The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 27, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Store tf Ladies
FOR 74? -
Women BEEtiiiHIVE! Outfitters
We are ready, for the
WithWhite Duck 'Suits, White Lingerie Dresses,
White Shirt Waists, White Serge Skirts, at Summer
end prices.
HI I 1 1 1 1
final Regatta program, that gotten
out under its own auspices, ami which
will be circulated for public use this
morning. .None otners nave ttie sanc
tion of the committee a to detail, no
matter where they come from.
Commodore John Simon, the genial
master of the tour-masted British
ship Donna Francesea, and his
amiable wife, will hold open-house on
board that fine vessel for the next
three days, as she has been designate
ed as flagship of the Regatta, and
hauled down to a position immediate
ly opposite the grandstand on shore.
She will be dressed in bunting from
truck to kelson this morning, and
with her awnings spread and the
warm courtesy certain to be found
on board will make a historic figure
in the annals of. the great festival sea
son of this port
The commercial end "of the city is
bristling with beautiful show windows
dressed to meet the history of the
hour. Those of P. A. Stokes at 12th and
Commercial, are very attractive, the
leading effect being entirely appropos
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..' w i n r I J II I 01 tne Kegaua;,a waicr course wim
What Is Doinq, Day By Day, to make and Mark Ln maner of craft, including swift
It the Best Ever
; Water Sports.
10:30 a. m. Arrival of Queen and
Maids of Honor and Admiral and
Staff ! at Grandstand. Coronation of
Queen by Admiral and presentation
of Keys of the City to Queen by
Mayors of Portland and Astoria. For
mal opening of Regatta.
10:45 a. m. Four-oared shell race.
11:00 a. m. Single shell race (As
toria), trophies. Tub race, boys.
11:15 a. m. Cutter race, U. S. L.
H. Tenders. First prize, $20; second,
$10, ; High diving. Canoe race,
paddle, trophies.
11:30 a. in. -Cutter race, man-of-war
boats. First prize, $20; second,
$10. Walking greased pole, first prize
$5. Boys' swimming race.
11:45 a. m. Double pleasure boats,
rowing; trophies. Tug-of-war, fish
boats under 6-horse power, first prize,
1:30 p. m. Grand street parade.
2:00 p. m. Exhibition, Point Ad
ams Live-Saving Crew.
2:15 p. m. Fish boat sailing race
(working sails), first prize, 72 pounds
twine; second, $30; third, $10.
2:30 p. m. Gasoline fish boat race,
4 horsepower and tinder, first prize,
$40"; second, $20.
2:45 p. m. Yacht race (Class B.),
first prize, $75; second, $25; third, $15.
3:15 p. m. Gasoline launch race,
handicap. First prize, $70; second,
$30; third, $20.
8:00 p. m. Public reception to Her
Majesty, Hattie I.
8:00 p. m. Country dance.
One of the busiest men in Astoria
yesterday was Manager Planck, of
the tug o.f war turnament. The para
phernalia for the contests was remov
ed from the training quarters and
placed in position in Foard & Stokes'
Hall and last night some of the mem
bers of the teams were practicing.
Everything is now ready for the open
ing pulls tomorrow night and arrange
ments have been perfected without a
hitch. Captains C. L. Stoneberg of
the Swedish team, Martin Francisco
vich of the Austrian team, William
Eigner of the American team, and
Theodore Lahti of the Finland team,
met yesterday and discussed matters
prior to the opening of the contests.
The program has been so arranged
that every team will pull each night
and a warm time can be looked for.
ihe following omcial announce
ment was issued yesterday by Cap
tain Abercrombie of the First Com
pany, Coast Artillery:
Headquarters First Company Coast
Artillery Corps, Oregon National
Guard, Astoria, Or., Aug. 24, 1908:
1 The members of the First Com
pany Coast Artillery Corps, Oregon
National Guard, will assemble for
parade at the armory on the 27th day
of August, 1908, first call at 12:30;
assembly at 12:45.
2 The following uniform will be
worn; khaki coat and breeches, .leg
gings, service hats and side-arms.
3 Absence will count the same as
absence from regular drill.
By order
Captain 1st Co., C. A, O. N. G.
motor boat, named "Skinch III," be
ing the chief feature of the presenta
tion. The windows of the Wise
store are also among the most attrac
tive in the city, with he essential gear
at hand, the whole swathed in the
Regatta colors, blue and white.
