The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 18, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Stock Up on Lunch Goods
Grape-Nuts and Shre'cklcd Wheat Choice Canned
Fruits and Vegetables, Meats, Fish and Fowl. No
labor to prepare; no waste.
sonic of a numberof Clatsop
1'ounty'n reputed millionaires, as
'liywn by assessment is distressing.
W IlliS l)f I
reached first aid here Ht home. He
' will he laid tip for several days, I fact
his many friend will regret.
If an Fire Engine
Worreton hai a new chemical and
hand lire engine. Heretofore there
wai virtually no lire protection there
lave of the primitive kind,
Auto Accident
While coming down the Eighth
Direct hill with hi automobile Sun
day, P, A, Stoke had an accident.'
One of the wheel came off. No one
wai "hurt and the miidiap was not a
serious (me, and yesterday the ma
chine was taken to a shop for repair.
Motoring On River
Thin is a magnificent Reason of the
Columbia and a number of owners of
motor boat are making the best of
it, in tnc way oi extended trip up
ihe noble river and it tributaries
Captain Archie Cann, of the pilot
ecrvicc, with hi family, will depart
tliiVmoriiing for a trip to the metrop
"lix, and on Sunday last Mr, Buffum,
with hi little on, left up in the
launch Mamie, for a trip on the
v oluinbia and the Williamette, a
far as Albany. Me will be joined at
Cortland by friend who will ascend
the Williamette with him
Headquarter! Opened
Regatta hcad-martcr were opend ! Volunteer Firemen
yesterday morning on the east tide i There wan a pleasant meeting in
of Eleventh Ktreet, midway on tlje . tlic office of Judge Trcnchard yester
block, and Aitant Secretary of tbcj'l;iy f the members of the old volun
Chambcr of Commerce, James T.jer fire brigade of this city, with a
Wallace, will preside over the brief i view of centralizing the people and
destiny of the entablement, and doji'crcat standing for the old days
it rightly, As he always doc buji ;a,,J ervicc; and to this end a tempo
ness. The room arc pleasant and ry .organization was effected, with
will be in constant demand from tfiiit ''c Trenchard at the head of it,
on, to the done of the festival. j""'! Chief C. K. Foster in the
secretary's place. The idea is to
Fine Ranch Sold i round up all available members of
For the sum of $17,000, the Hugh l,lc "cient force and take the. right-
McCormick ranch if 160 acres, in the 1 1,1 P,a "y entitled to in the
PRICED, 1908
Fedral Contract Let
The contract for the pain mg to be y Rjm t )o grand fchorc ))iiradc of tl;c rcgatu
done upon the federal building was . , . . ', ,.
t , . . , iinvv ivvi, Bvi'i v i'bih'.'
ill jriviviua iiic vuniviii huuivii
tics, to the Eastern Fainting & Deco
raing Company, of this city, at the
sum of $398. The outside coriicc
and woodwork is to be in dark green,
and the woodwork on the inside of
the ground floor, in light green.
An Interesting Visitor
As a guest at the home of W. E.
Tallant, Mr. Henry Mattlage of New!
York, a member of the firm of C. H.
Mattlage & Company, of that city, is1
enjoying his first visit to Astoria, ar
riving here on the Spencer yesterday.
He is a representative of one of the
heaviest buyers of the product of the
river and will investigate the pro
cesses at length and leisure.
whose name could not be ascertain- reparing; io Kesume
cd, but who, it is said, will run tlie' A Mr- Trainor, adjuster for the in
placc as a lirst-clasi dairy proposi- 4liranc companies interested in the
tion. There arc 130 acres of diked "cent Dunbar fire, arrived in this
land on the ranch, the balance being cil or Sunday morning, to adjust the
unimproved. , Mr. F. K. Johnson is incident, here, but one glance
'given as authority for the sale, and be at tn ,ore 8t0c a"J conditions, as
generally knows whereof he speak
The Morning Astorian was advised
yesterday upon unimpeachable au-
tonty that the Alaska Packers' Aso-
ciation, of San Francisco, has fixed
the prices for Alaska salmon for the
current year, at the following stand
ards: ,
Reds, $1.15; Medium Reds, $1.00;
finks, 70 cents; Chubs, 70 cents.
