SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. lit fflailffigi-2 Qtoncn. Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year By carrier per month ...$7.00 . .60 $1.53 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance.. Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, . the postoffice at As toria, Oregon, under the act of Confess of March 3. 18 9. Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence t k.,.wm he made bvnostal .card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office of publication. Dance At Hammand. I A dance 'will be given at the Red Men's hall at Hammond on Saturday evening, September Sth. The launch Pilot lias been engaged and will leave rom the wharf in . the rear oi Ross Higgms at 7:45 o'clock, re turning immediately after the ball. The Stewart Mandolin Orchestra will furnish music and a splendid evening will no doubt be enjoyed by the many who will take advantage of the oppor tunity of enjoying the ride on the splendid boat, to say nothing of the good time all will have at the dance. 9-4-2t TELEPHONE MAIN 6M, 1 THE WEATHER Oregon and Washington Fair, ex cept showers along coast. Idaho Fair. BUTCHERY UP-TO-DATE. Dignified, peaceful, historic old Bos ton is to the fore with the latest "thing in human butchery. The Jordan hor ror holds the stage for the moment by reason of the rare cold-bloodedness of the thing, and the absence of actual murderous intent. The horrid excess of the matter lies in the lengths to which the young husband (after kil ling his 23-year-old wife by knocking her down stairs) went in destroying the evidence of his terrible blunder; in the brutal mutiliation of her body, and the gross handling and packing of the remains in a trunk. A man cool enough to go to such extremes as this, should it seems to us, have had wit enough to employ nicer and more de liberate means of concealment: he might have used a couple of suit-cases, if he had been a bit more skillful in his carving and more adroit in the art of packing; or, in the interest of real expert demonstration in fin de siecle slaughtering, he could have used candy-boxes and embroidered paper and expressed the stuff to fictitious people across the continent; or, by giving himself up to the actual artistic de mands of the moment, he might have reduced the body to charmlike propor tions and mailed it, in jewell boxes, to the leading murderers now in hock throughout the country; as memen toes of an accomplishment in their line that would have been an eye-op ener to the profession; or again to .-untry is tuwsed to the poti.-j th: t clitapens f nd commercializes it groat games ami champions, and Hae s w J! find it out p;r':ker than anybody. c'e THE INSURANCE BURDEN. Astorian are wonderful'y patient as general thing, and in. noth"g they contend with is this trait so apparent as in fln:r abidi ig the noto-ious ..! burdensome 'ires hsnrance rate pre valent hc-c. Th exceed pry tiling applied to !:ke urriiory in the whole Northwest and are a weight against which all common sense and every rule of business protests with exact justification; but the patience of the people seems impervious to the strain and permits the continuance of it without tangible and open protest An analysis of the rates in this dis trict, and their application, would op en the eyes of the insured to a line of imposition of which they are at the moment unaware, but, if we are n mistaken, would create a sudden sen timent azainst which even the Sin Francisco over-lords of the. business would no longer contend, shameless as they are in this particular instance There is also talk of the existence of certain discriminations that are in vogue here, but what there is to thai must be left to further inquiry no afoot. The salient fact remains tha Astoria is under a high-binder dictum in the matter of rates and the sooner slip chucks the whole business anJ carries her own risks until she is fair ly met on equitable terms, the better for all concerned, and not the least the companies doing business here Save Money. From $1.50 to $2.00 saved by buy ing through tickets in Astoria. Tickets to all points in the United States and Europe now on sale at O. R. & N. dock. G. W. Roberts, agent. , ' Summer Excursions During the months of August and September the Ilwaco R. R. Co. will sell round trip tickets daily from all points on North (Long) Beach to all points on Clatsop Beach at rate of $1.75. Return limit thirty days. For Sale. Twelve shares Northern Oyster companies stock, one nunarea ana thirty dollars (130) per share. Apply Imperial Restaurant. o-y-tt. Subscribe to The Morning Astorian. 