HATUmAY,.JUNK(i, US THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, r A ma HO MBt III Food and strictly prohibits the sale of alum baking powder So does France So does Germany The sale of alum foods has been made illegal in Washington and the District of Colum- Lia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as ) injure. To protect yourself against alum, when ordering baking powder, Sap plainly- BAtCIHG ILpowder and be very sure you get Royal Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole' somcness of the food THEATER GOING PUBLIC. Get The Kind Of PUys They Wsnt Report coini" frmii abroad of a re nurkalilc inMaiuc u academic cal-, lowncftii that u worth while repealing, iM 1 . ir iiny importance it h;u in itself hut at ait illustration that not even the rctlitiitK procc of a university train- i ii M ciin ril human ticn ot ingrained MHihliihncsfi, the only moral that tn!rn this talc, An American prof ror of KiiKlinh literature, now away on hi -aliliatical year, ami who. until recently, by invitation occupied a chair at the Sarhonnc on the modern dr.vji.i, at the InKinninn of his couric i-cUires etrrled himself critic in niordiuary of American (day, ucrican plnymoer, American mart en, and American theatres. Pains have been taken by those who know him that on hi return to America by way of London, this Christopher Co lunibus of all that is wmnu with us theatrically, shall meet , a fairly prom inent American mananer who is now in London. In fact, the ittnn.iRcr ha expressed a wish to meet the Profes sor, not in the least with an idea of refuting or scttiiiK straight his opin ions, but simply to ask him if l-.e thinks Paris the riht place to air the faults of the American theater. The pity is that the manager does not know the professor a little bit better that he minht nl ask him why. at tlte w ft inn American university where the Prof essor is a controlling factor, and where electivisin (a respectable name for sciolism) is the vogue, there is an abundance of courses on tthe fine arts, oit neology, on the romance lanuuafies, on culture, aboricultnrc and agriculture, but a decided paucity of compulsory instruction in the exact sciences. In a word, why mental rec reation has been substituted for men tal discipline. He might even go so far as to offer him his passage back to New York if the professor can give any other answer than that the students will not attend severely scientific coupes the liberal studies haviuK crowded out the humanities. I low easy would it be, then, for the manager to draw a deadly parallel. You give your students, not the rigor' oits courses you really think they ought to have, but the easy studies and pursuits they demand. So, too, we give the public' not the plays it ought to have, but the kind it wants. You ay the liberal studies have crowded out the humanities. So too with us, the modern play, the more amusing-, the more recreating play has crowded out and relegated to the library the classical drama or tthe play of ideas. In both cases we yield to the wishes of the vast major ity which is always wrong, always downward in its inclinations, and only kept front perdition by that saving minority thut exists in every com munity. We both give lour public what it wants even against our better instincts; but of the two panderer .which is the greater, the governors of our University, who are morally the guardians of the youths submitted to their care, or the managers of American theaters, who arc in no hciixc the guardans of the Atnercan theater-going public? Look out for the bif SO-vote coupon in Sunday' paper. DOG snow 365 Dogs And 1200 Entries.. .Task of Judging a Large One. NKW YORK, June S. What is recognized among experts as the second best dotf show in the coun try opened yesterday under the aus pices of the Ladies Kennel Associa tion of America in the picturesque Fair Grounds at Mineola. There were actually 365 dogs and nearly 1,200 entries, the task of judg ing proving so hcrculancan that many breeds scheduled to be disposed of had to be left over until to-day. The brunt of the task was o; the should ers of the two Knglish experts Chris topher Moniker and Midgeley Mars den. So unexpectedly heavy proved the duties of both that dusk overtook matters befo're cither had completed his allotted work. MAN UNDER BED. ST. LOUIS, June S.-As she slip ped her night gown over her head, preparatory to retiring at 11 o'clock last night. Mrs. Elizabeth Cerling of 28SS Osage Street, this city was seized by a man who had scrambled from underneath the bed and her throat was cut. She crumpled in a heap and lost consciousness. She is not expected to live. Her assailant, who is saiil to be a former suitor fled of the street and is still at large. rVn TEETH The oidleliable CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Su. ASTORIA, ORE. Pbone 3901 Headquarters PORTLAND. ORE. Are equipped to do all kinds of Dental work at very lowest prices. Nervous people and those aiSlcted with heart weakness may hare no fear of the dental chair. 