THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 THE MORNING AST01UAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. v J The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, Aug. . 12,-Recelpt of peaches from California today were fairly Urge,' but from thin time on , Nhimcnt from that tute will be small it nd within a nhort time they will be smntl ami within a short time they will disappear nltoegther, The bulk of the California crop hni been moved, the hot, dry weather there brlniiinu the ncason to an end a little earlier than usual, Oregon are now coining in freely, the early sorts for the most part, but fancy Oregon Crawford are expected next week from hot the Atliland district and The Dalles, lkst pcneheit today sold at 75 cent to 90 cent a box, and at the no price the trade was active. Standard city creamery butter wai advanced to 3U cent a pound today, the result of the usual midsummer decline in production and fairly firm market outside the city. .Butter price on the Sound are now the tame n in Portland, and report from Se attle ami Tacotna indicate that sup plie are none too large for the de mand, The leading brand of country ilreamrry were advanced to a parity with city creamery today, but there in little of that butter now coming to the city. There were no change in cheese price today. Flour. Grain and Feed, Wheat-Track price: Club, 90c; red, Ruian, 88c; bluetem, 94c; Val ley, 90c. Barley-Feed. $23.50; rolled, $26(2 27; brewing, $26. Oats-No. I white, $26.50; gray, $26.00. Flour-Patent, $4 85; atraighta, $4.05 4.55; export, $3.70; Valley $4.45; 1-4 tack graham, $4.40; whole wheat, $465; rye, $5.50. MilUtunV-Bran, $26.00; middling, $30.50; ahort. country, $28.50; ihort, city, $28; chop, $2227.50. Hay Timothy: Willamette Valley, fancy, $14.00; do, ordinary,, $11.00; Eatern Oregon, $16.50; mixed, $13; alfalfa, $11. Butter, Kggs and Poultry. Butter F.xtras, 30c; fancy, 27Jc; choice, 25c; store, 18c. Cheese Full cream twin, 141c; full cream triplet, 141c; Young Amreica, 151c; cream brick, 20c; Swias block, 18c; Limburger, 20c. . Poultry Mixed chickens, H12c; fancy hens, 12 cent; rooatert, old, 8 broiler, MftlSc; dressed, lc per lb. higher; duck. 12'gl4c; gese, old, B(n 10c: turkey, alive.' 18ri20c. RKKr-Kxtras, 25c; firsts, 23(5 24c; seconds, 2V$22c, thirds 20c. Fruita and Vegetables. Potatoes New Oregon, $1.00 $1.25; sweet, 5c. Fresh Fruits-Oranges, $3.754.25; lemons, $4.506.50; blackberries, $1(5! $1.25 per crate; cherries, 510c lb.; apricot, $13:1.25 per crate; plums, 40(?K 75c crate; watermelons, lk lb.; loganberries, 90c5$l crate; grapes, $1.001.50 crate. Vegetables Turnip, $125 sack; beeta, $1.75; parsnips, $1.25; cabbage, $1.50(52.00; cauliflower crate; lettuce, 20(525c; cucumbers, 75(S85c; $1.50; celery, 753!80c; artichokes, 60c doz,; beans, 8c; eggplant, 10121c lb.; tomatoes, $1 crate; cantaloupes, $2.50(53.00 per crate; corn, $1.75 not mtxfie Onion California red, $1-25; garlic, 1215c. Apples California new, ' $1.00 $1.50; Oregon, 7Sc$1.25. Meata and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs fancy, 77jc; ordinary, 61c, large 6c; veal, extra StyBk ; ordinary, 6S)7c; heavy, 5c; mutton, fancy, B9c. Lard-Kettle leaf JOs, 14c; do '5s, 14Jc; do 50-lb. tin, J3ie;' steam ren dered 10c, 123c; do 5, 124c; com pound 10, 9Jc llama 10-12 lb., 17c; 14-16 lb., 161c; 18-20 lbs-, 161c. Bacon Breakfast, 16J23lc; pic nic, 10ic; cottage roll, 12c; regular short clears, smoked, 12k; do un smoked, Ilk; Un. B., 10313c lb.; smoked, 1013c; untmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 13k; smok ed, 14k; shoulders, 12c. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. D. G , $6.25; beet, $6.05; Golden C, $5.65; extra C, 5.75; powdered, $6.35; fruit or berry sugar, $625; boxes, 55c. Sugar (sack oai)-D. G., $625; cwt. advance over sack basis less k If paid for i t 15 days). Coffee-Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy, 2528c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c; Costa Rica, good, 16 (51 18c; Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt.; Lion, $15.75 cwt.; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Salvador, rH14lc. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.756.00; broken, 4k; head, fancy, $7(5)7.75. Salt-Bales of 7S-2s, bale, $2.25; bale of 60-3, bale, $2.25; bales of 40-4. bate, $2.25; bales of 15-10. bale, $2.25; bags, 50s, Inc, ton, $15; bag, 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; bag, 50. i ground. $13.50; 100. ton, $13; R. S. V., 20 5-tb carton, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 3-tb carton, $175; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. . Raisins Loose muscatels, 3-crowo, 6 cents; 4 crown, 71 cents; bleached, seedless Sultanas, 91c12c; un bleached seedless Sultanas, 61 cents; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 rounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75. Nuts Walnuts, 1517c pound; filbert, 16 ; Brazils, 16c; pecan, 14 (520c; hickory, 10c; Virginia row pea nut, 8 cents; chestnuts, Ital ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen, 90c(S$l; pine nut, MW12c pound. Dried Fruits Applies, 81c per lb; peache. 1012c; pears, lHft'Mc; Italian prune, 5'36c; California figs, white, in sacks, 71c per pound; black, 6(7c; brick, 75c2.25 per box; Smyrna, 67lc per pound; dates, Persian, 6ftJ7c pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1907 crop, 5 61c pound. Wool Valley, 1414Jc lb; coarse, 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, at to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, 1819c pound. Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark) 3141c per pound. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 pound $35. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 14c lb; dry kip, No. 1, 13c lb; dry salted, one third less; dry calf, 15c lb; salted steers, 78c lb; salted cows, 6c lb; stags and bulls, 4c lb; kip, 6c lb; calf, 10llc lb; green stock, lc less; sheepskins; shearlings, 1025c; short wool, 30340c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 5090c; dry horses, 50ciS$1.50; dry colt, 25c; angora, 80c(2$l; goat, common, 10 20c. Oysters, Clams and Fish, Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25. Fish Halibut, 5c lb; black cbd, 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp, 12k; perch, 7c; sturgeon, August Official Tide Tables taaaBBawaasaaaaBBBBBSBaaa) Compiled by the U. S. Government for Astoria and Vicinity. AUGUST, 1908. High Water. Date. Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednenday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday .... Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday ,, Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday .. .. Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday ,. Friday Saturday ,, SUNDAY . Monday .... Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday . . Friday Saturday ,. SUNDAY . Monday 10 10 11! 12 1 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 .....20 21 22 23 24 24 25 18 17 28 29 80 SI A. M. h.m. 2:50 8:2f 4:15 6:08 6:14 7:84 8:66 10:10 11:10 0:11 1:10 1:58 2:60 8:44 4:40 6:48 7:05 8:26 8:46 10:46 11:85 0:15 0:50 1:24 2:00 2:34 8:14 ft. 7. 7.1 6.8 6.4 6.9 6.7 6.8 8.2 6.8 9.3 9.8 9.1 8.7 8.0 7.6 6.8 6.8 8.2 4 8.7 7.0 1.2 8.1 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.8 P. M. h.m. ft 7.8 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.2 8.5 8.8 7.8 9.1 7.8 8.8 8.6 8.8 8.9 8.8 8.5 8.8 8.1 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.1 7.4 8.2 7.6 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.1 8.0 AUGUST, 1908. Low Water. Date. Saturday ,, SUNDAY . Monday .. . , Tuesday .,, Wednesday Wednesday Thursday ,, Friday Saturday ., SUNDAY . .Monday .... .Tuesday ... Wednesday mursuay , , Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY .. Monday ,. ,, Tuesday .., Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday SUNDAY . Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday ThursJay .. Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY . Monday .... 1 2 8 4 B 5 ..... 6 7 8 ..... 9! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 2tf 26 27 28 .....29 80 81 Au M. h.m. 9:16 9:40 10:18J 10:68 0:08 11:451 1:14 2:26 3:35 4:36 6:80 6:22 7:08 7:54 8:37 9:18 10:02 10:60 11:48 0:65 2:05 3:14 4:15 5:06 6:50 6:28 7:02 7:28 7:661 8:18 8:42 9:10 ft. 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.8 1.7 2.8 1.4 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.1 0.8 .l 0 1.6 2.8 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.2 .2 II 0 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.8 LI P. M. h.m. 9:441 10:24 11:15 12:44 2:00 8:15 4:30 5:80 6:32 7:25 8:15 9:06 9:62 10:48 11:46 12:48 1:66 8:10 4:18 6:16 6:05 6:45, 7:20 7:60 8:16 8:40 9:15 9:64 ft 2.T 2.8 2.0 8.2 8.6 8.8 8.7 3.3 2.8 2.8 1.8 1.4 1.2 0.1 1.0 s!o 3.6 8.6 8.6 8.4 8.2 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.4 Habitual Constipation May he pemanny twercome jy proper tf rwnal cjVU witKthe assistance W the cm (ruly bencjicVal Ifuntke te mek Syrup o ri fp em M'uVr bjin., wKich enable ft n to form re Jar habit daily 50 Hwt assistance w na ture may lc gradually (liSpro3eU'Jh remeclic,wKen retired, areto assist nature and not to supjJant the hW ftl function, vh'tcK must depend ulti tttatery upon projcv hourinKment, proper ejfortaywd rifcW femtroll. fogftiU ben ecial tjfeclS, a!way5 buy the genuine Caijfornia Fio Stoup Co. only SOLp ALU LEADING DRUCXM oat sue only, rsguUr pm 50t pr JJot STS tl 12k; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal mon, fresh, 89c; smelt, 7c; shad, 3J(g4c, Canned Salmon Columbia River, 1 pound talis, $2.10; Mb. talis, $3.00; fancy, Mb, flats, $2.25; Mb. flats, $1.40; fancy, Mb. ovals, $275; Alaska talis, pink, f5c; red, $1.40; nominal, 2s, tails, $2.10. ' Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Oils, Lead, Etc