Mr. John Rogers, the well known
Salem banker, with Mrs. Rogers, and
their little daughter, arrived down
yesterday, in their handsome motor
launch, the Eagle, and will spend the
Regatta season in and about this
city. .Mr. Rogers will enter the
Eagle in the launch contests, and
also will cut a beautiful figure in the
grand marine parades on the bay. She
is docked at the Du Roc float.
Sometime this morning, or imme
diately after lunch, that is, from 10
o'clock until 1, there is likely to be
a thrilling balloon ascension from this
city, Professor Miller going aloft in
the airship for the edification of the
thousands on shore and afloat. Time
ly warning wjll be made of the event
by criers with megaphones, on the
principal streets.
The distinguished gentlemen who All gas and motor boats entering
compose the Baby Show committee the ces, must line up in front of the
are requested to wear their badges of grandstand, on Thursday morning at
office during the three days of the 8 o'clock, for the fixing of the handi
Regatta, commencing with this morn- caps. This is the order of the com
ing. If any of them have not yet re- mittee, and must be jobeyed to the let
ceived a badare thev mav srur them ter or the opportunity to enter the
bv aoolvine to F. T. Carnv. the events will be lost to the owners and
j w w ' - j f ---- 1
chairman of the committee. The I represenatives,
badges are of purple, though some fa
Is attracting thousands from far. and near.
Don't you hesitate to come. We have ample
force to wait on every customer, no matter
how big the crowd, and give each one the
fullest attention. The bargains are here. Our
fine stock is being Slaughtered at prices un
bargains for every day in the week; specially
prepared forlatc shoppers.
vored baby blue,, to be pinned on with
a safetf pin, and carry the words
"Judge of the Baby Show." That the
Baby Show is to be one of the most
interesting features of the entire fes
tival already begins to be apparent
and much interest is being shown by
mothers with babies under two years
of "age. How the committee dared to
rise to the height of temerity that it
did in offering a prize for he "home
liest baby" has not yet been explain
ed, nevertheless among the various
prizes offered is one for the child that
is to be adjudged the homeliest of all
the sweet little darlings that are
placed on exhibition. But for the real
fun incidental to the awarding of this
prize, if one is given, let everyone be
present Friday atfernoon at the
Stadium tent.
Ihe babies will be numbered, as
the entries are made, and their per
sonality will be known only to their
mothers and the ladies of the auxil-
pertaining to the coming event and a iary committee the judges having ab-
o-eneral cood feelinz prevailed. The
captains of the teams will meet at the
office of H. F. Prael, at 9 o'clock this
morning in accordance with the rules
of the tournament, which call for the
captains of the teams participating to
meet, in the presence of the referee
and judges, on the manager's request,
solutely no knowledge' of who the
little ones are unless by chance they
should be able to recognize some of
them. ,
The General Committee of the
Regatta desires it to be understood
everywhere that thre is but one of-
Come In and Inspect
Our New
Fall Suits
and Millinery
Now on Hand
Jalof f s, The Style Store
537 Commercial Street ;
The sloops of the Portland Yacht
Club entering port yesterday, after
pleasant cruise down the river, were
The Corsair, .with Messrs. M. M
Meyer, Lester Bradford, George Sny
der. Ray Cooper, Frank Bloch, and
Charles Meyer on board. The Dane
ing Girl, with Messrs. F. R. Arcy,
Melville Herron, William Lippay and
Richard Wells, on board. The Ter
rier, with Messrss. J. E. Bockcviston
Earl Smith, Samuel Dunne and Harry
Ainacher on board.
Reserved seats for the grand San
gerfest concerts on Saturday evening
and Sunday afternoon, at Logan Hall,
may be secured at Whitman's book
store at Commercial and Eleventh
streets, at any time. The reservations
will be confined to the first 20 rows,
and therefore no time should be lost
in securing choice assignments.
Marcus Wise to Morris Wise, lots
3 to 16 and lots 19 to 36 in block 43
of Adair's Astoria; $1.
Delaura Beach Company to A. J.
Sundgren, lot 7, block 8, Delaura
Beach; $200.
N. W. "Bower, as trustee, to J. M.
Anderson, all of block IS of Sunset
Beach; $200.
St -7 MtSn. T n ft V ...
quested to attend a regu
lar meeting to be held this (Thurs-
iay) evening at 8 o'clock. Third de
gree, visitors welcome.
Summer Excursions
During the months of August and
September the Ilwaco R. R. Co. will
sell round trip tickets daily from all
points on North (Long) Beach to all
points on Clatsop Beach at rate of
$1.75. Return limit thirty days.
