The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 23, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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j,'r-,u,. ai S;.:,,,;,!,.,,)! iijiszszz;
You can't beat "Fidelity" Haras and B?.con; "Heinz"
Pickles; ''Chase & Sanborn" Teas and Coffee; "Mar
tin's" Cream Cheese. . It pays to buy the best. "
Money Turned Over
The , ln?rhr like yesterday turn
county court house will be commenc
ed Monday, Mr. Clark may not re
main here to ' pcraonaly do the work,
nil lie is compelled to go elsewhere
but will have a man and woman, both
ed over the sum of t.1,99, collected Vett 'ccottntanti, to carry on the
as tan money, to the county treasurer work- which probably he will at lent
Declaration Filed 1 ' "
First citizenship paper were ap Wil1 pre,ch Today ,
plied lot at the office of the county' T,,,e Rcv' Willia,n S' Cilberfpaatoi
clerk yesterday by John Rletala, na 1,1 ll,e 'm resbytcrmn Church, re
tive of Finland, and Max Willibatd li,!tt mhi frT Cunnon Ikach
lhle, native ot Germany. nd w,n Wich at bo,h ,he mt
, and evening service today.' Mr. Gil-
Postal Substation bcrt and bin family arc having'an out-
A dispatch from Washington Jail in Cnnon. ,;ea,fh 8"d Mr. Gilbert
lilght stated that the postal depart-
came up last night for the church erv-
r"' I , . ..hi . . .
Astoria, at 502 Commercial street, on Mr. A, D Garner'
rwt,., i vvi,w..,.,. .. u'WIy are also camping there, and
at 52 Commercial street.
Mr. Garner went down last night for
a vihit over Sunday,
Off For Sileta
The motor -schooner Gerald C. with
a full load of merchandise, went to
'Horse Wat Shot
i On Friday evening hut, while driv
sea yesterday evening, bound for the " " ,h Lewi & C,ak r0'd'
Silcu.-U-The steamer Homer enter- Mr- W K.mncy " with a d.f.
agreeable accident wnereny ne io
ttie of her valuable driving horses.
ed port yesterday morning and went
directly on to Portland. The Spencc
will b down on Thursday the open-
ing day of the Regatta and with
She had junt driven on to one of the
bridges near her ranch home, when
big crowd. She usually lays off at ,cr fcww broke through a plank.
Portland on that dnv of the we-V. " ick ju, tw.
In From San Franclco
The steamer Cascades came in from !
San Francisco yenterday afternoon
,the knee. Mr. Kinney left her buggy
'and proceeded to her home and such
a man back to dmpatcn the rumea
animal with a six-shooter.
and docked at the Calender. She had Remot,,trince pjied-
a number of passengers and a block , . ' "' ,, . .
, , Remonstrance has been filed in the
i' i irtiui. Jicr nm.Mcr rcponcu
having ' met the steamer Yofemite
with the Benson sea raft off the coast
t Oregon on Friday evening at 7
o'clock and that all was well with ship
ami tow.
From Far Ketchikan
Mr. C. J. Curtis i just in receipt
of an agreeably large mail package
from her son, Wilfred Curtis, a welj
known newspaper man in that distant
region; the plcasantest item of news
in the big budget being notice of his
Intention to take a well earned vaca
tion in September and come down to
hi old home for a taste of the warmer
and more gratoful civilization of "the
States." -
office of the city auditor against the
acceptance of the Irving avenue fill
between F.ightecnth street and the
jShivcly line. It is signed by D. H.
Welch ami .Mrs, ucna weicn. jnt
remonstrance alleges that the street
is not graded to its full width, nor
properly filled, graded and improved
after the manner provided for in the
ordinance. The remonstrance will be
presented to the council at it "ftext
regular meeting.