60 cents per month by carrier. -i f-i nM w w m m ir-iimrifrr- TiriiT-jii j Mini in r .'iiru n r. m iru . mil nwi w r" lt l uuiil--j i v-- i i iSiillS mm mmmimmmiMmmm m ' Great . Sjpl ' ". , ' ' . - ii""1)Y"qJ! 0 rM"jp! em r r it , r 0 ! J, S i l 0 1 i 1 HE k1 raw Will Re-Open Tomorrow SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH With Greater Bargains Than Ever ePBi ill t ... J The A. Dunbar Co 5G6 CommcrcialjfStrcet. Telephone 1331. SCI Women Them selves Defeating Suffrage Move ment. By Mr. HUMPHRY WARD, Enfllih Author and uflYM. T is now often said even by many of thoso in jbngiand i " 1 V 4 I If California can store her earth- ! quake energy she need not fear an at- carry the impression still farther and j Tempted invasion by Japan. create an appreciable uproar in the avid circles of the sensation-mongers of America, he might have sliced the poor girl into modern post-cards, pro perly prepared, and stamped with a brief intimation of their human quality, and posed, for all time, as the chief fiend of .his day and age. This is all very raw and gross and coarse, but not more so than the de tailed story sent yesterday into every home in the United States as news matter. It. is one of the blighting (and rankest), extremes to which modern social life is subjected, in the way of perpetuating, and magnifying the bloodlust of a people. Senator Allison left an estate of less than $100,000. He was consistently cautious even in money breeding. A plan is on foot to depose Ab dui Hamid from the office of sultan. The Young Turks seem to know where to strike the first blow for reform. The American people are more amused than interested when a fro thy politician tells them that they have ceased to rule their govenment. THE TRANSCENDENTAL $. The Southern papers are making some remarks on the subject of lynch law which will be received with re spectful attention in the North. Is there any phase, quality or stan dard of American character immune from the influence of the dollar?. We are beginning to doubt it. The spectacle of John J. Hayes, the winner of the Marathon event and get away. stakes in England coming home to a magnificent reception such as was ne ver granted to a private citizen be fore in history, and then selling out to a Vaudeville syndicate before he had caught a good home breath, is a case in point and strongly indicative of the spirit that yields so readily to the intensely practical sign, "$." It is easy to say that he is a poor man; that he is not an athlete duly trained to the great craft of sport of which he is the world's .leader and champion; that he needed the money, that he was compelled to enter a new range of endeavor, etc., etc.,; but, all the same, the name and game of true American sportsmanship suffers a di rect blow by his swift concession to the bid of the theatrical managers, and his popularity will go down with a pace co-equal with his cheap descent. The fame he won in England and America would have brought . him friends and opportunities to save him self from derogation; he might have had any one of a hundred excellent chances for business in the line he had made famous; he could easily have fonnd a way out of any impecuiousity that beset him; but he chose the first glittering bauble cast his way and sac rificed his championship for a mess of pottage that will pall upon him be fore he has been a month before the Mirfnin Th SOOrtme SDlttt Of ttliS There are seven candidates for pres ident and seven for vice-president, unlss vigilance is exercised some of the notification eloquence is likely to Yon Yonson's problem now is to get a plurality for governor in a year when Minnesota gives its accustomed majority of 60,000 or 80,000 against Bryan. Georgia is to abolish its sale of con vict labor to the highest bidder. There are many signs that Bourbonism is losing its grip in the Solid South. The eighteen electoral votes of Mis souri are not necessary to Taft's elec tion, but Republicanism is necessary to Missouri if the state is to make the best use of its position and opportuni ties. Chasing libel suits and drumming uo subscriptions to the Democratic campaign fund will keep Gov. Haskell so busy this summer that the freak constitution of Oklahoma will be kept in the background. COFFEE Schilling's Best is a business-like name; you know what it means; and it means what you want ' Your grocer returns yonr boocj U jo doot Hk it: w PV blm. who hare no real sympathy with tho suffrage move ment, who believe, indeed, that its results if success ful would bo disastrous, that its success is none th? less "inevitable." People are apt to think that when in a democratic country a claim of this kind has been asserted sufficiently long and with sufficient vehemence mere clamor and insistence wear down opposition and the claim must ultimately be granted. ' THE SUCCESS OF THE .MOVEMENT, -HOWEVER, IS NOT "INEVITABLE" AT ALL, in spite of tho increased parlia mentary vote or the skillful organization of a Ilydo park meeting. Let me quote the example of America. After sixty years' agitation for the movement generally is dated in America from the meeting held in New York in July, 1848 THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE DEMAND IS NOW IN PROCESS OF DEFEAT AND EX TINCTION, AND THAT NOT AT TIIK HANDS OF MEN, BUT AT THE HANDS OF WOMEN THEMSELVES. 