The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 10, 1908, Image 1

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    33rd!YEAR. NO. 157
Between the United States
and Venezuela
.! ; ' ; . . ' ' !
" 1 '. ' " - ' t;
Senor Veloz Gictcca of Venezu
ela Quits His Post by Govern
ment Order
Arrangemente Hava Been Made For
the Transaction of Any Diplomatic
Business Which Veneauela "Finds
Absolutely Necessary.
WASHINGTON, July 9. -Diplomatic
"relation! between America
and Venezuela which have endured
for half a century, though of lattcri
yeari everely attained, today wai
completely severed. .
Senor. Vcloi Cietcca, of Venezuela,
called at the state department, and
presented to the assistant lecretary
f itate, Bacon, a notice frW his
government, that he is to quit ht'i
post here. The charge explained to
Bacon that the action of the atate
department In ' withdrawing Jacob
Sleeper, the American charge from
Caracal made it necessary for his
government to do the same. Just
what took place between Bacon and
Vleoz Cietcca cannot be learned be
yond the fact that the latter present
ed hi letters of recall. : Veloz com
municated the fact to Bacon that the
. files and papers of the Venezuelan
legation would be placed in the cus
tody of the Venezuelan consul-general
B w Yorfe This is taken to mean
that Venezuela 'will follow the pre
cedent , established by the United
States in refraining from following it
by the closing consulates, not with
standing there will be a breach in
rfiolomatic 'i relations. I Arrangements
have been made for the transaction of
any diplomatic business which Vene
zuela find it absolutely necessary to
transact through aome unforesen con
tingency. Senator Veloz also took
leave of assistant Secretaries Adee
and Huntington Wilson and other
officials of the state department whom
lie has known long and intimately.
Officially there was nothing for these
gentlemen to say, but personally they
xpreed heir sincere regret, for
Veloz has come to be highly regarded
In diplomatic" circles.
As to the future it is pointed out by
the officials who have followed the
situation closely, that there is not
the slightest danger of war. The
capture will be more in effct, like that
between France and Venezuela in
-which case although all relations of
termanated trade between theCoun
tries 'continued, the Frenchmen came
to Venezuela and the Venezuelans
made regular pilgramages to Paris.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., July 9.-Vith
practically every citizen of the town
out fighting the flames under the di
rection of the- i forest rangers the
fierce forest fire raging in the vicin
ity of Ballena, at a late hour last night
was still far from being under control
Over 1,000 acres have already been
devastated and a. strong wind from
the west is driving the flames toward
Cuyamnca consuming everything in
the path of the fire.
A large area has been burned over
and the damage will be heavy.
American League. i
At Mw xom-ew zorn o,
troit 8.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia 3, St.
Louis 5. '
At Washington-Washington 3,
Chicago 5. ,
At BostonBoston 1, Cleveland 4.
National League.
At Chicago-Chicago 4, Brooklyn
At Pittsburg-Pittsburg 2, Phila
delphia (. ' . , -
At Cincinnati-Cincinnati 1, New
York2. V . . .
At St. loi'is-St. Louis 2, Boston
11. ' -"
Pacific Coaat League.
At San Francisco Loi Angelei 6,
Oakland I. ,
At Portland San Francisco 5,
Portland I.
Nortbweit League,
At Spokane-Aberdeen 4, Spokane
Hundred Member! of Y, M. C. A.
Are Held Pending Investigation.
LOS ANGELEsTcal , July 9.-The
steamer City of Long Beach, from
Point Loma, with a hundred mem
ber! of the Y. M. C A., triangle
corns from this city on board, is in
quarantine in the outer harbor at San
Pedro, the result of a auspicion tat
she may have smallpox on board.
The vessel was reported to the
United State's Marine Hospital Ser
vice and wai examined by Dr. Weldon
of San Tcdro upon her arrival in that
port last night. Owing to darkness
it was impossible to ; diagnose the
case and as a result the steamer was
ordered tied up until morning. In
quiry on 'the. subject is to-day being
carried to a conclusion.
