The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 19, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1908.
' .
.Cffnerry Time.
n i 1 i
Unrtinii or I
Are ion
Is here and if you want the best the mar
ket affords, at the right price, leave your
order with us and you'll get satisfaction.
Ac m e Grocery Co.
her share of business yesterday, com
ing into port with 40 people and 45
tons of freight.
The steamship" Rose City came
down the river yesterday afternoon at
a little past 3 o'clock apd tied up at
' the O. R. & N. piers for the better
part of an hour She had"219 people
on board and was loaded to her water
line with general cargo for the Bay
City. She went to sea at 4 p. m.
The motor schooner Gerald C, is
about through with her overhauling
and will depart on a coasting voyage
early next week, with cannery sup
plies for ports betwen here and the
Umpqua river.
The Italian bark Emannuel Ac
came, grain laden for Greenwich, ar
rived down stream yesterday and is
lying off the Tongue, awaiting tow
age to sea.
The oil tank steamship Roma came
Straight Front Corsets Fat and
Heat .
The first Wo stretch wretched min
utes into hours of misery for the
modish fat woman these days. Hor
daily program is slow strangulation
from 3 p. m. to bedtime.
But this (to others) comical an
guish of the well-dressed fat woman
in hot weather may be avoided. Let
her rer'.uve ten or fifteen pounds and
she can wear her stylish garb with
comfort at 90 in the shade.
All she needs to do is ask her drug
gist for 1-2 ounce Marmola, 1-2 ounce
Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and
3 1-3 ouitces Sirup Simplex, take a
teaspoonful after meals and at bed
time, and in a little while she should
be losing from one-half to a pound of
fat a day. At that rate she can soon
get down into the comfort belt and do
it without exertion, disturbance of her
habits, or injury of any sort. For,
understand, this is a harmless home
mixture that doesn't cause wrinkles,
cost much, or require any assistance
from exercising or starvation methods
to help it get results.
As a
Result, Stock Market Shows
NEW YORK, July 18. The stock
market" has shown strength and vjtal
down the river yesterday morning un- ''y this week in sPite of occasional
der pilotage of Captain Crang, and I irregularity . due to profit-taking,
went immediately to .sea and tHe Highest prices of the year have been
California coast. 'reached for some stocks. Improved
Isentiment over the general specula-
The steamer. Thomas L. Wand was
an early arrival down stream yester
day going to sea and San Francisco
without delay here save a momentary
stop at the Callender pier.
The steamer Alliance will be down
fronj Portland at an early hour this
morning bound for Coos Bay points
and will go to sea at once.
The steamer F. S. Loop is due in
this port from San Francisco at an
early hour today, and will probably
load lumber outward from the Colum
bia mills at Knappton.
The steamer Spencer was doing
tive situation has been fostered by
the hopeful views expressed in pub
lished interview by many prominent
financiers. Confidence in the pros
perous outcome of the crops has con
tinued in spite of reports of some
damage to the spring ' wheat crop.
Plans have been agitated for advances
in freight rates by the railroads and
the outcome of this project is regard
ed as important in the financial world.
While call money continues easy,
time loans are higher and the turn in
the tide of the interior currency
movement seems at hand.
60 cents
per month, delivered by
Mrs, Mary Xiemie, mother, of th
little 3-year-old girl who was sent
the Boys' and Girls' Home at Port
land a week or two ago, appeared be
fore Judge Trcnchard yesterday and
begged that her child be returned to
her. The appearance of Mrs. Xiemi
on the scene and her evident interes
in the child form an entirely uncx
pected chapter in the case, following
the testimony that had been give
anent the matter in the original hear
Readers of The Astorian will re
member the case of little Lilli
N'iemie. Upon showing duly made
before Judge Trcnchard, it was ad
juJgcd that the little one be sent
to the home in Portland; the test!
mony was to the effect that the fath
er had deserted both wife and babv
daughter, and it was further alleged
that the mother was living on im
moral life in Aberdeen. The mothe
did not appear at the original hear
Yesterday Mrs. Xiemie made out a
strong and a somewhat impassioned
case for herself. She denied with
vehemence that she is living a life
of shame and averred that while in
Aberdeen she has been working hard
in a boarding-house. She cares a great
deal for her little daughter, she said,
and wanted her back. She no longer
cares for her husband, she said, be
cause he had basely deserted her and
their little one. Mrs. rsiemie also ex
plained that she had sent money here
for the support of her little girl, but
because she had to earn it first, that
there was delay in sending it, and it
was admitted by her that the money
did not arrive here until after the
little girl had been sent to the Home
Apparently both" from the attitude
and the testimony of the mother,
Judge Trcnchard apparently gained
the impression that she at least docs
care for her child and her defense of
her own character stands uncontra
dicted. Therefore he modified the
original order in the case, referring to
the alleged immorality of the mother,
and with the modification of the order
in her possession, Mrs. Xiemi last
night went to Portland with the pur
pose in view of securing possession of
her little girl.
Whether he does get possession of
the girl depends greatly upon the dis
cretion of , the authorities in the home;
if they are satisfied that the mother
both can and will support the child,
they probably will be glad to give her
up. Or, it is possible that the mother
may make arrangements to voluntar
ily leave her there, as there probably
could be no better place for her as
long as the "mother has no home of
her own.
Attorney A. X. Smith appeared for
Mrs. Xiemie yesterday. She had been
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Copyright 190 by Hart ScharTner 6f Marx
About the fit of your clothes? I:
DO YOU CARE whether !!
they wear well and hold their ! !
shape or whether they go out !!
of shape and pull apart in a ! !
short time? !:
your clothes to hold their orig- !!
inal color and always look!!
'dressy? ' !:
IN A WORD-Do you!:
want genuine Clothes Satis-!:
faction?" i:
Yesl Well then, buy a
suit. You'll never be troubled
with "Clothes Worry."
