That OIL and natural GAS have been discovered in paying quantities across the Columbia River from Astoria at Onieda, auuu ui me i acme stock on the market ' Washington, f has been important enough to a number of well-known reliable partiesjto cause the organize Coast Gas & Oil Co., with a capital stock of $300,000. This company has just placed a number of shareslof s What the Company li . The Pacific Coast Ca & Oil Co. it composed, of reliable business men of " Oregon and Washington whose only purpose U to develop the property to r the best of its ability and produce a paying mine of oil and gas that all who have purchased stock may share In 'its profits. The officers serve with ' out alary and include among1 them some of the most reputable citizens of the State. To make the company strong on account of its brilliant fu ture it. has secured leases on over 6000 acres of land. It has obtained the highest expert authority on the geological formation of the land, ' employed the strougest expert work men to operate the drilling apparatus and given such other evidence of good faith to warrant any man making an investment with them. Alex Sweek, president, Portland. Clayton S. Barber, sec. and treas. R. A. Wade, vice-president. Directors John Nelson, Oneida, Wash.; Geo. L Hutchins, Portland; Wm. Anderson, Deep Kiver, Wash. The plant is now; in constant Opera tion. The drilling is being done under the supervision of two expert oil well operators. You can sde them at work any day of the week at Oneida right opposite IAs-toria. The picture opposite is a view of thejderrick in actual operation. th.- f ' y r S f I . ,1,- If you have any doubt as to the sta bility of the com pany, or in the manner in which it;is operating, be fore you make any investment visit the property any .day and satisfy yourself. Oil and jgas will be found in paying qual ities. After the j"&rike" it will be jtoo late to buy ! stock. Do it NOW. StocK for Sale Fo;(Development Pa oiti The per value of the stock is $100 per share, but is now offered at one half ($30) and it is worth it The company has already sold a limited amount of stock, equipped the prop erty with the best working machinery in the world and it has plans for a great future. The money secured , from the safe of stock will be to push the work. Every dolar will be used tb prepare for the Best interest of the company. As the drill goes down the stock will surely rise. The price it is now offered at will only be a short time. A good rule is to let oppor tunity in when it knocks at the door. For an investment there is nothing more tangible, brighter or more surer dvidend paying than this stock, par ticularly at $50 per share. Don't wait until it goes to par, but buy now. , It is really a chance that comes seldom. Further particulars at the addresses given below. ft li f lb JSlfp!WSBjfc mm- .gm HI 1$ il li in, ui i sin ik i mm -Em PORTLAND, July 9.-"Store but ter" is 'making its appearance In the city and is quoted at 16 cents a tioiinit There is no demand whatever for it in Portland and it has to be shipped to San Francisco, where it is made into "process butter" for that market. The boxes arriving from up country come from regions remote from creameries nnd is first sold to the country stores, where it remains for i.r;,! ,!., ff awaitinsr ihlnment hr, c it j - m w " ' vt .hhwh vi ah is melted and is with difficulty kept in the boxes in which it is packed by the country storekeeper. Several of the boxes opined this morning, dis closed a conglomeration of rolls and prints, done up in cloth such as was In use before the creameries were started in different parts of the Northwest. per 100. ' Fresh FfUhs-Oranjes, $3.254.00; lemons, $3.5034.75; atrawberrier, 75 cents un nr rrat- u.rri 75c1.50 crate; aprlcate, $1(1.25 crate; cooseberrie. ! lh n3h S08Sc crate; plums, S07Sc crate; watermelons, tc tb. I Cntt P., I... r.S 7t -ttr Liltl. hi.. . . ! "" '. --ii; ' rmK, ,yjC rea, ji.w; nominal, bales of 60-3. bale, $2.15; bales of 2s, tails, $3.10. Svhle, .?21S:. balcs of 1S-10s-' Clams Litter neck, per box, $2.50; bale, $2.J5; bags, 50s,, ton, $15.00; razor clams, $2 pef box. baas, JOc: sreniune Livemniit , 1 . . . ' $17 b, 5.3,. 