With eight days to run the local
packers arc chary about giving out
any definite figures on the several
packs of the lower Columbia for the
season, and are not likely to make
any declarations until the close of the
fishing next week.
It is admitted, practically, on all
sides, that the Alaska pack is far
ahead of the 1907, and the details are
to' be at hand very shortly, with the
arrival in port of the steamer North
Star, mail and advices from Nusha-
Under The Wheelt-
Last evening one of the A. . cars
ran over and killed the fine Bontmi
terrier dog of Dave McCroskcy, mmh
to the owner's unhappiness. The 1
is a well known animal about town
and had almost as many friends a
his master. It was one of those un
fortunate accidents to which the dog
contributed hi share by rollickinx
; about the track, and is greatly de
iplorcd by the motorman as well as
" those more nearly concerned.
left by the flames and smoke and
water, was all he needed to rch an
almost instant adjustment covering
the entire range of risks taken, and
so the full insurance will be promptly
paid. Mr. Dunbar is getting in readi
ness to open his fire-sale and to re
store the place to its original shape,
for the prosecution of the new, and it
i- hoped, flourishing business.
Still They Come
A new Nickelodeon will open
doors in the building just east of the
n t it . .. s
uaoonci grocery, on commercial . About Cu.,0D Millionaire!-
in wie course ot a lew days
street, in ine course of a
It has not developed who the pro
prietor is, but it is said the affair will
be up-to-date in all particulars and
add another cheerful "clement to the
Regatta entertainments, and continue
right alone; thereafter.
Diea In Uppertown
Mrs. Au.;t-sta Wilhclmina Hansen,
wife of Scverin Hansen, died at the
residence in Uppertown yesterday
morning. She was afflicted with lung
trouble. She was 36 years of age and
a native of Sweden. The funeral will
be held tomorrow afternoon from the
Norwegian M. F Church and inter
ment will be in Grecnwod cemetery.
The funeral will be at 2 o'clock.
A Painful Wrench
State Senator W. T. Scholl'icld is
laid up at his home with a badly dis
arranged knee-cap, having received a
bad fall while out hunting on the
north shore with his father on Satur
day last His knee cap was thrown
out of place and the Senator suffered
intensely before he got it back and
Says the Seaside Signal: "The edi
tor has been perusing Polk's Astoria
Directory, and he almost fainted upon
discovering that there is not a mil
lionaire in the whole of Clatsop
county; that the Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad is the only taxpayer
that pays taxes on more than $100, -(HO,
being assessed at .$352,080, and
the Blodget Co., which is assessed at
a little over $105,000. The poverty o(
Hia Eye Better
J. G. Kellcy, the Portland engineer
in charge of the improvements at the
improvements at Fat Buck creek,
who injured one of his eyes a week or
two ago, has written to the water
commission stating that he expects to
be hack at the work sometime this
week, and says the injury is becoming
better. Cood progress is being made
on the work. The dam is nearly
completed and the pipe line ditch is
about half dug. The coping stones
to be used for the walls around the
little reservoir on Irving avenue ar
rived yesterday and are being taken
out to the job.
regatta dates, offering repertoire, ex
cepting Saturday evening and Sun
day afternoon, at which time the
opera house is engaged by the Scan
dinavian Sangerfest.
the best in the world
50c a Pound,
We Can Satisfy You
Because the groceries we sell are all high
grade and the service we give is always
Cleaning School Seats
I-or several years the board of edu
cation has considered the matter of
cleaning the scats in the several pub
J lie schools, and ystcrday a contract
iwas made with a man who makes a
business of doing that kind of work. It
wil cost abou (25 cents each for the job
there being about 1300 or 1400 scats
in the ichools. The man who takes
the job agrees to have them come out
of the cleaning process looking like
new. He dips them into a solution
prepared for the purpose. The seats
get covered with ink stains, and with
all sorts of other markings and stains
incidental to their use, by the little
I folks, and it becomes a virtual neces
jsity to have them cleansed periodi
Scholfield, Mattson & Co.
phone 1181 GOOD GOODSpH0NE 931
Made For Portland
A careful survey of the new passen
ger tariff of the Astoria & Columbia
River Railway Company, kindly fur
nished by City Agent G. B. Johnson,
of that company, indicates that the
rates were made specifically in favor!
of Portland, and particularly those
covering the 50 miles out of Astoria.
