silent for a moment; then, "Just think of It" she said, "I am twenty eight" "You are a mere child." be stormed. "Why. I I am almost forty. You are a mere child." A smile broke the corners of her mouth. "How uice it sounds to hear you say It You are such a comfort, Oswald." "I wish you would let me show you what there Is In life for you, dear 1 heart; such big things as compared to the little life of the campus." "Ah, but youth Is there." And her eyes wandered out to the sunllgbted space under the elms. "And love is here," he said. Then her eyes came back to him. j "That is why I came." she said trem ulously "that is why I came to you.! Oswald." WILL STUDY RURAL LIFE. ITHACA, N. Y., Sept. 4-Liberty H. Bailey, dean of the New York State College of Agriculture at Cor nell University, has announced that he" has accepted the appointment of President Roosevelt as head of the commission which is to investigate) the condition of farmers and report recommendations for betterment of rural life. Morning Astorian, 60 per month. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. J.T. NOWLEN Real Estate and Employment Office 473 Commercial St, Phone Have fine list of Astoria and coun try property, furnished. All classes of labor MISCELLANEOUS. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in -See us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. HOT OR COLD olden West Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HELP WANTED WANTED A BOY OR A GIRL AT Bum's Cigar Factory. 9-3-tf WANTED GOOD COOK; FIRST class wages. Apply to Mrs. La moreaux, Fort Stevens. WANTED 2 WELL DRESSED young men; good opportunities to the right men. Enquire at Irving Hotel, between 12 and 1 p. m. MESSENGER BOYS WITH Bi cycles wanted at the Western Union. . 8-22-tf WANTED-A WAITRESS OF Ex perience; good wages. Apply Irv ing Hotel. 9-l-7t SITUATION WANTED. "SSWsWSSfSSSSSSfcdBSMSM-. WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTS position cooking for small logging camp or surveying outfit. Address E., Astorian. 8-30-3t TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms. 677 Exchangel 8-27-7t FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-TWO lots and an 8-room modern house with bath. For particulars address B. 100, Astorian office. 9-l-6t SACRIFICE SALE-DWELLING house and lot, 50x100 feet on 17th street between Franklin and Grand; owner leaving town and is anxious to sell; will sell furniture with house if desired. Van Dusen & Co., agents. 9-3-St WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED-TO RENT A FURN ished dairy ranch by an experienced dairyman. Address 107 Fourth St Portland. WANTED TO RENT A STOCK or dairy farm for cash or shares, Address Lewis & Clark, R. F. D Box 80. 9-4-1 m FOR RENT. FOR RENT, HOUSE No. 247 BOND street, corner Sixth, 6 rooms and bath. Apply to F I. Dunbar, 207 As toria Savings Bank building. 9-2-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Horse, harness and wagon; call at Henningsen's Furniture Store, 506 Bond street. 9-5-6t GASOLINE LAUNCH, NEW, AND strongly built; 6 h. p.; for sale at bargain. Hans Frederiksen, 2071 Bond street. 9-3-6t FOR SALE-NO REASONABLE offer refused for first-class Dens more typewriter. Warren Packing Company. 8-30-4t FOR SALE CHEAP, ONE SCHOL arship in the International Corres' pondence School of Scranton. En quire Astorian office. 8-7-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANT.ED TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf. WANTED -WE PAY HIGHEST cash price for second-hand and new furniture; see us before you sell Zapf Furniture & Hdw. Co. 9-5-26t HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. MASSAGE. OLGA KANTQNEN, FINNISH masseuse and steam baths, room 6, Pythian Bldg., Commercial St., As torian, Ore. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-A BUSTER BROWN WIG in the Wild West Parade. Finder please return to W. R. Macbeth and receive reward. 9-5-6t MISCELLANEOUS. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office, LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS-ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company, " : : PROFESSIONAL CARD, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices: City Hall JOHN C McCUE, Attorney-at-Law Page Building, Suite 4 HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law ; Deputy District Attorney 420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA a HICKS Osteopath Office Mansell Bldg. Phone Black 2065 i73 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS DR. VAUQHAN Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR, W. C, LOGAN Dentist Commercial St Sbsnahan Bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO, RESTAURANT. 351 Bond Street Or-posite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffes with Pit or Cake 10 Cts. FIRST-CLASS HEALS Regular Meals IS Cts. and Up. TJ. 8. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cts. First-Class Meals, 15 Cts. MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phone Black 2383 Res. Phone Red 2276. Stand Corner 11th an Commercial DENTISTS. We Kill the Torturing Demon whose painful and agonizing pangs make life intolerable for the sufferer. It is but a matter of a moment to si lence the imp that causes the pain in the nerve. We practice painless ex traction and do it carefully, Also the cleaning and filling of teeth when we deem them .worthy pi saving. Our Our Crown and Bridge work demon strates our professional skill. En trust your teeth to tis, and you will never have cause to complain, either of the work or the charges. CHICAGO DENTISTS, Cor 11h and Commercial Sts. Over Danzigcr's Store. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. SCHOOLS AND You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? Portland's Leading Business College offer such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school.. Owners practical teachers , More Calk, than we can fill Teachers actual business men In session the entire year . Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking ' I. M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. BOSSERMAN, Secy. UNDEKTAURS. J, A, GILIIAl (ill CO., Undertakers ami Kiultulmers. Experienced Ltuhr Assistant When Desired. Calls Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tuttou Bdjjr. 12th and DuaueHt A8TOKIA, OKE.UON Phoue Main 2111 MIDICAU UopreesUaaUj SuooMets af 1 t BE K THICSIAT CIQflSX DOCTOI Who is kaows , throuuhoot the United fS 8tata oa aeoouat tf ala wonderful irrs No pottos or drags usee. Be guraa tss to eur catarrh, asthma, luif sad Ihrost trouble, rheumatism, nervousness stomaeh, liver sad kfclasy, sisal rots plaints and all chronic diMases, SUCCESSFUL HOMX TIXATHTIT If you eaanot eall writs for symvtoa Diaak and etreular, laolotlng 4 esau lr stamps. THK C. GIS WO MXDI&HI CO 121 first 8t, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, ORXGOM. Fkase meotioa th Antorlaau PLUMBERS. uiiiiEfii PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner -AND- Sheet Iron Worker UL WORK GUARANTEEI 425 Bond Street Youncc & Baker PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt. TROY LAUNDRY Ttnth and Duane Phone Main 1901 CONCRETE WORK DONE ANY PERSON WANTING ANY CONCRETE WORK DONE AT THE CEMETARIES, WILL PLEASE LEAVE ORDERS AT POHL'S UNDERTAKING OF FICE. ' - .,.' E. NYMAN Astoria, Ore. ' ' ' ' P. O. Box 603. ! COLLEGES TRANSPORTATION. The "KMline PASSENGERS FREIQHT "'Hi- - i . . m,f j t i. Jin iis i Mrtwai'saw sssmsswir Steamer Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday t J p. m. Leaves Portland DsHy Except Sunday at 7 a. tu ' i j Quick Service Excellent U sals Good Berths Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 276 Astoria and Portland ROUND TRIP " DAILY (Except Thursday) Sir. Gtias. 11. Spew FARE $1.00 EACH WAY For Portlsnd and Way Landings. Leaves Callender dock, Astoria 2:30 p. m.; arrives Portland 9:45 o. m. Leaves Washington St. dock, Port land 7 a. m.; arrives Astoria I p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSION - FARE $1.00 ROUND TRIP Leaves Wsshington St. dock, Port land, 8 a. m,; arrives Astoria 1 p. m. Leaves Callender dock, Astoria 2 p. m.; arrives Portland 9 p.m. Connecting at Astoria for all Seaside Retorts. Renowned for Speed, Comfort end Courteous Treatment, CAPT. E. W. SPENCER, General Manager, Portland Astoria Office, Callender Dock. MISCELLANEOUS. si My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE . - C4H Bond Street a s. . . st m. . . y m .. m - Get yourSHOE REPAIRING done at E G. GUNALL'S. All work guar anteed Prices right. 8TH AND COMMER CIAL STREETS Shoemaker