The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 28, 1908, Image 1

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33rd YEAR. NO. 199
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Chairman Fourteenth Annual Regatta
If the patriarchal Jupiter Pluviut
really control, the element in their
aunny and cloudy niood7hc certainly
was quite unkind to the Astoria- Re
gatta yesterday, for the fickle show
ers fell at nioft inopportune times.
Yet withal the day was fine enough
and the little rain that fell threw no
Kreat damper on the sports and the
parade: not even the Hp, of the
Queen' gown was splashed by a drop
of rain, and the maidi retained their
youthful exuberance of spirits and
the spotless purity of their gowns
throughout the day. It was a great
day for Astoria. The sun shone
brightly during moot of the afternoon
and the streets were crowded with
throngs of people who seemed to be
enjoying every minute, and every bit
of the passing show,
The arrival home of the Alaskan
fishermen was also another joyful
event of the day, and to many added
much cheer to the gala occasion.
Were it not for the tragic death of
the man who fell from the rigging of
the flagship into the icy water of
the river below, meeting death like a
flash, there was nothing to mar the
happiness and jollity of the opening
day. The bright attire of the girls
and young women, the gay dresses of
the. little folks, and the holiday spirits
of the grown-ups, all added to the
festival appearance of the day, and
through it all were the cheering
sound of music and of the barkers
for the shows, and the multitudinous
sounds that come from a great
throng of people who are bent on
merrymaking. ,
The crowds wcc not as large as
they unquestionably would have been
were the skies clearer during the
morning hours. The rain during the
night, also, had made many folks in
the nearby towns and . country dis
tricts think that the day would prob
ably be stormy and hence they re
mained away. But there is every
promise oi good weather, and today
the crowds pught to come thick and
Many will be interested in the fol
lowing story, in relation to the death
of the man who fell from the rigging
of the flagship. Only a few minutes
before he fell to his death, one of the
small steamers passed by having on
board a funeral party, on the way to
the 'cemetery down the river. The
sailors on the flagship, the Donna
Francesca, saw the funeral ship pass-
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(From the Grandstand)
FORENOON Water Sport,
9:00 .m. Arrival of Queen. ' '
9:15 a, m. Single shell race, championship. Trophy.
Canoe race, single paddle. Trophy. ,
9:30 a. m. Fish boat rowing race two men in each boat). First prize, $40;
second, $20.
Single cu!l race, hunting boats. Trophy.
9:45 a. m,-:SingIe scull race (Astoria). Trophy.
10:00 a.m. Four-oared shell race. Trophies.
Canoe tilting match. Trophy.
10:15 a. m.Casoline fih boat race (6 horsepower and under). First prize,
$50; lecond, $20. , ,
10:35 a. m.-Cutter race (U. S. L. H. Tenders). Firs prize, $20; second, $10.
Water polo, boys' team,
10:45 a. m. Single pleasure boats, rowing race. Trophy.
11:15 a. m, Gasoline pleasure boats under 20 ft. First prize, $20; second, $10.
11:30 a.m. Motor boats racing, handicap. First prize, $60; second, $25.
AFTERNOON Water Sports, Land Sports and Other Events.
1:30 p. m. Arrival of Queen.
2:00 p.m. Fish boats sailing (racing sails), First prize, $60; second, $30;
third, $10. .
2:15 p. m. Fisli boats, tug of war (4 horsepower and under). First prize, $10.
2:30 p. m. Yachts (sailing),' Gas C First prize, $75; second, $25; third, $15.
2:45 p.m. Fish boats sailing race (free for all). First prize, $40; second,
'' $20; third, $io. . ;.. ...-.;. .
3:00 p.m. Exhibition Fort Canby Life-Saving Crew. ... s
3:15 p.m. Yachts sailing (free for all), handicap. . First prize, $75; second,
$25; third, $15. r f V'. ' ,' '
3:30 p. m. Casoline launch race for launches with Lippert engines only.
' Prjze, Storage battery and dynamo.
3:30 p.m. Baby show. (See special program).
" ' '"" ' ' EVENING. '
8:00 p.m. Marine parade and fireworks. (See special program).
Tug of war. (See special program). . . ,
' Country dance. (See special program). - .