8INCE 1894 INDEED, IN FIVE 6TATE3 THE SUFFRAGE CON STITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS HAVE BEEN DEFEATED AT THE POLLS, AND IN 1903 THE LEGISLATURES OF THIRTEEN 3TATES REJECTED WOMAN 8UFFRAGE BILLS. OF ONE TYPE OR ANOTHER. SCHOOL SUFFRAGE HAS BEEN SECURED FOR WOMEN IN TWENTY-FIVE 8TATE8, BUT THE STRIKING THING IS THAT THE SUF FRAGE AGITATION AND THE "UNWISE PRESSURE BROUGHT TO BEAR ON LEGISLATURES AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS" HAVE HINDERED THE NATURAL PROGRE8S OF WOMEN IN THIS FIELD OF WORK SO WELL 8UITED TO THEM. , We in England, however, are safe, thanks to the concession of the local government vote to women and to the act of last year enabling them to sit on local government bodies, from any similar reaction, AND THERE CAN BE LITTLE DOUBT THAT AMERICAN WOMEN, NOW THAT THE ANTISUFFRAGE MOVEMENT HAS PRACTICALLY ATTAINED ITS END, WILL SOON FIND MEANS AND CHANNELS BY WHICH THEIR LE GITIMATE PUBLIC INFLUENCE IN MATTERS OF EDUCA TIONAL AND SOCIAL REFORM SHALL BE MORE FULLY BROUGHT TO BEAR. A SUMMER DRIM Unfcrmcntcd Grape Juice absolutely non-alcoholic Concord.. ...6oc quart Catawba. .. ........Coc quart Welch's Grape Juice Nips 10c AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street THE IMPORTANT THING FOR U8 TO NOTICE SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT HAS BEEN CHECKED AND TIMATELY DEFEATED BY WOMEN THEMSELVES. 18 THAT THE WILL . BE UL- I Poor Rich People Can't Pay Their Ordinary Bills. By STUYVES ANT FISH, Former PreWent IlllnoU Central Rilrd. KNOW OF MANY WEALTHY PERSONS WHO HAVE NOT THE READY CASH TO PAY THEIR BILLS. The result is the merchant does not get his money to make now irf hoses. And thm-efore business is at a standstill. It is harder for a man who has been living at the rate of $200,000 a year to get down to a $50,000 a year standard than for the man who has been living on $15 a week to gel along on $10. In August I expect there will be a revival, of the cry of ."hard times,' as there always is in presidential years. It will be used by the campaign collectors to get money from men of riches to elect a certain candidate to bring a return of prosperity and a resumption of employ-, ment for the workingmen and to restore confidence. I look for SOME ' SLIGHT REVIVAL- OF BUSINESS AFTER ELECTION. The crops are enormous and the: railroads will have all they can do to move them this fall. The gross receipt' will show a tremendous improvement, but on account of the high prict of labor there will be no improvement in the net earnings. TIk farmers will get the benefit, and although the railroads will bo Iras they will not be making any money with which to purchase new mate rials or to make improvements in roadbeds or extend their lines. Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Marbour and Finlayion Salmon Twines and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs . Sharpies Cream Separators ' Raecolith Flooring Storrett's Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Sein Web We Wotit Your .Trade FISHER BROS. . BOND STREET I S&M DOING THEIR DUTY. Scores of Astoria Readers Are Learn ing the Duty of thft Kidneys. To filter the lod is the kidneys' duty. ;. : When they fail to do this the kid neys are sick. i Backache and many kidney ills fol low; Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan's Kidney Pills cure them all. A. P. Maney, Hawthorne Terrace, Portland, Oregon, says: "My work subjects me to much jolting and as a result my kidneys became disordered, causing sharp knife-like pains in my back. This trouble bothered me a great deal while working and being desirous to rid myself of it, I decided to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial; procuring a supply I found quick re lief from their use and finally a com plete cure. Although 'this was over three years ago there has never been a return of the trouble since,' clearly showing that when Doan's Kidney Pills cure, they cure permanently." Plenty more proof like this from Astoria oeoole. Call at thanes Rogers' drug store and ask what cus tomers report, New York, sole agents for the United States. take'no other. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of nnnendicitis are those who are habitually constipated, Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleas ant to take. Refuse sugstitutes. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug. Store. For a Sprained Ankle. A sprained ankle may be cured in about one-tbird the time usually re quired, by applying Chamberlain's Palm Balm freely, and giving it abso lute rest, For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Good For Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel SO per cent better than I have for weeks, says J. J. Firestone, of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for biliousness." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. For sale bv all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month'