The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 12, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    "FRIDAY. JUNE 12, 1908
Right at t lie Moutti of the Columbia River
That OIL and natural GAS have been discovered in paying quantities across the Columbia River from Astoria at Onieda,
Washington, lhas been important enough to a number of well-known reliable parties to cause the organization of the Pacific
Coast Gas & Oil Co., with a capital stock of $300,000. This company has just placed a number of shares of stock on the market
at the low price of $50.00 per share. READ ON-
What the Company la
The Facif.c Coait Gai St Oil Co. ii
composed of reliable buiineii men of
Oregon and Waihington whose only
purpoie ii to develop the property to
the bcit of it ability and produce
paying mine of oil and gaa that, all
who have purchated atock may share
in id profit!. The officers serve with
out laliry and include among them
sonic of the moit reputable citizen
of the State. To make the company
strong on account of its brilliant fu
ture it has secured leasee on over
6000 acres of land. It has obtained
tbe highest expert authority on the
geological formation of the land,
employed the strongest expert work
men to operate the drilling apparatus
and given such other evidence of good
faith to warrant any man making an
investment with them.
Alex Sweek, president, Portland.
Clayton S. Barber, sec. and treas.
R. A. Wade, vice-president.
DirectorsJohn Nelson, Oneida,
Wash.; Ceo. L Hutchins, Portland;
Win, Anderson, Deep River, Wash.
THIS famous oil property is located on the north bank of the Columbia; River directly opposite Astoria,
and right at the mouth of Deep River, at, Onieda, Washington, The derrick machinery and drilling
apparatus is on the ground at work daily, and open to the inspection of the public. Mr. John D. Magner
and Fred E. Carl, two of the most competent oil and gas drillers in the country are in charge ot tne work.
Go and see them drill in the ground. The location of the plant is right on John Nelson's place at Onie da
where he has farmed for the past 20 years. He has been using this gas 'for the past 6 years that this
company is now digging down for a plentiful supply. The gas is there because it has been put to practi.
cal heating and illuminating tests without a break. We want you to see the plant in operation. Look
over the exceptional facilities for handling the product, and then form your opinion of those who own
stock rn the company. Take the steamer Julia B. or the Gen'l Washington any morning from Astoria and
spend an hour at the plant and see it work. You can return in the morning or afternoon of the same day.
This visit will prove a revelation. There is nothing like it in the northwest. This drilling 'outfit is the
biggest and most up to date ever operated on the Pacific coast.
Stoctt for Sale
For Development Pur oses
The per value of the stock is $100
per share, but is now offered at one
half ($30) and it is worth it The
company has already sold a limited
amount of stock, equipped the prop
erty with the best working machinery
in the world and it has plans for a
great future. The money secured
from the sale of stock will be to push
the work. Every dolar will be used
to prepare for the best interest of the
company. As the drill goes down the
stock will surely rise. The price it ia
now offered at will only be a short
time. A 'good rule is to let oppor
tunity in when it knocks at the door.
For an investment there is nothing
more tangible, brighter or more surer
dvidend paying than this stock, par
ticularly at $50 per share. Don't wait
until it goes to par, but buy now. It
is really a chance that comes seldom.
Further particulars at the addresses
given below.
fffl Minn aw
LP . j lyjU M J l IV
402 Commercial Block, Portland, Oregon,
Higgins & Warren, Savings Bank Building, Astoria, Oregon.
HEIR TO $1,500,000
. rwf-u: .... '
And Same Day Marries a Poor
Raymond J. McDonald, Who Was
Working For $60 a Month is the
t 4. VIP 3
1 .urirv m annw 111 .rsrr on w mr ,
cine rrm in Automooue.
CHICAGO, June il.-A despatch
to the Tribune from Butte, Mont.,
'Mary Montana Largey, 18 years
old, youngest for the Largey minors
came into possession of a million and
a half dollars on Tuesday and at mid
night she was married to Raymond J.
McDonald, a young clerk in a Broad
way cab office, who had been working
for sixty dollars a month.
Some friends asked the girl why
she wanted to marry the poor cab
clerk. .
"Because I love him and havej
enough money for both "she replied."
The couple . left for San Francisco
yesterday and they will start on an
automobile wedding trip to New
York. Mius Largey 's big touring car
and driver having been shipped on
ahead .several weeks ago. From New
York they will go to Europe.