1-itround. $11 50: im Z fctt ton, $11.00'; R. S. V. P., 20 5-Ib. car-j Ben'n-V. M. and P. and Union ton9, $2.25: R. S. V. P.. 3-lb. cartnn.' . Naphtha, cases. loir- irM t, xivcrpvoi, lump, per ton. $3J. l.ic STREET FAKIRS. 'met her, go to some first-class med- " Jium again, because I see that wonder- "No sign: ring bell marked Eustis," ful things are in store for you." said the advertisements of Professor Professor Francis eave a concul- Flour, Grain and Feed. .Wheat-Track prices: . Club, 85c red Russian, 83c; bluesteam, 87c; Val ley 85c. Barley-Feed, $24.5Q;' rolled, $25.50 2tf.50s brewing, $26." Oats-No. 1 white, $26.50; gray, $26.00.. Flour-Patents, $4.85; straights, $4.05 4.55; exports,; $3.70; Valley $4.45; 1-4 sack graham, $4.40; whole wheat, $4.65; rye, $5.50. i . juion, ipM.w; niiciaungs, $30,00; shorts, gauntry, $28.50; shorts, city, $27.50; chop, $27.50. Hay Timothy: Willamette Valley, Jt Ail rr . . I iancy, u.uu; ao, oratnary, ?12; Butter-Extras.; 25c: fancv. 24c: choice, 20c; store 16ci , ' : Cheesa-Full creamjwins, 13c; full cream triplets, 13k; Young America, 14ic; 'cream brick, 20c; Swiss block, 18c; Limburger, 20c. , Poultry-Mixed chickens, lllllc; fancy hens, 12c; rosters, old, 9c; Springs, 1713c; dressed poultry, lc per pound higher; ducks, 1214c; geese, old, 89c; turkeys, alive, 17ic; do, -dressed, 1920c. , . . I Ekks Candled. 19foi20c: immn. tiled, 19c. -.,.( .-. ' ' Fruits and Vegetables.; ' Potatoes Select old Oreaons. 65c 70c per 100; new California, $1.50 Vegetables Turning. tl . beets, $1.7S; parsnips, $r.25; cabbage,' $1.50(22.00: cauliflower. $2.50. i ert- head lettuce, 20fi?25c: cucumbers. $1.25 1.50; celcrj', 85 cents; artichokes, 60c dor.; asparagras, 65clbl.25; beans, 8c; eggplant, 20c pound; tomatoes, $1.25&1.75 crate; cantaloupe, $1.75 per crate." ' -' Onions Bermudas, 2k tb; Califor nia red, $1.40(31.50; garlic, 1215c Apples-Select, $3.00 box; fancy, .W cnoicc. .UU: La lforn a nor 1.5U. r . . v Meat and Provisions. Dressed Meats-Hogs, fancy, 7k; ordinary, 6Jc, large 6c: . veal, extra 8c. ordinary 6rti)7c. hi.avw mutton, fncy, 89c . Lard-Kettle leaf 10s,'13ic; do 5s, 138C; do 50-lb. tins. 12Jc: steam ren dered 10s, 1 lie; do 5s, 1 He; com pound 10s, 9Jc. , Hams-10-12 lbs,, 16k; 14-16 lbs., t6c; 18-20 lbs. 16c. . V" ' " ; s Bacon Breakfast, 1623c; pic nics, lie; cottage roll, 12c; regular) snort clears, smoked, 12k; do un smoked, Ilk; Un. B., 1013c lb.; smoked, r 1013c; unsmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 13ic; smok ed, 14k; shoulders, 12c. Raisins Loose mu!i(il. .Vrrnvn I Coal Oil Union and nart mi 77k; 4-crowri, Ifatci bleached ; tral oil, cases, 18c" per gallon: water seedless Su tana. 9rrt7 2-! ... . . . . ",u,on waier bleached seedl, ftul. ti.rna ,ron Darrels' i0J nd London lavers. 3-crowh wi'rtf slat ca, 2lc; headlight oil. of 20 lounds, $2.00; 2-crown, $1.71 icaj"' 91cr ;lron barrels, 12k; elaine, JJms-Walnuts, 16lgl8c pound; 'cases, 2Sc. filberts,-16. : Brazils. 16c: ner.m. fi .. t.L. .' . . . 20c; hickoryOc; Virgil peanut, t0 ; 8c le'sT ieS 62c; peanuts, 6T8c: chestnuts. Tf a f.- te' . 7 VMS' ian 10c. Ohfo 23c: coenanuts. J P rea.eaa and ,ltn 90c$l: nine' ten. 10.1- T'' m?ner tnan ; Dried Frults-Xnl Oi.