22 K. crown UM Bridge work, per tooth 140 Gold fillings $1X0 p Silver fillings 50c to $1X0 Best rubber plate... $800 Aluminum-line plate $10 to $15.00 These offices are modern through out We are able to do all work absolutely painless. Our success is due to uniform high grade work by gentlemanly operators bavin; 10 to 15 years- experience. Vegetable Vapor, patented and used only by us for painless extraction of teeth, 50c A binding guarantee given with all work for 10 years. Exami nation and consultation FREE. Lady in attendance. Eighteen of fices in the United States. Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Srs over Danziger store. v f it w i j r MM i j The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and Tvliich has been in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of and has been made under bis per 4fj?-f-- . sonol supervision since its Infancy S'CtfcAtA. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle With and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR! A Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotla substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms And allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Bears the Signature of THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS Shasta Route and Coast Line of the Southern Pacific Company jThrough Oregon and California Over 1300 miles of scenic beauty and interest attractive and instrv; live. This great railroad passes through a country unsurpassed for its scenic attractions, and introduces the traveler to the vast arena soon to become the scene of the world's greatest industrial activities. There is not an idle or uninteresting hour on the trip ,and the variety of conditions presented excites wonder and admiration. Special Low Rate Tickets now on Sale at All Ticket Office SBB.OO Portland to Los Angeles and Return Long limit on tickets and stop-over privileges. Corresponding rates fronr other points. Inquire of.G. W. Roberts, local agent, for full particulars and helpful publication? describing the country through which this great highway extends, or address WM, McMurray General Passenger Agent, Portland. FREE TRIAL Of any Household ELECTRICAL DE VICE inchtding SMOOTHING IRONS HEATING PADS TOASTERS CHAFING DISHES TEAPOTS COFFEE PERCOLATORS FRYING PANS SEWING MACHINE MOTORS YOU call us up WE will dj the rest ASTORIA ELECTRIC CO, Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt SINT.UII OOMMNV, T MUMMV TBHT, NCW YORK OIT. STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 .... 426 BondlStreet E GE C. F. WISE, Prop. H M Fisher Brothers Company SOLE AGENTS Barbour and Finlayson Salmon Twins and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Malthoid Roofing Sharpies Cream Separators Raecoiith Flooring Stocett'i Tools Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fishetcen't Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seine Web WegWerit: Your Trade FISHER BROS. BOND STREET i ! THURSDAY' JUNE 4TH IS FLOAT DAY At the Portland Rose Festival. Go up"and sec Astoria's $1000 prize winner. Ample accommodations will be provided by the ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CO. TWO TRAINS DAILY For further information regarding special features cn various dates, etc., call on G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent 12th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon Choice Wines, Liquors Merchant! Lunch Frem and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Hot Lunch at All Hours. 35 Cents Corner Eleventh and Commercial ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON POST CARD HALL Entrance Whitman's Boob Store 3000PostCardStoc!( WHOLESALE and RETAIL 2 Free writing desk and material in connect ion, also stamp department; stamps of I all denominations; post cards, books 1 of stamps and newspaper wrappers sold, f SEE SHOW WINDOW Whitmans Book Store I'll I 1 I'V-n'ft I I'll il lMv.'' 7 I i mm mm mm jAjVfam lib! ulOVJlKfJ;.1'" Paint You Arc Acquainted With Wouldn't you rather use paint, en amel, stain or varnish that you feel acquainted with? That's the way with most people and most people nowadays feel ac quainted with Subscribe to The Morning Astorian wi Vf if mil " . rAiw a name that represents the hest of every thing that goes on with a brush. This store offers you under this mark, for every kind of work you can think of, the Perfect Paint for that purpose. And besides, with every purchase we give a copy of the new book, "The Selection and Use of Paints ani Finishes," which explains every method of painting and finishing-clearly, exactly. Alien Wall Paper & Paint Co. Sole Agents. Cor. llth-Bond Sts.