The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 28, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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From the
Mill District
I I Coi-yrluhe, wtt, l C. Nf. Lurls. ,
Mil. DORKINM felt a complawut
pride In Dorklil acadomy, H
' hid' pffcuuwl U ouly two yearn
i "' ago, 1 bo tuara ww more
than eighty pupil enrolled, soma of
Hu'W from adJofijIiisUtee. True, be
bad ,Vt5'n very liberal In his policy of
.r.lAi.j'aiil annnlntmanla anil hail 111.
luted tbttt the tattkto fee should be
oiereiy. qouilnal. ,But atlll be declared
the Jjliool waa tettlQg oo famously,
and be flt ft glow of satisfaction at
the end of each term' when b made
out ft cbi't k for the amount of eiponae
not covered by tbe bicome. Indeod, be
drrlvwl more pleaaure from tbla rery
inrtiim than ha did from tbe Income
of hla two cotton factories down by
tbe river.
Thla river tironertr waa aorearlev
a nee to cood Mr. Dorklns. lie bad
boon In noNMalon of It only a few
vimiih. but already be waa beginning
to feel tbat It waa beary burden for
hla shoulders.
The operatlrea were of many nation
alities and of alt degree of Ignorance.
The former owner bad not been very
particular about their employee, win
tngness to work for low wage bad al
way taken precedence of character.
Mr. Dorklna U'n tbe work of rcf
ormatton cheerfully. It did not aeem
right to hi in to dtacbarge any of tbe
hand. KoiiM'tiow be bad a feeling
tbat they went with the property and
tbat be waa rraponaime in a meaeure
for their future. '
Club were establlched, but they
tMMMlfJr became place of oolay revel
rr and were abolished. A night acbool
and readlni room were started, but
the few aulet one who were willing
t attend were drlreo away by tbe
turbulent element 8choolbooka and
miritlnaa were atuffed Into the I tore.
and chitra and Ublea became weap
on of'offense and defense among the
, wild mill boy. . . -
At tha aud of the rear Mr. Dorklna
had almoat ceased active meaaurea for
their help. He would not own that be
wa defeated. lie waa only reviewing
the situation, be said. In truth, be
wa at tbe end of bl resource. He
could see no plan by which to snare
the youpg reprobate. It was at thla
time that be conceived the Idoa of the
Aihdale waa quite a large place, and
tbe mill band formed but a small
portion of lta population. Mr. Dorklna
hoped tbat among the better clan be
would Bad soma actfvo lytripatny for
hla new enterprise, "
Nor waa he disappointed. A first
clans academy, with such ridiculously
lnw tuiiimi ra tea. was a arise not to He
lightly overlooked. Nearly every famk
ly bed a son or aaumtnr wno was
promptly enrolled, and day by day
Mr. Dorkloe' benevolent face grew
more beaming and gtowlng. At tbp
nd nf tha first term there wa but one
drawback to bis complete happiness.
In the long licit of name ne couuj n
And single on from either or nm two
Homewbere back In hla boyhood Mr.
rtorktna had won ft acbool Drtae, tod
the glow of It bad always remained In
hla heart. Now be set w worn 10
hrin that aam alow to the heart of
a many boys and girls as possible.
Prises were offered for almost every
kind of excellence be could thing or-.
cooduct, scholarship, advancement
"into was tbat n.nroro umi nu-
and a mad snedal orise of a year's
schooling for the best declamation to
be delivered on the but day of each
chool raar. '
Ur. Dorklna had ft profound respect
for good speaker. H himaair nsa
Mr been able to make ft speech, and
this very Inability had enhanced bis
admiration for fluency in other.
On the last day of tbe second year a
general Invitation waa extended to the fc
public to anena roe cioaing exercwes.
Am after another tbe claaaes cam for
ward and went through tbelr parts,
and one after another tne sen con
sdous pupils passed under tbe fire of
questions and crltlclsma. When It was
time for tbe declamatlwi Mr. Dor-
Ml MM ' MtlV
i Scandinavian Sangerfest h
. . . -
I . During Astoria's Fourteentn "
I AUGUST 29-30. 19081
Saturday Evening
Sunday Afternoon
! A Great Musical Event
la which noted artists will appear
r ,1 e i A a 1 mm A .
ior me nrsi hiuc m natui
DR. EMIL ENNA .....Conductor
KISS MARY CONYERS ..... . Mezxo-Soprano
JiR. MUSGRAVE ROB ARTS... . Baritone
TiCKWTS aan be had at Whitman's Book Store, S. L Nanthrup's
ftrocery Store, and E. Hauke & Co.