There's plenty of hum
bug: in tea; not one ounce
in a ton Schilling's Best. ;
Tom cocci tet'aat tout moat U jn tfia'l
Ik it; vt piy tim f ;
A Bmmilb&r Co.
566 Commercial Street
Telephone 1331
muiu, II U I l llUii
(I P. 8. T. CO.
Yesterday's 11:40 express from
Portland brought to this city, three
prominent officials of the Pacific
States Telephone Company, namely,
David S. Murray, general superin
tendent of plants; C. W. Burkett,
chief engineer, both from San Fran
cisco; and Charles W. Reynolds, di
vision superintendent of plants, with
headquarters in Portland. These gen
tlemen came to Astoria for the ex
press purpose of closing the contract
for the immediate construction of the
company's new headquarter building
in this city and assuring an early start
on this and all other matters of gen
eral improvement guaranteed for the
Astoria system.
The contract for the construction
of the fine headquarter station on the
company's Exchange street property,
between Eleventh and Twelfth streets
was awarded yesterday afternoon to
Messrs. Ferguson & Houston, from
among the four bids heretofore filed
in this behalf by the firm above nam
ed, by Charles A. Palmberg, by Lean
der Lebeck, and by Axel Johansen,
the figures of the several bids, includ
ing those of the successful firm, being
withheld by the Pacific States people,
General Superintendent Murray
said yesterday, in the course of an in
terview, that "the new building, un
der the terms of the contract, must
be begun by Monday next, and de
livered to the company, completed, at
the end of 0 days, or by December
1st, next; that the money has been
appropriated for this and all other
mprovements to the system in As
toria, including new instruments, new
switchboard, new equipment, through
out, and entire, all to be installed as
soon as the new building is ready;
that he hoped to be able to start the
installation of the new apparatus, in
part, by November ISth, completing
everything, wholly, and perfectly by
New Year's Day; that, included in the
new scheme of equipment, would be
at least $20,000 worth of additional
Smoked Sturgeon
Ready to eat. Just the thing for a
Regatta lunch 25C the pound
Acme Grocery Co.
cabling, aside from what has been al
ready done, and that this would Icav
the heart of the city divested utterly
of the single strings of -wires, the
open wires all coming down.
Mr. Murray said, further, that the
contemplated improvements would in
elude two additional long-distance
circuits out of Astoria, thus giving
her special and direct service, through
Portland, north, cast and south, which
will minimize all delay in that de
partment of the business; that, in
cluding the recent cabling here, and
all that is. now 'Co be done for the
Astoria service, would cost approxi
mately, $100,000, and would give the
city practically, an absolute new serv
ice, and strictly up-to-date; and that
what he had said must be accepted as
fact, and not promise; the money was
available and would be used for this,
the purpose for which it had been
set apart by the company." "
Division Superintendent of Con
struction Charles W. Reynolds, of
Portland, will be in immediate charge
of the Astoria work, until it shall be
finished and turned in as part and
parcel of the company's system.
Messrs. Murray and Burkett left
up for the metropolis on the 6:10 ex
press last evening. ,
Land Parade Feature! For Thursday,.
August 27.
All those paiticipating in the Re
gatta land parade are hereby notified .
to appear on the street in readiness-'
promptly at 1:30 p. , m. Thursday,
August 27th. AH aides will report
promptly at 1 p, m. on same day.'
Chairman Land Parade.
Save Money.
From $1.50 to $2.00 saved by buy
ing through tickets in Astoria. Tickets
to all points in the United .States and
Europe now on sale at O. R.'& N.
dock. G. W. Roberts, agent.
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian,
HONG KONC, Aug. 26.-Admiral
Li, of the Chinese navy, , with his
flagchip and several gunboats, sai!cd
from Wuchow today for Canton tak
ing with him as prisoners sixty of the
mutinous soldiers from Konhaw
vl:cre a thousain! men revolted on
August 12, killing their commander
and several others, routing a force of
loyal soldiery from a nearby town and
finally withdrawing- to the mountain
of Taiking where they joined forces
with the wild tribes of the hills.
Admiral Li's prisoners were taken
by means of the villagers at Kong
haw, who betrayed them into the
hands of the government forces for
2S taels (about $17) a head. The re
bellious soldiers spoke a strange dia
lect and their detection and subse
quent betrayal to the authorities was
an easy matter.
At Wuchow the gates of the city
which have stood open, for weeks
past have now been closed owing to
the disturbed state of the country fol--t,
lowing the mutiny at Konghaw. ;
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, ,