Big Excursion Crewd
A traveling host of 500 Idahoans
and 4.10 other jieople from sundry (?)
and various localities tip-country,
landed at the O. R. & N. river sta
tion, Mcglcr, opposite this city yes
terday afternoon, bound for the north
shore beaches for a Sunday outing,
750 being on the stately Potter and
230 on the Harvest Queen, both
steamers coming down stream to-
v.. v., .
Fineat Of Mueic
The presence of Mr. John Allen, of
Portland, the representative here of
Professor Da Caprio and his famous
metropolitan band of 32 pieces, has
been of interest to all in touch with
the Regatta preparations; and the as
surance is now abroad that this de-
the best in the world
50c a Pound,
To Expert Books
George P. Clark, the expert ac
countant, says that work on the books
of the various department in the
There's a Reason
For the fact that our customers are satisfied
with the groceries they buy and the service
they get.
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
partmcnt of the festival is to be gen
erously and delightfully disposed of.
Mr. Allen is not only an excellent
I business man but a delightful music-
jian, coftictist, as .well, and will bo
liearfcoiipicuoi!s!y this week.
To Close The Contract ,
On Tuesday next, via the noon
train on the A. & C, Metsr. David
C. Murray, general superintendent of j
construction, and Thomas Burkctt, j
chief engineer, of the Pacific States I
Telephone Company, will arrive in !
this city, with the bids heretofore filed
by the four several contracting firms
in this city, for the construction of
t he company's new headquarter and
will then award the contract. They
will then make such other preliminary
arrangements as are necessary to
start everything promptly and sure
ly, and will return to San Francisco.
One Piano Number with Each $5 ' Sale to Wise's Customers
636ie First Authoritative Showing of
Chairman Carney IU-
Frank J. Carney became indisposed (
yesterday and went to his home for a
rest and treatment;, it is nothing ser
ious and he will soon be all right.
There was some apprehension lest
he should have to forgo his duties as
head (and foster-father) of the As
toria Baby Show, But he will be ot
hand and in his usual prime shape
for dispatching the functions of his
office. The babies would be the most
disappointed of all citizens, Ji it
should be otherwise; they expect him
r serve and will have it so; or there
will be pandemonium indeed, next
Friday, in the great tent at Ninth an i
lb lb
lin mm
For several months HIGH ART craftsmen have been work
ing on our product; sponging the cloths so that they will not
shrink or lose their shape when made into the finished garment;
cutting and proportioning them to meet the requirements of the
exacting dresser, tailoring and finishing them to please the most
critical, and fashioning them into garments of rare style and dis
tinction. '
Flagship "Donna Francesco"
The Astoria Regatta Committe has
gratefulty accepted the kindly cour
tesy of Captain Simon, of the British
hip "Donna Francisco," now in har
bor, tendering the use of his fine ves--d
as flagship for the coming Regatta,
and Mayor Wise and Mr. Gallagher
yesterday went up to her anchorage
and took a look at her, finding her in
-itperb condition and admirably adap
ted for the purpose. They then made
arrangements with the Hammond
Lumber Comuany for towing the ship
to and from her station off the grand
st nd at Flavel dock, they returned to
the city delighted with their trip and
the reception given them by Captaia
and Mrs. Simon.
Her Sad Death-
Mrs. Jenny Kline, wife of Mr. Jo
eph L. Kline, died at an early hour
yesterday morning at St. Mary' hos
pital, where she had gone several
days before to submit to an operation.
Her death seems very sad. While it
was not thought that the operation
would prove serious yet Mrs. Kline
had written a letter stating that in the
event of her not surviving the ordeal
-he wished her body to be cremated.
The funeral will be held this morning
at 7:45 q'clock, at the home at 524
Franklin avenue, and the body will be
taken to Portland on the morning
train. Her wish that her body be
cremated will be observed. Mrs. Kline
was 40 years of age, and had resided
in Astoria for about 13 years. She
And now we are ready for YOU
with a atock equally aa large aa here
tofore wiUt fabric covering the
whole gamut of men' taste, from
the high fancy pattern so desired by
"youngish" fellow, to the quieter,
rich effect for conservative dresser
style beginning at the itandard and
popular aadc coat to the ultra two
button garment with center vent and
creased aide seame with any grade
you may choose from, no matter how
low the price, absolutely dependable in
quality of cloth and workmanship and
Prices, as always, fairest and least for finest
and most.