- 7 ...VMV, oarrei lots, oeaches. 1(11?,-: I' iiJl " : "i'"" ' 57c; sy - Italian prunes. IV' I'tiJM'Z. I ww, e; in case, 57c; Sif-J Jl lot, 52c; 1-barre, White, in sacks. 7k bW nnrinrfr MarV I ' wc; ,n casw .-' 67c; bricks. ?5c(S25 ' pef1 box; amyrna; 1617ic per pounds dates; JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. ? Sugar, Coffee, Etc. XX, $6.15; -beet, $6.15; Golden C, $5.65; extra C, $5.15; powdered, $6.60; fruit or berry su-ar, $6.25; boxes, 55c Sugar (sack oasis) D. G., $6,25; cwt, advtnce over sack basis less ic if paid for la 15 days). Coffee Mocha, ' 2428c; Java, fancy, 2528c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 17(o)20c: Costa Rica. I fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 16 1 018c; Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt.; - Lion, $15.75 cwt.; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; : Salvador. Ui14k. : ' Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.50; Southern Japan. $5.25; broken, 5c; head, fancy, $6.507. ;'.... 1 it Persian, 6i7c potmd Hops, Wool, Hides, EtfcV Hops-1907 crop, $ 6k pWntf -Wool-Valley, 14$i)15k tJbfl'nd': Eastern Oregon, 816c, as to shrink age. , ; .; ' ; Mohnir Choice. 18k nound. Cascara Saurada (chittitm barkl i olCa44c per pound. , Oregon Graperoot Per 100 nounrls 1 A XN Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 13c tb: dry kip, No. 1, 12c tb; dry salted, one third less; dry calf, 14c tb; salted steers, 56c tb; sahed cows, 5' lb; stags and bulls, 3c pound; kip, 5tt lb; calf, 9l0e tb; ereen stock, lc less: sheepskins; shearlings, 1025c: short wool, 'JU(4Uc; medium . and long wool, according to aua itv. 50(5?90c: dry hordes, 50$1; dry colt, 23c; an- goat.: common,:' 10g gora; 80c$l; ?0c Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoalwater Bav. oer oral- Ion, $2.25; per sack. $4.50: Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.),; $6; Olymmas, per callon. $2.25 Fish Halibut. S(a6t lb.: black eaA. 8c; black bass. 10c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 5k; flounders, 6c: 'catfish. 11c; shrimp, 10c: perch, 7c: sturgeon. 12c; sea trout, 15c: torn cod. 10c: sal- monK freshV 89c; smelt, 7c. ' Canned Salmon Columbia River, 1 pound tails, $2.10; 2-lb., talis, $3.00; tancy. l-lb. flats. ?2.25; Mb. flats. Gasoline Union and Red Crown. bbls., 15k; caser, 22k. Motor, bbls., i3c; cases, 22ic. 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 37k. 'Engine Distillate, bbls., 9c; cases, 16c; . Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood barrels,. 61k; in iron barrels, 59k; in 10-case lots, 62c. : . r OW Thlrtv-Five Year ' In 1872 th' . i., - a"-M v uuinnoea, oysentary and cholera ?n liimuni: it- wat1 if fht- m ctiamoerlam's' Colic, : Cholera and ijiarrnoea-Ketnedy was-first brouaht inw ii, proven more successful than anv Other rtnerti rtf tv-4fm and has for thirty-five years main tained that record. .From a small be ginning, its sale'.and use has' extended to every part of the United States and to many ' foreign" countries. Nine druggists out of ten" will recommend it when their oninion' al- . though they have other medicines that pay them a greater" profit. .It Can alwavs be tlenenrtcfl nnnn' rn in the most fevere and dangerous cases. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. - Pratirio e :t.i j . I I rang, I caueht the door handle in lime to beat the clicker, I walked up two flights. Professor Francis was waitlftg for me at the head of the stairs. ti was a plump man. with a dark face and the far-looking eyes which mark his eraft. He showed me into a room which" was furnished. I swear it, from trading-Stamps.' The new gilt-and-gand chair creaked and sagged with my weight as I sat down. "Business or love reading?" he ask ed. ;:- ' ' "Both," said I. "Two dollars." I paid. Professor Francis sat opposite me: appeared ill at ease. "Did you .come from the papers?" he asked presently. . "Did I come for what papers?" said L and plumed myself on ray presence of mind. "Oh, nothing, I tajk foolishness when I'm going anto trance," said Professor - Francis. Then he r fixed his far, sad eye on a porcelain plaque (fifty green stamps) above W head, and proceeded: sive jerk, and woke to mundane things. "That's all!" he said, rising. And he held aside for my passage the bead portieres (two hundred and fifty green stamps. Exchange. DOES A VACATION PAY? "Voil havf a natnr HpliVat as a at thi- time' that" flower, but stern and unyielding in its great moments, as steel. You attract all about you by your sterling quali ties' ot muid and heart. Take care test' ydur popularity be your ruin! I see the word "April and the figure '8'' abov your head That means things' are going to change for you about'' tliat time, , It looks black all about'' you for your business now, but ;i-..:i'l i:f- a :i o v tt him ugm iu iiii uu njiii o. , 1 uu will travel about that time. Let me tell ybuV-yOitng man, that you'll never serve yourself by staying in a shut-in position." Such talents as yours need to meet people. . , The one .you re now attracted to in love will prove false. You are not really in love with her, You think you I get the date 1911, and it comes Twenty-Five Cents is the Price "of Peace.1 . The terrible itehin tr anH tmnrtmtr incident to certain sLin rllcAanc ic almost instantly allayed by applying 'are'. cents. For sate bv Frank Hart anH to me mat tnen you u meet some- title 111 Mlv OUULIi x K1H Uai IW WUIlIilll with a slender figure. When you find leading druggists. $1.40; fancy, l-lb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska carrier Subscribe to the Morning Astorian. her, cleave'to hershe is your affinity 60 cents per m6tith. delivered hv Yet vou'll be married twice: the other : . e - !. i. V . . . :" - il rt . , is far in the future? When you have What a difference there is in what two people bring home from a vaca tion! One comes back tired, disgusted bored. He has spent his money and doesn't feel that he has much of any thing in return. Another comes back all radiant with the riches which he has drunk in and absorbed during every moment of his vacation. He comes back rejuvenated, refreshed, inspired, a new creature, with a new grip upon life. The cobwebs, the brain ashes have been swept away from his jaded brain. He has been made over anew. Life means more than ever before. His dimmed ideals have been brightened and sharpened his ambition renewed. Ask him if a vacation pays, and he will ask you. in ,turn, if it pays the grub to throw off us ugiy snape ana .Diossom out into a butterfly; if it pays a rosebud to open up its petals and fling out its fragrance and beauty to the world. When you go into the , country, make up your mind that you are go ing into God's great gallery of charm atid" beauty- to enjoy yourself and to see what you can get out of it. Re-.; solve that you will come home laden witli riches that no monev can buv: that you are going to extract from the landscape from the mountains, the valleys, the fields and meadows ' a wealth which does not inhere in the dollar. ' . ' ' Learn to drink in beauty and health at every pore. Try to realize that the flowers, the grass, the trees, the brooks, the hills the charm and beauty everywhere are God's smiles; that they are for him only who can appreciate them, who can respond to them, who can appropriate their mes sage. They cannot be bought; they belong only to him who can enjoy them. Success Magazine.