ReducedjRatesIGranted on All Rail and
Steamboat Lines
LiMHwmnn t 1 1 1 m 1 1 ihi i n i
11118 III 111 M
1 4th Annual Regatta
Reduced rates fromlall points. Dates of
sale, August 27-28-29. Good returning
on or before August 31.
0. B. JOHNSON, Gen'I Agent
12th St, near Commercial St ASTORIA, OREGON.
C. F. WISE. Prop. '
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Corner Eleventh and Commercial
"-las maonor became" area mora -at
Twn ana nvmnnmf !
1nni1 nnnfla iHanlatMl t&! eV
,uUUfr In stirring appeals to pWot-
Mtn and lllMrtT. wn wey were vn
..mMs.uM rt tha aiiilli.nmt k) Alt thetf
Etmirmnrnm v ' . m-m n
st, and when thy Wnt dowvt from
riuiiiwn tt whh an uneanV
y in aw4svr mw "
1 1 . . ....iaia.. ..e.
m na- of bnvlnif rniKM, ' Al kiiwh
rim, bright foced' poy of twelve or
hlrteeo cniue forward and dollvered
fb elo(ent ststeoMHit of the Indian
pestlon. Ills utterance wan dear awl
concise and without the teae tnee of
Imbsrraasmcnt Mr. Dorklna had liked
fills appearance from th.e first; but
If hen be beard tbe dlstloct, sapid flow
f choke woetlS bis entnuaMso oe
ame so freat that tt was wttb dlffl-
culty be hept his scat As soon as the
Lnlu nM mar ha draw that brio-
flpal aside. ,
,who wa that spieoata Htue m
flowr be asked eegprlv, W one
who ive ss such a dear account of
btbe Indian question? I don't thmk I
ever aaw una unon. ,
i "Kof There wa surprise In tbe
jitbougbt of course yon knew him. .lie's
Kfrom the mill district-one ot.your
own people. I bad an Idea tbat you
were paying their tuition." '
! Thelr7" 'i
"Yet, his suiter comes with bltn;
that little girl who took the prize for
singing. 8he bas one of the best un
trained voices I ever heard. I am
vcrv oroud of them both. " But It Is
curious you didn't know where they
lived." ' .'..-:
Mr. Dork Ins looked troubled. "1
haven't been In tbe mills much late
ly." be said, and the principal noticed
tbat hla voice trembled a little. "Some
how I have felt tbat the young people
didn't like me. They have a bablt of
throwing anowballs and things, and
and" He hesitated a moment, then
broke Into a short, nervous Iausb-"of
calling me 'New Jerusalem.' Jfor the
pant year or bo I have left thing
largely to the management of tbe su
perlntendent I-I thought It would In
better for me to stay away. But yo.i
haven't told me tbe children's nauu;
yet," be added more briskly. "They
must be looked up. I hope tbclr par
cnts will be willing to have tbem con
tinue at acbool. Moat of fay factory
people don't seem to have much re
spect for education."
Tea, It would be a pity forihem to
'leave just now, when they . are .doing
so well," sgreed the principal TStlll I
think they are safe for year at least.
Kach of them baa won a yeafe tuition,
and It to hardly likely their parents
will take them away until tbey have
nruu1 tha iMnaBU of the DrtceS. But
ryou asked mo who tbey were. , Tbclr
names are Charlton ami Charlotte
Burlese-a very pretty combination. I
think. Tbey were brought beee oo tbe
Eflrst dsy of the term by a rough, un
Pgnluly fellow, who said his name was
he was. J
As Mr. Dorklna walked down tbe
nnth he roblied bis bands together
softly and Indulged In a low chuckle
from tune to time. .
"Well." be aollloqulsed gayly, "who'd
have thoucbt It? A pair of mill chil
dren leading the school! It will lie a
!rre Joke on Dr. Green and tho others.