Delegates From This State Are
Guided by His Wish
The Delegation Voted Unanimously
With the Nebraskan's Influence to
Unseat the Guffey Delegates From
July 9. The Oregon delegation "is
guided in every move by the wishes
of Bryan so firmly is that body al.
lied to the Nebraskan's interests. If" taction . outgrowth of in
has no choice for the vice-presidecy
other than the candidate who may be
nnm forts :- T iMrttn ' Tfr na MA
planks of which he does not approve;
ill iitv.1 us jjushivc icns vii y iau vi iw
relate only to planks on immigration
and the construction of naval vessels mc"V'"T. , , ' 8
for the protection of the Pacific e?a Ia'bll,,y ,a.w, aocated and cre
Coast. The delegation voted unani-) atfed f 8 special cabinet department
mously with the Bryan influence last
night to unseat the Guffey delegates
from Pennsylvania. e
The Oregon delegation in company
with other Bryan supporters how
ever is reported as favoring the nomi
nation of Folk as vice-president
Word is said to have come from Lin-1
coin (that Folk is the accepted choice
of Mr. Bryan. If this report proves
correct Folk may be looked upon as
the leading factor in the vice-presidential
WASHINGTON, July 9. All the .
Central - American ambassadors ex
cept Senor Ugarte.of Honduras, and;
Amhn'ssador C.reA of Mexico discuss-!
cd the situation incident to the Hon-j these articles should be placed' upon
duran revolution with Secretary Ba-jthe free, list. : The usurpation of state
con today. Both United States and powers by the federal government
Mexico are impressing on South Cen- j condemned. The platform says re
Mexico are impressing on Central Am-) garding the "Panic of 1907" that it
crican countries the necessity, of pre- came without any legitimate cause, it
serving neutrality during the pending is a further demonstrate that the
trouble. ' " I republican party "Is either unwilling
Republican Party's Con
duct Condemned
Claims Modification of the Pres
ent Injunction Law Is .
Opposed to' Admission of Asiatic Im
migration Oklahome is Welcomed
migration Oklahoma is Welcomed
and New" Mexico Are Favored.
July O. Following resolutions consti
uting substantially the entire plat
form of the Democratic National
convention has been adopted by Jhe
committee on the platform and will
be presented to the convention dur
ing the night. There is every rea
son to suppose they will be approved
by the convention. The platform re
affirms the pledge of Ibyalfy to the
principles of the party; ana rejoices
at the investigations which have
traced the graft and political corrup
tion to the representatives of preda
tory wealth, and laid Bare the un
scrupulous method in which the de
fenseless public are debauched. The
courts declared to be the bulwark of
liberty and the intention was ex
pressed of maintaining their integ
rity. The function of the courts in
terpret the-laws and when the laws
are found to be unjust it is their duty
to reform them. Experience, the
platform says, has proved the neces
sity of the modification of the pres
ent injunction law, and the passage
in favor of the law was passed by
the United States Senate in 1896.
"But which the republican ' congress
has ever sinec refused to enact into
law." providing the trial bv lurv in
I,.,. case of indirect eontemnt. the
plank goes on to say that impartiality
should characterize all the judicial
Proceedings, and just the same wheth-
j u a,sPme orn
The organization of laborers'', for
j 80(1 ch organizations w.ll not be
'An eight-hour-day in all govern-
1 i : : t i .l.
of labor
The entire vestment of the powers
of the interstate commerce commis
sion advocated in that persons will
be portected from discrimiation and
that railroads may be compelled to
perform duties as common carriers.
Physical valuation of railroad proper-
! ty recommended and the passage
'.of laws urged that prevent railroads
from engaging in business in compe-
tition with shippers; laws looking to
the reductions of transportaion rates
is favored, and the abolishment of the
pass and rebate is approved. The
platform declares in the favor of the
immediate revision of tariff by the
reduction of duties. An immediate
repeal of tariff on wood pulp, .print
paper, lumber, timber, legs arid that
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1908
or incompetent to protect the inter
ests of the general public."
The conduct of the republican party
during the panic is condemned a is
the Aldrich-Vreeland bill. The party
then declares for the emergency cur
rency in times of need to be guaran
teed by the government and loaned
on -security to the national and state
bank.". The party is pledsred to se
cure' legislation establishing the guar
antee of fund for the prompt payment
of depositors from insolvent banks
and failing in that ' postal savings
bank is pledged.
