TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1008. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. I 7 1 3 My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses euable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Street TRANSPORTATION. ' Tl HU lln PA8SENOERS FREIQH1 Steamer - Lurline Night Boat for Portland and Way Landings. Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leavea Portland DaDy eteept SsmOa at 7 a. ra. Quirk Service Excellent Meal Good Bertha Landing Aetorla Flavel Whart Landing Portland Foot Taylor It J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 2761. DAIRIES. TheVermont Dairy All milk aerated before bottling. Specialty made of one cow's milk for Infants. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 14 Farmers line. W. J. INQALLS. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Aator Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week, or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. OT OR COLD Golden West Tea Just Right WaHs CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. MEN AND WOMEN, Il.niBforDnntnrl J.iA,l dli'hrn,lnflninitlni ..i I lrrittlun, or ulceration ur. of inn com iiwmlirni. .mUilm. P.IiiImi. .ml not MtrlD' THlFviNKr.HFMIQll CO. flout or pol.onom. Wold by urunuia. 1 or lanl In slain wraODef, li xtir. prepaid, for ii mi. lira ikii ilea a.ii. Clroulur luut on rwiuut NOTICE. BIDS ARE HEREBY ASKED FOR building a bridge across the mouth of the Necanicum, at Seaside, Oregon. Said bridge to be built according to plans and specifications prepared by W. A. Grondahl, now on file in the Countv Clerk's Office. Bids to be fded with the County Clerk on or be fore July 15, 1908. . The Court reserv ing the right to reject any or all bids, By order of the County Court, J. C. CLINTON, Clerk. . LSiSk'2 n 1 A I win ; . i n in yv-js jv 'Mi m In hnZ.1 SMSSSlttrt. iCty creamery is active and il. 1- II.. . . their live to duty. ' In order to keen the home neat and pretty, tho children well dressed - and tidy, women overdo. A female ! 0JJru?L".,Lten brought on and they suffer in silenoe, drifting along from bad to worse, Knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the palno and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to them faithful women that LYDIAE.PINKHAr.TS VEGETABLE COMPOUND nsirmiu tiu a 1 kutn ami u tJikCtuiniv aa It did to Mrs. F. KIU worth, of I Mayvillc, N. and U) Mm. W. P. Flour-Patents, $4.85; straights, Boyd, of leaver FallH, l'a., who ay:; $4.05 4.55; exports, $3.70; Valley "I was not able to do my own work, ) $4 45; 1-4 sack graham, $4.40; whole owing to the female trouble from which j wheat, $4.65; rye, $5.50. I suffered, bydia K. 1'inkhatn'a Vr-gc-1 Millstuffs Bran, $26.00; middlings, Lod YinTS'ffi country $28 50; shorts, daye work as I ever did. I wish every .city, $27.50; chop, $27.50. sick woman wcAild try it FSfTe tab eiMf uinuru iv- .v.i-4.. t...ii v rxu iui uiiiijf train jiiiu c. i uin- ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herlH, lian tecn trie standard remedy for female ill, and ban jKwit i vely cured thounandaoi wnmin ulifi Imvi- bin trnnhlorl witli displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumort, irregularitieH, periodic Minn, backiwlie, tliat k'ar-nsc: Ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges-1 tion,diz.inesH,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try It V . i . . , . ,. , , Sirs. lMnkhnm Invites all sick women to wrlt her for advice. She has jrukled thousands to J health. Address, Lynn, Mass. j RETURNING PROSPERITY Conditions throughout the country i ' point to an early return of prosperity. Riifilf l:i rin u. mill r.iilmiiit rnriiinL-x 1 arc below those of a year ago, but the gap is ateadily narrowing. There are fewer idle cars than there were at the beginning of June. The July inter est and dividend payments this year ' in New York, the country's financial center, will be $177,000,000, as com paved with in July, 1907. Thus the falling off is far less than 51502.00; cauliflower, $2.50, crate; had been expected. Abvut $46,000,- ! Jieaii ettucei 2025c; cucumbers, $1.25 000 of gold has been exported since !g150; cecryi gs cents; artichokes, the present outward movement be- j60c doi; asparagras, 65ctbl.25; beans, gan in the middle of April, but as we gc; eggplant, 