They'll have to admit that flgs d
igrow on thistles sometimes. Well.
;vell- Hello! What do you wani
jherer sharply. -t
xi a had reached the eate which open-
1 Into the school grounds, and there.
Lseated nonchalantly upon one m
tlstone posts. rough, shock bead
ied boy who might have been any
'where between sixteen and eighteen
lyears of age. Evidently be had but
JUBt come rrom me nuu, w u
were bare and there were wis 01 coi-
ton etlll clinging to bis coarse clothing.
; It waa not often tbat sir. iJontins
frowned, but now his face grew hard
Wd atern. This ' rough, disreputable
flgure was not unknown to him. Only
m taw woks before be had seen hlui
In the mill yard thrashing a boy who
I . . mt 1. 1 1
wna raueu larger iuau uuuku.
At flrat he had not interrerea. me
big boy was able to take care of him
self, he thought But when ne saw h was reallv bolus hurt and tbat
Vthe smaller boy did not seem to have
I i .. .. a. x
han Idea or aeswung ne naa cu:u
Jthem to be separated. A minute aner-
;ward, as be was walking towaru u
office, he had glanced over his shoulder
in tima to haa tha smaller boy
Mlnch his flats and savagely renew tbe
On another occasion his hat had been
knocked of by a snowball, and, looK
'ina arouud aulckly. he had seen this
L.mA hA itarltrinir lxihllld a blllldlllg.
RNo wonder he had been unsuccessful
In remodellug such material.
"What do you want here?" ne re
peated as the boy looked up from a
programme he was Intently trying to
"Hello, Jeru-r oh, beg paraou, ur.
iwirina ta kaa vou!" The boy
slid quickly from his porch and held
out his hand frankly.
M Twvina hesitated but an Instant.
rta iiiimI atmlirhtforwardness above all
things, and there was something par
ticularly fine In the clear, fearlesB ga7.o
hrpf noted factory boy.
ut iui. j ve - .
4mi r am alad to see you," he said
heartily, and with the touch of those
tmn warm fincers the last vesus
of sternness left his face. "Are you
waiting for somebody?"
"For the ktds-my children, ; you
:tnow. Did you see 'em?" An eager
light was now shining In his steady
eyes. , "Did they come through all
rlKht-uo breakdown nor nothing?"
Mr. Dorklna looked puzzled.
"I don't think I know Just whom you
mean," he answered doubtfully.
"Why, Clmrl and Sis! You must
have seen em," Impatiently. "Charl
was going to speak on 'Indians,' and
Sis waa going to, sing, t don't believe
any of the east enders could hold a
candle to W' proudly. "Swma to me
tiicy're an awful long time coming tat
Ain't the thing over?"
"Yes, It Is over, but the pupils aro
holding a sort of reception. They'll
soon' be out, 80 they're some of your
Tlks.? Weil, I am glad to see you,"
llr, Dorklus was benmlng now. "I
dou't wonder you are proud of, them.
1 am myself. What does Mr. Burlpss
do lq the factory? 1 don't remember
to have met him,"
The boy looked him over for a mo
ment befoae replying.
"There ain't no Mr. Buries nor Mrs.
Buries either," be said at last grave
ly. "We left 'em on t'other side. The
kite ain't got no folks except me.
I'm father and mother and bread pro
vider for 'em,"
Ur. Dorklus looked his amazement
"Too don't mean to say that yon
support the children and send them to
school?" be kd Incredulously.
1 a'pose that's the size of It But
yon needn't pile It op to my account,"
Unfermented Grape Juice
absolutely jion-akoliolic
Concord........;. ,.5oc quart
Catawba .. ....... 60c quart
Welch's Grape Juice
, Nips 16c
. ., 589 Commercial 'Street
almost fiercely. "It ain't nothing to my
credit I owe 'em more'n forty times
as. much as that" - '
Decidedly It was becoming Interest
ing, and Mr. Dorklna' hand found Its
way to the boy's shoulder almost un
consciously. "Would you mind telling me about
ltr he asked pewn"lljr. "T0P 'c
tory boys don't aeem to like me very
wen, but I assure yon I have always
had your Interests at heart"
"Oh. that" a aU rlahtt" replied the boy
easily. "I sized you up long ago. The
trouble with you is that you don't un
derstand the fellers. They're a pretty
rood sort all round, bnt tbey ain't cat
tle. First along, they thought you was
trying to rope 'em Into some kind of
Rundav school, and it made 'em sort
of independent But they've been com
ing round lately. There's a good many
more'n one of 'em would Jump into
the river to save you from drowning."