The platform, while dealing with
this subject, speaks in scathing terms
of the republican party which it vir
tually accuses of playing into the
hand 'of Wall street. The publicity
of the camapign expense is favored
and legislation is promised to prohibit
officers of corporations contributing
money to be used in furthering the
election of any president of vice
president. The income tax as a part of the
revenue system is favored and neces
sary to the constitutional amendment,
enable' the congress to levy and to
collect such' tax is advocated. The
platform favors the election of the
United States Senators by a direct
vote of the people. The necessary
laws for the regulation of grazing on
public lands are urged; adequate navy
. . ..... . . J H
is supported we are opposeu,
says the platform, "To the admission
of Asiatic immigrants who cannot
be amalgamated with our population
or whose presence among us would
raise a state issue, and involve us in
diplomatic controversies with Orien
tal powers. Oklahoma is welcomed
to sisterhood of the states,' the ad
mission of Arizona and New Mexico
is favored and the territorial form of
irovernment for Alaska and Porto
o ;
Rico is recommended.
Excitement Caused by Act of
Vandals in Bryan's Town
fAiny Democrats Condemn the Act
and a Number of Republicans In
sist That the Raising of the Em
blem Was a Mistake.
LINCOLN, Neb., July 9.-A dem
onstration has been planned to follow
the nomination of William Jennings
Bryan, and' Lincoln enthusiastic to
day anxiously awaited the roll call in
the Denver convention. The nomina
tion was to be announced by tooting
whistles and ringing bells. After the
noise had subsided, the plans include
an advance on Fairview, where Mr.
Bryan's neighbors will notify him
of the nomination.
Mr. Bryan received a large num
ber of telegrams this morning and
the Fairview mail was unusually
heavy, , Mr. Bryan began work early
a.nd assailed the huge pile of letters.
During the early morning he man
aged to do considerable work without
The Taft banner which had been
spanning O street, where it was plac
ed by he Republican committee, was
destroyed last night by some person
or persons as yet unknown.
The destruction of the Taft ban.ner
ifMiaal .'vi, Til RffMlMirAtl
State Central Committee began work
on a new banner, and Chairman
ward announced that he meant to
nrotect the emblem bv force, if neces-
sary. ; .
Many Democrats condemned the
attack on the banner and disovowed
11 knowledge of the affair. A num.
ber of Republicans insisted that the . form and begrvn his speech. ; Dunne
hoisting of the emblem was a mis-1 consumed about 20 minutes in deliv
take. ering his speech, concluding, at 9:07.
Democratic Leader's Easy
Victory on First Ballot
Bryan's Name Brings Demon
stration of an Hour and
Twelve Minutes
Chairman Clayton , is Hissed When
he Attempts to Qui ten Multitude
by Darkening the Auditorium After
the Speech of Dunn.
July 10 (4 A. M.) William Jennings
Bryan was unanimously . nominated
on the first ballot.
After a session lasting until it
was most midnight, the democratic
committee on resolutions of the
democratic national convention sub
mitted the platform to the convention
and at a quarter past 12 this morning
it was unanimously adopted by the
convetion. This event followed a
night ol wild excitement, for during
the interim while waiting for the rcs-
oluitons committee report, the con
vention had proceeded with the
nomination of" the various candi
dates for president nomination
Bryan's name was first to be plac-
pd in nomination, then Judge Gray of
Deleware and finaly Governor John
enn nf Minnesota. Aitnouirn uom
A lit t. t it.
Judge Gray and Governor Johnson
received vociferous applause, the
palm belongs to Bryan for the dem
onstration that followed, placing his
name in nomination for more than
one hour and twelve minutes, and was
onlv brought 'to a stop after Chair
man Tiell had received a round of
hisse for darkening the auditorium.
After the platform had been adopt
ed, the convention continued to listen
to the seconding speeches vociferous
ly cheering each speaker, as he
arose. At 1:20 Augustus' . Thomas
finished his seconding speech, amid a
ereat applause and the floor was tak
en by Senator Looney of Texas who
also spoke seconding the nomination
of Mr, Bryan.
