vr THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1908 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Daily Market Report ,,.... , MM 4 i I i I PORTLAND, July 6,-Abunilancc prevails in the Front street produce markets, and receipts seem inclined to increase in the vegetable and fruit line, though no diminution of prices is anticipated. California fruits are in good demand at prevailing quota tions, though new apples are quoted at 50 cents a box lower than on Sat urday. The prevailing price today is $1.50 a box for the best specimens of the fruit received. Watermelons are in receipt at $2.S0 per 100 pounds; tantaloupes are coming by the car load from the interior valleys of Cali fornia at $1 to $1.50 per crate; bananas are coming freely by way of New Orleans at 5 to 6 cents a pound; apricots are quoted at $i to $125 a crate. - Flour. Grain and Feed. Wheat-Track prices: Club, 85c red Russian, 83c; bluesteam, 87c; Val- lev 85c. Barley-Feed, $24.50; rolled. $25.50 26.50; brewing, $26. Oats No. 1 white, $26.50; gray, $26.50. Flour Patents, $4.85; straights, $4.05 4.55; exports, $3.70; Valley $4.45; 1-4 sack graham, $4.40; whole wheat. $4.65; rye. $5.50. Millstuffs Bran, $25.00; middlings, $30.50; shorts, country, $28.50; shorts, city, $27.50; chop, $27.50. ' Hay Timothy: Willamette Valley, fancy, $15.00; do. ordinary, $12; Eastern Oregon, $17.50; mixed, " $15; alfalfa, $12. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Butter Extras, 23c; fancy, 24c; choice, 20c; store, 16c. Chee'se Full cream twins, 134c; full cream triplets, 13k; Young America, 141c; cream brick, 20c; Swiss block, 18c; Limburger, 20c Poultry Mixed chickens, llllic; fancy hens, 12c; rosters, old, 9c; Springs, 1718c; .dressed poultry, 1c per pound higher; ducks, 1214c; geese, old, 89c; turkeys, alive, 17k; do, dressed, 1920c Eggs Candled, 17j18k; uncan 41ed,,171c Fruits and Vegetables Potatoes Select old Oregons, $1 1.10 per 100; new California, $1.75 per 100. Fresh Fruits Oranges, $3.254.00; lemons, $3.504.75; strawberries, 65 cents up per crate; cherries 75c$125 crate; apricots, $1125 crate; gooseberries, 5c lb.; peaches, 5085c crate; plums, 5075c crate; watermelons, 34c lb. Vegetables Turnips, $125 sack; beets, $1.75; parsnips, $125; cabbage, $1.502.00; cauliflower, $2.50, crate; head lettuce, 2025c; cucumbers, 50 90c dozen; celery, 85c; artichokes, 60c doz.; asparagras, 65clbl.25; beans, 8c; eggplant, 20c pound; tomatoes, $1251.75 crate; cantaloupe, $lli0 per crate. Onions Bermudas, $11.50 crate; California red, $1.75; garlic, 1215c Apples Select, $3.00 box; fancy, $2.00; choice, $2.00; California new, $2.00.. Meats and Provisions. Dressed Meats Hogs, fancy, 71c; ordinary. 6k. large 6c; veal, extra 8c, ordinary 67c, heavy 5c; mutton, fncy, 89c Lard Kettle leaf 10s, 13ic; do 5s, 13ic; do 50-lb. tins, 123c; steam ren dered 10s, 113c; do 5s, 111c; com pound 10s, 9k. Hams-10-12 lbs., 16k; 14-16 lbs., 16c; 18-20 lbs., 16c. . Bacon Breakfast, 1623c; pic nics, 11c; cottage roll, 12c; regular short clears, smoked, 121c; do un smoked, Ilk; Un. B., 1013c lb.; smoked, 1013c; unsmoked, 12c; clear bellies, unsmoked, 131c; smok ed, 14k; shoulders, 12c. JOBBERS' QUOTATIONS. Sugar, Coffee, Etc. XX, $6.15; beet, $6.15; Golden C, $5.65; extra C, $5.15; powdered, $6.60; fruit or berry sugar, $6.25; boxes, 55c Sugar (sack basis) D. G., $6.25; cwt. advance over sack basis less k if paid for i:i 15 days). Coffee Mocha, 2428c; " Java, fancy, 2528c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 16 18c; Arbuckle, $16.50 cwt.; Lion, $15.75 cwt.; Colombia coffee, 14c lb.; Salvador, ll4k. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $6.50; Southern Japan, $5.25; broken, 5c; head, fancy, $6.507. Salt Bales of 7S-2s, bale, $2.15; bales of 60-3s, bale, $2,15; bales of 40-4s,'bale, $2.15; bales of 15-10s, bale, $2.15; bags, 50s, fine, ton, $15.00; bags, 50c; geniune Liverpool, ton, $17; bags, 50s, 1-ground, $11.50; 100s, ton, $11.00; R. S. V. P., 20 5-Ib. car tons, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 3-lb. cartons, $1.75; Liverpool, lump, per ton, $20. Raisins Loose muscatels, 3-crown, 7(Zy7k; 4-crown, 718c; bleached seedless Sultanas, 9k12c; un- -.lnUaA cabinet. C T OOl,. . viv.awii.vi at;uii33 Julianas, uiuQ2v.i London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $2.00; 2-crowrrt $1.75. Nuts Walnuts, 1618c pound; filberts, 16:; Brazils, 16c; pecans, 14 (520c; hickory, 10c; Virginia peanuts, 63c; peanuts, 68c; chestnuts, Ital ian 10c; Ohio 25c; cocoanuts, dozen, 90c$l; pine nuts, 1012c pound. Dried Fruits Annies, 91c per lb peaches, 10($12c; pears, lH14c; Italian prunes, 5($6c; California figs, white, in sacks, 7k per pound; black, 67c; bricks, 75c2.25 per box; Smyrna, 16171c per pound; dates, Tcrsian, 6tS7c pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1907 crop, 5g 6k pound. Wool -Valley, 1314c pound; Eastern Oregon, 8($16c, as to shrink age. Mohair Choice, 18k pound. Cascara Sagrada (chittitm bark) 3(tJ4k per pound. Oregon Graperoot Per 100 pounds $35. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 13c lb; lry kip, No. 1, 12c tb; dry salted, one- - ,hird less. dry calf, 14c lb; salted steers, 5(g6c lb; salted cows, 5c lb; 'stags and bulls, 3c pound; kip, 5c lb; I it nom. tv. .ml. I I.e. tail, 1U, glCCII BiVR, V IVM sheepskins; shearlings, 10(g25c; short wool, 30(40c; medium and long wool, according to quality, 5090c; dry horses, 503$1; dry colt, 25c; an gora, 80c(g$l; goat, common, 10 20c. ' Oysters, Clams and Fish. Oysters Shoalwater Bay, per gal lon, $2.25; per sack, $4.50; . Toke Point, $1.60 per 100; Olympias (120 lbs.), $6; Olympias, per gallon, $2.25. Fish Halibut, 5S6c lb.; black cod, 8c; black bass, 10c; striped bass, 18c; herring, 51c; flounders, . 6c; catfish, 11c; shrimp, 10c; perch, 7c; sturgeon, 12c; sea trout, 15c; torn cod, 10c; sal mon, fresh, 6(&yc; smelt, c. Canned Salmon Columbia River, 1 pound tails, $2.10; 2-lb. tails, $3.00; fancy, Mb. fiats, $2.25; 1-lb. flats, $1.40; fancy, 1-lb. ovals, $275; Alaska tails, pink, 95c; red, $1.40; nominal, 2s, tails, $2.10. Clams Little neck, per box, $2.50; razor clams, $2 per box. Oils, Lead, Etc. Benzine V. M. and P. and Union Naphtha, cases, 19k; iron barrels, 12k. Coal Oil Union and pearl and as tral oil, cases, 18c per gallon; water white, iron barrels, 10k; eocene and extra star, cases, 21c; headlight oil cases, 191c ;iron barrels, 12k; elaine, cases, 28c. Lead Strictly pure white lead, in ton lots, 73c; 500-lb. lots, 8c less; less than 500c lbs., 8k; red lead and lith arge, k higher than white. Linseed Oil Raw, 5-barrel lots, 55c; 1-barrel lots, 59c; in caes, 50c; boiled, 5-barrel lots, 52c; 1-barrel lots, 53c; in cases, 59c. Gasoline Union and Red Crown, bbls., 15k; cases, 221c. Motor, bbls., 15k; cases, 22k. 86 degrees, bbls., 30c; cases, 37k. Engine Distillate, bbls., 9c; cases, 16c Turpentine In cases, 63c; in wood barrels, 611c; in iron barrels, 59k; in 10-case lots, 62c. ! 1 G. B. Burhans Testifies After 4 Years G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle . Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bot tles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It en tirely stopped the brick dust sedi ment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elaps ed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to- any one suf fering from kidney or bladder trouble" War Against Consumption All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague" that claims so man victims each year. Foley s Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. The genuine is in a yellow package . Te Star ii is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc. A moderate amount of money will start you in a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to be . The Best In The World. For full particulars regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. PORTLAND, OREQON, or AKRON, OHIO. Dili pep y uu vf Va w ' "I My stock of men's and boy's shoes is unsurpassed for qua- J man for kitchen work; good oppor HtV. Close buying tnd low,t"''y 'earn cooking; $25. Ham- expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices. S. A. GIMRE 543 Bond Street ' TRANSPORTATION. -1 I i The"KMUne PASSENGERS vwrr.vt Steamer Lurline!