20c pound; tomatoes, gained over $100,000,000 of gold in j $1,251.75 crate; cantaloupe, $2(g2.25 November and December last, and as per crate. we can set as much as we need from! Onions Bermudas, 2k lb; Califor- the outside world at any time we mayjnia red, $1.401.50; garlic, 12l5c, need it, this movement does not dis turb anybody. The rates for money are about the same as they are in midsummer or normal years. "Re-employment days" arc becom ing general. St. Louise had one on June 1st, when 15,000 idle persons Were put to work. On a far larger scale the Pittsburg district will have one on July sixth, when every plant of the United States Steel Corpora tion, the largest concern in the world in its field, will resume operations. The other shops of that corporation, all over the country will, it is expect ed, all be running by August first. All the independent steel concerns in the Pittsburg district, it is announced, will be at work with a full force by Uhe first week in August. The Department of Agriculture in Washington says the crop outlook is better, on the whole, than it ever was before at this time of the year. It estimates that the value of the country's farm products of 1908 will reach the $8,0(K1,000,000' mark. This will leave all records far behind. It will be more than double the value of the farm yield of 1900, which was $3,764,000,000. Big crops have al ways hertofore meant good times for the country, and they will mean the same this year, James W. - Van Cleave, President National Associa tion of Manufacturers, m American Industries for July, During the summer kidney irregu larities are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney 'Coure. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. Subscribe to the Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. . The Daily Market Report PORTLAND, July 13.' The out- Raisins-Loose muscatels, 3-crown, look wet of the Cascade in this" 6 "u; 4ecr?w"' 7i8c; bleached, , , . , , 1( seedless Sultanas, 9icel2c; un- late i for an immense crop of both blcachcd MedleM Sultanas, 61 cents; potatoes and onions this year, and for London layers, 3-crown, whole boxei potatoes at least the chance 'are that of 20 rounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.75. , , . ! mi .i. .1 .,. Nuts Walnuts, lS7c pound; fa r price will prevail when the time . . A . ' filberts, 16;; Brazili, 16c; pecans, 14 fur marketing the roduct comes. In 20c; hickory, 10c; Virginia peanuts, the eastern part of the state the spud $Jc; peanuts, 68c; chestnuts, Ital crop has suffered severely on account ian 10c, Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen, of the dry weather of the last few90c$l; pine nuts, 10512c pound, weeks, and the indication are for a; Dried fruits-Applies, 81c per tb; lighter output there than usual. It is peaches, 10gl2c; pears, lli14c; yet too early to make any predictions IH"n Ps nM California figs, as to the onion market this fall nd 7c P" black, ,h, , , , , , 6fa7c; bricks, 75c2.25 per box w,ter,; rhe demand for fancy but-, mm, prJd. ut continues inning, ai me iun. u.ai have prevailed lor some tune, anu m- j Mead of a surplus, a scarcity of the gnrc in icjiunvii 111 rums ui- dealers in country creamery say it is 'difficult at tunes to 111 orders for the lct brands. The fact that a good deal of cream is frozen during the hot weather in a large way accounts for the situation. Flour. Grain and Feed. VVheat Track prices: Club, 85c red Russian, 83c; bluesteam, 87c; Val ley 85c. Barley-Feed, $24.50; rolled, $25.50 26.50; brewing, $26. Oats-No. 1 white, $26.50; gray, $26.00. May nmomy: wniameue vncy, fancy, $15.00; do, ordinary, (Eastern Oregon, $17.50, mixed, $15; alfalfa. $12 Butter, Eggs and Poultry, Butter Extras,' 25c; fancy. 24c; choice, 20c; store, 16c. Cheese-Full cream twins, 14c; full cream triplets, 14c; oung America, 15c; cream brick. 20c; Swiss block, Limburger, 20c. Poultry Mixed chickens. 12c; ! t nc v iK ns -jc . L ..... . , ' S'vi.-' 'fali'c: broilers, le, , , !,c ,cr pound htKhcr, roosters, old, 9 dressed poultry, j ducks, 1214c; geese, old, 89c; turkeys, alive, ic; do, dressed, 1920c, K ggs-Candled, 22124c. Pnitm nit Vegetables. Potatoes-Select old Oregons, 65c j tfiTllc per 104); new Oregon, $1.35 ri;t.X ei n imiwnue, iron oarreis, iujc; eocene anu $1 Ml new California, $1.50 per 100. i-icii j m.is w.Mttv, v. , . ioc08' a1 OS ... . ...ui pqenKarriia 1 fl(Vn) ' Srt rtrt I , v M. p" V. ; ' ?Z " . apncois, i.iniuii.ij per tiic, berries, 5c tb; peaches, 5085c crate; . I...... Cn:. 