THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE G, '08 HWHMMNfvwiiMOTnmww- - ww.m"J! jjus (jj tarn 39k. "The Message of the OLIVE to Man is O-LIVE" SYLMAR OLIVE OIL Guaranteed absolutely pure. Made from the choicest of California Olives. Pint bottles 60c Quart bottles $1 A. V. ALLEN SOLE AGENT FOR BAKER'S BARRINGTON HALL STEEL- CUT COFFEE, 40c PER CAN. PHONES-711 AND 3871 BRANCH PHONE-713 KEATING PROVOKED Proceedings Almost Devoid of Interest MEMBERS TERMED EMPLOYES Contests From Florida, Georgia and Kentucky Will be Heard Today Total Number of Seats Affected Being Thirty-four. CHICAGO, June S.-Without roll calls, the Republican national com mittee tonight decided on contests from Alabama and Arkansas involv ing 24 seats in the Republican nation al convention in favor of delegates instructed for Taft. Contests from Florida, Georgai and Kentucky will be heard tomorrow, the total number of seats affected being 34. The pro ceedings today would have been de void of interest had it not been for the effort to prevent Frank H. Hitch cock, Taft's manager; Arthur F. Stratter, former assistant secretary and treasurer and Charles G. Phelps of Washington, both assistants to Hitchcock, from sitting in judgment on the contests. These men held proxies of the members of the na tional committee from New Mexico, Alaska and North Dakota, respec tively. Their entrance into the executive Session provoked Joseph B. Keating, United States Attorney for the Dis trict of Columbia, manager for Fair banks and Representative James Francis Burke of Pennsylvania who acts for Knox to make vehement protests. After a hurried conference the anti-Taft forces protest was re duced to writing. The recited fact that Hitchcock is directly interested in the management of one of the can didates directly involved in the case and "Therefor was disqualified to sit in judgment" upon it. A similar pro test was made in the cases of Stat ter and Phelps who were termed "em ployes" instead of "manager" for one f the candidates. After considerable debate, protests were laidjn the table and the Alabama cases was taken up. Look out for the big 50-vote coupon in Sunday's paper. DRAGGED 12 BLOCKS (Continued from page 1) Crosby street, a distance of 12 blocks. At the hospital this afternoon it was said that Mays might recover. During the time Mays was being dragged along, a large number of persons endeavored to stop the frightened animal in its flight, in or-' der to rescue him from his horrible position, but this was not accomplish ed until Crosby street and Holladay avenue had been reached. For the entire distance the victim of the accident, his foot caught se curely in the harness, was dragged along with his face, head and shoul ders pounding the pavement or side lines of the bridge. His cries for help were stlled before the horse had run a great distance, owing to his being knocked insensible. Unable to stop the horse, men stood and groaned in horror at being forced to witness any thing so frightful without being able to lend any assistance. TRAIN DITCHED. ASPEN, Colo., June 5 Eleven were seriously injured in a wreck at Aspen the branch of the Denver 6? Rio Grande Railroad, two miles be low this city late today. The train ditched owing to the spreading of the rails. DREYFUS SHOO T 1 The Press All Deplore Attempt on His Life GRATERS CAUGHT A Syndicate of Alms Gatherers Being Investigated COLLECT $1,200 A DAY HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS The "Rappel" .Says That Gregory's Revolver Did Much More Damage to Nationalist Than to Dreyfus- Newspapers Express Opinions. PARIS. June S.-The press of all shades of opinion deplore the attempt yesterday on the life of Major Drey fus, although the various newspapers see widely different causes for the shooting. The Gaulois, a paper with which Gregori was connected, blames par liament for re-opening by yesterday's ceremony, an era of discord which was beginning to disappear. It also disapproves of Dreyfus who calls himself a soldier, gracing the triumph of the author of the "Debacle." Ernest Judet in the Nationalist Eclair writes in a similar vein. He regrets "the culpable diversion which saved the official manifestation from ridicule and odium in which it was foundering," but adds: "Dreyfus is a most uncouth Caesar but Gregori is far from being a Brutus." Government and Socialist organs stigmrtize the attempt which they at tribute to the violent campaign car ried cn by the Nationalist and Royal ist press. The Rappel says that Gregori's re volver did much more damage to Nationalists than to Dreyfus. The Aurore understands that Gen. Picsuart, the minister of war, will submit to President Fallieres for sig nature a decree nominating Major Dreyfus as an officer of the Legion of Honor. FLOODS GROWING WORSE (Continued from page 1) be very little left of the 150 miles of the most expensive road on the line. A serious feature is the fact that the high water has not extended west of Missoula attacking the trackage be tween this city and the west end of the state. Idaho division has sent a big force of men over to help fight in the west end. A big wagon bridge in Missoula went out at 1 1 o'clock to night and two steel railroad bridges were washed out, but are not believed to the be destroyed. NEW BATTLESHIP. WASHINGTON, June 5.-Work of construction on the new 20,000 ton battleship to be built at the New York Yard will begin shortly. OFF FOR DENVER WASHINGTON June S.-Anoun-cement is made that a special train has been chartered to convey the Dis trict of Columbia delegates to the democratic national convention at Denver next month. The train will leave the Union station, this city at 4 p. m. on July 3. BANKERS IN SPECIAL CAR SAN FRANCISCO, June S.