At 7 o'clock there were a few of the
delegates in their places, but the peo
ple were pouring into the galleries
nnd a quarter hour later these were
filled notwithstanding the heat of the
day had not died away and the hall
was still exceedingly uncomfortable.
By-this time the delegates were ar
riving, but the officers of the conven
tion were waiting for the report of
the committees on, resolutions. The
band worked with great industry and
when it struck up "Dixie" demonstra
tion followed which gave a glimpse
of the scene that was to. occur later
in the evening. . Flags were waved by
delegates and also by those in the I
galleries. At 7:30 Chairman Clay
ton rapped for order w.hich he secur
ed within a minute.- He recognized
McQuiston of Pennsylvania who an
nounced the selection of James Kerr I
as a member of the national commit
tee from that state in the place in the
Hay-(place of James Outtey. AU predicted
the election of the' democratic presi-
dent this fall. The motion was adopt
jed with the understanding tnat tnerc
would be no balloting until after the
platform is adopted. Then amid great
cheering I. N. Dunne took the plat-
o'clock. As he finished the wave of
cheers swelled up, gradually becom
ing greater and greater until the
demonstration in honor of the Ne
braskan was bedlam and let loose. '
When the demonstration had gone
on for 22 minutes there was a mo
ment's lull and then the band struck
up the "Star Spangled Banner." The
audience singing with the band. Next
the crowd with viversious energy be
gan singing "Wef won't go home until
morning, and when, that diversion
ended they went to howling them
selves hoarse. For a whole hour the
demonstration went on and still the
crowd refused to be controlled and
still it continued the furiously cheer
ing. At 10:15 darkening the hall was
tried in an effort to dampen the dem
onstration, but while order was par
tially restored, Chairman Clayton
was hissed. The effort to bring the
crowd to order was finaly successful
at 10:21, after one hour and twelve
minutes of cheering.
Senator Gearin of Oregon was then
recognized and read his speech sec
onding the nomination of Mr. Bryan.
Following Gearin, Governor Glenn
of North Carolina -began his second
ing speech. It was long and the au
dience became impatient and after
he spoke ten minutes began inter
rupting the speaker. Amid consid
erable disorder Chairman recognized
the moticn to limiting the second
ing speeches to five minutes. This
was adopted.
iiUNUlAJJ-u, jmy y. ine wire
less operator aboard the auxiliary
Glacier which is now in this harbor,
tonight recognized sparks from the
battleships Connecticut and Georgia,
but was unable to distinguish the
messages. The local wireless office
did not receive the messages.
The Total of 337 Votes Inspired
. the Opposition
The Guffey Men Say That the Report
on Credentials Was Delayed a
Full Hour While Overtures Were
Made. .
DENVER, July 9, Coloney Guffey,
who was the storm center of last
night's fight on the floor of the con
vention', was early in consultation
with his lieutenants today, and with
the elements outside the delegates
who saw in last night's vote a re
maining chance to overcome- the
Bryan strength. He had little to say
on the result, except to remark:
"Yoix will notice I was present
when the voting took place."
He would not discuss the vote in
detail, but seemed to think that
while it demonstrated a heavy cur
rent of opposition to the plans of
thos econtrolling the convention, Mr.
Bryan might develop greater strength
on a Presidential ballot than he did
on the question last night. But the
total of 387 votes inspired the allied
opposition with new hone.
It developed in this connection that
a strong effort was made to avoid the
vote of last night, as the Bryan
managers desired not to have an issue
which would disclose the strength of
the two contending elements. The
Guffey men say that the report on
credentials was delayed a full hour,
while overtures were made to Col.
Guffey not to present the minority
report, thus a voiding, a division and
an open vote.
' SEDAL1A, Mo., July 9.-Chas.
Taylaxjf.a Missouri Pacific telegraph
operator 'fit Lamonte who was on
duty on the night when the two Mis
souri Pacjfic passenger trains collided
heatf-on, near Knob Noster last week,
was arrested at Dresden yesterdgy,
on, a. charge of manslaughter. Eight
persons were killed and about 30 in
jured in the collision.