THURSDAY, HKPT. 3 TRANSPORTATION. iThe Daily Market Report CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The K1 THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. PORTLAND. Scot. 2.The de mand for best quality peaches con tinues strong at 75c to 85c a box for the most part, but the small sizes and common fruit are slower at 40 to 60 R. S. V., 20 5-lb cartons, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 3-lb cartons, $175; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. RaisinsLoose muscatels, 3-crown, 7 cents; 4-crown, 71c; bleached, seedless Sultanas, 9lc12c; un- HELP WANTED , I ki-.-u-.i ...,n... c..i... i cents generally, and the supply of the - . , London lavers, 3-crown, whole boxes latter is heavy and growing. Receipts of l 0undSi $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75. today from all sources were about N'uts Walnuts, 1517c pound; four carloads, with Crawford s from filberts, 16 ; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14 Ashland, Roseburg and5 The Dalles 20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia row pea- the chief factor in the market. Some nuts, 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital Yakima Elbertas and Medford Muirs ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen, are held at 65 to 80 cents. 90c$l; pine nuts, 1012c pound. Some shading of prices has already Dried Fruits-Applies, 81c per lb; been done in the poultry market, peaches, 1012c; pears, M14c; though the trade of the week has but Italian prunes, 56c; California figs, , . , . , . . i j . white, in sacks, 7ic per pound; black, fa,rly opened and his ,s regarded as 67c. brkks; an unfavorable indication. Receipts Smyrna i6171c per pound; dates, yesterday and today were slightly in persjan, 617c pound, excess of needs, and the prospect for Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc heavier arrivals tomorrow and the Hops 1907 crop, 45c pound, act day. For ducks and geese there Wool Valley, 1415lc lb.; coarse, is a limited demand at last week's 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 8 16c, as prices, and the call for turkeys is to shrinkage. v considerable stronger than a week Mohair Choice, 18 19c pound, ago, but very few turkeys are coming Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark) M. t 1 J 1 J i in now. mere, were no cnanges in jugic per puuna. WANTED A BOY OR A GIRL AT Hum's Cigar Factory, 9-3-tf W A N T ED GOO D COOK; FIRST class wages. Apply to Mrs. La moreaux, Fort Stevens. - MESSENGER ROYS WITH BI ' cycles wanted at the Western Union. 8-22-tf PROFESSIONAL CARD). WANTED A WAITRESS OF EX perience; good wages. Apply Irv ing Hotel, 9-l-7t WANTED A SCHOOL GIRL TO work for her board and clothing; good home and good care. Apply at this office for particulars. , 9-1-tf ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices: City Hall JOHN C. McCUE, Attorney-at-Law Page Building, Suite 4 DNDKKTAKIRS. J. A. UILltAUUll CO., Umlortftkera aut Kiiitmliiiem- Experienced Lady ANxUtHiit PASSENOERS FREIGHT When UoHtreti SITUATION WANTED. WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTS position cooking for small logging camp or surveying outfit. Address E., Astorian. 8-30-3t HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law Deputy District Attorney 420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS Osteopath Office Manseli Bldg. Phone Black 2065 573 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. i sW jCkf IT .47 Call Promptly Attended IH or Mglit. Tutton Ildif. l'Muuul DiiniioHtc ASTOKIA. O UK. (JON Phone Main 21 11 MIDICAk. DENTISTS TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS Oregon Graperoot Per 100 pounds $35. Hides-Dry hides, No. 1, 141c lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 13 lc; dry salted, one third less; dry calf, 15 ic lb.; salted steers, 78c lb.; salted cows, 61c lb.; stags and bulls, 41c lb.; kip, 6k lb.; calf, 10llc lb; green stock, lc less; sheepskins; shearlings, 10 25c; short wool, 3040c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 5090c; I dry horses, 50c$1.50; dry colt, 25c; the egg situation today. Floor. Grain and Feed. Wheat Choice milling sorts. Track prices: Club, 89c; bluestem, 93c; tur key red, 92c; Valley, 90c. Export prices, standard quality: Club, 88c; bluestem. 