Manufacturers Getting Reday to Sup'
. ply the Large Demand.
there's Ohe class of persons above
another who are looking forward with
eager impatient to the Chicago and
Denver convention's arid the selection
of the two party tickets, it's the cam
paign button makers. Despite the
fact that there is a brisk continuous
business in the manufacture of but
tons and badges for commercial and
patriotic conventions and the, like,
the man who is dependent for a Uv-
inb on his pin money only has a
real chance once in four years. Hence"
it is unconcealed impatience that the
campaign button men await the time
when they can start the manufacture
of the little tin and celluloid disks
bearing the miniature portraits of the
men who will be the principals in the
forthcomng Presidential campaign.
Of course, in these pre-convention
days there has been more or less of
a demand for Taft buttons, Bryan
buttons, Fairbanks buttons, Johnson
buttons, and buttons for each one of
the likely candidates, but the real de-
Electrical Contractors
Phone Main 3881
426 Bond Street
mand will start when the campaign
actually is on. And the men charged
with the important work will not be
long in supplying this demand. They
have been all ready and"waiting for
weeks; copyrights long since have
been secured on sample buttons and
badges containing every possible com
bination of candidates. All that re,
mains to be done now is to await the
final choice of the convention. Im
mediately this Is known, the rush will
begin, and within a week the entire
country will be flooded with tiny
likenesses of the respective nominees.
VICTORIA, B. C. June ll.-News
was brought from China by the
Tango Maru that the revolution in
Yunnan and South China Js becom
ing so serious that the Peking au
thorities have, issued orders to the
authorities of four provinces to as
semble armies to attack the rebels
who "organized a ' movement which
threatens to be the largest of its kind
since the Taipmg Rebellion.
Seldom has a worse case of "stage
fright" been witnessed in Congress
than that which marked the lasjt four
weeks of the session just closed. The
leaders felt that they ought to adopt
legislation on certain subjects as a
preparation to "going before the
COuntfY". but no sooner had thv
mapped out a certain line of action
than they were seared out of it by a
violent uprising Against their pro
posals in some part of the country or
from some influential class of citizens.
Particularly was this mi of tho cur.
rency question'. Every fresh plan that
was worked out to meet obiectinns
in one quarter called down on the
congressmen art avalanche of protest
from other directions. If some genius
could discover a line" of legislation
that would please everybody and
therefore displease1 nobodV. to he fol
lowed in these years when president
ial and congressional elections are to
occur, he would win the eternal grat
itude of "Uncle Joe" and his troubled
Cheap Sound-Trip Ratti to the EaSi
The O. R. & N. Company will sei:
round-trip tickets to Eastern points
on Jane 19 and 20; July 6, 7, 22
and 23; August 6, 7, 21 and 22. For
particulars call on
G. W. ROBERTS Agent,
O, R N. Dock.
' For Infants and Children. .
Till Kind Yoo Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
If you will make inquiry it wifl be
a revelation to you how many suc
cumb to kidney or bladder troubles
in one form or another. If the patient
is not beyond medical aid, Foley's
Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints.
1 Jim
Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not
beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do mrtre,
Cures Bacfcachf
Corrects , .
' regularities
Do not risk havinf
Bright's Disease
, orDiabetfS'-...
Without Platt.
Office hours 8:30 A. M. to
8: P.JM. Sunday 10:00 to
12:00. .
' Phone Number Main 3901.
Painless Extractions - 5oc
Corner Commercial and 11th
Sts. over Danziger store.
i i I I'll
una! fii iTi'V.
" ; : "
i 1 r i i m . i
Pain! You Are
Acquainted Willi
Wouldn't you rather use paint, en
amel, stain or varnish that you feel
acquainted with?
That's the way with most people
and most people nowadays ibel
quaiated with; - . -
a tialne that represents the best ot every-'
thing that goes on with a brush.
This store offers you under this mark,
for every kind of work you can think
of, the Perfect Paint for that purpose.
And besides, with every purchase we
give a copy of the new book, "lie
Seleeaoa asa use ci Fs!s isd
FiBishes," which explains
every method of painting and
finishing clearly, exactly.
Allen Wall Paper &
Paint Co.-Sole Agents.
. uor. llth-Bond Sts.
Sherman Transler Co.
i ' HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. ' .
Hacka, Carriages--Baga Checked and Transferred-Trucka and Fornitttr
Wagona Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street ' -
Main Phone 121
C,F. WISE, Prop.
Choice Winea, liqnora - Merchants Lunch Frem
and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p, m.
Hot Lonch at All Hours. sj Cents
Corner Eleventh and Commercial. .