( i THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTOIilA. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, '08 Established 1873. Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $7-00 By carrier, per month 160 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance $1so Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the postoffke at As toria, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place of business may be made bypostal .card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. THE WEATHER Oregon, Washington, and Idahc Cloudy and showers. AS WE VOTED. The secrecy of the Australian ballot is its one barrier against all individual reproach for its mis-use; a hypothesis that some of our people lay large store by. But even this exemption may not relieve a man from the folly, or worse, of his misdirected vote; his conscience, and the discomfiture of civic life that ensues from ignorance and turiptude, bring him his share of burdensome reaction. Luckily the vast majority of men vote right and with clean purpose, for in default of such a condition, government would be disorganized and society disrupted in short order. As we voted on Monday so shall we prosper in a civic way and we must be careful to charge the developing failures to their original source and cause, the people. By the adoption of what are known as the popular laws we have taken over the power of framing our own edicts and setting them up; it is an immense prerogative and charges us with a responsibility we will not really appreciate until we have blundered gravely, by way of conviction that we have not learned the business. But all is of the future, We are prone to believe that Clat sop made an error when it cast 307 votes against the armory appropria tion; it will not contribute to the friendlier consideration of Astoria as a location for one of the four armories that are to be built at a cost of $25, 000 now that the people have willed it On all other referendum matters the vote of this city and county is well balanced and entirely creditable to the thought and principle actuating it. As to the personnel of the ticket, the expression of Clatsop is strictly in line with the major sentiment of the State, and that is all that can be said of it at this time. It Is no wonder that England Is grave over the remote possibility of rebellion in India. Memory Is short In nations, but the fact that the famous Indian mutiny Is not yet forgotten, after half a century, is significant of the horrors of a war with a aemlsav age people. If history is to repeat itself England knows only too well what another Sepoy rebellion will mean. Horace Fletcher, who Is set up as an authority on eating, says ' that one should never begin a meal except when In a happy frame of mind. Be ing a millionaire. Fletcher undoubted ly has worries and need his own ad vice, but the average person grows happy on the bare thought that he has a meal to eat Some sort of pure food laws must have struck heathen lands, for It is said by a scientist who was searching for novelty that the cannibals have dropped their specialty from the menu. Authorship of the famous baseball classic, "Casey at the Bat" la claimed by a new aspirant. If Actor De Wolf Hopper lends countenance to the claim there may be something In It "Laporte of Missing Men." A BARREN VICTORY. Oregon's Democratic governor is entitled to all the credit inseparable from his political achievement at the polls on Monday last, but as a victory full, final and sure, it is barren. His reliance upon the Statement Xo. 1 phalanx is where his assurance will go to pieces. He should be shrewd enough to know that the Republicans, as such, in this state, will make no more ado about casting that pledge overboard than they have made in any of the untoward and disconcerting things that have wrecked and maligned the party, and left it a by-word of re proach at home and abroad. And then again he is going up against the Portland program. He may not know of it, or knowing it may scoff it down as improbable and unwarranted; but he can make a memorandum of it and when he is confronted with the bald fact he can thank us at his leisure for the prompt ing. A Portland man of a certain class and relation and influence is going to Washington from Oregon in this oehalf ; he has been named by the commercial interests at the metropolis and when the time comes he will be named and sent despite every man and act of Monday last. We are betraying no confidence when we say the man's name is Theodore B. Wilcox, and all the vot ing in Oregon can not keep him from that which his backers have determin ed upon. It is dollars to votes, of course, but that is of no importance, save in the outcome, and we have plenty of proof as to the prevailing factor in such and engagement. "Our George" may use what wit and influence he posseses toward the blocking of this game to his certain advantage; for unless he does block it he will never be United States Sen ator from Oregon under his present franchise of authority and hope. SIMPLE WASH CURES ECZEMA. Itching, Burning Skin Diseases Rout ed Without Use of Injurious Drugs. Great inventors often have been praised for surrendering the secrets of their discoveries. Practically the same thing happened in the medical world in the case of Dr. Decatur D. Dennis, the eminent skin specialist of Chicago. Dr. Dennis, in his own office prac tice, discovered that pure vegetable oil wintergreen, properly mixed with other simple remedies was practically a sure specific for Eczema, psoriasis, barber's itch, salt rheum, and other itching skin diseases. But the oil of wintergreen alone was found ineffec tive. It required other mild ingred ients such as glycerine and thymol compounded with the wintergreen, to produce the real eczema cure. This compounded D. D. D. Pre scription positively takes away the itch at once the instant it is applied to the skin. This vegetable liquid does away with deleterious drugs so long used in an attempt to doctor the blood, whereas modern science has determined that eczema is first and all the time a skin disease. If you want to know more about the merits of D. D. D. Prescription, call at our store. We vouch for this remedy. Charles Rogers & Son. ELECTRICAL FLASHES. There arc 559 generating stations in Switzerland. The city of Topcka is to be lighted with the new tungsten high power incandescent lamps, A hydro-electric installation is be ing planned for the Alpine hills above the city of Milan to cost over $2,500, 000. The equipment for the first electric street car line to he constructed in Columbia, South America, was recent t t f X Hit iy smppcu irom .cv ork. 1 lie road will be built in Bagota, the capi toi, ana win replace tlie mule cars now in use. The steamer will unload at Cartagena and from there the rail road will transport the material 15 miles when the journey will be con turned 400 miles by water. A trip of NX) miles by mule back, followed ly water trip and another mule back journey will land this electrical equip ment at its destination. A company is being formed with ; capital of. $500,000 to develop long distance and wireless telephony be tween Mexico city and Vera Cruz. The Chicago Railroad Company will spend a million dollars for new car equipment. The General Electric Company has the contract. The first street railroad in Shanghai, China, has just been placed in opera tion. There are about 26 miles of track in the city. The state railroads in southern Sweden are to be electrified. Single phase alternating current will be used at 15,000 volts and will be supplied from five generating stations erected at suitable water -falls located near the railroads. While it is true that artificial dia monds can be produced in the electric furnace the product is so small and the process so costly that manufact ure is commercially impracticable, One of the things prophesized for the future is the making of fertilizer by decomposing the air with electri city and extracting the nitrogen. Au electric rat killer has been de vised. It consists of a shallow tray with the bottom covered with small metal points connected with the posi tive and negative terminals of a high tension circus. When the rodent steps on any two of the points it is instantly electrocuted. The first rural trolley line is to be constructed in Montana. The road will traverse thirty miles of the fertile Galatin valley. Mr. G. Hartman, of Turbine, On tario, Canada, has adopted electricity to truck gardening. He heats his winter hot beds with electricity by placing coils of resistance wire under the frames. In the warm soil the flowers and vegetables grow rapidly. Electricity plays a most important part in mining. Electricity driven centrifugal or turbine pumps are used to keep the very deepest mines dry. Underground haulage is now almost entirely done with electric mining locomotives instead of mules; the shafts are ventilated with electricity driven fans; the underground work ings arc lighted with electricity; elec tric hoists lift the ores from the levels to the surface; electric push buttons signal to the surface and telephones ... connect all parts of the mines ;clcc- Lane's Family Medicine will give you tricity is also being extensively used a digestion that will permit you to eat to compress air for the drills. good things instead of "health foods" ol A German professor announces an various sorts that are as palatable at electrical device to reduce the color hay. This woman nays Lydla E. Plnkluim'N Vegetable Compound saved her life. Jtcnri her letter. Mrs. T. C. Willndsen, of Manning, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Hnkliam: " I can truly say that Lydla K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compouud saved my life, and I cannot express ray gratltuda to you lu words. For years I Buffered with the worst forms of female com plaints, continually doetortng and spending lota of money for medlolne without help. I wrote you for advice, followed It as directed, and took Lydla b. rinkuam a vegetable Compound and it has restored me to perfect health. Hud it not been for you I should have been In my grave to-day. I wish every suffering woman would try it" FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, bos been the standard remedy for female Ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it f Mrs. Plnkhnm invites all tick women to write her for Advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. of abnormally red noses. The device consists of a vibrator which, with one or two treatments, will bring the crim son nasal organ back to its pristine purity and whiteness. The new shoe mending machine is wonder. This machine, operated by electricity, does shoe repairing of all kinds in a jiffy. Soles are sown on in about a minute, with edges trim- meil and DurnisheU. . complete jod of half solcing ami heeling can be done in a couple of minutes while the customer waits. Soles can be nailed on for 50 cents a pair and sewn on for 75 cents. A FEW SPECIALS' SOMETHING EXTRA FINE Cresta Hlaiica Sautcrue (Chateau srn): : ..60c Cresta Blanca (Red aud 7Cn White). Chianti '3C Cresta Blanca Sparkling or. Burgundy. Nips OOC AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street A Grand Family Medicine "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters, Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 436 Hous ton street New York. "It's a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and ivcr complications; while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommended. blectrtc Bitters regulate the digestive func tions, purify the blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at Chas. Rogers & Son's drug store. 50c. THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND, ORKGON A course in our College means better work better wages. If interested, call or write for catalogue A. I. M. WALKER, Pres. . . . O. A. BOSSERMAN, Sec, Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY 8HERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred-Tntcki and Furaltart Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street - .. Main Phone 121 To the First 500 Children Bringing this "Ad." and opening an account, we will deposit the first 50 cents, conditional that the child deposit 50 cents at time of opening account and; one dollar per month for eleven mouths. The account will then be worth $12.00 besides 5 per cent, interest and is subject to withdrawal according to State law. Remember your account is secured by real estate. Children under fourteen eligible. THE BANKING SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'C'N. 108 10th St. Phone Black 2184 TRY THIS FOR DESSERT Dissolve one package of any flavor ed JELL-0 in one pint of boiling water. When partly congealed, beat until light adding one cup whipped cream and six crushed maccaroons. Whip all together thoroughly and pour it into a mold or bowl. When cool, it will jellify and may be served with whipped cream or any good pudding sauce. The JELL-0 costs 10c. per package and can be obtained at any good grocer's. Morning Astorian delivered by car rier, 60 cents per month. Contains all the Associated Press reports, be sides all the local news. COFFEE Good grocers like Schil ling's Best, for it makes good-will and not trouble ; in case of complaint, the money is ready. Year groetr return jat mwtf If yea don't Uk Ut wt par him. You Will Need an Oil Stove' When warm days and the kitchen fire make cooking a bur den then is the time to try a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Marvelous how this stove does away with kitchen discomforts bow cool it keeps the room in comparison with conditions when the coal fire was banting. The quick concentrated heat of the PRACTICAL POINTS PRACTICAL POINTS On Banking No. 5 Important to the business men: ?Iaving an account with this bank guarantees the security for your funds Assures prompt, satisfactory service and the most courteous treatment. You will find an account with the Scandinavian-American Savings Bank a valuable asset to you. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK. 506-508 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. k NEW PESFECTIOW Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove goes directly to boil the kettle or bake the bread, and none Is diffused about the room to overheat it. Thus using the "New Perfection" is real kitchen comfort. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. If not with your dealer, write bttr nearest agency. The Re&b Lamp i V wantshandsome 1 Just such 1 lamp m everyone tie enough for the parlor; atrong enough for the kitchen, camp or cottage 5 bright enough for every occasion. U not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, (Incorporated) FIRST NATIONAL HUE OF iSTOBIA DIRECTORS Jacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. C. Flavei. J. W. Ladd S. S. Gordon Capital $100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability IOO OOO KSTAHLISIIKI) 18M. ' J. Q. A BOWLBY, President. O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashlef Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid in $115,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $100 000 Transacts a Genera! Banking Business Interest Paid on TimeDeooafti FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM. Eleventh and DuanoSts. Aatoria, Oregon. SCOW BAY BRASS & A8TOIUA, OltEGON 11 M AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS Up-to-Date Sawmill Machinery. 18th and Franklin Ave. Prompt attention given I ill repah w tit. T( Mala24( u