92c: turkey red. 92c; red Russian, 86c. Barley Feed, $24.00; rolled, $7.00 28; brewing, $26. Oats No. I white, $2727.50; gray, angora, 80c$l; goat, common, 10 $26.0026.50. 20c Flour Patents, $4.85; straights,! Oysters, Clams and Fish. $4.05 4.55; exports, $3.70; Valley Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal $4.45; 1-4 sack graham, $4.40; whole Ion, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; Toke wheat, $4.65; rye, $5.50. Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 Millstuffs Bran, $26.00; middlings, lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $225. $31.00; shorts, country, $29.00; shorts, Fish Halibut, 5c lb; black cod, city, $28; chop, $2227.50. 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; Hay Timothy: Willamette Valley, herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, fancy, $14.00; do, ordinary, $11.00; He; shrimp, 121c; perch, 7c; sturgeon, Eastern Oregon, $16.50; mixed, $13; 121c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal alfalfa, $11. v mon, fresh, 79c Butter. Eggs and Poultry. Canned Salmon common River, 1 Butter Extras, 311c; fancy, 271c; pound tails, $2.10; 2-Ib. tails, $3.00; choice, 25c; store, 18c fancy. Ub- flats. I2-25; -" nats, rw-Plt .rm twins. 14ie: fancy, 1-lb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska FURNISHED and single HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 677 Exchangel 8-27-7t FURNISHED COTTAGE ON 15TH street with piano and sewing ma chine to parties without children, $20 a month rent. Address D. B., As torian. 8-22-tf full cream triplets, 141c; Young Amreica, 151c; cream brick, 20c; Swiss block, 18c; Limburger, 20c Poultry Mixed chickens, 13 cents; fancy hens, 13k; roosters, old, 9ci broilers. 14(215c: dressed, lc lb. higher; ducks, 1214c; geese, old, 8 10c; turkeys, alive, 20c. Eggs Extras, 26c; firsts, 2325c; seconds, 21 22c ; thirds, 1 520c Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes New Oregon, $1.00 $1.25; sweet, 21c. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $3.754.25; lemons, $4.506.50; blackberries, $1 $1.25 crate; cherries, 57c per lb.; new figs, $2 per crate; peaches, 40 85c per crate; plums, 25c75c crate; watermelons, lie per pound; grapes, $1.001.75 crate. Vegetables Turnips, - $125 sack; beets, $1.75; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage, $1.502.00; head lettuce, 2025c; cucumbers, 75c85c per box; celery, 75c$125 per dozen; artichokes, 60c dozen; beans, 8c pound; egg-plant, $2.00 per crate; tomatoes, 4050c per crate; cantaloupes, $1.251.75 per crate; corn, $2.00 sack. Onion California red, $1.25; garlic, 1215c. Apples California new, $1.25(1.75; Oregon, 75c$1.25. . Meats and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy, 7 7k; ordinary, 66k; large, 5c; veal, extra, 8c8k; ordinary, 67c; heavy, 5c; mutton, fancy, 89c. Lard Kettle leaf 10s, 14c; do 5s, 14k; do 50-lb. tins, 13k; steam ren dered 10c, 12k do 5s, 12Jc; com pound 10s, 91c Hams-10-12 lbs.. 17c; 14-16 lbs., 16k; 18-20 lbs., 16c. Bacon Breakfast, lbt(gZoc; pic nics, 10k; cottage roll, 12c; regular short clears, smoked, 12k; do un smoked. Ilk; Un. B., 1013c lb.; smoked, 1013c; unsmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 131c; smok ed, 14k; shoulders, iZc. talis, pink, 95c; red, $1.40; nominal, 2s, talis, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. OAs, Lead, Etc Benzine V. M. and P. and Union Naphtha, cases, 19k; iron barre's, 121c Coal Oil Union and pearl and as tral oil, cases, 18c per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 10k; eocene and extra star, cases, 21c; headlight oil, cases, 191c ;iron barrels, 12k; elaine, cases, 28c. Lead Strictly pure white lead, in ton lots, 7c; 500-lb. lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs., 81c; red lead and lith arge, k higher than white. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots,! 50c; 1-barrel lots, 51c; in case, 57c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 52c; 1-barrel lots, 53c; in cases, 59c. Gasoline Union and Red Crown, bbls., 15k; cases, 221c. Motor, bbls., 15k; cases, 221c. 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 37k. Engine Distillate, bbls., 9c; cases, 16c. Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood barrels, 611c; in iron barrels, 59k; in 10-case lots, 62c. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. forsale at a b arg ai N-f wb lots and an 8-room modern house with bath. For particulars address B. 100, Astorian office. 9-l-6t SACRIFICE SALE DWELLING house and lot, 50x100 feet on 17th street between Franklin and Grand; owner leaving town and is" anxious to sell; will sell furniture with house if desired. Van DuSen & Co., agents. 9-3-St DR. VAUOHAN Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR. W. C LOQAN Dentist Commercial St Shanahan Bldg, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta. FIRST-CLASS MEALS Regular Meals IS Cta. and Up. UopreosutaUd Suooeesee'ef I C-GEE ID THI GREAT CIINE3I D0CT01 Who b kaowt Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Di3y Exceot Sunday ai i a, m, iQutck Service Excellent Meala Good Bertha Landing Astoria Flsvel Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27 "fi Astoria and :Portland FOR RENT. FOR RENT, HOUSE. No. 247 BOND street, corner Sixth, 6 rooms and bath. Apply to F. I. Dunbar, 207 As toria Savings Bank building. 9-2-tf rox SALE. GASOLINE LAUNCH, NEW, AND strongly built; 6 h. p.; for sale at a bargain. Hans Frederiksen, 2071 Bond street. 9-3-6t FOR SALE-NO REASONABLE offer refused for first-class Dens more typewriter. Warren Packing Company. 8-30-4t FOR SALE CHEAP, ONE SCHOL arship in the International Corres pondence School of Scranton. En quire Astorian office. 8-7-tf The New Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to .announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recom mend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. MASSAGE. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . J. T. NOWLEN Real Estate and Employment Office 473 Commercial St., Phone Have fine list of Astoria and coun try property. All classes of labor furnished. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc Sugar (sack basis) D. G., $6.05; beet, $5.85; Golden C, $5.45; extra C, $5.55; powdered, $6.15; fruit or berry sugar, $6.05; boxes, 55c cwt. advance over sack basis (less lc if paid for in - 15 days). Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy, 2528c; Java, good, 20r24c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 16 18c; Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt.; Lion, $15.75 cwt.; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.: Salvador, lll14k. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.756.00; broken, 4k; head, fancy, $77.75. Salt Bales of 75-2s, bale, $2.25; bales of 60-3s, bale, $2.25; bales of 40-48,316, $2.25; bales of 15-10s, bale, $235; bags, 50s, Ine, ton, $15; bags, 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; bags, 50a, 1-ground, $13.50; 100s, ton, $13; MISCELLANEOUS. ' HOT OR COLD Golden West e?sp Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. . OLGA KANTONEN, FINNISH masseuse and steam baths, room 6, Pythian Bldg., Commercial St., A: torian, Ore. U. 8. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cta. First-Clans Meals, IS Cta. MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special Delivery AND BAGGAGE at Star Cigar Store. EXPRESS Leave Orders Phone Black 2383 Ret. Phone Red 2276. Stand Corner 11th an Commercial ykls wordirtul urn No pekoat or drug umc. He rurta tos to eur eeUrrh, asthma, lung ud throat trouble, rheumatism, MrrouaatM, stomach, liver tod kUa, female rota plaints and all ohroaio dlwtM. SUCCESSFUL HOME TXE1TXZX1 If you cannot call write for synptoa oiana and circular. Inclosing 4 eaate r stamp. THE C. CIS wo viDicnnt CO 12) rtrat St, Corner Monfem. PORTLAITD, OtEGOM. Plaaaa mention th Antoriaa. PLUMBERS. MR J. PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner j AND Sheet Iron Worker VLL WORK GUARANTEEI 423 Bon,d Street ROUND TRIP DAILY (Except Thursday) Sir. (fc I Spencer FARE $1.00 EACH WAY For Portland and Way Landing. Leaves Callendcr dock, Astoria 2:30 p. m.; arrives Portland 9:45 o. m. Leaves Wahinglon St. dock, Port land 7 a. m.; arrives Astoria 1 p. m. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARE $1.00 ROUND TRIP Leaves Waihington St. dock. Port land, 8 a. m.: arrives Astoria 1 o. m. Leaves Callendcr dock, Astoria 2 o. m.; arrives Portland 9 p. m. Connecting at Astoria for all Seaside Resorts. Renowned for Speed. Comfort and Courteous Treatment. DENTISTS. TEETH Kfitheut F!alit, LOST AND FOUND. LOST-GOLD WATCH CHARM with "Diamond K." Finder return to Ed Donnelly, Lurline dock, and re ceive reward. MISCELLANEOUS. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS -ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company. WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE: weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf. MEN AND WOMEN. tine Btg U for unnatural dlirhr,infl8iiimatioii irrltutioos or ulcerations (it mucous membrane!,, PittnlMBH. unA nnt ARtrln- i HE Evns Chemiml Co. gent or poitonuui. , CIMIKHATI,0.rl Sold by Dronlall, or tent in plain wrapper, r express, prepaid, lor 1.00. or S bottle K!.7ft. 'irculur teut an reaueft- lalto4n. doi to irlotore. Pr,nDU CMtUcten. x r.s.i. a, r SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Agricultural College CORVALLIS, OREGON, Offers collegiate courses in Agri culture, including Agronomy, Horti culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Domestic Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy. Offers elementary courses in Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Arts; including forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing1, ma chine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens September 25. ; Illustrated catalogue with full in formation on application to the Registrar, free. ' v ' WO Dill COR. 11TH AND COMMERCIAL. Office hours8:30 A. M. to 0: if. M. Sunday 10:UO to 12:00. ; Phone Number Main 3901. Painless Extractions - 5oc Corner Commercial and 11th Sts. over Danziger store. MISCELLANEOUS. CAPT. E. W. SPENCER. l n I- t ... general Manager, I'ortland TnlinrO A KaKOI Aatorta omce. Callender Dock. PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting" All Worlc Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Msic 4061. n fa LAUNDRIES. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelve Just inSee us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rates in' town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt. shoes is unsurpassed for qua TROY LAU N DRY Hty. Close buying and low i entu and Duane 4 - LI . ,1 . Phone Main 1991 cFCuac&cUaDlemetoseutne I kaa0 AIMti. .1 1. a. iTrV!nc!!Tr' wmuiucs ai .owesi pnees. WORK DONE ANY PERSON WANTING ANY CONCRETE WORK DONE AT THE CEMETARIES, WILL PLEASE LEAVE ORDERS AT POHL'S UNDERTAKING OF. FICE. E. NYMAN Astoria, Ore. P. O. Box 603. S. A. GIA1RE 54." Bond Street SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? ' . Portland's Leading Business College offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school. v Owners practical teachers More Call, than we can fill -Teachers actual business men . In session the' entire year : Positions" guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" tor the asking " I, M. WALKER, Pres. ; v i 0. A. BOSSERMAN, Secy., Shoemaker Get yourSHOE REPAIRING done at E O. GUN ALL'S. All work guar anteed Prices right 8TH AND COMMER. CIAL" STREETS '