-A party of 25 bankers from New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and other eastern cities has arrived in San Francisco in a private car. These men have come primarily to see San Francisco and to judge for themselves whether or not the stories and pictures are true, and then to see the interior valeys that are the great agricutural source of supply behind this metropolis. Crews of 100 Men and Women Oper ate a House to tlouse Canvass in Chicago, Wearing a Red Cross Symbol of Mercy. CHICAGO, Juno 5. A syndicate of alms gatherers, said to have col lected hundreds of thousands of dol lars on the plea that the money 'would be used for tin- voluntary support and care of feeble old nun and women, in a series of alleged fictitious "houses of hope" in the various cities of the United States, is being investigated by detectives of the Chicago police department, l.a-t night it was discovered that the syndicate had launched a system of soliciting in Chicago with "crews" of 1(H) men and women operating a house to house canvass wearing the red cross symbold of mercy and col lections have been as high as $1.2lH) a day. The syndicate is said to havj operated in various parts of the U. S. for the pas-t six years. The polic expect to take action in connection with the concern to-day. The wo men in charge of the Chicago con cern said the money collected would be used in supporting the following named institutions: The House of Hope, 21 East Sev enth street. Grand Island, Neb., 80 inmates; the Beulah Home for the Aged, 333 Curtis street. Denver, 70 inmates; the House of Hope, North west tract, Shrevcport, La., 25 in mates. Telegrams received last night in dicated that the house at Grand Is land, Neb., was a cottage in which lived a railway mail carrier and his family and that there was no such in stitution as the House of Hope in Grand Island. Another tclcgra;n from Denver stated that the house at 333 Curtis street, Denver, was a vacant dwelling. There is no Beulah home for the aged in Denver. A third telegram from Shrevcport declares that there is no House of Hope on the northwest tract, nor within the limits of the city of Shreveport. There's this difference ' between the cocoa habit and the coffee habiti Cocoa maKes you healthier, stronger, steadier, better able to do your share. Does coffee? LESS WAN A CENT A CUP PERSONAL MENTION Frank Sweet, a resident to Ilwaco, is in the city registered at the Occi dent. G. S. Barsons of Snohomish, Wash., is at the Occident. Nicholas Sargent is up from Sea side stopping at the Occident. E. R. Watters from Seattle is at the Occident. R. A. Hawkins of Ilwaco is at the Occident. Mrs. Carl Patzlf of Tillamook is in the city registered at the Occident hotel. Gei. O. Sanborn, a resident of Se attle is in Astoria living at the Hotel Occident. W. J. Leonard of San Francisco is in the city registered at Occident. H. R. Lacy of St. Joe, Mo., is at the Occident. Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Johnson of Oakland, Cal., are at the Occident MAGICIANS MEET. NEW YORK, June 5. All sorts and kinds of magicians to the number of 150 attended the fourth banquet of the society of American Magicians held in the Hotel Marlborough last night. ' It took the form of a fare well banquet to Harry Kellar, dean of the profession who has retired from the stage. When the perfunc tory part of the program was com pleted the magicians mounted the stage to perform tricks. Mr. Kellar was presented by Francis J. Werner toastmaster. He performed a table trick and then with case and celerity released his hands from behind his back after two men had tugged at the rope. , EXPERT JUMPER INJURED NEW YORK, June 5. Daniel J. Kelly, who is credited with having run 100 yards in 9 3-4 seconds at Spokane, Wash., two years ago, and who was expected to show record form in the tryouts at Philadelphia tomorrow, neither compete in any of the sprints nor contest in a running broad jump, so the report came from Philadelphia. Kelly has been Is made with scrupulous, con scientious care and old-fashioned attention to cleanliness, purity, goodness and quality. No cocoa at any price can be better or more delicious. Your grocer sells and recommends it. D. ChlrrdUl Compear San franeWco for some time in the hands of the University of Pennsylvania trainer, but in practicing a day or two ago he is said to have sprained a tendon in his leg which will throw him out of the try-outs. Kelly is now a mem ber of the Irish American Athletic Club of this city. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. CHICAGO, June 5 -The resigna tion of John C. Ilately receiver ol Zion City accepted by the Federal court today N. B. Thomas of Zion City appointed the successor binds fifty thousand. OFFICERS ELECTED CHICAGO, June 5.The following officers were elected unanimously by the American Medical Association to day: Vice-president, Dr. Thos. Jefferson Murry of Butte, Mont. General Secretary, Dr. H. Simmons re-elected. Treasurer, Dr. Frank Billings, of Chicago, re-elected. ROOSEVELT'S TRIP WASHINGTON, June 5 Since the close of Congress President Roosevelt has been giving attention to his plans for a trip to British East Africa next summer, on which it is understood, Kennit, his son, will ac company him. The president will carry a complete hunting outfit and will devote much of his time to the study of the habits of animals, collect ing material for a book, which it is believed he will write upon his return. Base Sunday, June 7 WEST AST0HIA VS. HAMMOND A. F. C. GROUNDS Game Called 2:30 Adm. 25c Largest, best, most thorough and up-to-date Business College west of the Mississippi River. Three time as many calls for help as can fill. Graduates all employed. Each teacher is an expert in his line and has had ACTUAL BUSINESS experience. If interested calf or write for catalogue "A." I. M. WALKER, President. O. A. BOSSERMAN, Secretary. Sherman Transler Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Truck and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Main Phone 121 Grand Prize, Reo Automobile, to be Given Away by MdRNING ASTORIAN in Popular Contest. See Page 16 For Special Offer Next Week. .