3 i 1 ' WHY CATTLE KILLED BY L SAVAGES OF A POISONOUS PLANT THAT CROWS ON COLORADO RANGES. ROOTS ARE THE MOST DEADLY Government is Taking Steps to Eradi cate the Plant, and Finds That Timothy is Likely to Kill it Out by Smothering it WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. -The losses to the cattle men in the western states from larkspur poisoning ev try year have been so serious that the Government is making a vigorous ffort to find an antidote for the poi son, as well as to eradicate the plant itself. , In the Gunnison National Forest, Colorado, the losses to me stockmen last season from larkspur were con servatively estimated to equal almost five per cent of the total number of tattle grazed upon that Forest. Its effects are almost immediate. Death follows the eating of the plant within a few hours. For this reason remedies are of little avail because the animals are generally dead before they are discovered. Experts from the Bureau of Plant Industry, in cooperation with the For est Service, have made careful and painstaking investigations in the field, with a view of lessening the losses as far as possible, while several differ ent plans have been tried in hopes of tompletely destroying the plant. Larkspur grows very luxuriously in the early spring. On the Gunnison Forest in June, 1908, the Forest offi ers counted more than 1300 plants n blossom upon a single square rod. The plant seems to be more .poison ous in hot, damp weather than in dry seasons, and it has been observed that when the ground is hard and dry, so that in eating it the ttems break off, ARKSPUR kavmg the roots in the ground, .t .sjr p'B Fresh MJ vegetabfes. sot so deadly m its effects. j Badoilet & Ca gr0Cers. Phone Main Since certain areas are well known j 281. to be badly infested with larkspur, the j . stockmen have been in the habit of j Sunday Excursions to Long Beach. lerding their cattle from such places. As far as possible, these areas will be ienced by the Forest Service. On ether areas where it is not so plenti ful the plants will be dug out by the Forest rangers, and also mowed off to prevent seeding again. It has also been found that the plant will not hold its own against certain kinds of grasses, such as timothy. A iew acres, sowed in timothy, are be ing carefully watched and it is believ ed that it is crowding the larkspur nt. It sems probable that by sow Big timothy on the mountain mea dows the larkspur could be gradually smothered and replaced by a valu able forage plant. If this plan is supported by good evidence this season, timothy will be extensively sowed later on. Mean while upon this, as well as several other National Forests where the los ses from this plant are very serious, trie building of fences to keep the cat tle off the most dangerous areas is Being pushed by the Forest Service, and will be continued as. fast as funds are available for the purpose. Mr. J .C. Thomas of Crawford, Col orado, made an experiment in feed ing the larkspur some years ago to determine, if possible, just what part ef the plant contained the poisonous properties. A yearling steer was fed a large quantity of the leaves, with no injurious results. A few days later, the same animal was fed a quantity of the roots and within ten hours it was dead, thus justifying the suspicion 'that the poisonous matter was con tained in the root. SAYS MULAI HAFID. . LONDON, Aug. 26. The Tangier correspondent of the Times says that Mulai Hafid authorizes the statement that he will abide by the Algeciras act and will accept responsibility for the Moroccan foreign board's debts but will demand investigation of the pri vate debts of Abd-Il-Aziz before agreeing to pay them. OUTLAW ESCAPES. LIVINGSTONE, Mont, Aug. 26. The chase after "Kid" Royal, the out law, has been abandoned after a pur suit by posses for more than 300 miles. The trail of the bandit was lost at Two Dot, where Royal is believed to have crossed into the snowy mountains.' : , , ToimDfiBTiTinM y Habitual Constipation which enables on to form recurer kobit$ daily So that assistance to na ture tnav be gradual) di$pon6cqN fclken no confer weexicc astkebestoj remedies, when veouircd, ftteto assts mXm nni net to ftunwaht the httul ) juctic$tnic must depend ulti Match urwm rtrobet hourtidttnerH. nerwiy. alwqy California Fig Syrup Co. oniy SOU) BYML UADIN JUCSTS oae sue enf rUr pnt $fi JJott I HEW TO-DAY All Things Modern. "The Modern," the beautiful ton sorial establishment of Arthur E Petersen, at 572 Commercial street in this city, is unquestionably the real resort for the most perfect treatment in this behalf, and the most critical ! finds nothing to criticize there, how soever often he visits the place. The Palace Restaurant An phase of hunger can be daintily gratified at any hour of the day or