$20.00 to $35.00
was very well known and had a large
circle of friends who will sincerely
mourn her untimely taking away.
Ice Cream 25c qt.
fFresh Chocolates
Made fresh every day In ooi
own factory.
843 Commercial Street
River, Bay And Ocean
The State of California sailed front
this port yesterday with a full com.
plement of passengers. There were 31
Greek fishermen aboard her here with
22 big nets, the latter weighing in th(
aggregate of 27,000 pounds. -The'
Harvest Queen will take the Hassalo's
run up tomorrow morning and the
Hassalo will go up this afternoon" from
Megler, assisting the Potter with he
big crowds. The Wallula goes into
commission tomorrow . morning for
bar service and the "Tat" and Captain
Bailey will take a vacation. The
tug Robarts entered port yesterday
morning with the schooner Albion on
her hawsers' and both will load out
supplies for Siuslaw, and depart on
Tuesday. The ship Ancaois went to
sea yesterday at noon, bound for
Europe. -The Alliance will leave.
out early this morning for Coos Bay.
annual convention of the Columbia
conference of the Lutheran church,
will, be in session here; for which a
long, elaborate and highly interesting
program has been devised. Among
the notable members of the confer
ence will be the Reverends C. E,
Frisk, S. D. Hawkins, N. J. W. Nel
son, C. J. Renhard, B. S. Ny strom,
V. N. Thoen, G.' A. Anderson, C. A.
Tblin, J. Jesperson, Alfred Lawrence,
peared, leaving not even the trail of a
flipper behind him. The presumptio
is that someone, hulnanely disposed,
turned him back into the Columbia
river. And with all respect to his
owner, such a conclusion reflects very
distinct credit on the unknown party
who did it; since the wild thing must
have died of sheer torment as admin
istered, unceasingly, by the thought
less youngsters of Astoria, against
B. F. Bengtson, M. L. Larson, Johfijwhose proddings and teasing he
Gullans, A. H. W. Yung and J, E,icould not have held out much longer.
Oslund. Plenty of entertainment has
been provided and the church service
and meetings will be brightened by
some very fine vocal, instrumental,
and chorus music, the Swedish choir,
of this city, being prominent contribu this pleasing element.
Summer Excursions
Church Conference
Co-incidentally with the coming re
gatta season at Astoria, the serai-
"Reggie" Recedes
To the intense disappointment of
Committeeman C. M. Celler, of the I
Regatta staff, who had bought, and
placed on public exhibition, the cute
little seal pup, "Reggie," that crea:
ture's habitat was found empty yes
terday morning; the interesting and
plump little stranger,' with, or with
out, assistance, had utterly disap-
' During the months of August anil
September the Ilwa R. R. Co. will
sell round trip tickets daily from all
points on North (Long) Beach to all
points on Clatsop Beach at rate of
$1.75. Return limit thirty days.
Sunday Excursions to Long Beach.
Steamer Nahcotta leaves O. R. &
N. dock at 6:5 a. m. daily. Roual
trip fare to any point on North
(Long) Beach, $1.00, Sunday's only
For Rubber Stamps and Typewriter
Supplies see. Lenora Benoit, Public
Stenographer, 447 Commercial street
For a
Johnson Phonograph
Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield ft Mattson Co.
etiring: Prom Business
I Have Decided to Close Out My Entire Stock
$16000.00 of fir& class good endurable household goods
Sale commences Tuesday August 25th at 9 a. m. Store closed all day
Monday to remark our stock.
The J. J. Robinson Furniture Co,
590-592 Commercial Street