THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 Captain's By FRANK M. SWEET. ! Copyright, 1907, by Frank D ELILYI You J Dolllyt" called Ouptitta Drew sharply from tbe door of the cottage which fronted the marshes, at the mouth of Squanton river. At tilt sound of Itli volet i girl of fifteen, who bud been bulf bidden by tbe manb grass while slowly ranking her way In a boat through the narrow, winding suit stream, stood upright aud looked calmly toward the shore. Tbe light of the sunset ws on her face, oftenlug Ita habitually grave and de termined esprcsslon. ' . "Come 'ere, I said," repeated thi man, coming down the patb to tbe di lapidated float The girl, till atandlrtg, leaned on ber oar and puNbed the boat to He tnoorluga, "What's wrong, dad)" the aaid light ly aa abe made tbe rope fast. Her face abowed apprebenalon of aome out break. "I've been robbed, that's what Lookl" be sidelined, polntlug with a long, work atalned linger la the direc tion or the house. "Look a-tbarl" With tome dismay Delilah aaw tbe high backed, old faahlonod pew which they bad occupied ao long In Squan- ton cburcb leaning agaluit tbe porch. "They've lipped 'em all out" contin ued ber father In a snarling tone. "III- fluga boys been wbeellu' all of 'em borne this afternoon. They air goln' to hev op'ry chairs now. Pews Isn't styl Isb ao' society fled enough, fur 'em. They got to be? op'ry chairs." "Ob; no, dad. They have decided to put In good, comfortuble hardwood pewa, and tbey will give you one." "I dou't want It! I won't bev It!" be erltxi excitedly, "Tbey didn't bev tbe right to rip up ay pew unless I said tbey could." "But tbey voted, dad, and Mr. Doane ays church property ain't like other property." "Well, he'll And mlue Is," said tbe captain sourly. "If I'd 'a' knowed they was goln' to rip up my pew, I'd 'a' atud over It with a plstoir Delilah was silent. She could re member lb substance, but could not repent all the minister had said In his comprehensive, busineasllke directions about the renovation of 8quauton church. Farwelng, but never vlalon ary, be had held before their eyes a pleasing picture of their future pros perity, when, attractive surrounding would be no small help In drawing to themselves people from tbe outlying towns. One half tbe espense of re pairs be bore himself. "We air turned outcn our rightful ettln'," reiterated tbe old man. "My father's father set In that pew." "Why, dad," argued bla daughter gently, "you wouldn't wear tbe same clothe your father did. Why ahould you mind having a new pewT "I ain't golu' to bev no new pew, I tell ye, nor you anther. You ain't Sever goln' to set your foot In that cburcb ag'lnt" "Ob, dad, I must! I can't mind you thla time!" "If ever you go In thar ag'ln, Dellly, yon needn't come back here!" Delilah ant for some time as he had left ber. 6be was to be deprived, then, an excuse for bis Intended call at j the cottage of Csptuln Draw, b was ferbaps ss near a deception as so con scientious a man could be. Ills real purpoae wna to determine In what way he could lt mitigate the bitter ness toward himself which he knew tbe old man felt, Dellluh met him at the door with eyes that he thought more wistful and features sharper than he remembered. "I can't take them, thank you," she said firmly, refusing the proffered books. "ifaUier would not like It"! she added, with a blush, ; "Khe dou't want the books," said the gruff voice of the captain behind ber. I rend thnt the helpless men would CO Quwn Irfrfore their very cys. The wreck, though It iny In that part of the channel where the current was not at Its strongest, was pounding erm a reef of rocks that Jutted out from the bend. A sand bar, over which the waves were rolling like snow crested hills, Jsy between. To reach the Magnolia from tbe other side of tbe bay meant a journey of ten miles by land, Tbe vessel was pitching about like a desperate thing, showing first ber keel, then the full sweep of the deck, with the crew clinging as tbey could. Tbe mast was broken off six or eight feet CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HELP WANTED MESSENGER BOYS WITH Bi cycles wanted at the Western Union. g-22-tf FOR SALEREAL ESTATE toR sale at a bargain-Two lot, and an eight-room mod ern house with bath. For oarticulari wve me neca ana lay over me siue, addreie B. 100. A.tnr r.K 10.U mm a laiiKi vi uroKea vuraajre nu flapping sail. Before tbe people crowding tbe bead land could understand what was tak ing place Captain Drew bad mustered a volunteer crew and in tbe lighthouse PROFESSIONAL CARD). ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney ; Offices: City Hail TO LETFURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED COTTAGE ON 15TH street with piano and sewing ma- boat was making bis way along the chine to parties without children, 120 snore w cross below tbe bar. Tbrougn a month rent Address D. BV As ii mi uemuu croucuea oesiae a uuge 1 torian. f 8-22-tf w wider, wun aer neep, concentrated gase nxtd upon ber father's figure. . The distance that Captain Drew and bis volunteers bad to row was not great but against tbe power of sea and wind tbey made little progress toward tbe wreck. Once a "thmb's a waici orw ootrm's beach, - VAV I "Hhe won't be ' com In' over to tbe church any more outlier." "I hope you will reconsider," began Mr. Donne. " "Well, I shan't It don't take me long to wrtke up my mind, and when I do It's fur good. Jestlee Is Jestlce." IH-Illuh bad allpped away down tbe path and leaned llatleasly over the gate. She could not bear to bear ber nuuer s woros. Arter wnat seemed a lifetime she saw Mr. Doane courts oiwly withdrawing In a manner which politely auggested he was tearing him self away rather than fleeing from tbe captain's Invective and terrible accu racy of statement At the gate be gave his band kindly to Delllnb. "We shall lie sorry to lose you from Sunday school for a time," he said, bnt he added, with a hopeful smile: "No doubt your father will think betler of (bis by and by, If yon are in need of help, come to me." The next few, weeks were trying ones for the girl.' Whenever she came niHin a group of people talking earnest ly the conversation, wblch was Inva rlnbly upon church matters, was linme dlately bushed. She felt keenly the looks which tbe young people cnt ci on her. When a kind nelghttor nctel. "How's your father feeling today y she felt conscious and uncomfortnlile. In each yard through the village she round an unwelcome reminder, for the people hnd utilised tbe old pews foi garden seats. The postmaster had placed his against the wall In the of fice, where It was speedily occupied by unemployed male Squnnton. The chil dren appropriated the sliver numbers and wore them jauntily In their but bands or, on their coat lapels fo. badges. Tbe summer waa nearly passed be fore the cburch waa opened for wor ship. It was a stid day for Delllnb. When the bell rang, she took ber little Bible and wnlked across the fields to the pine woods. Companionship with nature seemed to strengthen and exalt her. Then she felt submissive and forgiving for the first time. On a stormy day In November a hur ricane raged along the north shore, and the little sea girt town of Bquanton was laboring with It In the village store the Idlers refugees from tbe bur-rlcane-crowded alout the stove and agreed thiit the storm was a "peeler." "It's the kind that soaks In!" ex claimed Captain Drew, rising to look at the blurred pane. "Wouldn't keer to be off Thatcher's Jest now." over tbe boat and a cry went ap from tbe shore, but out of the trough tbe men rose again and bid gained a length toward the other side. It was the work of hours to make tbe lines fast and transfer tbe half froeen men to tbe shore. Tbe rain was falling less heavily, and tbe agitated watchers could see the saved and sav ers climb on by 'one over the steep bank. Mr. Doane's strong. light fig ure, that they all knew so well, wss tbe last to reacb tbe shore, and bardly had be done so when tbe vessel parted amidships. It was be wbo first discovered, In the terrible coufualon of storm and wreck age, that Captain Drew, who bad been standing far out in the surf, with a rope slung about bis waist bad been struck by a floating spar and borne down by tbe current Tbe end of bis rope, which bad been colled ashore, was already vanishing on a retreating wave. Without a word the minister plung ed Into tbe surf after the rope. Though m sUIX FOR SALE A 100-PIECE SET OF Haviland China, in perfect condi- great sea broke ", , cheap. Inquire at the McCrea- JOHN C. McCUE, Attorney-at-Law Page Building, Suite 4 J. A, GILBAUUI! & CO., Undertakers and Embalniert. Experienced Ladv Assistant When Desired. HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law . Deputy District Attorney ' 420 Commercial Street OSTEOPATHS. DRV RHODA C. HICKS Osteopatb Office Mansell Bldg. Phone-BIack 2065 673 Commercial St. Astoria. Ore. ' Ford studio. MM FOR SALE CHEAP, ONE SCHOL- arihip in the International Corres pondence School of Scranton. En quire Astorian office. 