night at the Palace Restaurant The kitchen and dining room service are of the positive best. Private dining 100ms for ladies. One call inspires regular custom. Try it Commercial street opposite Page building. The Commercial. One of the coziest and most popu lar resorts in the city is the Commer cial. A new billiard room, a pleasant sitting room and handsome fixtures all go to make an agreeable meeting place for gentlemen, there to discuss the topics of the day, play a game of billiards and enjoy the fine refresh ments served there. The best of goods are only handled, and this fact being so well known, a large business is done at the Commercial, on Com mercial street, near Eleventh. New Grocery Store. Tm M . a - Steamer Nahcotta leaves 0. R. & N. dock at 6:45 a, m. daily. Round trip fare to any poi..t on North (Long) Beach, $1.00, Sunday's only The Gean Man. The man who delights in personal cleanliness, and enjoys his shave, shampoo, haircut and bath, in As toria, always goes to the Occident barber shop for these things -and gets them at their best. The very best board to be obtained in the city is at "The Occident Hotel." Rates very reasonable. GOOD WOOD. If you want a good load of fir wood or box wood ring up KELLY the WOOD DEALER, The man who keeps the PRICES DOWN. Phone Maia 2191 Barn, Cor, 12th and Duane. NEGRO SHOOTS WHITE. New Phase of the Race War Springfield Troubles. in CHICAGO, Aug. 26.-A dispatch to the Record Herald from Springfield, 111., says: Andrew J. Gordon, negro, former member of the St. Louis Detective De partment, was arrested yesterday by deputies on a charge of shooting Wil liam Bowe, chief deputy to County Treasurer James A. Hall, during the recent riot in Springfield. Bowe is a patient in St. John's hospital and pro bably will recover. The arrest ' of Gordon followed an investigation that has extended over a week, denied his guilt. Gordon Bowe was returning to his home on the night of the riot when he was held up by a mob of negroes and robbed of his diamond ring and $25. Afterward an attempt was made to hang Bowe, but William Farmer a negro, made a, plea and the man's life was spared. Gordon is said to have fired a shot in Bowe's body as the man was on the ground. When the 'lepnties went to arrest Gordon many white residents assembled, They were soon dispersed, although Gordon was taken to the county jail where the case will be probed by the special grand jur - Subscribe for the Morning Astorian, I lay Wpctwawwiy overcome oy proper personal cljortS UMne askance bj the on? rwcjinfti Wfitiwc remedy, Syruji ojfcgfi w UUr f dmna timber ei.oru..anartPH hvwp To get Us benejicial ejjfeeis, Genuine THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HELP WANTED MESSENGER BOYS WITH Bi cycles wanted at the Western Union. ' 8-22-tf TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS FURNTsilED ROOM WITH OR without table board; board $4 per week; rooms reasonable. 276 Bond. 8-25-6t FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms. 677 Exchange! 8-27-7t FURNISHED COTTAGE ON 15TH street with piano and sewing ma chine to parties without children, $20 a month rent Address D. B., As torian. 8-22-tf FOR SATE TCHEAP," ONE SCIIOL- arship in the International Corres pondence School of Scranton. En quire Astorian office. 8-7-tf OLD PAPERS FOR SALE; PER hundred, 25 cents. At Astorian Office HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. MASSAGE. OLGA KANTONEN, FINNISH masseuse and steam baths, room 6, Pythian Bldg., Commercial St., As torian, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS -ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellinger Company. WANTED-TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf, EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. J. T. NOWLEN Real Estate and Employment Office 473 Commercial St, Phone Have fine list of Astoria and coun try property. All classes of labor furnished. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Odd Fel lows' Land & Building Association will be held Thursday, August 27, 1908, at 2:00 p. m., at Odd Fellows' hall, by order of president. JOHN HAHN, Secretary. Notice. Notice is hereby given to the public that no bills will be paid by the Four- teenh Annual Regatta Committee un less such bill is accompanied by voucher duly signed by the Chairman and Secretar of the Regatta Com mittee. HERMAN WISE, Chairman, JOHN II. WHYTE, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. HOT OR COLD Golden West Tea , Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. ' Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves Just in See us Hildebrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg. MEN AND WOMEN, Du Biff O for nnntnrl dlnhrKm,lnOanimtlont Irritation, or ulceration! of diucood membranei. Pultil... init nut Afltrfn- ItheEVAHSCHEHICALCO. gent or polronuni. Mold by DranUU, or tent In plain wrapper, tiv KKHrfNH. nrftnnld. for yfifj ri .00. r I liottlf-e ti.lf. Circular eeut on reuueet telMt4r.J J Gurutwd H bf rial tm .trtetort. VA 0IHCIHMTI,O.r-l : WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Street) Rooms for renfby the day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices: City Hall JOHN C, McCUE, Attorney-at-Law . Page Building, Suite 4 HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law 'Deputy District Attorney 420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATHS, DR. RHODA C HICKS Osteopath Office Afanscll Bldg. Phone Black 2063 573 Commercial St.. Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS . DR. VAUGHAN Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR. W. C LOGAN Dentist Commercial St Shanahaa Bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANT8. Opposite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta. FIRST-CLASS MEALS Regular Meals 15 Cts. and Up. U. 8. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cta. First-ClaiM Meals, IS Cta. MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE ' Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phone Black 2383 Ret. Phone Red 2276. Stand Corner 11th anX Commercial DENTISTS. TEETH KitheotPIattts COR. 11TH AND COMMERCIAL Office hours 8:30 A. M. to 8: P. Me" Sunday 10:00 to 12:00. Phone Number Main 3901. Painless Extractions - 5oc Corner Commercial and 11th Sts. over Danziger store. run MARKET. Seattle Fisli Market .77 Ninth St., Near Bond Fresh and Salted Fish, Came and Poultry, Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported and Domestic Goods, p. BAKOTITCH & FEO, Props. Phone Red 2183 SCHOOLS AND fiacii ins You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? r . . -, - . , . ' Portland's Leading Business College offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school. Owners practical teachers More CalJw than we can fill '? Teachers actual business men In session the entire year 1 Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking. I. M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. BOSSERMAN, Secy. UNDERTAKERS. ' J. A. UILIIAUMII CO., Undertakers mid Kmluilitiera. Experienced Lnuy AfnUtwnt When DoNlrtMl. .1 -J CallH Promptly Attended Day or Night. Tiitton Udif. 1 Jtti and DuaneSU AHTOKI'V. OUE.OON Phone Main 'Jill MI0ICAU. Uapr SuoBtwee ef 0,1 & (EE 10 TEX G2XAT csarta doctoi Who Is kaowv throojthoat the Unlttd fo''fosJa wondrful eom No poisoa or irag wL. Bt funa Um to ear etUurrn, astama, lung aad throat troublt, rhsumatlsm, Brroatt stomadi. 11m sad kUn7. fsmah rota plainU aad all ehronJe dlMts. luccsssrrji homx tixatiomt. If you osaaot sail write for synptoss blank and circular, laetoiiB 4 eeite I stamps. TBI C Gil WO MXDICnn CO. 1121 First St, Corner Uon4t. POKTUnD, OUOOI. PWte sMatioa th Atortu. "T9 PLUMBER1 PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner AND Sheet Iron Worker LL WORK GUARANTEEP 423 Bond Street Younce & Baker PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. LAUNDRIES. WE WASH Everything But the Baby and return everything but the dirt. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 x CONCRETE WORK DONE ANY PERSON WANTING ANY CONCRETE WORK DONE AT THE CEMET ARIES, WILL PLEASE LEAVE ORDERS AT POHL'S UNDERTAKING FICE. OF- E.NYMAN Astoria', Ore. P. O. Box 603 COLLEGES It Is ,crr Mr I1 I ivr.rvviu.. III!! THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 The KM Line f i : 9 W " ! PASSENGERS FREIGHT am ffj ,i"j v - ' "'" J Steamer Lurline Nlht Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday it 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Dally Eicept Sunday at 7 a. m. Quick Service Excellent Meala Good Bertha Landing Aatorla Flaval Wharf Landing Portland Foot Taylor St J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 27tK Astoria and Portland ROUND TRIP DAILY (Except Thursday) . II. SDencer PARE $1.00 EACH WAY For Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Calender dock, Aitoria 2:30 p. m.j arrives Portland 9:45 p. m. Leaves Wanhington St dock, Port land 7 a. m.; arrives Aitoria 1 p. n. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARE $1.00 ROUND TRIP Leaves Washington St. dock, Port land, 8 a. m.; arrives Aitoria I p. m. Leaves Callender dock, Aitoria 2 p. m.; arrives Portland 9 p. Connecting at Astoria tot all Seaside Resorti. Renowned for Speed, Comfort and Courteous Treatment. CAPT. E. W. SPENCER, General Manager. Portland Astoria Office, Callender Dock. MISCELLANEOUS. H In! CSS My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. L GIMRB 543 Bond Street Shoemaker Get yourSHOE REPAIRING done at E G. GUNALL'S. All work guar anteed Prices right. . x i ' 8TH AND COMMER. CIAL, STREETS ,. has