Benzine V. M. and P. and Union Naphtha, cases, 19k; iron barre's, !2k, Coal Oil Union and pearl and as tral oil, case, 18c per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 10k; eocene and extra star, cases, 21c; headlight oil cases, 19k ;iron barrels, 12k; elaine, cases, 28c. Lead Strictly pure white lead, in ton lots, 7k; 500-lb. lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs., 8k; red lead and lith arge, lc higher than white. Linseed Oil Raw. 5-barrel lots. SOc; 1-barrel lots, 51c; in case, 57c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 52c; 1-barrel lots, 53c; in cases, 59c Gasoline Union and Red Crown, bbls., 13k; cases, 22k. Motor, bbls., 15k; cases, 221c 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 37k. Engine Distillate, bbls., 9c; cases, 16c. Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood barrels, 61k; in iron barrels, 591c; in 10-case lots, 62c. Too Complicated. Modern household Improvements are arpreclntcd by the Initiated,' but to the unenlightened they sometimes prove dlxoou rutins. Mrs. Gordon was show ing Inn, the uew maid, who had agreed to work for $4 -a week, the conven iences of ber up to date kitchen. "It's n very cany place." explained the lady, "because I have so many contrivances for making the work light. "Now, here's a new patent bread mixer. When you're ready to use It I'll show you how to put It together. And this Is a uplcudid mcut grimier. It saves hours of labor with the chop ping knife. Here Is a flue apple purer that takes the cores out too. And this hardwood slab Is a wonderful potato el leer. "Then," contluued Mrs. Gordon proudly, "I hove n patent dishwasher, a percolating coffeepot and on auto matic ash sifter." "Meesls," suid Ina tlrmly, "eef I Is to spend all mys time learning how to make dose fonny t'lngs go I must hov free dollar a moot' more. She vor too raoch vork." Youth's Companion. The Constitution. The first draft of the constitution contained an enumeration of the states by name qfter the word "people"-as "We, the people of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Virginia" but it . be came impossible to retain this form sfter the adoption of the seventh and lust article, which provided that the ratification by nltie states should be suflkieut to establish tho constitution as between them, and for the plain reason that It was impossible to de termine whether all the states would ratify or, If they failed, which they would be; or, If nine should ratl?y, how to designate them. No nlterca tfere was thus left but to omit the numeration and to Insert in Its place United States." New York American. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month, delivered ' by carrier. ,kfMM 60 YEARS' V V EXPERIENCE to, f D I'M 'w st4 Tnane MARKS AnTone ending n keloh and description m AnToneiHWIninfj n Kcicn mm nrarM.i.Hi i oulclilT moortnln our opinion free whet lmr uu neimon la prohnblr nnicntnlilo. Ccmmnnloiv. HANDBOOK on I'atcnw ant Ires. Oldest nitoncy for seciirmc patentn. Fnttmts taken turouuh Mmm A Co. ruoelv yrtnl nollce, wllti.iut clmrao, iu tlia Scictilific Jlartcaa. A nnndsomelr lllimtratod wenklr. I.nreent elr nilatlmi o( any icilenllUo Journa . 1 ernn, o (ear s four months, L SoV brail tiewadenlerj. ,iUNl,&Co.36,BrM,lw''NewYorli Vraooa Otto. SUTSU Waahlngton. D. C WHY SEND AWAY FOR Loose Leaf Devices We manufacture them right here in Astoria at Lowest Prices. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS LEDGER SHEETS TRANSFER BINDERS INDEXES DUPLICATE BILLING SYSTEMS MONTHLY ACCOUNT SHEETS ETC. r' We have all the latest improved machinery for turning out this class of work. Give us your next order. ' TheJ.S.DellingerCo. Blank Book Makers and Printers I Hill I), AxahJ r'- Y-i I IN ONE OR MANY COLORS tj LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR M THE PRODUCTION OF K HIGH GRADE WORK V I BATIS AS LOW AS USTUI ROIiSZS NEW storia Street Directory Jut issued; enables you to find lo cation of any stoeet number instant ly. Complete guide to the city and public places. PRICE 10c EACH. WHITMAN'S BOOK STORE A few dosss of this remedy will In variably cure sn ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended ;pon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and ia the, means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now. Price, 25o. LarobSizk, 60o. "NOTHING LIKE IT"... Allen's Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. When we do your painting or. decorating, you cannot help being satisfied, for there's nothing like it. Allen Wall Paper and Paint Co. f Cor. 11th and Bond Sts. PHOENIX PURE PAINT We guarantee Phoenix Pure Paint to be composed of Pioneer White Lead, Oxide of Zinc, Linseed Oil, Dryers and Coloring Pigments and to contain no, adul teration. We will repaint free of charge any structurejjup on which Phoenix Pure Paint has been used and not found as herein represented. The FoardJ& Stokes HardwarelCo.