8-7-tf DENTISTS OLD PAPERS FOR SALE; PER hundred, 25 cents. At Astorian Office HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRICKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of bouse moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. MASSAGE. OLGA KANTONEN, , FINNISH masseuse and steam baths, jroom 6, Pythian Bldg., Commercial St, As torian, Ore." ' '.' "v". DR. VAUCHAN Dentist Pythian Building, 'Astoria, Oregon DR.W.CLOOAN ; ', Dentist Commercial St Shanahan Bldg. BUSINESS DIBECTOBY. RESTAURANTS. Oi-posite Ross, Higgins & Co. Coffee with Pie or Cake 10 Cta. FIRST-CLASS MEALS Regular Meals 15 Cta, and Up. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND GOLD WATCH, CHAIN and locket; owner can have same by thoroughly identifying property and paying for this notice. Inquii Astorian. 8-18-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. ... . MAGAZINE BINDING OF ALL kinds done at the Astorian Office. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS-ALL kinds made by The J. S. Dellingei I Company. I WANTED TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. 6-9-tf. rax HuisTXB nvsazo INTO TBI bubp. an expert swimmer, be waa twice beaten back. In vain tbe men sbouted to him that it waa useless, worse than Impossible. He was deaf to their ap peal, and just as the rope appeared on tbe crest of a huge swell be made a leap forward and-seized It. The next Instant be was lifted on a tremendous breaker and thrown far up tbe beach. He had made a EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. J. T. NOWLEN Real Estate and Employment Office 473 Commercial St, Phone Have fine list of Astoria and coun try property. AH classes of labor furnished. BIDS FOR WOOD. BIDS ARE HEREBY ASKED FOR furnishing 60 cords of sound fir slabwood, four feet . in .length; said wood to be delivered on the court sharp turn of tbe house block within 10 days from date rope above bis waist and, though of signing contract; said bids to be shaken and bruised, he recovered him self quickly and helped tbe men draw tbe captain ashore. They felt bis heart They watcbd his lips. They believed he was dead. But tbe old mariner of Squanton had' a strong bold on life. . .. It was some weeks before Captain Drew could be removed to his own home from the farmhouse to which he bad been carried and months before he rose from bis bed. Meantime Mr. filed with the clerk on or before August 24th, at 9 o'clock a. m., 1908 contractor to furnish bond in the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars. Court reserving right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court J. C. Clinton, County Clerk. 8-18-6t MISCELLANEOUS. fiettllllff hack. h stntfhMl Ma Inrii, limbs toward the stove again with an Doane had supplied the best medical H (J 1 (J K COLD aauea sense or comrort. am. During Ms frequent visits to tbe Tbe sound of. laughter and greeting captain their disagreement was never HH DON'T WANT THI B00X8," SAID TBS CAPTAIN. of the chief pleasure In her lonely life. It metut, too, separations from those who bad been so kind and to whom she dung with girlish adora tion. It seemed to her to be the climax of all tbe troubled, uusatlsfied experi ences of ber life. She thought of ber mother, whose gentle face she could scarcely remember. Did she have to bear such things? In thinking of her she grew loss rebellious. She would be gentle and patient, too to do right, for what was life given? . Tbe winged needles of the pine trees over her bead sifted down about ber on the night breeae, and wben the mists hnd enveloped the sand dunes and tbe tide hnd covered the ma'rshes In n sblinmei-lng surface she still sat as her father hud left her. ' Wben u few duys later the Rev. Howard Doane selected from his abun dant library a few interesting books was hushed suddenly, and there waa a perceptible backward movement near the door to admit a dripping figure. It was Delilah, with a white, scared face and long balr blown In a tangle about her head. "There's a wreck" oft Colon's beach, dnd!" she gasped. "They say it's the Magnolia." Captain Drew came to bis feet In stantly, with every man present "How'd you know 'bout It Dellly r he asked as he buttoned bis greatcoat "I was on the point looking at the waves.". - "You've no business to go prowlln' round In eech a storm," be said, not unkindly. She drew him one side. "The minis ter Is on board, dad. He was coming down from Boston," she