For instance, the Clatskanie citizen
can go to the metropolis, 62 miles
away, for $1.45, or but 20 cents better
than the 38-milc run to this city; the
discrepancy is a bit plainer, for Port
land, in the Ingles rate, which lands a
man or woman there, 60 miles away,
at $1.40, while to come hither, 40
miles, the charge is $1.30. The Quincy
tariff is the onljr one that breaks even,
as it is equal either way and yet not
fair for the same rate covers
the Portland run of eighteen
miles greater distance. From May
gers, 44 miles from here, the rate is
$1.25, while for 56 miles Portland-
ward, it only costs $1.45; and exactly
the same specious ratio is followed on
the Pyramid tariff, which to Portland,
53 miles away, is $1.20, and to As
toria, 47 miles, it is $1.50, the Rainier
and Goble rates are made on the
same identical basis as Maygers, with
out reference to distances at all. The
whole thing being plainly inspired at,
and for, Portland; and may be taken
to account for the big passenger traf
fic on the river boats between here
and Portland, of late.
Wmmm mi 1 1 im . , , ,L -
iiii i i lit iiii
i Full Particulars Will Appear
Later in the Daily Papers
When You Want Anything J
Good, Go to
566 Commercial St. Tel. 1331
1 1 II 1 1 II It I M 1 1 M 1 1 1 It H t I t I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 7
For Rubber Stamps and Typewriter
Supplies see Lenora Benoit, Public
Stenographer, 447 Commercial street
In all directions it is apparent that
the tug of war tournament will be
one of the greatest features of the
coming regatta. The enthusiasm
aroused by the last tournament is be
ing shown by the careful preparations
being made by the different teams
which, with one or two exceptions,
will have the same captains as last
year. Martin Franciscovich and Mr.
Eigner, captains of the Austrian and
a . . .
American teams, respectively, can
that his team will outpull the Aus
trians. The proposition was accept
ed and a written agreement signed
and placed in the hands of Manager
Planck who will hand it to Chief
Gammal, the referee, at the opening
of the tournament.
The other captains are equally en
thusiastic and confident of the
strength of their teams and the teal
with which the men are training is
gratifying to them and assures some
fine contests. Considerable anticipa
tion is being indulged in as to the per
sonnel of the different teams and
much speculation as to the outcome.
Before the date of the tournament
the names of the members of the
teams will be published so that afl
may know who will represent the
various nations.
For Sale.
j companies
shares Northern Oyster
stock, one hundred and
-jthirty dollars (130) per share. Apply
tamed these teams at the tournament r Res JurantP .J
during the last regatta the former,
defeating the latter by a close margin.
Captain Eigner has strengthened his
team to a great extent and has made
Sunday Excursions to Long Beach.
Steamer Nahcotta leaves O. R. &
a proposition to Captain Francisco- "on
suit ot ciotties (Long) Beach, $1.00, Sunday's only.'
vich to wager a $50
For a
Johnson Phonograph Co,
Parlors Second Floor Over Scholfield ft Mattson Co.
Sunday At Opera House
The Astoria Theatre wes comfort
ably filled last Sunday night to wit
ness "On The Frontier," as presented
by a company called "The Claman
Players." The performance was no
better or worse than a number of
other popular priced one-night stand
attractions, that have visited Astoria,
nevertheless the show seemed to
please the audience, judging from
; the applause that greeted the closing
of each act. The piece was of a lurid
type of tnelo-drama, and presented
many opportunities for gun play that
so delights the hearts of the -melodramatic
performer. Still there were
some pleasing features, especially the
specialties between acts. The com
pany will return to Astoria for the
Fall Dress Goods
i Every new weave and coloring. Hundreds of the
choicest fall suitings the 1908 season affords.
Everything that is new is here we selected care
: fully both quality and style, and feel a satisfaction
it -
in offering you a complete fall line for your inspec- f
I tion.
Now Being Featured in Our Double window.
Ice Cream 25c qt.
JFresh Chocolates
; $15-S52S Ket-iyori Raincoats ;
Finest Silk, Mode or Fabric Rubberized Raincoats Made.
NOTE This is the world renowned KEN YON COAT advertised in all the mag i
i azines aud known wherever women wear fashionable clothing.
Now on display in our window
Made fresb every day in our
own factory.
843 CommercialJ Street
?f 100