- 17t U II a n a1 a a I WigM Boat for Portland and . Way Landings, Leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland Daily except Srooay at 7 a. m. Quirk Service , Excellent Meals Good Berths Landing Astoria Flavel Wharf. Landing Portland Foot Taylor It J. J. DAY, Agent Phone Main 2761. DAIRIES. TheVermont Dairy I am prepared to furnish pure milk and cream. Satisfaction' guaranteed.1 Phone 14 Farmers line. W. J. INGALLS. WINES AND LIQUORS. Eagle Concert Hall (320 Astor Street) Rooms for rent by the day, week,' or month. Bes rates in town. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. HOT OR COLD Tea Just Right CLOSSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, ORE. MENANDWOMEIt Um Bl(t for unnatural diichareei. inflammations irritationt or ulceration of mneoui membrane Pain leu, and not ajtrln- I gent or poionotu. Mold by DranrfaU, or aent In plain wrapper, liy xpre. prepaid, for l .(KI. or 3 dot tin S2.7S. Circular eeut on reuUMt MISCELLANEOUS. Smith's Special Delivery EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Leave Orders at Star Cigar Store. Phone Black 2383 Res. Phone Red 2276. Stand Corner 11th and Commercial f2s at Jt-ma& Golden West I. 1 toH.J.. J M v OatrtDtMd la M4fff not to tlrtetor. !T PrfMt ('Mlafto. ITafTHEEViNSCHEMICHCO. V CINCWMTI,Of,"""j HELP WANTED WANTED 2 GIRLS TO WORK in laundry, Apply at Troy Laun dry. . 6-30-tf Y A N'f KD TWO MESSENGER boy. Apply Western Union. 7-4-tf WANTED A HOUSE GIRL; $25 per month. Enquire at Hocflcr'a. : 7i-tf WANTED A HOY OR YOUNG roond Lumber Co. Phone II. 2446. 7-4-tf $2.00 STARTS A FINE LOCAL business, daily profits $5 to $10; par ticulari free; write today, i B. F. Loot Co., Des Moines, la." " '. FOB SALS. FOR SALE-20 AUTOMATIC nickel in the slot weighing scales, ! electric nickel in the slot piano, set up and in operation in differen sa loons in the city; price $200 cash; will bring in over $100 a month. Address MB.," Astorian. 6-4-tf. $2500.00 BUYS 160-ACRE DAIRY and fruit farm; three and one-half miles from best market in Oregon; fully stocked; terms. Address L. C. Smith, Newport, re. 74-4t FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE for sale; terms reasonable. Enquire at Bankers' Savings & Loan Associa tion. 7-2-4t FOR SALE-ONE SIX MONTHS' scholarship in a Business College of Portland. Enquire Astorian office. 6-30-6t FIRST-CLASS DENSMORE TYPE- wrucr, ai nail price; i!o ugm unv init team buil!y lnd varne. t0 mg gether or separately. C. E. Barney, with Warren Tacking Co., Astoria. fOft REIT. FOR RENT FURNISHED AND unfurnished rooms; electric light and water. 454 Bond cor. 10th. 30-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO BUY A HORSE; weight about 1250 pounds; not over 8 years old; must be good driver and gentle, also city broke. Address As torian office. . 6-9-tf. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDR1CKSON BROS.-We make a specialty of house moving, car penters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt attention to all orders. Cor ner Tenth and Duane streets. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A GOLD LOCKET AT the end of the street car line: own- er can have same by calling at this I office, identifying the property, and 'paying for this notice. j LOST-BUNCH OF KEYS; FIND I er will please leave at the Astprian and receive reward. 7-7-2t LOST-GOLD NECKLACE, JULY 4th; finder return to this office and , receive reward 7-7-3t LOST-BUNCH OF KEYS. FIND er pleasure return to Astoria office and receive reward. 7-5-tf LOST-A GRAY SWEATER BE- tween Young's River Falls and Astoria; will finder kindly return it to this office. . HORSES WILL PASTURE YOUR HORSE for $2.50 a month. A. E. Kinney, Lewis & Clark. 7-4-3 VETERINARY COLLEGE. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY College; next session begins Sept. 15th. Dr. C. Keane, Pres., 1818 Mar ket street. Catalogue free. u PROPOSALS. Sa. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will' receive bids, at his office in the City of Hood River, Oregon, up to July 15th,' in elusive, for transcribing and indexing all records of Wasco County in any way affecting real estate situated in Hood Kiver County, all transcripts to be typewritten in record books to he furnished by Hood River County n;.i , :c. .1 . .... Bids should specify the amount per folio of one hundred words for transcribing and indexing said rec ords separately. A bond in the sum of three thousand dollars' will be re quired to insure the faithful perform ance of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. A. J. DERBY, , County Judge of Hood River County. TENTS and camping utensils See us before you take your outing. ! ; . ' Hildebrand & Gor OJd Bee Hive Bldg. PROFESSIONAL CARDi. ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW i ii i CHARLES H. ABERCROMBIE Attorney-at-Law City Attorney Offices: City Hall, JOHN C McCUS Attcrney-at-Law Deputy District Attorney. Page Building Suite 4 HOWARD M. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law Office with Mr. J. A. Eakin. a: 420 Commercal St, Astoria. OSTEOPATHS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS Osteopath Office Manse!! Bldg. Phone Black 2065 i73 Commercial St. Astoria, Ore. DENTISTS DR. VAUGHAN . Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon DR. W.C LOGAN Dentist Commercial St Shanahan Bldg. TEETH COR. UTH AND COMMERCIAL Office hours 8:30 A. M. to 8: P. M. Sunday 10:00 to 12:00. Phone Number Main 3001. Painless Extractions - 5oc Corner Commercial and 11th Sts. over Danziger store. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RESTAURANTS. TOKIO RESTAURANT. 331 Bond Street Oipoiite Ross, Higgins 4 Ca Coffee with Pk or Cake 10 Cts. first-class MEALS Regular Meali IS Cts. and Up. U. 8. RESTAURANT. 434 Bond Street t Coffee with Pie or Cake, 10 Cta. , Plrat-CUaa Meala, 13 Cta. FISH MARKET. 77 Ninth St., near -Bond "Fresh and Salted Fish. Game and Poultry, . Groceries, Produce and Fruit Imported and Domestic Goods. P. Bakotitch & Feo, Proprs. Phone Bed tlSS SCHOOLS AND The School that Placet r " i w uk.. a CHICAGO DENTISTS Fs Largest, best, most thorough and up-to-date " Business ' College ; west of the Mississippi River. Three'times as many calls for help as can fill. Graduates all employed. Each teacde'r is arr expert In his. line and has had ACTUAL BUSINESS experience. If interested call or write for catalogue "A.", ' I. M. WALKER, President. O. A. BOSSERMAN, Secretary, UNDIRTAOKJ. J. A, GILIIAUUII & CO., Uudcrtftkera ami KiiiliuliiicrN , KtorlnoMl Inl.v AaiiUtiint When lCMlrcd. Call Promptly Attended Day' or Night. Tattoft rtdg. 12 tit and DuaueSU AHTOltIA, OHE.OO.V Pbone Maluai 11 MIDICAU Unpreeetacaied Sueeectefl f DR. C- GEE WO TBI CEIAT 1 CHINKS DOCTOI Who la kaovi throntiuont the TJnitl iJ fitaUi on awouat of J all worJtrful oirna. Ko poitoaa or dnift uc. Be fura; to cur eatarrb, ait&ma, luflf aad throat trouble, rheumatlim, nerrouMeaa, atomaeh, lirer and kUaey. female plalnti and all ehroalo dlMam. lUCCESSm HOME TSXATMIM1, If you ennoot call write for imptota blank and circular, Incloalng 4 etaU fat itampt. THE C CEE W0 XEDIC11TX CO. 1121 Flrat 8t, Corner Morrlwa, P0RTLA1TD, 0BIGOH. rUi rotation the- Atorian. PLUMBERS. PLUMBER Heating Contractor, Tinner AND ' Sheet Iron Worker VLL WORK GUARANTEED 423 Bond Street E. C. YOUNCE AND W.F.BAKER PLUMBERS Tinners, Steam and Cas Fitting. All Work Guaranteed. 126 Eighth Street, opp. Post Office. Phone Main 4061. LAUNDRIES. Those Pleated Bosom Shirts The kind known by dressy men in the summer, are difficult articles to launder nicely. Unless you know just how to do it, the front pleats won't iron down smooth, and the shirt front will look mussy. Our New Press Ironer irons them without rolling or' stretching. Try it TROY LAUNDRY, : Tenth and Duane. Pbone Main 1991 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES UNIWMin or nrftAN V SUMMER SESSION Ooorwe Ii Biology, Ch.ml.trr, tdoottloa, IsiUitt uustui, ssnritsin ii sums, tsaiu. COLLEGES MONTGOMERY BUSINESS COLLEGE WA8HINQT9N AND TENTH 8TRMT8 PORTLAND, OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG Ton in a Good Position