"Beally-reallyr exclaimed Mr. Dor
kins, and there was a suspicion of
moisture In his eyes. "Well. I-I never
thought of such a thing. I-I"
"It's solid, anyhow," Interrupted the
boy quietly. "But about the klds-
yon see, we're from England. 1 d sav
ed up a matter of 1 100 or so and was
coming to the United States to try
fanning. I didn't have no folks.
While I was waiting for the ship I got
acquainted with the Burless family.
They were in the same boarding house
and were waiting for a ship, like me.
The place waa unhealthy, and Mr.
Buries took a fever and died. Then
I took it, and Mrs. Burless cared for
me. till till she got It herself. She
was that, weak and run down she
couldn't rally, the doctor said. So she
iiimi and th kids were left alone."
The boy's voice had grown low and
tremulous, and be now turned his face
ivm so that Mr. Dorklna should not
see him furtively wipe his eyes. After
a little hesitation he added abruptly:
"That's aiL I took the $100 and
hmnirht tha children over here , and
want to work."
"What Aa too Intend to do with
"Keen 'em at school, of course. Their
fniita were real educated gentry, and
I'm going to bring up Charl and 81a to
be like 'em. When they're aone who
common schools, they're going to col
lege. I've got a pretty good knack, for
working, and rll manage it somenow.
Mr. Dorklns looked at mm ror a run
minute In silence.
"Well!"" he ejaculated at length. "I
am more than glad to know you. But
how about your own education?"
"Oh. thafs all right," answered the
boy lightly. "I can wait till the klda
get through. Besides, I'm picking up
a little as I goalong. I help. Charl a
bit, and Cfcart be helps me a good deal:
But of course Charl will get through
flrs,t" '.
Mr. Dorklns saw his carriage ap
proaching and took a few steps toward
it Then he turned and walked back.
. "I saw you fighting a few weeks
ago," he said, smiling. "Would you
mind telling me what It was aoouir
Tha hnv hpaltnted. -
Th-th Mar feller waa sasslng
BAma nf th mill etrls." he stammered
t muihtn't haln It After you left
UUVI a vww T -
he fired a mean word at you, and-and
I pitched in ag'ln. But here come wa
kids." '
ftuanandad Intsrsst
"Would you say that author has the
gift of , keeping your eiiriosiry. e-
citedr ;
"After a fashion," answered Miss
Cayenne. "Ton are constantly expect
ing him to say something Interesting,
aud he Is always putting it oft tilt tha
new chapter."-Washlngton Star. -
Fisher Brothers Company
Marpour and Finlayson Salmon Twines and Netting
' McCormick Harvesting Machine
Oliver Chilled Ploughs
Sharpies Cream Separators V
Raecolitb Flooring Storrett's Tools
Hardware, Groceries,;, Ship '$
Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, i
Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, -Brass Goods,
' Paints, dils and Glass
Fishermen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Sein Web;
We Wont Your .Trade I-
I. d A. BOWLBY. President
O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President
runUxa"1nn in n n riri " 1 -"T-
J. W. GARNER, Assistant CmWss
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid b $115100. Sarpt ta and Undividsd Profits, H89.GQO
Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Certain and Doane.ts. . Astoria, Or.
a bay;
A Small Savings Bank. -A
Small Savings Account.
An Example ix Thrift.
A Small Fortune. A happy home.
168 10th St. Phone Black 2184 . j
First national Bank of Astoria
Tacob Kamm W.F. McGregor G. C. Flavel
J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon
Capital ........ : $100,Qpw
Surplus .......... 25,003
Stockholders' Liability 100&3
OUR MOTTO: "Safety Soparctdaa AH Otnar Cooaidaratka.
Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers.
Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery
18th and Franklin Ave.
Prompt attention given to all repair
work. Tel Main 2461
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
I Correspondence Solicited - Foot of Fourth ttmt