We have a very "Classy Assortment" of
Cluett and Monarch Soft Shirts "The
Standard of quality." $1; $1.60.
What's better than a "cool head?" You
can't have it in a hot hat.
Sailors ; S to
Low Shoes !
Fancy Sox
Nobby Clothier
employed in his family as a domestic
for a time. Mrs. Xiemie .is only 23
years old. She ha no relatives in
this part cf the country. She is of
oomcly appearance, and those inter
ested in the little girl were highly
pleased to see the mother come for
ward and defend her own character
and evince a desire to regain posses
sion of her child.
During the summer kidney irregu
larities are often caused by excessive!
drinking or oemg overneatea. Attend
to the kidneys at once by using
Foley's Kidney Coure. T. F. Laurin,
Owl Drug Store.
Subscribe to the Morning Astorian,
11 Sill
Yards of
Sale Commences July 20th, 1908
Ending August 1st, 1908
HfTT T T?TTC? Where Do They Come From p Mill Ends mean goods that fall short
IVllJulj HiiyU& What Do Mill Ends Mean- of full pieces identical in quality,
style and desien with the full pieces, still not to be classed with regular goods, because they are wanting in
length. A thread missing in napkins, a slight discoloration in some fabric, crooked or careless stitching in un- J
derwear, a coarse thread in hose. I hese are mill ends characteristics. JMone o these siignt naws matter to
I the customer, but they prevent the mill from selling the goods at a profit. - v.
Our buyers have succeeded in securing at a sacrifice 10 BIG CASES MILL REMNANT BAR-
t GAINS and we propose to ofTer unheard of buying chances at this sale.
-r-v -v Ttm inin m-r -r-r- ""T iti T" 4 t- i -w.v i -r-w -r-r-v T r- rtnnATI T'T TXTTHnTT
A. C. Kennedy, constructing engi
neer for thc Ilwaco Railroad Com
pany, accompanied by J. G. Eddy of
Portland, came over on thc Nabcot
ta yesterday evening, and separated
here, Mr. Kennedy going on to Sea
side and Mr. Eddy to his house.
W. II. Little, manager of the Loop
Lumbering Company, is in the city
to meet the steamer F. S. Loop, now
Mrs. 11. R. Hoeller and children
are domiciled in camp at Hammond,
for the summer, and enjoying their
outing immensely.
Mrs. Captain Mitchell, who is the
guest of Mrs. Vcrna Davidson, is
awaiting the arrival of her husband,
Captain Mitchell of the ship Irene,
which is expected in port every day.
Mrs. 'T. E. Stanficld is visiting her
mother, Mrs. E. P. Parker, for a few
days and is accompanied by lier
daughter Miss Rose.
Mrs. Joseph Bcnoit who thas been
seriously indisposed at her Commer
cial street home for the past ten days
is recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Watson, of
Seaside, who have been at Vancouver,
Washington, for the past week in
attendance upon thc Press conven
tion, were iii the city yesterday, en
route to their home.
Dr. Thomas Ross, accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Sarah Ross, are
guests at the Logan Cottage at Sea
Miss' Edna Pearl Luckey is 'upend
ing the summer at Seaside with her
mother, and her sister, Mrs. Will
Whelan. ,
Secretary John, II. Whyte, of the
Chamber of Commerce, was a hom
ing passenger on the 5:10 Beach Ex
press last evening.
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Henderson left
for thc south coast last evening on
the Beach special for an over Sunday
outing at Seaside.
Councilman Jens Hansen, Captain
C. H. bercrombie and Manager C.
W. Lamar, went to Seaside -last even
ing., The Misses May Magee and
Georgie Ekstrom were passengers for
Seaside on the 5:10 train last evening.
Mrs.fE. P. Parker has just returned
from a pleasure and business trip to
Dr. W. C. IIawley,,the government
exeprt, who has been in Everett, re
turned to Astoria yesterday. In Ever
ett he attended a convention which
considered the best plan for reclaim
ing logged-off lands.
G. W. Gilbaugh, accompanied , by
his wife, two ons, and daughters, are
in the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Gilbaugh. Thc visitors arc from
' Mr. and Mrs. A. Jaloff and baby left
last evening on the 6:10 o'clock train
for San Francisco to spend the ryixt
ten days or two week.
W. C expects to go to Se
attle the early part of the week on a
business trip.
just returned from a two weeks' trip
jus treturncd from a two weeks' trip
at St. Martin's Hot Springs on the
Upper Columbia.
Carl Kntitson, accompanied by Mrs.
Kntitson, left on the Spencer yester
day afternoon for Portland, from
whence they will go into the Nehalem
Valley to spend a week or two with
relatives. Afr. Knutson intends to'
look over thc valley while there.
H. Emory was among the arrivals
in the city yesterday from San Fran
cisco. :
Ed. JefTrcss, a resident of Seattle is
in thc city.
M. F. McKiffin arrived down from
Portland yesterday and is stopping at
the Occident Hotel. .
Clara E. Dimond is a visitor in As
toria from Portland.
James Nilson of Portland is in the
city registered at. the Hotel Occi
dent. "',..
James Wayland and wife are in the
city from Roseburg, Ore.
J. E. Nelson arrived clown from
Portland on the evening 'train last
night. ,
George S. Bcatty was an arrival in .
Astoria last evening from SanFran
cisco. ;
VICTORIA, B. C, July l&MYith
a blade broken from her propeller as
a result of striking a whale in Mid-
Pacific -the steamer Lennox of the
Canadian Pacific ..Railway reached
Victoria from the Orient; with 3500.,
tons of general cargo, including silk .
valued at half a .million dollars, tea
rice, curios and general merchandise. '