7C. ..itrm1nn 7c "U,H"; T . ' I ' pound; loganberries, 75c(g$1.00 crate. i ir.-...ki..T..;n. ei ?5 arVr ! . . "J' . r'e.Vcabba.e vvw, T...-, r-.-.- r-, t---. - . Apples-Select, $3.00 box; fancy, $2.(H); choice, $2.00; California new, $1.25. Meats and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy, 71c; ordinary, 61c, large 6c; veal, extra 8c, ordinary 67c, heavy 5c; mutton, fncy, 8(&9c Lard Kettle leaf 10s, 133c; do 5s, 13;c; do 50-lb. tins, 13k; steam ren dered 10s, 121c; do 5s, 123c; com pound 10s, 91c IIams-10-12 lbs., 16k; 14-16 lbs., 16c; 18-20 lbs., 16c. Bacon Breakfast, 1623c; pic nics, Ik; cottage roll, 12c; regular short clears, smoked, 12k; do un smoked, Use; Un. B, 1013c lb.; smoked, 1013c; unsmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 131c; smok ed, 141c; shoulders, 12c. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. D. G., $6.25; beet, $6.05; Golden C, $3.65: extra C, 5.75; powdered, $6.35; fruit or berry sugar, $625; boxes, 55c. Sugar (sack oasis) D. G. $6.25; cwt. advance over sack basis less lc if paid for i;i 15 days). Coffec-Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy, 2528c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 16 18c; Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt.; Lion, $15.75 cwt.; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Salvador. lli141c. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.35; Southern Japan, $5.756.00; broken, 4k; head, fancy, $77.75. Salt Bales, of 75-2s, bale, $2.i5; bales of 60-3s, bale, $2.25; bales of 40-49. bale, $2.25; bales of 15-I0s, bale, $2.25; bags, 50s, ine, ton, $15; bags, 50c; genuine Liverpool ton, $17; bags, 50s, 1-ground, $13.50; 100s, ton, $13; R. S. V., 20 5-tb cartons, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 3-tb cartons, $175; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. Persian, 67c pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1907 crop, 5!$ 6Jc pound. Wool alley, 14f14k tb; coarse, 1213c; Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, I8jc pound. Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark) 314ac per pound. Oregon GraperVot Per 100 pounds $35. ' Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 13c lb; dry kip, No. 1, 12c lb; dry salted, one third less; dry calf, 14c tb; salted steers, 56c tb; salted cows, 5- tb; stags and bulls, 3c pound; kip, tb; calf, 910c tb; green stock, lc less; I sheepskins; shearlings, 1025c; short jwool, 3040c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 5090c; dry horses, 50(g$l; dry colt, 25c; an gora, 80c(S$l; goat, common, 10 20c Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; .Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25. Fish Halibut, 56c lb.; black cqd, 8c; black bass, 20c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp, 10c; perch, 7c; sturgeon, 12c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal mon, fresh, 8(?i;9c; smelt, 7c; shad, 314c. Canned Salmon Columbia River, 1 pound tails, $2.10; 2-lb. tails, $3.00; fancy, 1-lb. flats, $2.25; Mb. flats, $1.40; fancy, 1-lb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska tall, ninlr Q5r: rcH $1.40: nominal. s2, tails. $2.10. Clams-Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Oils, Lead, Etc, Benzine V. M. and P. and Union i Naphtha, cases, 191c; iron barre's, lZiC . Coal Oil-Union and pearl and as- , cases, oc per gauon, wcr ,0. Karn. ii. 12ie: e a n. Lead Strictly pure white lead, in! ton lots, 7ic; 500-lb. lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs., 8lc; red lead and lith arge, lc higher than white. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots, 50c; 1-barrcl lots, 51c; in case, 57c; boiled. 5-barrel lots. 52c: 1-barrel lots, 53c; in cases, 59c. bbls., 151c; cases, 221c." Motor, bbls., 151c; cases, 221c. 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 371c. Engine Distillate, bbls., 9c; cases, 16c. Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood barrels, 611c; in iron barrels, 591c; in 10-case lots, 62c. IT'S ALWAYS BAD. The Best of Backs Are Bad When They Ache, and Astoria People Know It A bad back is always bad. Bad at night when bedtime comes, Just as bad in the morning. Ever try Doan's Kidney Pills for it? Know they cure backache cure every kidney ill? William McLarty, living at 16th and Washington streets, Oregon City, Ore., says: "I had persistent back ache and pain through the loins that seemed to never let up. At night I could not find a comfortable position or get any restful sleep on account of the continual aching and as a result, I lost energy. I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills curing others of similar troubles and I procured a box. By the time I had used half of one box, there was so much improvement that it seemed almost unnecessary to take any more, but I. finished the box to make sure of a permanent cure." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Constipation, or Irregularity, la very often the cause of sick -headache. Lane's Family Medicine is the great preventive and cure of headache. Druggists sell it for 25 cent. Women with good complexions are never homely. Good blood makes god complexions. Lane's Family Medicine makes good blood. All druggists aell 'ii for 25 cents. FAT FOLKS ONE DOLLAR invested in a bottle of these wonderful, harmless fat reducing tablets and -in 30 days you will be a normal, well-formed person again. Don't carry around your ugly bulk, your ungainly superflous flesh. It makes yott miserable, ridiculous and what is mor important, it subjects you to fatal consequences. Sudden death from fatty Degeneration, Heart Disease, Kid-' oey Tiouble, Apoplexy and Musular Rheumatism all come from OVER FATNESS. 'mam & E LM O V E S l was FAT Thousands of Testimonials From Grate iul Persons Prove This YOUR MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS , It A NTI-CORPU" is absolutely the greatest discovery in medicine for reducing FAT. It is made in the form of t little tablet out i VEGETABLE matter and is easy and pleasant to take. It is endorse!. hy every reputable Physician and College of Medicine. Ask your doctor.; U A ANTI-CORPU" is absolutely harmless. The formula used in makinf this preparation is on file ia the Bureau of Chemistry in Washing Ion, which is proof that it is PURE and HARMLESS. M A 4TI-CORPU" reducea FAT from 3 to 5 pounds a week. It reduces Double chin, Fat hips and flabby cheeks. No wrinkles result from this reduction, for it makes the skin :Iose fitting and smooth. U A 'JTI-CORPU' strengthens WEAK HEART, cures PALPITATION, "SHORT BREATH and acts like magic in MUSCULAR RHEU MATISM and GOUT. ' f rL" 5 1 VU claim. If your druggist does not keep it, show him this advertisement and make him get it for you, or you can aend for it' DIRECT to us. We pay postage and send in plain wrapper. PDCC 30 DAYS' TREATMENT IN EVERY BOTTLE. TKLL We will send you a sample of this wonderful fat reducing' remedy on receipt of 10 cents to pay for postage and pack-' ing. The satt.le itself may be sufficient to reduce the desired weight Mention this j iper. Desk 22, ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO, 31 West : 125th Street, New York, N. Y. Sherman Transier Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tracks and Fornitwe; Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street ' - - Main Phone 121 STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 . . . . 426 BondJStreet SCOW BAY BRASS & IRON ASTORIA, OREGON W AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND KARINL ENGINEERS Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery. Prompt attention given I ill repah ar ftr. 18th and Franklin Ave. TeJ kfaia24ftl John Fox, Pres. F. L. Bishop, Sec. Astoria Savings Bank, Treaa. Nelson Troyer, Vice-Pres. and Supt ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED . . . Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilcis COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. Correspondence Solicited. - Foot of Fourth Street THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors andDCigars S 602 Commercial Street A, I Corner Commercial and 14th. Astoria & Columbia HiyerR. R. Co. OPERATES FIRST-CLASS DINING CAR SERVICE ON THEIR TRAINS, NO. 24, LEAVING PORTLAND AT 5:30 P. M. AND NO. 23, LEAVING SEASIDE AT 4:50 P. M. . , ASTORIA, OREGON f G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent