FRIDAY. JUNE 5. 1908 THE MOItNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FAT FOLKS ONE DOLLAR Invested in bottle of theie wonderful, harmless fat reducing tablets and In 30 days you will be ft normal, well-formed person again. Don't carry around your ugly bulk, your ungainly auperfloui flesh. It makes you miserable, ridiculous and what Is mor important, it subjects you to fatal consequences. Sudden death from fatty Degeneration, Heart Disease, Kid ney Tiouble, Apoplexy and Musular Rheumatism all come from OVER-FATNESS. "ANTIC0RP0" E M O V S (Mi FAT I housandskof Testimonials FromGrate ful Persons Prove This YOUR MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS (i A NTI-CORPU" la absolutely the greatest discovery in medicine for , reducing FAT. It is made In the form of t. little tablet out of ' VEGETABLE matter and is easy and pleasant to take. It is endorse! f l.. i -1 I Tit !! A f . tl ... . I a vy every repumuie i nysician ana college oi weaicine. ask your ooctor. U A ANTI-CORPU" U absolutely harmless. The formula used in making this preparation is on file In the Bureau of Chemistry in Washing ton. which is proof that it is PURE and HARMLESS. H A ITI-CORPU" reduces FAT from 3 to S pounds a week. It reduces Double chin, Fat hips and flabby cheeks. No wrinkles result from this reduction, for It makes the skin :lose fitting and smooth. (( A VTI-CORPU" strengthens WEAK HEART, cures PALPITATION, SHORT BREATH and acta like magic in MUSCULAR RHEU MATISM and GOUT. Pripp 1 00 pcr botlle' Mone? back if il dont do w X l Itv P 1 JJ (jjin if your jruggjn ,joel not jeep jti ljl0w ym this advertisement and make him get it for you, or you can send for it DIRECT to us. We pay postage and send in plain wrapper. FDPP 30 DAYS TREATMENT IN EVERY BOTTLE. FKCZlZ w wl" end yu "mple of this wonderful fat reducing remedy on receipt of 10 cents to pay for postage and pack ing. The sanr.le itself may be sufficient to reduce the desired weight. Mention this per. Desk 22, ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., 31 West 125th Street. New York. N. Y. THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS Shasta Route and Coast Line of the Southern Pacific Company ;Through Oregon and California Over 1300 miles of scenic beauty and interest attractive and institu tive. This great railroad pastes through a country unsurpassed for its scenic attractions, and introduces the traveler to the vast arena soon to become the scene of the world's greatest industrial activities. There is not an idle or uninteresting hour on the trip ,and the variety of conditions presented excites wonder and admiration. Special Low Rate Tickets now on Sa!e at All Ticket Office 1BB.OO Portland to Los Angeles and Return Long limit on tickets and stop-over privileges. Corresponding rates from other points. Inquire of G. W. Roberts, local agent, for full particulars and helpful publication? describing the country through which this great highway extends, or address WM. McMurray General Passenger Agent, Portland. FREE TRIAL Of any Household ELECTRIC AL DE VICES including SMOOTHING IRONS HEATING PADS TOASTERS CHAFING DISHES TEAPOTS COFFEE PERCOLATORS FRYING PANS , SEWING MACHINE MOTORS YOU call us up WE will do the rest ASTORIA ELECTRIC CO. STEEL & EWART Electrical Contractors Phone Main 3881 .... 426 BondlStreet E OEM C. F. WISE, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors Merchants Lunch Frtm and Cigars 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 f. m. Hot Lunch at All Hours. as Cent Corner Eleventh and Commercial ASTORIA, - . ' OREGON Til THE OVATION A Custom Born In the -Political Conventions of 1892. THE OUTBURST FOR BLAINE. It Lasttd For Nsarly Twtnty-five Min utes and Almost 8wpt the Conven tion Off Its F.t-Th Cleveland Demonstration Was Trifle Longer. Timing tlio ovatlotiH at political con vention for fnvorlto cnmlldutus was born In tin- natlouul convention of 1892. Notwithstanding th fuel that Jt was pretty generally understood who would koud tlio ticket In tlmt your, there were fntcri'Mlliig and even excit ing incident In both convention. At MliimnipoIlN tlio Itluliio rutin fouglit nobly, but to no purpose. The gal leries were with lilm. but a majority of the delegated, cotitemptuounly re ferred to by Senator Edward Wolcott of Colorado n the "bread and butter brigade," were for Uarrlhon, and they could not bu swayed by oratory, emo tion or cash. For a brief half bour, however, the Harrison men were plainly troubled. Chauntey M. Depew was on tho plat form necondlng the nomination of Har rison. I(o bad spoken about ten min utes when he mentioned the name of Blalue. Tho effect wan slmlllar to that produced by touching a lighted match to a powder magazine. Tho conven tion "blew up." Then and there be gan what wan destined In the future to become a regular convention feature -the timed ovation. The lllalne men, aided lustily by tho galleries, took up the rhythmic cry of "Blaine. Blaine. James O. Blaine!" The chairman of the convention was absolutely power less to check tho wildly enthusiastic crowd. Mr. Depew's face was a study. Ho stood dtBconcerted and helpless, smiling nevertheless. The first outbreak was of perhaps ten min utes' duration. At tho end of that time the crowd was nearly exhausted The chairman rapped vigorously for order, and the convention wbs about to give Its attention to Mr. Depew when some leather lunged delegate again started tho "Blaine. Blaine. James (i. Blaine!" slogan. At tho same moment Mrs. Carson Lake, the wife of a well kuown newspaper man. who was seated on the platform, Jump ed to her feet and began to lead tho cheering, keeping the crowd In perfect unison by using a white parasol as a baton. No similar scene has ever been wit nessed In a national convention. The first Blaine outburst was more than in spiring. This one was simply over whelming, liven many of the Harrison men were caught in the wave of en thusiasm, and the next fifteen minutes were auxlous oues for his political managers. Mrs. Iake did her part well. Assuredly hers was the greatest parasol flirtation ever carried on In the United States. She dominated the 12.000 men who stood before her for a quarter of an hour. In the opinion of many persons she came very close to upsetting the convention programme. Had a less adroit speaker than Mr. Depew been before the assemblage she might have done so. However, the Blaine cheering lasted between twenty-two and twenty-five minutes. Then the convention nomi nated Harrison and Held. Ten days Inter the Democrats assem bled in Chicago. The late William C. Whitney was In charge of the Cleve land forces. Notwithstanding the well understood fact that he had the situa tion uuder perfect control several ad herents of David B. Hill, notably Ed ward Murphy, Jr., of Troy, Insisted upon having Mr. Hill's name presented to the convention. The day of the nomination was un pleasant enough outside of the conven tion hall. Inside it was almost unbear able, Hardly had tho delegates seated themselves when a heavy thunder and lightning storm broke out. Farts of the roof were leaky, and some of the dele gates raised umbrellas. While the storm was rnglug one of tho arc lights became loosed from Its position and came swinging down over the heads of the New York delegation, barely miss ing Uoswell P. Flower. Some time was required to restore order, but the storm abated, aud the convention proceeded to business in tho most humid spot on the North American continent The morning session was unimportant. When tho convention reassembled In tho afternoon it was generally under stood that it would not adjourn until a nomination had been made. Mr. Cleveland's uame was presented and was seconded nearly all the way down the alphabetical list of states until New York was reached. During the early part of the session there were a great deal of cheering and enthusi asm, but finally the crowd tired of oratory. As the hour approached mid night the galleries became a hooting mob, and many of the delegates were thoroughly disgusted. Mr. Hill's name had been placed be fore the convention, and every person In the hall knew his nomination was to bo seconded by W. Bourke Cockran of New York. Mr. Cockran's fame as an orator had preceded ulm. The crowd wanted to hear him and nobody else. So did most of the delegates. Many of the ablest speakers In the Democratic party were hooted down without an opportunity to speak two sentences. Finally, at 1:15 o'clock In the morn ing of the next day, Mr. Cockran faced his audience. The convention had been In session at least tea hours, The hu- rv.'a TEETH I ! r ... y . V ! It. The Old Reliable CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Cor. Commercial and Eleventh fits. ASTORIA, ORE. Phone 3901 Headquarters PORTLAND. ORE. 0 An equipped to do all kinds of Dental work at very lowest prices. Nervous people and those uSicted svith heart weakness mar have no fear of the dental chair. 22 K. crown....'. 1M Bridge work, per tooth S0 Gold fillings $1-00 up Saver fillings 50c to $140 Best rubber plate.... 1800 Aluminum-line plate $10 to $15.00 These offices are modern through out We are able to do all work absolutely painless. Our success is due to uniform high grade work by gentlemanly operators having 10 to IS years- experience. Vegetable Vapor, patented and used only by us for painless extraction of teeth, 50c A binding guarantee given with all work for 10 years. Exami nation and consultation FREE. Lady in attendance. Eighteen of fices in the United States. Cor. Commercial and Eleventh Sfs., over Danxiger store. midlty was eVen greater than It bad been In the earlier burs of the session. Every person In the hall was tired, and most of them were hungry. A more In auspicious moment for Mr. Cockran's effort could not have been selected. He began slowly, but his voice could be beard In every part of the hall. The crowd at once became Interested. There were several outbursts of ap plause. Tho Cleveland men were waiting. At the first mention of his name by the speaker they evidently Intended to make Mr. Cockran feel as uncomfort able as Mr. Depew did when Inter rupted In his speech at Minneapolis. Finally the moment came. "Grover Cleveland," said Mr. Cockran, but that was all he did say. Led by Don M. Dickinson of Michigan, the delegates started the cheering. "Grover, Grover! Four years more of Grover!" woke up the crowd. Delegates marched up and down tho aisles waving the standards of their states, and twenty-six min utes elapsed before .the tumult ceased. Meantime Mr. Cockran stood on the platform, the least perturbed person In the hall apparently. He took a drink of water, chatted with the chair man and other men on the platform and watched the proceedings with a sort of amused smile. When the con vention became exhausted he resumed: "Grover Cleveland Is a popular man" Again the cheering was taken up, and this time it coutlnued for eight ; minutes. It was maintained that long by plainly forced efforts of the Cleve- '. land leaders. Utterly fagged out, dele gates and spectators sat down, and Mr. Cockrau went ou. ' "1 repeat, gentlemen, Grover Cleve land Is a very popular man every day In the year except oue, and that is election day." Again the speaker was interrupted. This time laughter was mingled with the cheers, but Mr. Cleveland was nominated about 4 o'clock In the morn ing. New York Post. Badly Sprained Ankle Cured. Three years ago our daughter sprained her ankle and had been suf fering terribly for two days and nights had not slept a minute. Mr. Stallings, of Butler Tenn., told us of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. We went to the store that night and got a bottle of it and bathed her ankle two or three times and she went to sleep and had a good night's rest. The next morning she was much better and in a short time could walk around and had no more trouble with her ankle. E. M. Brumitt, Hampton, Tenn. 25 and SO cent sizes for sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. I Stomach Troubles. j Many remarkable cures of stomach , troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes ' of these tablets. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Frank Hart and lead- I ing druggists. Fisher Brothers Company 80LE AGENTS Barbour and Finlayson Salmon Twine and Netting McCormick Harvesting Machines Oliver Chilled Ploughs Mslthoid Roofing Sharpies Cream Separators Raecolith Flooring Stoeett's Tools ' Hardware, Groceries, Ship Chandlery Tan Bark, Blue Stone, Muriatic Acid, Welch Coal, Tar, Ash Oars, Oak Lumber, Pipe and Fittings, Bras Goods, Paints, Oils and Glass Fisheen's Pure Manilla Rope, Cotton Twine and Seine Web WelWont Your Trade FISHER BROS BOND STREET tXSSSHm THURSDAY, JUNE 4TH IS FLOAT DAY At the Portland Rose Festival. Go npjand see Astoria's J1000 prize winner. Ample accommodations will be provided by the ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD CO. 1 TWO TRAINS DAILY For further information regarding special features cn various dates, etc., call on G. B. JOHNSON, General Agent 12th St., near Commercial St. Astoria, Oregon POST CARD HALL Entrance Whitman's BooK Store 3000PostCardStoek OEh WHOLESALE and RETAIL Free writing desk and material in connect ion, also stamp department; stamps of iall denominations; post cards, books of stamps and newspaper wrappers sold. SEE SHOW WINDOW Whitman Book Store Wouldn't you rather use paint, en amel, stain or varnish that you feel wMi acquainted with? and most people nowadays feel ac quainted with fill lit lit I I Li i Hi III, I 1 Hi! Xm If Paint You Are Acquainted With uirr a name that represents the best of every thing that goes on with a brush. This store offers you under this mark, for every kind of work you can think of, the Perfect Paint for that purpose. And besides, with every purchase we give a copy of the new book, "Tfec Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes," which explains every method of painting and finishing clearly, exactly. Allen Wall Paper & Paint Co. Sole Agents. vor. utn-iiond Sts.