said. "Well, we won't see hlra drown right under our noses, I guess, without try In to save Mm. You leave it to your father." : . ' In tb teeth of the gale tbey forced their way to the shore. Above the terrible roar of wind and sea they shouted to Captain Drew that tbe life boat bad been manned and repeated uuaucceHsrui attempts made to cross the channel. Tbey told him that the efforts to shoot tbe line across the ves sel and thus bring It Into communica tion with the shore had been fruitless. On every face there was unspeakable touched upon. One Sunday morning In spring when the syrlnga bush near the. door was all abloom and tbe willows bad put fcrth a tender green the captain, lean lug heavily upon Delilah, hobbled Into the sunlight and sat down upon tbe old pew. . "It does make a tol'ble comf table settee,, don't It, child T be said amia bly. - Delilah did not reply, but she looked at him wistfully. "Yes; my father's father used to set In if he continued. Just then the dear bell from the cburch at the head of the cove rang In vitingly. The captain listened thought fully, digging bis cane In tbe soft earth at his feet . "Dellly, girl," he said at length, "I guess, beln's tbe parson didn't bold out agin me when I was hangln to thet rope out thar in the stream,-1 dunno as I oughter hang out agin blm any longer." .- , ;. v "Oh, dnd!" exclaimed Delilah glee fully.. '; ; , "Ye-es. 'Oh, dad,' has been kinder crasy fer a spell back, but he's come to his rightful senses now good an' strong. I guess, Dellly, now If you'll put your mother's Bible 'longslde of me I'll set here an hour or two. an' you,1 Dellly, git your bunnlt on an go over an' set In t'other pew.' m lib West I ea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. Plate Racks, Wall Pockets, Music Racks, Clock Shelves . Just in See us ' liildbrand & Gor Old Bee Hive Bldg, WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Aator Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prep. U. B. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street Coffee with Pie or CakelO Cta. First-Class Meals, 13 Cta. MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special v Delivery EXPRESS Leave Orders Phone Black 2383 Res. Phone Red 2274 Stand Corner 11th anl AND BAGGAGE at Star Clear Store. Commercial DENTISTS. jElUssslFk!;;, Call Promptly Attended Day or Night. TatCon lid. 13th and Duane St - ASTORIA. ORE.UOV ? Phone Main 211 MEDICAL. UnpreosuesUd I SoesHsee'ef ' II t SE 0 III GHAT CSDfXSZ DOCTCa Wbo b knows throughout the United j State on aawust el j bis wonderful eureg. Ko posses or drags nseL Es guaran tees to cure estaxra, asthma, hug ud throat trouble, rbeamaiiam, aysrvoasaea, stomach, liver and kttney, female coss plainta and an ehroaie diaeasse. f UCCESSm HOMX TMATKEW. If yon cannot call write for symptoai blank and etreukr, fatelcehig 4 eeata I stamps. Tax c gzx wo KZDicnni co. 1C2 First St, Corner Morrison. ' POMLUm, C2XGCX ' PWi miitk the Atoria. f ftuai-aiirtint....l am..Mtir,1iiiiiiii PLUMBERS. ffl.lffilll PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner -AND- Sheet Iron Worker ALL WORK GUARANTEED 425 Bond Street Younce, & Baker PLUMBERS TINNERS Steam and Gas Fitting All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street; opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. LAUNDRIES. COR. 11TH AND COMMERCIAL. Office hours 8:30 A. M. to 8: P. M. Sunday 10:00 to 12:00. Phone Number Main 3901. Painless Extractions - 5oc Corner Commercial and 11th Sts. over Danziger store. FUif IIARXST. Seattle Fisb Met 77 Ninth St., Near Bond Fresh and Salted Fish, Game and Poultry, Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported and Domestic Goods. . P. BAKOTITCH & FEO. ProDs. ' Phone Red 2183 WE WASH Everything but the Baby and return everything but the dirt. TROY LAUNDRY Tenth and Duane Phone Main 1991 CONCRETE WORK DONE ANY PERSON WANTING ANY CONCRETE WORK DONE AT THE CEMETARIES, . WILL PLEASE LEAVE ORDERS POHL'S UNDERTAKING FICE. F. NYAAIM ' Astoria, Ore. P. O. Box 603. AT OF- SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES You want the best money can buy in food, .clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? ..Portland's Leading Business College offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school. Owners practical teachers More Calls than we can fill : Teachers actual business men In session the entire year Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking I. M. WALKER, Pres. O. A. BOSSERMAN. Secv.