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Queen of the Fourteenth Annual Reggatta
Vice-PresideiitFourteenth Annual Regatta
ing and at once several of them
spoke of it, their murmurs being to
the effect that it was "bad luck." One
or two members of the Regatta com
mittee rallied them on their super
stitious ideas, but the sailors answer
ed that it was "sure bad luck." With
in a few minutes the "bad luck" hap
pened and right on the Donna Fran
cesca. (Jt course was a mere co
incidenceit just happened and yet
the superstitious idea of the sailors
met with such instant corroboration
that to them at least, and perhaps to
others who are not sailors, the whole
happening will be viewed as some
thing more than the merest "coinci
At a meeting of the Regatta com
mittee yesterday it was decided that
next year the ar.nval Regatta will be
held in conjunction with the Fourth
of July celebration, instead of at the
close of the fishing season. It will
probably be bn the second, third and
fourth of July; at all events, it will
bi to arranged that the principal Re
gatta clay will fall on the Fourth.
Not 'the least of the attractions of
the parade yesterday, afternoon was
the -First Company, Coast Artillery,
which followed the regulars from
Fort Stevens. The First , Company
lnd 62 men 'in the parade, and there
were none absent without leave. The
company made really an excellent
showing, and their marching and in
cidental maneuvers indicated no little
skill. That they made such an excel
lent showing after only a compara
tively short period.of training speaks
highly both of the men themselves as
well as of their officers. The new
khaki ttniforftis looked surprisingly
good, and have even an artistic cut
and shapingsomewhat different from
the old-time uniforms that were worn
by the National Guards. Merely to
keep step and to keep proper align
ment in marching order is no slight
accomplishment, and that the mem
bers of the First Company did these
things exceptionally well was testi
fied to by the admiring remarks of
the onlookers aloiig the streets. Cap
tain Abercrombie was in command of
the company, assisted by Lieutenant
Knobjoch and Lieutenant Sutton. 'The
other officers of the company are:
First sergeant, Guy Osborne; Q. M.
sergeant, .A.' J. ; C. Schroeder; second
sergeant, Carl C. Franseen; third ser
geant, C. L. Rogers; fourth sergeant,
A. Steele; and' Corporals Bmel, Har
bet, Higgins, Stevenson, Logan, Berg
man; lance corporals, Gusfafson and
Planting; musicians, Vanek and
Hedgar. ' '
Miss Wise Queen Hattie looked
very winsome and sweet and made a
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Admiral Fourteenth Annual Regatta
gracious and beautiful Queen, and as
she appeared in. her carriage along the
streets yesterday she Was met with
applause. Her maids also,' were dainty
and beautiful in their pretty gowns,
and the Queen and her attendants
gave a touch of beauty and softness
to the parade and the occasion that
was much appreciated It fell to the
lot of Mayor Wise, as the head of
the municipality, to welcome the
Queen and to present her with the
freedom of the city, and that he did
so in a befitting and eloquent man
ner his words will testify, as follows:
"My Dearest Queen Hattie:
' "It is given to few men to be hon
ored as I fell honored today, to be
privileged to tender the key of the
city of her birth, to a sovereign w ho
has already, long ago unlocked the
innermost recesses of my heart.
"In years gone by I learned to fa
thom your majesties every wish. To
make you happy was then, is now,
and always shall be, my most sacred
duty. ; v
, "I have labored day by day that
contentment might be yours. In my
dreams I saw only our future great
ness. "No Queen ever had a more devot
ed subject This I can swear. It
was to have the pleasure to tea jot
clevaftd as you are today, to bring
you my. fellqw citizens' respect, that
I planned, worked, and endured much. '
"Let the future be to me whatever
fate decrees, I shall henceforth and
forever be most grateful to God Al
mighty and to the good people living
here, because I am privileged to call ;
you Queen Hattie, my Queen Hattie.
. "And then, too, I can assure you
that all of the people who respect
American womanhood, who ask no
favors, except, that their daughters
be honored and respected, I say all of
these people join me in assuring you
of their loyalty and affection, coupled
with the hope that your reign may '
prove a most happy one, to yourself,;
and to. all of the people." '
The parade was slow in starting,
which seems to be the way of paradea
id Astoria and elsewhere. But the '
crowds along the streets waited pa
tiently enough, and as the sun was
shining brightly the delay was not
unpleasant. First in the parade came
the aides on horseback, and they
(Continued on page 3)
Treasurer Fourteenth Annual Regatta